Drifting Upon the Beautiful Sea

Once there were two, separate, alone
Adrift upon a beautiful sea
The beautiful sea of life.
Alone they drifted upon the beautiful sea
Until by chance one day the two,
Drifting upon the beautiful sea,
Came across one another.
At first merely content to pass the time,
Drifting upon the beautiful sea, with pleasant company
     and idle chat,
They began drifting side by side upon the sea of Life.
From that chance encounter upon the beautiful sea of Life
Has sprouted a bond that was meant to be,
A bond forged of love and devotion, the likes
     of which the two had always dreamed of
When separate and alone they drifted upon the beautiful sea.
Now, this day, no longer simply side by side but
Hand in hand and heart to heart the two continue to
Drift upon the beautiful sea of Life together.
Full of love and hope, they drift upon the beautiful sea
Towards the horizon, joined in a bond forged of love
     and devotion that was always meant to be.


Written for my dear friends Joe and Heather Patton on their wedding day.

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