From afar I do admire you.
From afar you catch my gaze,
And I cannot but smile, caught
So readily in my attempted stealth.
From afar you smile in return, and
From afar my day is brightened,
that much more.
Do you smile at my awkwardness
At being caught so readily in my
Endeavor to admire you stealthily from
afar, or
Do you smile because the admiration
And attention boosts your own
self esteem?
Do you smile… do you perhaps, just
Perhaps smile, because you were
admiring me
From afar, and –like me—believed yourself
That beautiful smile, so warm and radiant,
That beautiful smile, so capable of brightening
An entire room, any mood, the foulest darkest day…
That smile any man could but hope to know each
and every day…
That smile any man could but only wish to wake
to each morning…
That smile that from afar I do admire.