I sit here staring across the open

sea, a cool breeze in my face,

waves gently rolling into shore,

the sun slowly inching above the

horizon spreading its warm glow

across the beautiful blue waters I

relax beside, across the soft sand

beneath my feet, across my face

gently warming my skin, and across

my heart that longingly dreams of you.

It dreams of where you might be, the

things you love and  the things you

don’t, the things you know and those

you see, who you are and who you

dream to be because my heart does not

know you since we have never met.

My heart longs for the day when

together we’ll be to share a peaceful

moment such as this in each other’s

arms by the glorious sea as the sun

slowly inches above the horizon to

spread its warm glow across the

beautiful blue waters, across the warm

sand beneath our feet, and across our

hearts as it is mine this morn; and

when that day comes, that warm glow

I wake for each morn will no longer

be the sun but instead you and the

perfect love we shall share.



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