You Are, My Love

Though you may not think it or more correctly believe it
Because you've never been told it or shown it
Please don't be sad when you think of the past
And please don't doubt my sincerity when I tell you
     that you are
For to me you are, not like but are an angel put on
     earth by Him above
How I could ever be worthy of such an exquisite being
A being so pure, so innocent, so high above all else
An angel of such stature as you I do not know
You're well worth anything, well worth everything
     worth the separation, the suffering of said separation
You're worth everything to me
You're my world and my entire reason for existence
Though you may not believe it and no one else agree with me
I know you're well worth it all
You're worth everything to me, my Love,
You're everything to me
Never forget that and always remember that it is so
And hopefully it will always brighten your day
I love you more than my own life, my Love, and always remember that


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