Canst thou forgive
me for my jealousy and doubts?
Canst thou forgive
me for my words and actions against thee?
Canst thou forgive
me for my allegations and suspicions?
Canst thou forgive
me for my moods and temperaments?
I am asking
thee these questions for I love thee more than mine
own life and can't stand the thought
of loosing thee.
I am asking
thee these questions because I love thee more than
mine own life and think that I might
have offended thee.
I am asking thee
these questions because I wish to beg thee for
forgiveness for these crimes against
love and passion.
I am asking thee
these questions because I wish to beg thee for
forgiveness for these crimes against
you and our love.
Wilt thou forgive
me for these things?
I hope thou wilt
because I love thee more than mine own life and
can't stand the thought of loosing
I hope thou wilt
because I wish for our love and passion to last
for all eternity.
I hope thou wilt
because I am nothing without thee for thy love
makes me whole.
I hope thou
wilt because without thee mine world would crumble
for thy love has built mine world and gives it definition.
From the
bottom of mine heart and soul I wish to apologize for
these things and beg forgiveness for
these things and, above
all, say that I love thee more than
thou canst imagine.