Welcome, have a seat and hear a tale.

I bid you welcome to my Hearth, created and maintained by me, Chris Gandy. I have created this page to share my writing with anyone who would be so inclined to sit and read it. I am no where near a web page designer, so I must apologize for the plainness of my site. I do, however, hope you will take the time to read some of the stuff I have put up here, and, if you decide to take the time to do so, I hope you enjoy it. I must also apologize now for the incomplete works that I have put up here. I suffer from what is called an over active imagination, and since there is only one of me, I find it difficult some times to concentrate on one particular idea when I have so many ideas running through my head. But I do hope you enjoy what is available and hope you will come back perodically and check up because I will be adding more when I finsih things or when I have enough finished to put up here.

With all that aside, again, I hope you enjoy my work and will come back perodically to see if I have posted more as well as take the time to email me and tell me what you think. And do take the time to sign my guest book if you feel so inclined.

Also, please take the time to send me an email and tell me what you think. Constructive criticism is always appreciated. Just click on my name which follows. Chris.

Short Stories
By Chance and Fate

Tales of the Dragon Knight
The Golden Scourge (Part 1)

The Inn
The Inn (What will be the first part when I finish this work.)
Castor vs. Traval
Tyvarious' Quest

Other Works In Progress
The Enemy Within add 10-31-04

Love's Plea for Forgiveness
My Love For Her
You Are, My Love
Poem 80
How Do You?
From Heart and Soul
A Heart's Desire
Poem 89
And Then There Was You
Poem 91
That Smile
Drifting Upon the Beautiful Sea
Devising of an Angel
Poem097 added 11-01-04

Works of Other Writers
Of Demons and Knights
Untitled 01. By Gem, added 11-02-04

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