The Lasombra rumors about Spencer Cobb

Spencer Cobb is nothing more than a worthless thief. He was born in Great Brittain allright. He was the son of an English farmer and a Scottish whore. He's not as old as he claims either, but that doesn't matter none. He was snatching purses and stealing trinkets since the day he could walk, but his silver tongue got him out of all kinds of trouble. The cops never busted him and when they did, the slick little shit slipped away. When he got older, he moved to bigger things. He robbed many women of thier jewelry, many men of thier valuables, and many young girls of thier virginity. His words flow like honey, but in the end he will allways sting. Charming, can't deny him that, but he's not just trying to steal your heart. He was eventually caught at the age of 23 or so and exiled out of Britain, his words of sorrow and regret the only thing that saved his neck. He gathered what money was owed him from fences and pawn shops and traveled as far from Brittain as he could, which happened to be Spain. The entire time he was traveling reports of Highwaymen stormed the country side. Don't be caught alone on the roads, the Gentleman Robber will get you. Where the brat learned his ettique i'll never know, but he was damn good. By the time he reached Madrid, he had enough gold and jewels to retire on, but that wasn't enough. He made his place in the high society quickly, his manners and money making it quite easy.  From here he continued to rob the rich, giving to noone but himself until he chose the wrong woman to steal from. She was impressed by his dashing ways, his charming voice, and his daring personality, so on a whim, she allowed her ghouls to leave him alive. He was embraced after nights of anguishing pain, but he refused to give in. Stupid fuck. His bitch sire treated him like they were meant to be, but she meant nothing to him. He just did what she told him to do and studied what she required to save his own neck, the little weasel. Eventually he left her, left the rich lifestyle she had for him for his old thieving antics, acting like a little kid, a little spoiled brat. He made his way to America where the ladies found nothing sexier than a man with an accent. He found his way into thier homes, then thier pants, and finally thier bank acounts. His skills improoved as he went on, attending sect activities and doing the bare minimum the sect required, but never getting involved beyond that unless he was forced, or saw some form of profit in it. Last i heard he is running with some girl. She'll end up hurt though, because this guy can worm his way into even the most dead of hearts.