description for spencer cobb

*Spencer enters the room and looks it over with a half expecting look. His dark brown eyes shine in the light, pupils dialating to adjust to the brightness of the room, even if it isn't that bright. He runs his fingers through his intentionally messy, light brown hair in an attempt to adjust it, but the gel gaurantees it is allready in place and going nowhere. His hand slides down his shoulder, straightening the black wool Armani long coat that seems to fit him like a glove. Beneath the coat his tight black sweater hugs his well muscled physic. The sweater is tucked tight into his black slacks, the outfit going together flawlessly, everything complimenting everything else. His tennis shoes make no sound as the step slowly across the room, giving Spencer time to look the area over. The man appears to be no more than 23, his features handsome, a deffinate pretty boy. His steps move him in a graceful, well placed manner, suggesting him to be an acrobat perhaps, even a dancer. When he speaks, his voice is soft and soothing, when he yells, it is strong, hard to resist and quite demanding. He has a very noticable british accent in tone, only make his voice all the more enchanting. He has the slightest bit of facial hair on his thin cheeks and cleft chin, giving him a well traveled look as he smirks at the occupants of the room.*