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Mine is a life of balance. Every good thing tha's ever happened te me is very soon balanced by somethin bad. take me birth fer example, would yeh? i was born. aye, tha's bloody brilliant. i was born in Cork. How's tha' shite. don't get me wrong, i love me country. i fought for it, i did. fought and bled and eventually died for it, aye, but of all the bloody rotten luck to be given this lot in life. why couldn't i be one o'them snivlin british prats, aye? wankers they is. aye, they appreciate what they've got. they appreciate it so much they've gotta insist everyone else share what they've got. aye, i wish i was a brit, cause then i'd have just cause te put a bullet in me brainpan. I remember what got me drug into tha' stupid fackin' war in the first place. i only bring it up cause it was sumtin of a turnin' point in me life. me pa was a distiller. he worked for a huge plant and didn't get paid shite, so's when he tells me one day i was goin te get te see a moving picture film if i'd help him with some deliveries, well i was bloody well excited by the prospect. True Grit. John mother fackin Wayne. Yeh've no idea what something like tha' does for an impressionable child. i was tryin' te speak with that accent for weeks. "Like Hell I am!" POW! Rooster Cogburn... wow, i wanted te be just like him I did. Always had somethin' witty to say. Never took shite from noone. My obsession with westerns would have continued, 'cept the theatre was blown up. Me pa was arrested and executed without trial. Me brother, Proncias, convinced me to join the militia. I was only 12. I served as a gopher: gopher this, gopher that. i'd reload guns. i'd repair guns. for three years that's all i knew. then they handed me one of my own. a mossberg rifle, .22. it couldn't punch through a leather vest, but i had a good eye and a steady hand and could put that wee round up a man's nostril if the cause needed it, and often times, it did. The war raged on. Me ma and pa were dead. Me brother got himself wed and scurried off. He tried to get me te go with him, but i liked me life. I liked being a hero, fightin' the good fight for me country and kin. but after awhile, it stopped being a good fight. i imagine it was after i blew up that school that i realized the war was over. we'd stopped being soldiers and become terrorists. now, i had no love for giving up, but sometimes yeh just have to move on. it's a fool that don't know when teh move on. |
Some of me boyo's were getting work putting thier skills te use. i joined in on the fun. i was a gun man, t'was all i was good for, a'sides lobbin' a boom ball. i think i got so good at that bit with all me nights spent at the pub playin' darts. some men play pool. some men play darts. i was a dart sort of fellow. but we did wet work. i didn't mind gettin me hands dirty, and the pay was like nothing i'd ever seen. i found myself with a nice weapons kit, me favorite bein' a skorpian. 23 rounds per second fired from something lighter than your typical revolver. t'was right brilliant it'was. Somewhere along the line i got bit. truth be told, i couldn't tell yeh when or where, but i knew why. ooooh, i knew why. it was programmed into me. i was meant to be a pawn. i did me job well. i guess me maker knew i wouldn't have what it'd take on me own, either tha' or he was feelin' generous, but he changed me and sent me to my task. that was it. that was all i saw of him ever. all the rest of me knowledge i picked up along the way. figured it out meself. True Grit. Takes a man with that te survive this long without any help. Some time after that, pretty recently actually, i found meself with a very good turn of luck. i got me hands on a job involving a hijacking. I'm abit of the curious sort and on such jobs, unless specifically told not to, i check out the cargo. Low and behold, it's a bloody munitions frigate. Can yeh believe me luck? Well, i put a knife in me old bloke's backs an' took off with the cargo. it took some work getting it out of the country but it, and i, found our way to the states. Dunno why KC. as good a place as any. way points led me to the temple but i don't waste much of my time there. got me fun to have. got me ammo to spend, and plenty of it. abit interested though in all this caine stuff though. might be a right good laugh to learn abit more. me mum always said it's a fool that t'isn't curious 'bout where he came from, and me mum didn't raise no fool. |