Joey's Poetry
nail biter
-joey friloux

i nip and snip
bleed and sneer,
this taste of copper assaults my senses.
Salty stagnant drying to black under nail and quick.
I gnash and snap my teeth,
indiscriminant to skin or germ or disease.
Ragged, and a red that has decayed to such a brown,
so as to appear there is shit beneath my fingertips.
Finely polished points, smoothed and curved.
Every itch, for me, is one that can not be scratched.
nervous habit, oral fixation- masochist,
masochrist, my ten digit stigmata.
i bleed for my sins and swallow yours.
Every touch is pain, every pain is a touch of desensitization.
Pluck my eyes from my skull,
crush my testicles with a hammer,
scoop out my brain with a soup spoon:
i will be composed.
Days upon days,
years upon years,
a lifetime of preparation.