Embassy Staff Members

Here our the current dutys with our club. Some of which are vacant (those with out names are vacant)


T'Rail(Marlan Strange)

Overseer of Embassy functions, activites and personal

Diplomatic service Division

Ambassador's Liaison LCDR Sirek (Chris Haris)


CDR Jonas (David Wells)

Where all departments report to also in charge of Administration Department

Department Heads and Subordinents

Administration Department

Coordination Division

Secretaries from all deprtments (at the moment each dept. head is there own secetaries)

Special Assistants Division

Speciallization of special needs and services

Ships Historian/Archives/Records

LCDR Venus (Sharon Karus)

Keeps records of all history and coorespondence

Special Needs Section

Helps the personal with special needs

Junior Administration Division

LCDR Sirek (Chris Haris)

All junior members

Cadet Administration Division

LCDR T'Yeta (LezaVetta Strange)

Cadet (Justin Plumley)

All cadet members

Science Department

Life Science Division


Phyical Science Division


Socal Science Division


Space Science Division


Interior Department

Cheif of Interor Suvon (Robert Strange)

Director of interior design and opperations

Engineering Systems Division

Maintans working order and repair order of Embassy structual design and eletrical componets

Operational Systems Division

All other Interior duties lay here other then the stated division

Closed-Systems Recovery Division


Research and Development Division

ENS Juros (Jeremy Russel)

Developing new concepts and graphics

Medical Department

Embassy Counselors Rotak (Robert Briscoe)

self explainatory

Operations Department

Shuttle Operations Division

Transporting personal to and form Embassy functions

Communications Division

Communications Officer T'Zell (Tregette Oldson)

Duties include all Embassy communitcations inside and outside of the Embassy

Flight Deck Division

Space Doc (Jean'nathon Phoenix)

Organizing transpertation to and from Embassy functions

Security Department

Security Personal Division

Master at Arms LTJG Savin (Vince Schoenfelder)

Maintans safety for Embasy members and there guests

Personal Weapons Division

Traing in the use of all weapons in the Embasy, ( Laser tag, Paintball, Silly String, self defence methods)

Logistics Department

LCDR T'Yeta (LezaVetta Strange)

Store Division

Quartermaster (Heidi Gilbert)

Coustomes and fabrics

Foods Division

Provides refreshment or helps orginize such things

Recreational Division

RoboMike (Micheal Potts)

Seeks out fun activities for the Embasy
