Serion's Dragon
Welcome to my page. My name is Serion,
aka serion_the_dragon. I am a dragon artist and I also make
Role Playing Games, or RPG's. I have made 3 RPG games, 2 of
which my friends and I really like. I have been playing
them on the internet as well on TalkCity in the room #Timescape. Unlike most
RPG's, where the DM is not a player, I actually play in the game
as 2 Characters, Serion, and Antarus. The games work very
well and are extremely fun. If you would like to make a
Character, please e-mail me or you can find me on talkcity under
the names Serion-, Antarus, or cptbobbo. Also, there is
another RPG being made by myself, and 3 of my friends. We call it
Chronospace and we have 3 chatrooms on TalkCity made for playing
the game. It uses my idea of all times being put together and a
controlled amount of races that you can choose from. This
will be the game more often played online. Timescape is a mostly
offline RPG. Please excuse any spelling errors in this
page, it is under construction!
Click on the comp to go to TalkCity.
Other People's Dragon