Serion's Dragon Page

Welcome to my page. My name is Serion, aka serion_the_dragon.  I am a dragon artist and I also make Role Playing Games, or RPG's.  I have made 3 RPG games, 2 of which my friends and I really like.  I have been playing them on the internet as well on TalkCity in the room #Timescape.  Unlike most RPG's, where the DM is not a player, I actually play in the game as 2 Characters, Serion, and Antarus.  The games work very well and are extremely fun.  If you would like to make a Character, please e-mail me or you can find me on talkcity under the names Serion-, Antarus, or cptbobbo.  Also, there is another RPG being made by myself, and 3 of my friends. We call it Chronospace and we have 3 chatrooms on TalkCity made for playing the game. It uses my idea of all times being put together and a controlled amount of races that you can choose from.  This will be the game more often played online. Timescape is a mostly offline RPG.  Please excuse any spelling errors in this page, it is under construction!

Click on the comp to go to TalkCity.

Other People's Dragon Pic's

My Dragon Pic's



me at