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23/06/06 3.00 - Football & Imagine Me and You |
I am truly useless at updating anything right now. However I'm going to excuse myself at the moment because of the world cup. I don't feel I know enough to write comment pieces here, but am obsessed enough to watch it all! And am now very excited that the Aussies are through.
Now from the reviews I've read Imagine me and you has been pretty much slated. I have to say though that I liked it. But then I also like 4 weddings.., Nottinghill, Love actually etc. And what I really liked about Imagine me and you was that it was just as lame and cheesy and light hearted as all of those films but they finally put someone I can relate to in the lead role rather than Hugh Grant. Plus the film is definatly worth watching for Tony Heads fantastic performance as an embarrassing if well meaning Father, there definalty aught to be some kind of award for the dancing he does at the wedding. |
26/05/06 9:00 - X Men 3: The last stand |
Most of it was great, but I had a few problems with it, so I'll do those first:
Now that's over I'll talk about the things I loved. Special effects were awesome inc.
24/05/06 20:00 - Dungeons & Dragons (the cartoon) |
I was so excited that this had come out on DVD, it's one of those half remembered shows from my childhood.
I'm halfway through the first episode. It's not actually the really first episode, just the one they give you first on the DVD, absolutly nothing is explained. I may have put too much hype on it, it has moments of absolute brilliance but also has quite a lot of tedium inbetween. Kind of Scooby doo-like. I think that a lot of my RP prejudices are based on this program though - The barbarian's an idiot, the acrobat's really annoying and the crusader (knight?) is an arogant twat. The only one I really like is the archer, which coincidentally is what I'm currently playing in Oblivion. A few of my favourite quotes from the first episode: "I shall use the magic of your hat" "But he looked like M erlin, standing there stroking his white rabbit" "I shall add your magic to mine and then destroy you and your meddlesome friends" "You have won for now but I shall win in the end" What fantastic cliches! |
24/05/06 19:40 - The first entry |
So I haven't put any comment function in yet, mainly because I don't really believe that anyone other than Cat's gonna read this!
You could however email me if you really feel like it and I'll stick your comment up manually - if I can be bothered. I know it's a bit lame for a geek. I'm basically gonna be talking about Games / Comics / Movies and general phd stuff, there's been so much I've wanted to comment on recently that I figured I'd give myself a forum for doing so. Recent stuff I won't be talking about but might have if I'd got my arse (yep, I'm british) in gear earlier: