Mary A. Battle
All Rights Reserved
Copyright May 1998. House Mouse
Publications. Rights revert to creator upon
publication. No reprints or other use without
prior written consent of creator.
This is a fan-produced publication and is not
intended as an infringement on Paramount
Studios' copyrights to the characters in Star Trek:
The Next Generation or Star Trek: Deep Space 9.
Part One
The first of May! It was a time of awakening. In ancient pagan society, it was a holy festival. It meant the beginning of the new year. It was a time of rejuvenation; of growth. In ancient matriarchal society, it meant the beginning of new life. The ancient beliefs still play out all over the universe. It surprised the historians on board that so many civilizations throughout the galaxy held that day sacred. It seemed that no matter what the season on any particular planet, the ancient rites would coincide with May Day on Earth. It made you think that the stories of the ancient astronauts were really true.
The Enterprise was in orbit around the planet Betazed. Its society was matriarchal in nature. They were there to record an ancient rite that hadn't been seen in nearly 3000 years. Even though Betazed always held a May Day ceremony, this year was supposed to be different. There was a rumor going around that "The Ancient Ones" would be at this ceremony.
As the day went on, the early morning and noon rituals were concluded. Everyone was still wondering if "The Ancient Ones" really would appear for the festival that night and the midnight ritual. The eldest female member of each "House" had met at the ancient ritual site and were preparing it with great care. All twelve houses were represented. The most senior was Ambassador Lwaxana Troi. This ceremony would have special meaning for her. It meant that, if "The Ancient Ones" did appear, Deanna would be coming home.
Lwaxana held a special place in the Betazed council: not only as the Federation ambassador from Betazed; but also as the mother of the leader of "The Ancient Ones". Among the invited guests to the festival this year were: Captain Elizabeth Shelby; Doctor Beverly Crusher; ship's Counselor Lee May K'Mpel; and Guinan from the Enterprise. With them were three senior historians from the records section (all female). Also invited were Lieutenant Commander Ro Laren; Colonel Kira Nerys; and Kestra Troi-Laren from Bajor. They had arrived two days earlier. It had been several years since Ro Laren had left the Enterprise. Kestra was now 8 years old and ready to perform her first May Day rituals.
At sunrise, the Elders of the Houses of Betazed took the youngest female member of her household (no younger than age 8; no older than 16) to the first of the three ceremonies which would take place that day. The Elders led the children through the woods to a glade that was used every year for the Sunrise Ritual. Kestra attended her first ceremony that morning accompanied by her grandmother. Those who were off-worlders were also permitted to attend the ritual; so that they might understand more of the Betazed culture. The sunrise ceremony was an initiation ritual for the girls. They were taught about the significance of the day and the rituals they would perform each year.
As the ceremony began, the priestess leading the ritual would call on the four elements; earth, wind, fire and water; to bless and sanctify the glade. Then, the prayer to the goddess Isis (the ancient goddess of the dawn) was said. Then the children would offer fruits and vegetables from the "House" gardens to the goddess Gaea. The names of the new children attending would be entered into the Ancient Book of Womyn. The children were then instructed in the meaning of the dawn ritual. There would be a chant and another prayer to Isis. Then the children would cleanse the circle by moving in different directions to release the energy to the whole planet.
The children were returned to their mothers to learn more about their family history. Ro Laren had told Kestra all about her other mother, Deanna Troi. Even Lwaxana had mellowed with age. At first, she was rather nasty toward Laren; thinking that she had stolen Deanna away from Commander Riker. It took her some time to realize that Laren and Deanna had loved each other very much. And once Lwaxana saw Kestra, there was no more animosity toward Laren. She had provided all the information she had about Deanna: what she had looked like as she grew up; what she was like; her likes and dislikes; her personality. It surprised Laren how much she didn't know about the woman she had loved.
Both Laren and Nerys made sure that Kestra understood; as much as she could; about their relationship. After all, these women had brought Kestra up to be a fine young lady and very understanding of others' beliefs. Now on Betazed, Kestra was able to learn more about the other half of her heritage. Laren and Nerys taught her about the culture of Bajor. In fact, just before they left DS9, Kai Winn had given Kestra her first ritual earring. They had been very proud of her. It meant that Kestra was now considered a member of Bajor society.
Now, she was performing her first May Day ritual with her grandmother's help. Laren had heard the rumor too. Would Deanna appear at the festival tonight? As Laren watched Kestra carefully duplicate Lwaxana's motions, and those of the other Elders; she thought of Deanna. She knew that Dea would be proud of Kestra. When Lwaxana gave Laren pictures of Deanna as a little girl; she realized how much Kestra looked like Dea. Laren watched as well because she knew that she would have to help Kestra with the ritual from now on.
The Mid-day Ritual was performed by the mothers of the girls who were at the Sunrise Ritual. This was especially important for Laren and Nerys to learn. Neither woman had ever been seriously involved in their own religion and now they began to realize what they had missed as they grew up. Nerys had begun the process of re-discovering the Bajoran beliefs when she was a pupil of Kai Opaka and Vedic Barial's lover. She started to understand and, in some instances, control the Prophets' Orbs. But Laren had never been very religious. Now, she had to learn not only her own beliefs but those of another planet as well to help her daughter grow spiritually.
Tonight, after the festival feast, they would all take part in the Midnight Ritual which would close the day. After the Mid-day Ritual, Kestra and some of the other Betazed children had gone to the park to play. It was a chance for Kestra to learn some of the games they played; as well as to teach them some of the games she played. The relaxed atmosphere of Betazed gave Laren and Nerys a chance to unwind. The last couple of years had been really hectic for them; to say the least.
Nerys had been promoted to her present range when Kestra was four years old because the Federation had finally begun leaving DS9 and she had been made station commander. Captain Sisko had been given command of a starship. Worf had been given permanent command of the Defiant and it was returned to active duty patrolling the Romulan/Klingon Neutral Zone. A skeleton Federation staff was left behind: all volunteers. This was a much needed holiday.
It was late afternoon and Lwaxana had just finished the final preparations for the banquet that night and the ritual at midnight. She was about to lie down and rest when she felt a presence in her mind that hadn't been there in almost 10 years.
<<Hello Mother>>
Lwaxana turned to face her only child. Deanna hadn't aged a bit. She wanted to hug her daughter, but wasn't sure if she could. After all, Deanna was the leader of the Betazed Women of Power; "The Ancient Ones" as they were called. Deanna moved to her mother and took the older woman in her arms. Lwaxana wrapped her usually strong arms; which suddenly felt weak; around her child. Had it been more than 10 years since Deanna had first shown her the ancient symbols of power?
<<No one but you knows that I'm here Mother. I intend to keep it that way. I want this meeting to be private>> Deanna said as she touched Lwaxana's forehead with her hand.
"What did you do, Little One? I feel so strange."
<<I have many new powers Mother. I've shielded your mind from the rest of the planet. When I leave, it will be as if you'd had a dream about me>>
"Why do that? You know how strong my abilities are."
<<I know Mother, but sometimes you can be erratic; especially now>>
"But why appear now? Won't this tax your powers Deanna?"
<<No Mother. I've had 10 years of practice at controlling the powers I have. Besides, I only wanted you to know that the entire Sisterhood will be attending tonight>>
"Very well. Everything will be ready. The altar has been prepared."
<<Thank you Mother. I know Laren and Kestra are here. I'm glad. I've missed them>>
"I know you have. Your daughter is beautiful, Deanna; just like her mother. She's missed you too, but Laren and Nerys have raised her well. Her abilities will be formidable as she grows up. You realized that she'll have to be trained here on Betazed when her psychic abilities begin to flower," advised Lwaxana.
<<I know. I'll contact Laren later and explain it to her. It won't be for five years or so, at least>>
"It may be even sooner than that Little One. I think it may be perhaps in two or three years that she'll have to be sent here for training."
<<I know Mother. I've felt her abilities myself. She's going to be a powerful telepath>>
"Deanna, Laren loves Kestra very much. She isn't going to lose her to The Sisterhood as well, is she?"
Deanna was surprised at the concern that Lwaxana showed for Laren's feelings. She was glad that her mother had finally softened her outlook about Laren and Deanna. Deanna smiled when she heard the question.
<<No Mother. Kestra isn't destined for that. It lies elsewhere>>
"Thank the Goddess. It's getting late. I still have to rest before the festivities tonight. I'm not as young as I used to be."
<<You will never grow old Mother; but I understand. Rest well>>
And with that Deanna disappeared from the room and from Lwaxana's mind as well. For the first time in many years, Lwaxana Troi cried. She missed Deanna very much. It was hard for her to accept that both of her children were now taken from her. It had taken almost 30 years for her to accept her daughter Kestra's accidental death as a child. In fact, Deanna and Laren's daughter Kestra was the same age as her own daughter had been when she had died.
When that happened, she became so overly protective of Deanna that it was a large part of the reason Dea went into Starfleet. Then, when Deanna showed Lwaxana the symbols of "The Ancient Ones" on her own body; Lwaxana had to deal with the eventual loss of Deanna as well. She was still crying when Kestra burst into the house. The little girl stopped short when she saw Lwaxana crying. She didn't know that grandmas cried.
"Grandma, why are you crying?" she asked.
Ro Laren and Kira Nerys followed Kestra through the door. They also noticed that Lwaxana was crying. Laren touched Kestra's shoulder.
"Kestra, why don't you go take a nap. It's been a long day for you; and you'll have to be at the festival and the Midnight Ritual tonight," suggested Laren. Kestra looked at her mothers as if to get an explanation.
"It's all right. Grandma's just a little sad," Laren finished when she saw the worried expression on the little girl's face.
"All right Mama," Kestra agreed, hugging Laren and Nerys as she went.
After Kestra had left, Laren and Nerys sat down with Lwaxana. Laren suspected that it had to do with Deanna and the rumor about The Sisterhood possibly appearing at the feast. For an instant that afternoon, Laren thought that she'd felt Deanna's presence but then it was gone. She hadn't mentioned it to Nerys.
"What happened Lwaxana?" asked Laren.
"Is Kestra all right? I didn't mean to frighten her," apologized Lwaxana.
"She's fine. It surprised her to see you crying, that's all," said Nerys.
"I must have had a dream," Lwaxana said.
"About Deanna?!" suggested Laren.
"Yes; but how did you know?"
"I miss her, too. Kestra reminds me of her every day," said Laren.
Nerys knew that Laren still loved Deanna and would hold a part of herself separate; but she understood. She knew Laren loved her deeply and Kestra too. She had met Deanna Troi just once; right after Kestra's birth. Nerys understood why Laren loved Deanna. She could have fallen in love with Deanna herself. They helped Lwaxana to her room so she could rest. They checked on Kestra; who was asleep in Deanna's old room; and then went to rest themselves. It was mid-afternoon and the festival wouldn't begin until two hours after sunset.
As they slept, Laren dreamt of the last time Deanna had appeared to her and said goodbye for the last time. She was pregnant with Kestra at the time.
{How can you leave me? I don't want you to go!} Laren had pleaded.
{You knew this time would come. Nerys loves you very much. Give the love you would have given me to her. She'll make a good mother and friend to the baby.} Deanna had said.
{I'll always love you Deanna Troi} said Laren.
{And I'll carry that love through eternity. Goodbye my love. Be well} said Deanna as she disappeared.
"No, Dea! Don't go! DEANNA!" cried Laren as she sat up in bed.
Her thrashing had awakened Nerys. She put her arms around Laren.
"Shh! It was just a dream," Nerys soothed.
"It was so real. I saw Deanna," Laren explained as she calmed down.
"I know. It's all right. Go back to sleep," said Nerys.
The women drifted back to sleep; Laren wrapped in Nerys' arms.
Part Two
The sun was just setting as the women awoke. They could hear a knock on the door.
"Who is it?" Nerys asked.
"It's Lwaxana. May I come in?"
"Just a minute," called Laren.
The women grabbed the robes from the foot of the bed and slipped into them. After 9 years as lovers, they used each other's body heat to keep them warm as they slept; so they slept in the nude. When they had tied their robes, Laren went to the bedroom door and opened it.
"Good evening ladies. Did you sleep well?" Lwaxana asked as she entered.
"Yes we did. Thank you for allowing us to stay here," said Nerys.
"Nonsense! Where else would you stay? You and Laren are Kestra's parents," exclaimed Lwaxana.
Just then, Kestra came in. She was dressed in a deep cream-colored dress over which would be put a robe made of royal blue silk embroidered with the symbols of the Fifth House; conjoined rings and a chalice.
"That dress fits you perfectly, Little One," said Lwaxana.
"What do you think Mama; Aunt Kira? Do I look grown up?" crowed Kestra as she showed off the dress.
"You look like you're ready for a party," said Nerys. "Where did it come from?" she added as she admired the intricate embroidery on the bodice.
"Grandma gave it to me. She said Mama Dea wore it when she was my age," Kestra said; very proud of herself.
"I hope you thanked your grandmother for being so generous. That dress means a great deal to her, I'm sure," admonished Laren.
"Yes she did. Now, here are your clothes for this evening," Lwaxana said as she motioned for Mr. Hom to come forward.
Over his arms hung two dresses and robes similar to the one Kestra wore. That's when they noticed that Lwaxana was similarly attired. She was already wearing the robe.
"Lwaxana, we can't accept these. They're much too extravagant," Laren protested.
"Nonsense! It's the custom that the Elder of each House provide the attire for her family. Besides; as out-worlders; you wouldn't have known what was customary to wear," argued Lwaxana.
The two women had to agree with her there. They'd had no clue as to what would have been appropriate. What they had worn at the Sunrise and Mid-day Rituals had been fine; but this festival and Midnight Ritual were very ceremonial and they needed to be dressed accordingly. Lwaxana motioned for Mr. Hom to hang the clothes in the closet and leave. Lwaxana took Kestra by the hand and guided the little girl outside. Laren and Nerys headed for the shower. It was 2 hour past sunset. They had to hurry.
As Laren and Nerys prepared for the feast, Kestra and Lwaxana talked in the garden. The scent of a honeysuckle-type plant filled the air. Fireflies blinked on and off; trying to attract mates. It was quiet and peaceful there.
"Grandma, who are 'The Ancient Ones'?" the little girl asked.
"'The Ancient Ones' are a group of women who have a great many powers. They live in another dimension and have not been seen in centuries. If they come to the festival tonight, it will be an event that will be spoken of for generations to come. But the thing you need to know is that your mother, Deanna, is the current leader of 'The Women of Power'; another name for 'The Ancient Ones'," Lwaxana explained.
"Mama explained how that happened before I was born, Grandma. Mama said that she loved Mama Dea very much."
"They cared for each other very deeply. And your mother and Nerys care deeply for each other as well. But, I want you to know that I love you Little One. You look so much like my own daughters," Lwaxana concluded.
Just then, Laren and Nerys came out into the garden. They were both dressed in the clothes they were given. They felt out of place in the elaborate dresses, but they also knew how important tonight would be; especially if The Sisterhood arrived.
"Mama; Aunt Kira; you look beautiful," said Kestra when she spotted them coming.
"Thank you sweetheart," said Laren as she hugged her daughter.
"And thank you, Lwaxana, for the clothes," added Nerys.
"You both look lovely," Lwaxana said.
"Grandma, is it time to go yet?" asked an impatient Kestra.
"Yes; as a matter of fact; it is," Lwaxana answered as she looked at the sky.
Just then, there was the sound of a gong. It was the signal to let the city know that it was time for the May Day feast. Only the members of each House and special invited guests were being allowed into the great banquet hall. As they entered the hall, Ro Laren spotted Guinan.
"Guinan, what are you doing here?" asked a rather startled Laren.
"I was invited to the feast," explained Guinan.
Just then Beverly appeared with Captain Shelby and Lee May K'Mpel. It seemed everyone had heard the rumor. The Enterprise was probably in orbit to record the activities. Laren hoped their trip wasn't in vain. They were all talking; catching up; when the room started to get very quiet. Suddenly; as if they'd heard their names called; both Laren and Lee May turned toward the door. All the women there were starting to turn as well. A murmur began to fill the room. There, in the doorway, stood Deanna Troi. Behind her were "The Women of Power".
Slowly, the women parted as Deanna and her Sisters entered the room. Lwaxana, as senior member of the Elders, came forward to greet the visitors. It took her a moment to recall the formal greeting. She had looked it up and memorized it because it had been so long since it had been used. Lwaxana was surprised there was even a record of it. The greetings were spoken aloud out of respect for the non-telepaths among the guests.
"Greetings Ancient Ones. We welcome you to our gathering. Bless this festival and bring honor and strength to those present," Lwaxana said.
"Greetings Women of Betazed. We thank you for your welcome. Let peace enter this gathering place. We welcome our off-world guests. Let all here find what they seek with this new year. Blessed Be," said Deanna.
Beverly and Guinan noticed that the gown Deanna wore was the one she'd had on when she joined the Sisterhood that day so long ago. Over it, she wore a robe of the same design as the one Lwaxana wore. When the greetings were finished, Deanna turned to her Sisters and gestured for them to separate and relax. Deanna turned again and greeted her mother with a hug. The other members of the Sisterhood went to find their descendants. Only Deanna had current family at the feast. All the other families were the descendants of the brothers and sisters of original "Women of Power." At that instant, Kestra noticed her grandmother talking to a woman who looked familiar. Then it dawned on her: it was her mother, Deanna!
"MAMA DEA!" she cried as she ran between the people.
Deanna turned toward the melee and found herself caught around the waist by her daughter. Deanna looked down at the tousled head and then knelt to get a good look at her child. It had been so long. She missed Kestra.
"Hello Deanna!" said a voice behind her.
Deanna stood up and faced the source of the voice.
"Hello Laren. It's good to see you. I've missed you," Deanna said.
It was an awkward moment for the two women. They hadn't seen each other in years. Laren and Nerys had married when Kestra was 6 months old.
[Laren, I understand] Laren heard in her mind. [Do you remember what I taught you Imzadi?]
Laren could feel tears forming in her eyes. She didn't know what to do. She wanted to take Deanna in her arms. That's when she felt Deanna's arms around her. She wrapped her arms around the woman she'd come to love so many years ago.
[I've missed you so much Deanna. I'm glad you came.]
After a moment, the women separated. Kestra came up between the women; followed by Kira Nerys, Guinan, Beverly and Elizabeth Shelby. Lwaxana had moved to the side of the room. She wanted to see what would happen. She watched as Deanna held Kestra and Laren. She knew that this moment would last only until the Midnight Ritual; but she was glad to see it. Kestra came up to Lwaxana after a few minutes; awakening her from her reverie.
"Grandma, why are you over here?" she asked.
"I was just watching you and your mother. I thought you needed to be alone," Lwaxana said.
"Come, eat with us Grandma," Kestra said.
The banquet was beginning. The "Women of Power" sat with their respective Houses. The women represented all 12 Houses of Betazed. Among the "Women" were Cassandra (former leader and member of the 3rd House), Cassiopeia (member of the 4th House), Delilah (member of the 7th House), and Deanna (current leader and member of the 5th House). Normally, the "Women" lived on an etherial plane; without form; and had no reason to eat. But to help maintain humanoid form, they needed to add "fuel" to their supply. It would be a long night and the last thing any of them needed to do was begin to "phase out" too soon.
Deanna was able to catch up on all the news. She found out that Captain Picard had been promoted to Rear Admiral and had taken over as Commandant of Starfleet Academy. Will Riker was now a Commodore and had assumed command of Starfleet's 3rd Region. Elizabeth Shelby had taken command of the Enterprise-E and her old childhood friend, Lee May K'Mpel, was its ship's Counselor.
Beverly had recently returned to the Enterprise. For the last 72 years, she had been head of Starfleet Medical once again. She had always hated being shore-bound for more than a few days; and she'd been busy revising so much information: from Cardassian physiology to Betazed telepathic abilities. But she felt that if she didn't "go home" (meaning deep space), she would go crazy. So she insisted on being transferred back to the Enterprise and allowing Katherine Pulaski to assume command of Starfleet Medical once again.
The feast wound on until the bells chimed that it was 2 hour until midnight. The children had been playing in the anteroom for the last : of an hour and were getting tired. Even though all the attendees at the festival had rested in the afternoon and early evening; it was already way past the childrens' collective bedtime. Mothers began gathering the children together for the procession to the Altar of Power. There the Midnight Ritual would be performed.
As "The Ancient Ones" led the way, the Elders followed behind; then the mothers and children and finally the half dozen or so specially invited Federation guests who had been recording the activities all day in the capital city. The Elders one stipulation had been that all the Federation visitors be female. As the neared the altar, the power of the "Ancient Ones" increased.
The Betazed Elders; as well as the mothers of the girls; felt the pulsing power of the "Ancient Ones" flowing through them. Even those who were sensitive; like Laren and Lee May; felt the pulse. A light ground fog began to gather on the hilltop where the altar was.
Lwaxana wondered what would happen now. According to the ancient writings, the Midnight Ritual was once performed "skyclad" (in the nude); but there were children and off-worlders at this special ceremony. Would the "Ancient Ones" follow the Old Ways, or would they defer to the practicality of the guests? It was then that Deanna spoke. The "Ancient Ones" had formed a circle around the altar.
"This Ritual is a very ancient one. It had not been seen on the planet in three millennia. This night has special significance. It marks the first Ritual I am officiating at as Leader. It also marks the first time that there have been several generations present; as well as the first time that off-worlders have ever witnessed this Ritual. And so, we will perform the Ritual in the ancient way. Those who wish may join us."
"Leader, may I explain to the off-worlders and the children what is meant by 'the ancient way'?" asked Lwaxana.
Deanna nodded in agreement.
"For those who are not familiar with the ancient writings, Leader Troi is referring to the fact that this ancient ritual was once performed only by "The Ancient Ones" and the Elders. Because it was only a small number the ritual was performed in the nude --- what they termed 'skyclad'. Anyone who wishes may participate in this manner," finished Lwaxana.
A murmur went through the group. One by one, the "Women of Power" removed their robes and gowns and laid them on the altar. The Elders of Betazed; already used to the custom during weddings; began to disrobe. Kestra looked at Laren and Nerys. She was also watching Deanna. She wasn't sure what to do. She wanted to please Deanna by imitating her; but she wasn't sure how Laren and Nerys felt about it.
"Mama, do I have to get undressed?"
"Not if you don't want to Kestra," Laren said.
"But I want Mama Dea and Grandma to be proud of me," Kestra argued.
"It's up to you honey," added Nerys.
[Kestra, I know you can hear me. I will always be proud of you. I love you, my child. Do what your heart thinks best.], Deanna sent to the little girl's mind.
"Aunt Kira; Mama; I just heard Mama Dea's voice in my head," exclaimed Kestra.
"What did she say, Kestra?" asked Laren as she knelt to be at eye level with her daughter.
"She said she loved me and would always be proud of me," Kestra said.
Laren drew the little girl into her arms and held her tight. Kestra returned the embrace and then turned to hug Nerys just as tightly. She wanted the women she knew as her parents to know how much she loved them. Then, slowly, Kestra began to disrobe. Laren nodded to Nerys. Both women followed the lead of their courageous daughter. Just before midnight, the entire assembly was "skyclad"; including the Federation guests. The children were asked to join the circle around the altar. Kestra came forward first and took her mother's hand. The ritual began. The "Ancient Ones" blessed the site and called the elements to encircle the group. Then, they said a prayer to the goddess Hecate; goddess of the moon; to light their way. There was an ancient chant and another prayer, this time to the goddess Gaea. There was another ancient chant and then the circle was cleansed.
As the ritual ended, the "Betazed Women of Power" began to disappear one-by-one, until only Deanna and Cassiopeia remained. The two women came forward. They were once again dressed. Between them was Kestra. Laren knew that it was time to say farewell; and this time it would be forever. Deanna knelt and hugged Kestra and kissed her forehead. Lwaxana had remained as well; but everyone else had returned to their homes.
"Mother, would you take Kestra home and put her to bed? I need to speak with Laren and Nerys before I go."
"Of course, Deanna. Goodbye Little One," Lwaxana said as she hugged her daughter.
"Goodbye Mother. Be well," Deanna said, and kissed her mother's cheek.
"Come with me, Little One. It's way past your bedtime," Lwaxana said as she took Kestra in her arms and they headed down the hill.
Deanna could hear Lwaxana begin to sing Kestra a lullaby. It was one that she'd heard as a little girl herself. Deanna sighed as Cassiopeia took her hand.
Laren suspected that Deanna and Cassiopeia were now lovers. It made her feel both glad and a bit jealous: glad that Dea had found someone to love; jealous that Dea hadn't been able to stay and watch Kestra grow into the beautiful little girl she was now --- nor the woman she would become.
"Don't be sad Laren. I'll always be there when you need me. The reason I wanted you to stay is to explain some things to you: about myself and Cassie; and about Kestra."
"I already understand about Cassiopeia. But what do you mean about Kestra? She said you spoke to her telepathically. Is she growing to be that powerful?"
"Yes, she is. I was able to speak with her telepathically because she was so near. But the time will come when even Mother will be able to contact her from here. Cassie was a powerful telepath as a child. She acts as a control or conduit for us all. The thing is that; very soon; Kestra will have to return here to Betazed to begin her formal training in telepathy. All Betazed children have to be taught how to control their blossoming abilities. All of us were trained; even Mother ---- although, sometimes I wonder," Deanna explained.
"Deanna, how will I know when Kestra is ready for telepathic training? I know that you and I can communicate that way; and even before Kestra was born I sensed her power. Even Nerys said that she once 'heard' Kestra call to here before she was born."
"You'll know when," Deanna said.
"Deanna, I need to know one thing," said Laren tentatively.
"I know what you want to ask. I already answered that question once today. The answer is 'NO!' Kestra is not destined to join me in the Sisterhood. Her destiny lies elsewhere."
[Darling, you're taxing yourself. We must go.], Cassiopeia said to Deanna's mind.
[Yes, I know. It's time.], replied Deanna.
"I know you need to leave Deanna. And I know that Kestra will have to be taught how to control her powers. Nerys and I love Kestra very much and we'll do whatever is necessary to help her," Laren promised.
Nerys had been quiet until now. She knew that Laren and Deanna had to have these last moments alone. Now, she came forward and took Laren's hand. She nodded her head in agreement to what Laren had said.
"It's good to see you again Kira Nerys," said Deanna as she shook Nerys' outstretched hand.
"Laren was glad to see you Deanna. Goodbye, Leader Troi. Blessed be. May the Prophets guide you," said Nerys as she took Deanna in her arms and hugged her.
Nerys kissed Deanna gently on the lips and then turned to Laren. Nerys took Laren's hands in her own as she spoke.
"I'll wait for you at the bottom of the hill darling," she said.
Cassiopeia had withdrawn to the altar. There she waited for Deanna. Laren took Deanna in her arms and kissed her deeply. It was a farewell kiss.
"I love you Deanna Troi," Laren said; just as she had once before.
"And I will carry that love through all eternity. Goodbye Laren. Goodbye my Imzadi," Deanna said as she moved toward the altar.
Deanna took Cassiopeia's hand and the women slowly vanished. Laren put her fingers to her lips and then blew a final kiss toward the vanishing figures. Laren turned away after they were gone and headed down the hill toward the woman she had fallen in love with when she was young; left; and then returned to. Deanna had always knows about Kira Nerys and loved Laren no less for it. Nerys was standing there; waiting for Laren. She held her hands out to Laren. Laren took Nerys' hands and pulled Nerys into her arms.
"Let's go home," said Laren.