










Mary A. Battle

All Rights Reserved


Copyright November 1992. House Mouse

Publications. Rights revert to creator upon

publication. No reprints or other use without

prior written consent of creator.


This is a fan-produced publication and is not

intended as an infringement on Paramount

Studios' copyrights to the characters in Star

Trek: The Next Generation.






The designs began to appear as she showered. It was as though she was removing what had been covering them for aeons. At first, she didn't notice them. Then, as they deepened in color, she became fearful. She had grown up listening to the stories; legends really; of the Women of Power. No one had seen the designs appear on any woman in the recorded history of her home world. Now they were appearing on her. As she dried herself, they became even more visible. The symbols and designs continued to appear.

When the process was done; they were on her arms at the wrists, her ankles, her thighs halfway between the knees and her hips, and her midriff. As she examined them in her mirror, she also noticed that her hair around her forehead and temples was showing streaks of gray in it. She donned a robe and contacted her mother.

"Mother, I need your help. How much do you know about the legends of our people?"

"Why do you ask Little One?"


Deanna revealed the symbols on her body by removing her robe. Lwaxana Troi visibly cringed. She knew of the legend of the women, but to see her own daughter bear the marks was disturbing to her. Deanna put her robe back on but rolled up the sleeves.

"When did the symbols appear Deanna?"

"This morning while I was in the shower. Mother, what do they mean?" Deanna asked as she tied her robe.

Lwaxana was afraid to tell Deanna the consequences of the marks. According to the legend, once the symbols appeared, the vessel would increase her telepathic and telekinetic abilities ten-fold. Lwaxana also noticed the gray that streaked Troi's raven locks.

"Mother, what's wrong? Why do you look so frightened?"

Troi could sense her mother's fear even through the comlink.

"Little One; Deanna; the women who receive those symbols have their telepathic abilities increased ten-fold. They also acquire telekinetic abilities. However, I don't know how you would be affected by the change. The power is very erratic. But so much is only legend. It's difficult to know how you would react to it. Your human half may put your life in danger."

"Mother, these symbols are not imaginary. I'm frightened. What do I do?"

"There is nothing you can do Deanna. I will consult the ancient writings and send you all the information I can find."

"Thank you Mother."

Deanna Troi ended the communication. She pulled the sleeves of her robe down to cover the telltale "bracelets" which now encircled her wrists. Her mother's worry had transcended the distance between them and made Deanna shake with fear. She pulled her robe tighter around her; as if to warm herself. She tried to remember the stories she'd been told as a child.

"Computer, access Betazed legends; specifically, the Women of Power."

[[Working. The legend of the Women of Power began in the dark times. Earth equivalent time line: Ancient Greece (3000 BC old calendar). According to legend, the women held the power of the elements. They were also able to move objects with their minds. They were identified by these design symbols which appeared on their arms and legs.]]


The computer showed an image of the marks which Deanna now bore on her body; as well as their locations. They were identical to hers.

"Computer, what is the significance of the marks?"

[[According to legend, the symbols focus the power among the women.]]

"Computer, have these symbols ever appeared on any Betazoid woman in recent history?"

[[Negative. No record of recent occurrences.]]

"Computer off."

Deanna sat there trying to take in all the information she had just received. What would happen to her? How would this increase in abilities affect her? She wasn't a full Betazoid. Her system wasn't as attuned as her mother or her childhood friends. Her father was human. Her Betazoid blood was "watered down" by her human factors. It was nearly time for her first appointment of the day. She slipped into her duty uniform and headed for her office. Troi was grateful that the sleeves were long enough to cover the marks. She took one last look at her image in the mirror; now with gray streaks in her hair; and left.

Several hours later, Deanna received a message from her mother. In addition to the information that Deanna had found out from the computer, there were some important nuances that the computer had been unable to provide her with. The power was focused by having the symbols touch. It would be erratic if the vessel were clad. It would only fully focus when the vessel was nude. This way, all the marks would touch and full ability would be accessed. As the day wore on, Deanna began to feel very strange. She seldom got a splitting headache, but right now she was working on a bad one. She called Doctor Crusher and made an appointment to see her.

By the time Deanna saw Beverly, the pain was intense. When Troi entered Sickbay, she had a sudden spasm of pain. Beverly caught Troi just before she fell and she immediately had Deanna lie down and began examining her. Beverly could see the pain on Deanna's face as she laid on the diagnostic bed. Lieutenant j.g. Alissa Ogawa, Beverly's head nurse, came up beside her with a tricorder.

"Deanna, what happened? Your synaptic responses are all elevated to twice their normal levels. How is this possible? I show no signs of disease or infection. What is it?"

Deanna revealed the marks on her arms and explained the appearance of the marks during her shower. Beverly listened to the story of the Betazoid legend. The readings were extremely erratic. It was as though Deanna's brain was trying to suppress the power that was flooding it; trying to control it in some way; trying to channel it into an easier accessibility pattern for Deanna to comprehend.

Beverly accessed the information that Deanna had given her. It was incomplete and largely speculation. No one really knew anything about the effects of the power increases. There were no documented cases in recent history to use as a reference. All at once; Deanna's brain wave pattern leveled off to an elevated, but safe, reading.

"Deanna, I want you to go back to your quarters and lie down. It's either that or I give you a hypospray and you stay here. I'll inform the Captain that I've removed you from duty due to illness. I'm worried about your health," explained Beverly.

"All right Beverly. I had already canceled the rest of my appointments. Can you do anything about the headaches?"

"I can give you a painkiller, but it won't help for long. There's not much else I can do Troi. I'm sorry," Beverly said as a hypo hissed with a relaxant for Troi.

"It's all right Beverly. I understand. Thank you," said Troi as she sat up carefully.

Her head was spinning. She had to concentrate and take a few deep breaths before it cleared enough for her to get down. Beverly and Lieutenant Ogawa held Deanna's arms until she was able to stand on her own. Beverly almost had Troi lie back down, but then she saw Deanna's face relax as she moved around. The relaxant was taking effect.

"Troi, do you want me to come with you to your quarters?" asked Beverly.

"No thank you Beverly. I'll be fine."

Deanna made her way back to her quarters and laid down. As she drifted off to sleep, a dream formed in her mind. Troi's sleep was uncomfortable at best. She tossed and turned in her sleep. The dream was frightening and intriguing at the same time. She felt like she was floating and unable to control her movements. Deanna found herself walking through an open field shrouded in fog.



She had just left a wooded area and come into a clearing. She was wearing her white nightgown that tied at the neck and was open to her hips in back. As her vision adjusted to the darkness, she began to make out forms in the mist. They seemed to be waiting for something. As Troi drew near, she thought she heard something. It was a voice in her mind.

[[Welcome sister. We've been expecting you.]]

Deanna was met by the leader of the group. She was a woman approximately her mother's age. Deanna immediately noticed two things. One was that the woman was nude. The other were the marks on the woman's wrists. Troi looked down at her own wrists.

[[Who are you?]] Deanna asked.

[[I am Cassandra. I am the eldest, and current leader, of the Women of Power.]]

[[You said you've been expecting me?!?! I don't understand.]]

[[You have been chosen to succeed me Deanna Troi. You have received the symbols of leadership within our Sisterhood. It had been far too many years since a daughter of Betazed's hierarchy has had the necessary qualities to inherit the power]] explained Cassandra.

The other women came forward and surrounded the two women. Just as Cassandra, the other women were also nude. Their ages, as near as Troi could tell, were from their early 30's (like herself) to their late 60's. It was difficult however. Even the younger women, like Deanna, had gray streaks in their hair. Troi was very confused. Perhaps the gray was another means of identification for the women.

[[We understand your confusion Deanna Troi. My name is Cassiopeia. I am like you; a hybrid. My mother, like yours, was Betazoid. My father was from Argelius]] explained one young woman about Troi's age as she stepped into the circle.

The women had positioned themselves in such a way that they could hold each other's wrists. Deanna began to feel the strength of their power course through her own body. Troi felt her soul soar over the scene. She looked down and saw herself reach behind her neck to undo the gown.

She saw, but didn't feel, it drop to the ground. She felt her mind become one with theirs. Her hands reached out for Cassandra and Cassiopeia, but she was still afraid. The sound of an owl hooting broke her concentration. The women ended their ritual. Troi realized that she was nude and pulled her gown back on. Deanna could "hear" their conversation.

[[She is still afraid Cassandra. It may be too soon to induct her into the Sisterhood]] said a disappointed Delilah.


Her voice had a tinge of sadness in it. She had voiced what the other women were thinking.

[[We cannot undo the choice. Her heredity over generations has decreed that she will eventually be the most powerful of us all]] argued Cassandra.

Deanna began to back away from the women; as if trying to escape a trap. She spied an opening in the circle where Cassiopeia had been and ran through. This had startled the women. None who had received the power had fled. Yet Deanna Troi had!!!! Could they have been wrong? How could she be their future leader and still be afraid enough to run from her new duty?

Deanna began to run blindly back the way she had come. Her nightgown was torn on branches and she tripped over the tree roots. Her arms and back were full of scratches and scrapes from the bushes. Cassandra seemed to understand. She nodded to Cassiopeia, who then followed Troi. Deanna slowed her pace when she looked back and saw only one of the women following.

[[Deanna, please wait. I need to talk to you.]] " DEANNA STOP!!" called Cassiopeia.

Troi turned suddenly, and tripped over a tree root. Deanna fell to the ground.

"Leave me alone. Go away!" Deanna shouted.

Troi was terrified. She didn't know if the woman would force her to return to the circle. Then Deanna realized that she had heard the young woman speak. Deanna thought that they only communicated telepathically. She waited for Cassiopeia to reach her. It gave Deanna a chance to catch her breath.

"You spoke!" said a surprised Deanna.

"Of course. We are all able to speak. We find it easier to communicate telepathically, that's all. My sisters and I want to explain. You are destined to be the new leader of our Sisterhood. You cannot ignore your destiny. I was frightened too. But I eventually accepted what was happening. I know that it was frightening to you when the symbols began to appear. Just as yours is; my mother was one of Betazed's matriarchs.

"I was raised on the stories as well. My mother was a daughter of the Fourth House. You would be the only one who is also a daughter of the Fifth House. I was the last, until you, to receive the symbols. Cassandra, our current leaders, was one of the founding leaders of Betazed's matriarchal society. As you may have guessed, we each represent one of Betazed's 12 Houses."

Deanna looked shocked. Troi stared at Cassiopeia's wrists. If what she said was true, then this power slowed the aging process considerably. That would mean that all the women were several thousand years old!!! It was unbelievable. But then, the computer had said that there had been no recent occurrences of the symbols; expect for her.

"How old are you Cassiopeia?" Troi asked.

"Guess", teased the young woman.

"I'd say about 30 years old," said Troi.

Deanna was comfortable in Cassiopeia's presence. Perhaps it was because they were both half-Betazoid. They could both understand the dangers the power posed to someone who was not full-blooded Betazoid. The headaches had been agonizingly painful for Deanna.

"Correct", she said; "but don't forget to add 5,500 years!" Cassiopeia added as she touched Troi's shoulder. "Deanna, we mean you no harm. You will; in time and with training; learn to control your new abilities. Your teacher will appear when it is time. We will all help you. The headaches will go away in time as well. You will be able to call us together with your mind. When you are ready, we will return for you. Goodbye Deanna Troi."

With that, Cassiopeia vanished into the mist. And just as they had appeared, the other women vanished into the mists from which they had appeared as well.

[[Cassandra, wait. Please explain. Why was I chosen? Cassandra!!]] called Troi as she ran after them into the mists.





"CASSANDRA!!" screamed Troi as she awoke. "Computer 2 light."

Deanna got out of bed and went into her dressing room. Pushing a button on the counter top, she revealed a sink. As she rinsed her face, she noticed that the gray streaks had all but disappeared. The "bracelets" were still there however. Troi then realized that her nightgown was soaked perspiration from the dream. Even her hair was soaked. Deanna was shaking with fear. She looked in the mirror again and could have sworn she saw Cassandra's face looking back and nodding.

"Computer, what time is it?"

[[It is 0315 hours.]]

Just then Deanna's door chime sounded. She wondered who could be at her door at this time of night.

"Who is it?" asked Troi.


Deanna grabbed her robe and put it on, covering her wet nightgown. She then went to the door and opened it.

"Guinan, what are you doing here? Do you realize what time it is?" asked Troi as she tied her still-damp hair back.

Guinan looked different somehow. She didn't look as imposing. Deanna was so used to seeing Guinan in Ten Forward that to see her at Troi's door at 3AM was disorienting. Troi continued to stand in the doorway.

"May I come in Counselor?"

"Of course Guinan. I'm sorry. Come in," Troi said as she moved out of the way.

"I apologize for the lateness of the hour. I was awakened by something. I heard someone scream the name Cassandra," said Guinan as she entered Troi's quarters.

Deanna looked shocked when she heard that name. Guinan had heard Troi scream?! That was impossible. Deanna knew that Guinan's quarters were adjacent to Ten Forward. Deanna's quarters were on Deck 8. How could she hear Troi scream? As if in answer to her unspoken question, Guinan continued.

"I once met Cassandra myself. Not as you did tonight, but as a contemporary; an equal. I see you have received the symbols of your new office," Guinan said as she took Deanna's hands in hers.

Deanna's robe sleeves had revealed the marks when she had reached up to tie her hair back from her face. Guinan examined the "bracelets" on Troi's wrists and traced their outline. Guinan led Deanna to her sitting room. Even though she couldn't "read" Guinan, Troi somehow knew that Guinan had something important to say. They sat on the couch and began to talk. Troi's head spun with questions. What was Guinan going to tell her?

"Deanna, let me explain. You know about Samuel Clemens. He's not the only important person that I've met throughout history. Perhaps I should explain to you about myself. I am a time traveler of sorts. I travel not only through time; but through dimensions, which is why I knew who Q was and how he knows me. I have traveled to other planets. Cassandra and I are of the same mold. We are both leaders of our people.

"When the Borg destroyed my planet, I barely managed to escape in one of the time pods. The shock wave from the explosion carried me into Cassandra's time/space line. She and her Sisterhood found me and cared for me. I had been badly injured. They took me in and protected me while I was healing. They saved my life. Cassandra taught me to communicate with her over time and space. When I heard you scream, she asked me to come to you. She thought that I might be able to help."

Guinan allowed the information she had relayed to Deanna to sink in. She had just revealed more to Troi than she had in centuries to anyone. For a moment, Guinan wondered why she had told Troi so much. Deanna stared at Guinan, unsure of what to say. Then, as if in answer to her mental question, Troi heard a familiar voice in her mind.

[[Guinan speaks truly sister. Believe what she says.]] said Cassandra's voice.

"Guinan, I just heard Cassandra's voice in my mind. I understand you now. But why was I chosen to be their leader? That's what I don't understand. Why me? Can you help me Guinan?"

Troi's head began to throb in pain. Deanna put her hands to her temples. The headaches had returned.

"Deanna, are you all right?"

"Guinan, help me! The headaches have returned. They hurt so much!"

Deanna tried to get up and reach her bed. The pain was extremely intense. Troi couldn't focus on her surroundings. Guinan helped Troi to lie down. She then went to the food slot and punched in a personal ID access code and had the computer create a special drink for Deanna.

"Deanna, can you sit up?" asked Guinan as she sat the concoction down on Troi's nightstand.

"Guinan?! You're still here. The headache won't go away," Troi said as she grabbed Guinan's arm.

Another spasm of pain drove Troi's nails into Guinan's arm. If she felt the pain, Guinan didn't let Deanna know how much it hurt. Troi had drawn blood. Guinan gently lifted Troi's head up and put the cup to her lips. Deanna could smell anise and orange in the drink. It tasted good. She sipped at it, with Guinan's help, until 2 of the cup was empty. Slowly the pain from the headache began to subside. Whatever Guinan had given her had done the trick. Troi's grip relaxed.

"Feeling better?" asked Guinan.

Troi hadn't realized that; as the pain eased; she had fallen asleep. She didn't know how long she'd slept, but Deanna felt relaxed and at ease afterward. She was surprised to hear Guinan's voice. Deanna hadn't expected Guinan to remain.

"You're still here?!" said Troi as she sat up.

It suddenly dawned on Deanna that there was nothing between her and the sheets. Guinan must have removed Troi's soaked nightgown when she fell asleep.

"I wanted to be sure that you were all right. I left the 'prescription' for those headaches on your food slot menu; just ask for 'Guinan's Headache Remedy'."

"Thank you for staying Guinan. You didn't have to," said Troi as she got up and put on her robe.

"Yes I did. You know more about me now than even Picard knows. Once your powers increase, you'll even be able to sense my presence and read my feelings. I can help you control your telekinetic abilities as well. I wanted you to know that I will help you when needed."

"You're the teacher I was told to expect! Thank you Guinan; for everything. I know you took a great risk telling me about yourself. I'm sure that you felt it necessary to tell me those things. Now I understand how you were able to help me when I lost my empathic abilities. You've always known that I would meet Cassandra one day; that the symbols would appear; but you kept it from me. Why?"

"You weren't ready for the knowledge. Remember the dream?! Even in it, you ran from the knowledge. How would you have reacted to it then? You wouldn't have believed me."

"I suppose you're right," admitted Troi.

Deanna suddenly realized how hungry she was. How long had it been since she'd eaten? Had it been minutes or days ago?

"I'm starved! Are you hungry Guinan?" asked Deanna.

"I am rather hungry. Shall we go to Ten Forward?"

"I'm not exactly dressed for it. Besides, I don't feel up to being with a lot of people. I'm just so tired from everything that's happened. I'd rather stay here."

Guinan and Deanna ate quietly in Troi's quarters. It had been a trying day for Deanna. The computer had told her that 36 hours had passed since her last headache began. She had slept all that time. Guinan must have set the DO NOT DISTURB message on her door lock. She must have also let the Captain and Doctor Crusher know what had happened so that she could be taken off the duty roster and her patients notified to reschedule with another member of Troi's staff.

Even though Deanna had slept such a long time, she was exhausted. She felt like she could sleep another two days. The headaches were taking a toll on her. The excessive pain was probably due to the fact that she was not full Betazoid. When they finished eating, Guinan and Deanna made arrangements to begin her lessons later in the week. Several days later, Deanna met with Guinan to begin her training in telekinetic abilities.

Troi had noticed that she was able to begin moving objects. The movements were tentative; only an inch or two. But it was a beginning. They began the lessons slowly by moving small objects. As time went on, the power increased as she learned to focus the ability. Through her dreams, Deanna heard the others explain how to focus her power through the amulets which she would bear for the rest of her life. Troi noticed that her empathic abilities had increased as well. She had to concentrate a bit more to maintain control. It seemed as though her protective barriers were increased as well in response to her increased empathic powers.





As the weeks passed, others noticed a change in Troi's appearance. She wore her hair differently. The headbands had disappeared and her hair was now being held back by hair clips instead. The gray streaks had returned but blended in with ease, so they were barely noticeable. They also noticed a new confidence in her abilities. It was as if she'd finally realized the full scope of her powers and was able to command their ultimate use. Only Troi and Guinan knew what was really happening.

As time passed; just as the legends had said; Deanna's empathic and telekinetic skills had increased. It had happened so gradually that it went unnoticed by anyone for weeks. By the time anyone did notice, her powers had quadrupled in strength. The first person to notice the changes was Ro Laren. She and Deanna were still sleeping together, so Laren noticed the marks immediately. One night however, Laren discovered just how much Troi's abilities had increased.

"Come in Laren," called Deanna through the speaker in the door.

This surprised Laren because she had not even rung the door chime yet. She gave Troi the oddest look when she entered Deanna's quarters.

How did you know it was me?" asked Laren when the door closed behind her.

"It's a long story," said Troi as she handed Laren a drink.

Deanna and Laren sat on her couch. She explained about the increase in her empathic ability as well as her ability to move objects with her mind. Even though Deanna tried to explain it to Laren as simply as possible; Ro Laren still didn't understand. Troi decided that the only way to explain it to Laren would be to make love to Laren in a way that she had always desired but never mentioned to Troi. When they were done, Laren finally understood the powers that Troi now possessed.

Ro Laren could have sworn that she had been floating. Maybe it was just the sensation of Troi's new-found abilities that made their lovemaking even more sensual. Laren had the feeling that their relationship had been set on a new, more exciting course. Only time would tell where it would lead.

Troi kept in touch with her mother. She needed the balance and steadiness of Lwaxana's strength. Mother and daughter became closer than they had been in a long time. Lwaxana was proud and frightened at the same time by what was happening to her only child. Deanna had achieved an unique position within Betazed's hierarchy. Deanna was the first of a new generation of women. The legend was becoming reality. She was someone the Betazed people knew. Deanna had achieved a certain amount of respect due to her status as the ship's Counselor aboard Starfleet's flagship.

Guinan was always available for Deanna. At each new level of power increase, Guinan helped Troi control and focus the ability as it increased. She had taken on the role of guardian and teacher of the new leader. Cassandra had already "spoken" with Guinan in a dream and she explained what would be needed to prepare Deanna for her role as leader of the Women of Power. Guinan was honored that Cassandra left it to her to train Deanna to use her powers wisely and properly. Guinan also explained how she knew that Deanna would be the new leader even before the marks appeared. They were sitting in Guinan's office one day during a lesson.

"Guinan, in the dream I had, Cassiopeia told me that my teacher would become known to me when it was time. How did you know that I was the one you were to teach?"

"When I first knew Cassandra, she explained to me that it was nearing the time when a new leader was to be born. The selected leader had accidentally died as a child and her sister would take her place. When I met you the first time, I could 'see' the images of the bracelets on your wrists. It was then that I knew that you were to be the new leader of the Women of Power."

"But how did Cassandra know that I'd even had a sister? I didn't find out until just a few weeks before the marks began appearing."

"Suffice it to say that the leader is able to see when a new member is to be born and; at an age where she is comfortable with the knowledge of her differences; is inducted into the Sisterhood. Now, let's continue the lessons, shall we?"

Deanna nodded in understanding. There was still so much about Guinan that she didn't understand; but one thing was happening: she was able to sense Guinan's presence in the room with her now. Until that time, she had always been startled when Guinan came up behind her because she couldn't sense Guinan's approach. No one else, except Data, could do that to her. Now, she was able to sense Guinan's presence even when blindfolded. One evening, during a lesson, Deanna unexpectedly collapsed. She and Guinan were in Guinan's office next to Ten Forward when it happened.

"Deanna! Can you hear me?" whispered Guinan.

She had been able to get Troi onto the couch. Deanna's entire body was hot; as though she were feverish. It felt like she was burning up inside. Guinan kept watch over the ship's Counselor. Deanna's system was fighting to stay alive. It was as if her system was being cleansed for the final infusion of power. Deanna's temperature rose so high that the medical monitor, implanted in all communicators, was triggered. This brought Doctor Crusher running to Guinan's office with a medical team.

"What's happening Guinan? Troi's vital signs have gone crazy. Why didn't you call me?" asked an angry Crusher. "Get her to Sickbay and into the biosupport unit. Guinan; I want to talk to you," ordered Beverly.

While Lieutenant Alissa Ogawa and two med-techs got Deanna back to Sickbay, Beverly Crusher's Scotch temper exploded; and its target was Guinan.

"How dare you jeopardize Deanna's life by not calling me!! What gave you the right to put her life in that kind of danger?! Have you gone mad!?!"

Guinan waited calmly for Beverly to vent her anger. She knew that the only reason for it was that she cared for Deanna as an older sister would. And in that capacity, as well as that of CMO of the Enterprise, Beverly Crusher was justifiably concerned about Deanna's health. As Beverly continued, Guinan silently considered whether she should explain what happened to Troi; as well as what would happen in the future.

[[She cares deeply for Deanna. She deserves to know all. We may need her help. Deanna's system is not quite attuned. It needs more time]] Guinan heard Cassandra say.

"Well!! Why don't you answer me?" said Beverly.

Guinan was not surprised by Beverly's demand for answers.

"I apologize Doctor. I'll explain everything to you. But first, perhaps we should see how Deanna is," said Guinan.

"Lieutenant Ogawa, status report on Counselor Troi please," said Beverly as she tapped her communicator.

"It's unbelievable Doctor. Right after we got her into the unit, her vital signs began to stabilize. I can't explain it. She is still running a high fever, but I can find no medical reason for it," reported Alissa.

"Thank you Alissa. Keep monitoring her condition. I'll be there shortly. NOW!!!" said Beverly as she turned to face Guinan.

"You'd better have a seat Doctor. This is going to take some time to explain," said Guinan as she motioned for Beverly to sit down.

In Sickbay, Alissa Ogawa was monitoring Counselor Troi's vital signs. She had been worried because the readings had been so extremely dangerous. When the readings began to level off, Alissa began to breathe a little easier. Troi had been soaked to the skin with perspiration from the fever. She was put into the bio-unit after being changed into Sickbay patient greens. When Doctor Crusher called, she had sounded angry.

Alissa knew that the doctor was furious with Guinan. She was glad that she was out of the line of fire. But she could just hear Doctor Crusher voicing her concerns and anger at Guinan for what she had done. Lieutenant Ogawa continued to monitor Deanna's vital signs. She noted that Deanna's body temperature was finally beginning to go down. She called Beverly and reported the good news.

"Doctor Crusher, this is Lieutenant Ogawa. I have a status update on Counselor Troi's condition."

"Go ahead Lieutenant," replied Beverly.

Alissa could still hear a touch of anger in Beverly's voice.

"Counselor Troi's body temperature is beginning to drop. It is still above normal for her, but it is lowering to a safe level."

"Thank you Alissa. I'll be there in a few moments. Crusher out."

Turning to Guinan, Beverly had a lot of questions for the ship's lounge owner/operator.

"Guinan, what exactly is happening to Deanna? First, her brain wave levels become erratic. Then the physical changes in her appearance and her new attitude of confidence. And now her body temperature goes through the roof. What does it all mean?" asked Beverly as she sat down.

"Has Deanna explained anything to you Doctor?" asked Guinan as she handed Beverly a cup of tea.

"A little. She came to see me about headaches she'd been having recently. She showed me the marks on her wrists. Are you saying that what she told me; and what I've read; about those legends are true? Is she becoming one of those women?" asked Beverly.

"She will eventually become their leader. That is where her destiny lies. But we need your help Doctor. The transition of all that power is proving to be more than either she or I can handle alone. As you saw, the power can be very unstable. I wish I knew more about what would happen; but I don't," admitted Guinan.

<<Perhaps I can help explain.>>

Suddenly a woman appeared in the room with them. Beverly was about to call Security, but Guinan put up a staying hand. Guinan rose and bowed to the woman who stood there.

"Madam Cassandra! What are you doing here?"

"Guinan, who is this?" asked a startled Beverly.

"Doctor Beverly Crusher, allow me to present Madam Cassandra. She is the current leader of the Betazed Women of Power. Madam Cassandra, this is Doctor Beverly Crusher; Chief Medical Officer of the U.S.S. Enterprise," Guinan said as she introduced the women to each other.

<<How do you do Doctor? I'm sure you have many questions. You have but to ask. I will answer all your questions.>>

Beverly was a little disoriented. She had trouble assimilating it all. A woman that had been thought of as a myth was standing there and was about to explain what was happening to her best friend. How could she understand what was going on?

<<You find my presence disturbing Doctor?! Please forgive my abrupt appearance. I came because I knew Deanna was having difficulty with the power fluctuations within her. I can tell you how to help her. There are herbs and natural substances which will aid the assimilation. Guinan has already shown Deanna a tea that will ease the pain of the headaches.

<<But your knowledge of herbal medicines is what is needed now. You are Deanna's only hope of surviving the final infusion of power. I will give you the list of necessary herbs and how the medication is to be prepared. The only difficulty will be in acquiring the herbs. They grow only in Betazed's Jalara jungle. One of our Sisterhood will guide you.>>

"Are you saying that we must go to Betazed? Why can't I just replicate them? How do I explain it to Captain Picard?"

"Just tell him the truth," said Guinan. "Doctor, Deanna's life depends on it. We have to try. Picard will understand," insisted the ship's bartender.

<<Would it be of any help if I spoke with him and explained about this?>> asked Cassandra.

Beverly looked surprised by Cassandra's offer. She wondered whether it would help.

<<Doctor, would it be possible for me to see Deanna at this time? Even though I am able to contact her mentally, the fever she has may interfere. I may be able to help if I am in physical contact with her.>>

"Of course. I need to check on her condition anyway. Please come with me. Guinan, you come as well," said Beverly as she moved toward the door.





The three women went down to Sickbay. When they entered, they were met by Lieutenant Ogawa. She reported that Troi's condition was unchanged. Cassandra was amazed at how the ability to heal had changed over the centuries. Lieutenant Ogawa directed Cassandra to where Deanna was.

<<Deanna, can you hear me?>> Cassandra asked as she touched the young woman's shoulder.

Cassandra was at Deanna's shoulder. As her hand touched Troi, her vital signs rose and then stabilized.

"Cassandra?!" whispered Troi.

<<Yes Deanna. I am here with you. Don't try to move. I will help you ease the pain. Doctor Crusher will help you as well. It will be all right. I promise.>>

"I don't understand. How did you get here? How are you able to be here?" Troi asked as her head began to clear.

Alissa Ogawa had been keeping an eye on Deanna's vital signs. When Cassandra touched Deanna's shoulder, her body temperature rose again but then returned to normal and even went down 21. Her metabolism stabilized as well and it also slowed a bit. The changes were not life-threatening but they did warrant reporting.

"Doctor Crusher, I think you'd better have a look at these readings," said Alissa as she handed a PADD to Beverly.

"Are these reading correct Alissa?"

"Yes Doctor. I checked them three times before showing them to you. What does it mean?"

"It's all right. Thank you."

Beverly motioned for Guinan and Cassandra to join her in her office. She had a few more questions for Cassandra after seeing the readings and she didn't like the possible implications. The women sat down across from Beverly.

"Cassandra, what did you do? Why did Deanna's readings lower to below normal for her? Is that part of the transition?"

<<I realigned her metabolism to make the transfer of power easier for her. It is not dangerous. What I did will just make it easier for her system to absorb the power with less pain. Eventually, her entire metabolic rate will slow to a point where she will age only one day for every 50 years. All of us are several thousand years old. Our youngest member was Deanna's age when she was inducted into the Sisterhood some 5,500 years ago.

<<I was Deanna's age upon ascension to the leadership. I am now 65 in Betazed years. But my powers are waning. Deanna's are just beginning to reach their apex. Her human side will allow her to maintain her powers for a longer period of time. That is why she was chosen to succeed me.>>

As Cassandra explained, Beverly had reached for her medical scanner from her tricorder and turned it on. As Cassandra spoke of how old she really was, Beverly was gathering information on Cassandra's age and metabolic information. She would need it if she was to be of any help to Deanna later on. Cassandra had heard the click of the scanner being activated, but did not stop Beverly from taking the readings; even though she could. She also knew that Beverly would need all the information she could to help her friend.

"What I don't understand is how you know Guinan. Why was she helping Deanna?"

"I met Cassandra about 2,000 years ago when the Borg destroyed my home planet. Her Sisterhood rescued me. They took me into their circle and helped me strengthen my own abilities. Cassandra had been waiting for centuries for a new leader. When the leader died as a child, they thought they would have to wait another millennium. Then when Deanna was born, they knew that the power had been passed on to her.

"When she realized how strong Deanna's abilities had the potential to be, she knew that Deanna was the new destined leader. I didn't just happen to take over Ten Forward. Cassandra sent me as a teacher and guide for Deanna when the time came. That's why she was in my office when she collapsed. We were in the middle of a lesson on telekinetics. I was helping her control and focus her new abilities.

"We weren't doing anything that would have caused the reaction that occurred. Deanna was just exercising her powers. Then she suddenly collapsed. There was no warning. She did look rather flush, but I assumed that it was strain from the lesson. She was attempting to move an object that was rather heavy. Next thing I knew, Deanna was unconscious and burning up with fever."

Beverly sat there and took in everything that Guinan and Cassandra were saying. Apparently, Deanna would have other metabolic changes. She would have to re-calibrate all the readings for Deanna. She was doing some mental arithmetic as to how to adjust the equipment so that the internal automatic settings for each life form would not trigger the internal alarm. She would have to speak with Data and Geordi about it later. She would probably have to set one tricorder on manual and use it exclusively on Troi.

It would also be an opportunity to get some current information regarding the transformation of the women. Deanna would be the only case study available. Valuable data would be able to be gathered throughout Deanna's transformation. Beverly had already recorded the symbols on Troi's body; and now she had readings from Cassandra. Now she would be able to add the physical changes as well.

She hated the idea of using her best friend as a guinea pig and a case study. Beverly knew that it was a necessary part of being a physician, but that didn't mean that she had to like it. In the meantime, Guinan had gone to see Deanna. Lieutenant Ogawa was checking some readings and getting some comparisons for Doctor Crusher. She was checking Troi's normal readings against the new readings they had been getting. Guinan went over and touched Deanna on the shoulder. Troi slowly opened her eyes and tried to focus. As Guinan's features became clearer, Troi offered her a weak smile.

"Hello Guinan."

"How are you feeling Counselor?"

"Did I see Cassandra; or was I dreaming?"

"She's here. She and Doctor Crusher are discussing the different side effects you'll experience during your power increases. Apparently; for a limited period of time; Cassandra is able to maintain a physical form in this dimension."

<<I must leave soon Doctor>> Cassandra was saying.

Beverly could see the pain on Cassandra's face at having to maintain a solid form.

<<The power to maintain this form is proving difficult to hold. As you may have guessed, we dwell in another space/time continuum. We are able to cross over from time to time for limited visits. However, it is a drain on the combined power of us all.>>

"Are you saying that Deanna will eventually 'disappear'? Does she know this? I highly doubt it."

Beverly's Scotch temper was beginning to smolder again. She couldn't believe it. She was definitely learning a great deal about the women; but now, to be told that her best friend would eventually "cease to exist" in the physical world; that was too much for her to handle. Her anger and fear for Deanna's safety exploded.

"Stop the process! You can't jeopardize her life like that. I won't permit it!"

<<The process cannot be stopped. She was born to this. It is her birthright; her heritage. The process will take months to complete. What has happened to her so far is merely the beginning. How does your saying go; just the tip of the iceberg?! Guinan will be her teacher and guide. Your medical skill is necessary to maintain her physical stability. Her system will acclimate itself to the new metabolic rate in time. Even those changes will be gradual. The herbal tea will ease the headaches; and the natural medicines from Betazed will do the rest.>>

Just then, Captain Picard entered Doctor Crusher's Sickbay office. She had sent for him when Cassandra had appeared after Deanna was brought in. Beverly motioned for Picard to have a seat. He stopped short when he saw Cassandra.

"Captain Jean-Luc Picard, may I introduce you to Cassandra. She is the current leader of the Betazed Women of Power. The reason I called you is because they have chosen their new leader from among your crew," explained Beverly.

"Counselor Troi," said Picard rather matter-of-factly.

<<Captain, we need your permission to go to Betazed. There are certain plants; indigenous to the planet; which are needed to ease the side effects of Counselor Troi's transformation. Unfortunately, the plants must be freshly cut. They cannot be; what was the term you used Doctor?; replicated. The effect and healing ability of the medicine would be lessened otherwise.>>

"Doctor, is it really necessary for us to go there?" asked Picard as he mentally calculated the speed needed.

"I believe it is Captain. I can't do anything. We've already tried replicating the necessary specimens; but some are not assimilating properly in Deanna's system. Others aren't even in our database. The effect was incomplete. Her vital signs are stable now but, every now and then, they fluctuate wildly. I don't think we have any choice Jean-Luc. Deanna's life is at stake. Without the proper elements in this 'prescription', Troi could conceivably die."

"Very well Doctor. Number One, set course for Betazed; Warp Factor 8."

"Aye sir. Mr. Data; Ensign Ro; you heard the order. Set course and speed," ordered Commander Riker on the Bridge.

"Setting course 369.4 Mark 93; speed Warp Factor 8. Estimated arrival time, 1.67 days," said Ensign Ro and Lieutenant Commander Data.

"Mr. Worf, contact the Betazed government and tell them we have a medical emergency and that we will be there in 48 hours."

"Aye sir."

"Commander Riker, may I assume that; since we are going to Betazed; Counselor is ill? Should we not also contact her mother that we are on our way?" asked Data.

"No Data; she'll find out soon enough. I'll be in Sickbay. You have the Bridge Mr. Data."

"Aye sir."





Back in Sickbay, Doctor Crusher and Cassandra had joined Guinan. Deanna was awake now; and she and Guinan were talking quietly. Guinan moved so that Troi could see the new arrivals; and right behind them were Captain Picard and Commander Riker.

"Troi, we're taking you home. The plant-life on Betazed is needed to help ease your symptoms of transformation. Cassandra gave me a list of the needed species," Doctor Crusher explained to Deanna.

"We'll have you home in a couple of days, Counselor," said Picard.

<<My time in your dimension is at an end. I must return to my own time line now. Goodbye Deanna Troi. We will be with you in spirit. Thank you Doctor Crusher. I know that I am leaving Deanna's health during this time in excellent hands. Guinan, I am leaving Deanna Troi's education to you. Goodbye.>>

With that, Cassandra disappeared. In her wake, she left a stunned group. Deanna had drifted back to sleep. Her system was still getting acclimated to the changes occurring within her body. Doctor Crusher said a quiet prayer that the trip to Betazed would be worth it. Picard had returned to the Bridge. Guinan returned to her lounge. Will Riker stayed behind. He still cared deeply for Deanna.

"I wish I knew what to do to help you Imzadi. I still care for you," he said as he stroked her hair and cheek. "You're my lifeline Dea. I can't begin to imagine my life without you. My life changed when I met you. I don't want to think about having to live it without you. Stay with me Imzadi."

With that, Will bent down and kissed Troi gently on the lips. After one final look back, he left Sickbay and returned to the Bridge. Two days later, the Enterprise went into orbit around the planet Betazed. Doctor Crusher, Captain Picard and Lieutenant Ogawa met with the head of Betazed's government; as well as with Lwaxana Troi.

After explaining the need to them, the group set out to find the plants that were needed. Commander Riker went with Doctor Crusher and Ensign Ogawa into the Jalara jungle. He had been there before. He had rescued Deanna from that jungle when they had first met. Just as they materialized, Beverly thought she heard a voice.

"Did you say something Alissa?" she asked.

"No Doctor. Why?"

"I thought I heard a voice, that's all."

[[It was I that you heard Doctor Crusher. My name is Cassiopeia. I shall be your guide in the jungle.]]

"Will, how familiar are you with the jungle? The reason I ask is that Cassandra had said that someone would guide us. I think I just heard her in my mind. If you don't mind, I'll abide by her directions."

"Doctor, this Away Team is under your command. I'm here only for security purposes. There are some dangers here. But, as far as where we go is concerned; you're the navigator," said Riker.

[[Are you ready Doctor Crusher?]]

[[Yes; but how will you direct us?]]

[[Do you have some type of map of the jungle? I can direct you that way.]]

"Will, I need a map of the terrain to use as a guide," requested Beverly.

"Here you are Doctor. I anticipated that. This PADD has what you need," Riker said as he handed her the PADD.

[[We're ready Cassiopeia. Which way do we go?]]

In answer to her question, Beverly saw an arrow point in the direction they needed to go. The trio set off to the northeast. Cassiopeia led the way through Beverly's mind and the map. They found all the herbs they needed. Doctor Crusher had Keiko O'Brien beamed down to transplant some of the plants into the ship's arboretum so that they could be cultivated as needed for Deanna later.

Some of the herbs looked similar to ones Doctor Crusher recognized; herself an herbologist thanks to her grandmother; but many were strange to her. Nevertheless, enough were taken so that Keiko could grow more in the ship's greenhouse.

[[Thank you Cassiopeia. Your help has been invaluable. We've taken some of the plants back with us to help Deanna later. We also took enough soil just in case they needed special growing conditions. Thank Cassandra for all her help and the 'prescriptions'.]]

Beverly felt Cassiopeia leave her mind. The team was almost ready to return to the ship. Keiko had seedlings of all the herbs that would be needed later by Deanna. They were getting ready to go when Keiko noticed an unusual plant on the edge of, what looked to her like, a mud puddle. She was about to step into it when Riker looked up and yelled.


"What's wrong Commander?" she said.

"That's a mud pit. It's like quicksand; only faster and more dangerous. Watch," he said as he dropped a stick on the mud.

Even though it wasn't a heavy stick; within seconds; it was gone. Keiko looked at the stick disappear and then looked at Riker.

"Thank you Commander. You saved my life," she said.

Riker nodded his head in acknowledgment. He knew the speed at which the mud pits claimed its victims.

"Enterprise, four to beam up. Energize."

When they arrived on the Enterprise, Doctor Crusher immediately made an extract and gave Deanna a dose. Almost immediately, the medication took effect. Troi's readings leveled off and stabilized just below normal. Her body temperature stabilized 51 below her normal temperature and her metabolic rate slowed by 5%. When she awoke, Deanna felt much better.

As Beverly examined her, Troi mentioned that she felt a bit chilly. Doctor Crusher explained that her body temperature and metabolism had dropped. She gave Troi a hypo to compensate for the temperature and metabolic changes. Troi would be able to adjust her quarters to the necessary temperature.

As the months stretched on, Deanna's abilities continued to increase in power. Guinan made a good teacher and Beverly made sure that Deanna stayed healthy during the transformation. Finally, after nearly one year, the final infusion began. Deanna secluded herself on Holodeck 7. Beverly and Guinan accompanied her. Troi was dressed as she had been in her dream that first night.

Troi had programmed a Betazed setting. The women found themselves on a windswept hilltop. About 50 yards ahead of them was; for lack of a better term; an altar. It was a long slab of stone about hip-high. A mist began to form around the womens' feet. As it thickened, the women began to feel cold; all except Deanna.

Beverly had brought a tricorder along with her. She noticed Deanna grow flush and flipped it open. She was shocked to see Troi's vital signs drop to an unreadable level and then go to dangerously high levels. The fog continued to thicken around the women. It became difficult to make out forms, but it appeared as though the fog was thickest around Troi. Deanna had moved a little ahead of the others. She was near the altar. Troi had closed her eyes and was hearing Cassandra's voice. Just as in her dream, the women appeared from the fog. Beverly and Guinan saw them this time as well. They had all assumed a somewhat physical form for the final ceremony.

Beverly and Guinan tried to move toward Deanna, but the fog seemed to hold them back. Obviously, they would not be permitted to interfere with the rite of ascension about to occur. Beverly still had her tricorder on auto-record. Cassandra finally appeared out of the fog. She seemed so much older than she had when she had appeared to them the year before. The women were surprised when Cassandra spoke aloud. They presumed that it was for their benefit; so they could record the ceremony with their equipment.

"Come Deanna Troi. The time has come to induct you as leader of our Sisterhood. I am pleased that you brought your friends. They will be the first to witness our ritual. I understand their fear for your safety. Do you still fear what is to happen? If so, the ritual can wait awhile longer. If not, then lie here and we shall begin," said Cassandra as she took Deanna's hand.

Troi took Cassandra's outstretched hand and laid down on the altar. Before she did, however; Deanna undid her gown and allowed it to fall to the ground. The slab felt cool and inviting. Deanna stretched herself out on the altar. With Cassandra at her head, the women surrounded the altar stone and joined hands. As the power of their ritual was felt by Deanna, she seemed to rise over the altar. It appeared that the power was elevating Troi into the air. Beverly and Guinan could even feel the power within the holodeck.

"Deanna Troi, you have been chosen to receive the full power of the Sisterhood. Join the symbols of leadership that we may infuse you with the great power which is your birthright."

As Cassandra said the invocation, Deanna's body repositioned itself so that she appeared to be standing above the altar. She was nude and it looked like she was asleep. Troi crossed her arms over her bosom and midriff. This joined the symbols there and those on her legs met as well.

"I accept the honor you have bestowed upon me and do now take my place as leader of the Sisterhood. Cassandra, take your place as my liaison. Cassiopeia, you will serve as my aide."

The symbols of leadership faded on Cassandra until only the "bracelets" remained. Deanna's body rose high above them and glowed with the infusion of her new powers. She then descended and came to rest on the altar. She was once again clad in her white gown.

"Beverly, you have been my friend since we met at Farpoint. I wish it were possible for me to remain, but my duty lies with them. Guinan, you have been my counselor from time to time. I thank you for all you've done."

Turning to the former leader of the Women of Power, Deanna had a request.

"Cassandra, how long can I remain in this form? I would like to say goodbye to some others before I go."

Cassandra knew it would be hard on Troi. There were friends and loved ones that needed to be informed. She could not just disappear without saying goodbye!

"You can maintain a solid form for two hours. I understand your need. Go with your friends. We shall wait for you here," said Cassandra.

[[Thank you Cassandra. You know who I really want to say goodbye to.]]

[[I know. You need to say goodbye to Ensign Ro and Commander Riker. Go my daughter.]]

Deanna; now with the full power of the Sisterhood flowing within her; Beverly and Guinan left Holodeck 7. All three women knew that it would be difficult for Troi to say goodbye.





"Captain Picard, this is Counselor Troi. May I see you in your ready room?"

"Of course Counselor. I'll meet you there."

Picard wasn't surprised when his ready room door opened and he saw Troi, Beverly and Guinan standing on the other side.

"Come in ladies. So, it's time for you to leave us Deanna? We're going to miss you," said Picard as he rose.

Jean-Luc went over to Deanna and took her by the shoulders. He had never married and had no children; but to him, Deanna was the daughter he'd never had but always wanted. He had a father's pride in her accomplishments as ship's Counselor aboard his vessel. He would miss her advise and steadying presence.

"I'm going to miss you too sir. You have been more like a father to me than my commanding officer. You gave me the chance to prove myself a capable officer. Thank you for all you've done for me. Captain, I'd like to speak with everyone else before I leave. I don't have much time."

"Of course Deanna. Senior officers, please report to the Observation Lounge," Picard said through his communicator. Then as if reading Deanna's thoughts; he added, "Mr. Worf, would you also bring Alexander with you when you report to the Lounge."

Within minutes, the senior staff appeared in the Observation Lounge. Lieutenant Worf had Alexander with him. As they entered, they all seemed to know what Deanna was going to say. Alexander voiced everyone's unspoken thought.

"Deanna, I don't want you to go," he said as he hugged Troi.

"I have to Alexander. I've received special powers from my people. I have new duties to perform. But I'll always be there if you need me. I promise."

Troi had knelt down to be able to look the boy in the eyes. She felt his sadness. She would miss him. Alexander started to cry. She took the boy in her arms and held him tight.

[[It'll be all right Alexander. I love you.]]

Alexander nodded that he had heard her and understood. Troi kissed his forehead and stood. She then said goodbye to Worf and Geordi. When she reached Data, she smiled.

"Goodbye my friend. Always ask questions. You're more human than you think."

"Goodbye Counselor. I will miss you."

As they said goodbye, each officer had left the lounge. Beverly and Guinan waited in the hallway for Deanna. Picard had left and was in his ready room. The only two left were Will Riker and Ro Laren, her past and current lovers. Troi knew that it was going to be hard for her to say goodbye to them. She loved them both so very much. The stood in opposite ends of the lounge. She decided to say goodbye to Will first.

"Will, do you understand why I have to go?" Deanna asked as she came up to her first lover.

Even though Deanna and Laren had been lovers for some time, Will Riker would always hold a special place in her heart. He had been the first man she'd ever loved or made love to. He was Imzadi. He always would be. She touched his arm as she stood beside him. Even though he towered head and shoulders over her, he reached down and gently touched her face.

"No Deanna, I don't. If you have all this power, why can't you just stay?" he asked as he took a step away and looked out the window into deep space.

"I can't Will. I wish I could. I have no choice. I'll always be in your heart Will. You are my Imzadi. You always will be. When you call me, I'll be there. I'll be in your heart and mind always."

They both knew that there was nothing else to be said. Will kissed Deanna one last time and left. This left Deanna and Ro Laren alone together. Ro Laren stood with her back to Troi. She was looking out the window, but her gaze was not focused on anything in particular. Laren knew that Troi had to leave, but she couldn't face Deanna. Even though Troi could sense what Laren was feeling, she kept her distance.

"Laren, please look at me. We need to talk before I have to leave. Don't leave it like this. I love you very much. I wish I could take you with me. I don't want to leave you. Please, look at me!"

Tears began to fall from Deanna's eyes. She loved Ro Laren so very much. Deanna took a few steps toward Ro Laren. Ro had her arms crossed in front of her. She was looking down and didn't see Troi come up behind her. Deanna could not see that she was crying as well. Troi came up behind Ro and put her arms around the younger officer.

Deanna felt Laren's arms slip down to cover her own. Because of their height difference, Troi's head reached only to Laren's shoulder blades. She rested it there and listened to Laren's heart beating fast. Deanna could feel Laren trying to hold back her tears. It was difficult.

"I love you Deanna. I don't think I'll be able to stay on the Enterprise after you go. It would be too painful."

"They need you here Laren. Please stay. Ever since you arrived, you've brought out new facets in every crew member you've come in contact with. Just look at us! If it hadn't been for you, I never would have found this new dimension to my ability to love someone absolutely. Believe it or not, you've become more confident and you are a fine officer. You'll regain your rank quickly. I have to go now my love. Please consider what I've said."

Deanna came around to face Laren. Troi could see that Ro had been crying. Deanna reached up and touched Laren's cheeks. They were still damp. Ro took Troi in her arms and they kissed deeply. They both wanted to spend one last night together; but they both knew that it would be impossible for them to spend any more time together. As Laren held Deanna, she felt Troi touch her mind. She had taught Ro Laren to communicate telepathically; just as she had taught Riker.

[[I will always be within your heart and soul my love. I love you]] Laren heard Deanna say.

[[Thank you for accepting my love darling. I know it's time for you to leave]] Laren answered.

Deanna reached up and touched Laren's cheek. After lightly kissing Laren's cheek, Deanna left Laren. She met Beverly and Guinan in the hallway.





"You're cutting it close Deanna. Your readings are beginning to fluctuate. Are you sure you can make it to the holodeck?" asked Beverly.

"I'm sorry. Laren and I had some unfinished business to settle before I left. I didn't mean to worry you. I'll be all right," said Deanna.

They reached Holodeck 7. The women entered the holodeck and found the scene unchanged. The Women of Power were waiting for her. Troi hugged Beverly and Guinan. She then went to join the others. As she took Cassandra's place of leadership, Deanna turned to her friends. They could see tears form in her eyes and roll down her cheeks.

Beverly and Guinan watched as Deanna joined hands with the other Betazed Women of Power. She had formally taken her place as the new leader. As her friends looked on; Deanna Troi, new matriarch of the Women of Power; began to disappear into the mists around them.

<<Goodbye my friends. I'll miss you. But, if you need me; just call me with your mind. I'll be there for you always.>> said Deanna as she vanished.

The mists began to clear; as if the women had arrived and departed with it. Beverly and Guinan left Holodeck 7. They did save the program however. The women returned to Ten Forward. As a way of saying a final farewell to their young friend, each woman had a bowl of chocolate ice cream. As they dug in, they smiled and wished Troi well. They both felt that Deanna was still there with them. In a way, she was. Deanna Troi would always be a part of them. She would always be on their minds and in their hearts.