Scry's Symbol Nomad Scry: The Darkside Dragon: Archive

Old Wryms Linkage: Ancient Wyrms

  • Until this evening I had this belief that I was a fairly laid back, easy going, hard to actually piss off kind of guy. Ha! I'm at work... Olo and I finish up the order we were working on, and the next one requires a setup. Olo is my protege, and I have not -really- been trained on how to do a setup, but our tech has taken the day off and when we go down, that means that all four machines will be down. Everyone will be on the turntable (which is mind-killing boring.) Since I have been shown some (most?) of just what is done during a setup, I decide that Olo and I will do the setup ourselves. Or at the very least, we will do as much as I can remember how to do. And if we reach a point where either the machine doesn't work right, or I can't recall what to do next, we stop. I'm not taking any chances with fucking around. I'm just going to do what I already know. We change all the little stuff, I get the new die and pushplate, Olo puts in the pushplate, I change the die. Then I set the head height and some timing and length settings. But when I go to set the up/down height, the die is jerking back up instead of going and staying down. I'm confused and curious and starting to forget my original intention to -not- fuck around. LOL At which point R, another operator with more seniority than I, comes over and basically asks what the fuck I think I am doing. When I say that I am doing a setup he say's that he is going to the boss. Which he then does.

    I don't know how yall feel about that, but that's an attack. You simply do not narc on someone unless they are an enemy. In my mind, he has just declared a war against me. I want to pound his ass.

    Now, R is an odd egg. I am pretty sure that he doesn't consider his actions to be anything more than a precaution of some sorts. Or rather, he probably doesn't even realize the level of jealousy that he holds against me for doing this when he won't even attempt it. (He knows more and risks less. Oh, and he resents my vocabulary as well....)

    So I don't pound him. I WANT TO, but I don't. It is about this time that I think to myself, I did what I know, and have gotten to a point where what I know and what is happening do not match. So I have done all that I can. Now it's time to go to the turntable... and actually -work- with R now. I just can't do it. I am way to angry at him.

    Thankfully another job turned up for one of our finishing machines (they take the work that I produce, and turn it into the product that Staples and OfficeMax buy.) I -quickly- volunteer to work over there, cuz I am not about to work with R. So instead I fume for about two hours. Which is okay becuase Whatever and Capricorn and Taurus all know what's going on and sympathize. It's nice to know that being a decent person 95% of the time actually pays off sometimes.

    Finally our overlord goddess boss comes in around 4:30am and asks me some questions about a note left for her by the tech who works on 2nd shift. I casually mention that we finished the order and did most of the setup, including dropping in the die. A few minutes later Whatever tells me that overlord goddess boss wants to see me. Oh shit. I walk in to see R standing next to her with this dumbfounded expression of shock on his face. I wonder how long he'd been standing like that? I mean, I finished the box I was filling before I went over. Anyhow, she's saying the the 1st shift tech will be in at 5am and that we should already know how to do the setups. So I'm trying to hide my elation (So there!) and defend our 3rd shift tech at the same time by downplaying the fact that we haven't really been fully trained in the aspect of setups. (I respect, admire, and genuinely like our tech.)

    When the tech finally shows up 15 minutes till 7 (he forgot he was supposed to come in early, which I understand) he runs through everything with me and R. Turns out that I a> forgot one step, b> made one mistake based on information that had since changed, and c> not even heard of one final step. And point a isn't even necessary to do a successful setup.

    What screwed over my setup was that one of the timing variables was no longer being set to the number that the setup book specified. And that timing variable is what was causing the die to jerk back up instead of staying down. And frankly, if I had known what the proper setting for that variable was, I could have -easily- figured out point c. So I was - - that close to have a complete setup, which would have really made me happy and really have burned R's ass. Grrrr!

    I had Ugly Kid Joe's 'I hate everything about you' stuck in my head all night so it was nice to come home to The Orb and Juno Reactor playing on my CD player. Oh, and I had Right Said Fred's 'I am too sexy...' stuck on repeat last night too. I'm not sure which is worse, that those songs kept going round and round, or that I was banging my head around with them...? - 9.14.1

  • Well, I had some interesting links to post with AoA info, but the cat's turned my surge protector off and I don't recall where I was at all. I'm just about finished with both the Exam Cram and Prometrics A+ study guides. Took some more practice exams, and am getting around 80-85% on both the hardware and OS sections. I need to study up on the little details of SCSI, and a lot of study on NT/2000. Thankfully I still have two more study guides that I haven't even cracked yet. Listening to Delerium now... This is right up there with Enigma. I can just put it on repeat and let it go for days at an end and never ever get tired of listening to it. - 9.13.1
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  • Bloody hell. It's frigging "Day the World stood Still" crap... I am decidedly not happy about this fucking bullshit. I want to know -why- but that doesn't seem to be a question that can really be answered until someone claims responcibility for, well, attacking NY, DC, PA, MA. (Yeah, I consider taking the planes from MA to be an attack also.) Given my wonderful talent for disbelief, I will probably never fully believe it is whoever the investigators (whoever they may be) say did this unless the attackers confirm it themselves. WHY!?? Bloody kamikaze crap. I can understand it in a way, but not in most ways. Arrrrrrrrrgh.

    Correct me if I am wrong, but don't terrorists typically rush forward to proclaim their kill? Why is no one doing that? Isn't the point of being a terrorist to produce terror? Killing random people is terrifying, but it is still more so when you use it to build up an intrinisic fear at the mere mention of your organization's name. Why?

    The Taliban says neither they nor bin Laden have the capabilities to pull of such a stunt. I hear rumors that the plane headed for Philly was shot down by an F16, I hear it was shot down with anti-aircraft guns, I hear that a college freshman fought with the terrorists and was able to crash the plane early. I hear that white cars with arabic language flight manuals were found, that a van filled with explosives was stopped on a bridge in NYC. I hear the hijackers used box cutters. I hear Pakistan is being bombed, that Israel is being bombed, that this was all an attempt by Saddam to kill Clinton. I hear so much shit and I am sick of it already. Call it day one. I partially agree with Howard Stern, just kill the fuckers who did this. I partially think that Bush's people did this in order to make him look good, to turn around the economy, to unite the world under US leadership (rather than UN?) I can't believe that either though. That's just so cold, how could anyone do that? Then again, from what I understand, bin Laden hates America becuase the Saudi's asked us into Kuwait instead of using his personal army. !!!!! This is pure and drivelled shit.

    Boomer (a local dj on a semi-crappy rock station) said he wondered at first if this wasn't land owners trying to remove competition. I mean, think about that one for a second. How much rent/lease money must the people who owned the towers make each month? Remember playing Monopoly and laughing gleefully when you managed to get a hotel on both Park Place and whatever the other one was? That almost makes sense... if we forget about the other -two- planes.

    Normally I would deal with a situation that I really don't like by sleeping. Somehow I don't think this is gonna be better by 9pm tonight. It'll just piss me off all over again when I wake up to find out that this has not just been a horrible dream. Surreal.

    I can't even believe I am still talking about this. It seems so mundane, so much like a thing a normal person would do... and if anything, I am not a normal person. I'm even having a knee jerk reaction to my own feelings about this. Part of me is just numb, part is babbling away with stupid theories and fears, part of me is yelling at the other part to shut up and not worry about things that don't affect me. And a little voice in the very back is just whispering, Thank you thank you thank you. I talked to my ex wife last night, as far as she knows every one in her family is okay, which is amazing considering that they -all- live and work in NYC, most not in lower manahattan, but... I talked to friends who lived in NY at the same time as me and still have families and friends there. As far as we know, everyone personally connected to me made it out of this ... whatever this is... safely. I wanna say what I did yesterday before I knew anything about this: I listened to Bad Religion and Paul Simon... and I wanna leave it at that just like nothing big happened. It seems like nothing big happened. I went to work last night just like normal. I got there about 10 minutes earlier than normal, and noticed everyone else showing up early too. We all went inside and did our jobs. It was surreal in it's normalicy (is that a word?)

    Yes, I'm a big fucking baby. I -am- whining "Why me?" because I don't want to think about this any more. I don't want this to have happened in the first place. I don't want to have to think about things like, what am I going to do if my ex get shipped out, what am I going to do if the draft is re-instated? This fucking sucks big time. - 9.12.1

  • Added some JS to the design, specifically, preloading the mouseOver logo and a random linkage thing. Listened to DreamTheater & Michelle Branch today. Decided to write an email to all my peeps about this new design and then didn't. Very Scryish. Sent a bunch o'crap about how WinXP sucks to DarkStar. Came to the conclusion that I -have- to get my own copy of The Crow. How else am I to memorize all the great lines like "I'm dead... yet... I move!" Ha! - 9.10.1

  • A new site design? Ha! I =finally= bought QueensRyche Operation: Mindcrime this morning. I'm on like my fifth listen through now. Growwwl! I'd forgotten how abso cool this album is. Thanx Raistlin for tuning me into this band.- 9.8.1

  • I've been working on Sarcophagus off and on for about two months now. I am setting the game within a world that I have been conceptualizing for several years now. However, and let me pause here to laugh evilly, the city in which play will commence is utterly and totally isolated from the outside world. No one on the outside even knows the city is there, and it is very highly unlikely anyone from the inside could survive trying to escape...

    The idea is to have a really dark, horrific setting with strong steriotypical bad guy/hero roles, some goth/romance novel style romance, and lots of dying. Oh, and torture, insanity, evil diseases, hooooor-ah!

    But, of course, while I have got quite a bit developed, the game is no where near completion yet. So keep your eyes peeled for odd questions whose answers just might be showing up in an RP near you... - 1.28.1

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