Didn't get too much done today. Patched in some existing content from various older site versions and tweaked some majick numbers for those pages, but otherwise.... Not much in the way of new original content. I fear that shall have to come after I get this thing all glued together... and I fear that shall not happen as my attention tends to wander much to quickly. I just gotta remember to keep new site designs to a demo scale in some subsection of "Scry" or "Computers".

Gotta find someplace that can recieve faxes for me. I'm not sure why I can't do it online, but whatever. I need the fax to do the credit crap for the card, since I can't actually get out to the dealer anytime soon. I believe I can actually do this so I want to just rush forward and get it over with. [grins] Mine mine mien! - 12.4.1

Hahahah! So it turns out my problem was too simple for all the resources I was using to try and figure out how to get my script to work. I was trying to use screen.availWidth and such, when all I needed was document.width. Now, if it doesn't work, it's cuz the majick numbers that I used are wrong, not becuase my actual script itself is bumpkuss.

I went and test drove a new car yesterday. As it is a -new- car, it was sweet. I gotta admit though, I'm not allowing myself to feel or really even think about this cuz if I do... well, I'll probably just freeze up from nerves. This is the largest purchase, by far, that I have ever done, and the implications of owing that much money are terrifying to me. On the other hand, it is well worth it if I can get 7 or so years of good car usage out of it. And since this car is supposedly designed to work fine for 300,000 miles, I should be fine. I average well under 10,000 miles a year, so... that would be what? 30 years? Ha!!! Okay, not even I am quite guilible enough to think it will keep going that long.

Wish me luck on the financing, eh? - 12.3.1

My layout didn't work for anyone else. Sub over ran Main. Grrrowl. I don't know what went wrong with my script. All I can think of is that everyone who tested it for me seemed to be running IE5.5 while I am using 5.0. Oh well, it seems that the bar in the middle design is more eye friendly. I think it must be that white space stuff.

My car died this week. The alternator and battery had to be replaced. While we were getting that done we also had the brakes checked since there were a bit odd. That'll be another 900 dollars please. !!! I guess it is time to go car shopping again. I hate car shopping. You already know why. FatAsshole looms in the back of my mind.

I made spaghetti today. This must be the first time I have cooked in over a year. And if you consider -this- cooking, you are even worse than I am. LOL - 11.29.1

PS> I'm going to see Sylv next month! YEAH!

Guess what I learned today? Netscape 6.1 doesn't recalculate your screen dimensions if you switch between, say 800x600 and 1280x1024. I was testing the new design out at various screen sizes and thought it was simply broken in N6, until I realized my error-checking alert boxes were giving me wrong information. LOL Oh the good side, that means my clever little script actually works.

Basically, I decided that while my most recent web site attempt was certainly an impressive example of what one can do with DHTML, it was utterly butt ugly. So I'm trying to not just 'develop' but 'design' as well. Of the two, development seems to be my strong suit. 11.25.1

Oiy, a month has passed in which I have not turned my attentions to my own web page. Oh woe is me! [snert] Let's see what has happened in the last month... Right, M'K'lah and I watched my niece whilst her mother birthed me a nephew. That worked out much happier than I had anticipated, since I expected my niece's accustomed schedules to be totally shattered in the care of two not-the-Mama's.

Then I bought some more CDs, and DVDs, and let's see... My very expensive, not yet old enough to die, lighter died on me. It retains fuel, the igniter fires, fuel is released... but for some reason the fuel is not being lit by the igniter. I can manually light it with the assistance of a second lighter. Pah! So I went out and bought some disposable piezo lighters. Of course then I had to quickly remove the child safety devices. I managed to slip with my knife and remove a bit of skin on my knuckle doing that.

My work CD player quit playing CDs. Which is great since I really fuel a lot of the energy I use at work with my loud and angry music. I've had to replace that with lots of coffee. Let's hear it for a good caffiene headache, as a change of pace from the good volumne induced headaches I used to get. I gotta figure out how to fix that CD player...

I just watched Contact again. I wrote a brief mini discussion/review on it.

OH, yeah, I didn't get to do Eric Draven this year like I had intended, cuz I was busy with my neice instead. Now I just gotta figure out what I am going to do with all the electrical tape I had bought for the outfit.

And I read a damn lot of books in the last month too... Green Rider by Kristen Britian (wanna lay odds on whether or no that's a handle?) was quite good. About time I found a good SciFantasy book that DIDN'T have sex in it.

Narcissus in Chains by Laurell K. Hamilton, the latest Anita Blake book. Um, it sucked. I think it was the worst out of the entire series so far, which is really annoying since I consider the previous novel, Obsidian Butterfly, to have been the best. Like I told Hart, I don't care if Anita wants to screw everyone from here to hell, just GET OVER IT ALREADY. [rolls eyes]

The Wayfarer Redemtion: BattleAxe by Sara Douglass. This is the first in a two triad series. It was good enough that I just ordered the third book from Australia, as it will not even be available in the US for at least another year. The only thing that really bothered me about this story was that the hero prophicied is called StarMan. It wasn't until the end of the book that slow ol' me realized just how much sense that actually made.

The Thief's Gamble by Juliet E. McKenna. Quite good, written from the perspective of a female gambler/thief. I don't think I have read much of anything coming from this POV and I liked it even more becuase of that.

Shadow Matrix by Marion Zimmer Bradley. This is one of those mixed ones... It has that bad feeling of coming into the middle of a world that the author has done to it's absolute death, which it in fact is. On the other hand, as soon as I finished it, I desired to go get the next one... I don't even know if there is a next one.

A Shadow on the Glass by Ian Irvine. Really good. I'm aggravated that I have to wait till '02 for the hardcover version of volumne2 to come out. Me want NOW!

Then I read a bunch of Anne Bishop. First I read the second book in the Black Jewels tril, Heir to the Shadows. Why the second? Cuz I thought I had read the first already... I had not. The Invisible Ring is set in the same universe, even has some of the same characters, but it is not the same story. Then I read the third, Queen of the Darkness. It was -really- good. I read it before I read the first one because it was in stock and I had to back order the first one. Which I still haven't read come to think of it. Then I read The Pillars of the World, which has an interesting sort of side take on witches and elves. Parts of it reminded me vaguely of the bad guys in the Wizard's First Rule universe.

And just now I am finishing ShapeChanger's Song, Chronicles of the Cheysuli, Omnibus One by Jennifer Roberson.

So you can see that I've kept myself quite occupied of late... [grins] 11.22.1


Originally concieved circa 1991, the character of Nomad has gone through gradual yet extreme changes. From being the avatar of a creator to a kind nobody to his current plane-shifting, with many stops in between, the trials and torments he has been through breed either madness or patience... Or perhaps both. Then again, Shadow and I did =kill= Nomad. [chortles]

If you happened to be wondering, my name is pronounced like Sky with an R in it. Skkk-rrrr-eye! And don't ask how I came up with this name... just think about what it means and you'll begin to understand who I am. Ummm... should I have actually just said that on the wide web?

I am a Fire Dragon, a Gemini. I am a jack of all trades with mastery in none.

Follow the Linkage to view a few of my very own horrible creations. Not exactly art... more like kindergarden doodlings.

If the name doesn't give it away... [laughs] Right now the only content on the page is my personal take on why a site that used to be my favorite just isn't even on my hit list anymore.

A quick introduction to the various online RPGs that I play or have played in as well as a micro review of the various role-playing systems that I happen to own.

Stories, essays, rants of mine. The problem here is where the line is to be drawn between reviews and writings... Currently I have the Man on Black Horse story and a quick pondering of 'God' posted.

Call it a tribute page. The rare people that I call friend and some quick thoughts on what I think is special about them.