
    I will always keep you in my prayers, I will continue to pray for you and I will never forget you, just tell me tho, how come you don't want to go throw with this mirage now? I remember not to long ago you were ok with this....... and now this??? what happened, and Donia I swear I wish I can just snap my finger and fix all of your problems I honestly wish I can, I would take you away from all the problems and away from everyone that hurts and brings pain into your life, honestly Donia you deserve someone that looks up to you, someone that will pray and thanx ALLAH that he has a wife like you, someone that will be there to help you when you are sick, someone that will stay truthful to you until the end of time, Donia just tell me why the sudden change? ? u were ok with this before but now you are refusing :( ohh Donia I swear only if you were here in Toronto, I would of given you the world................... and sweetie no matter how hard it may seem, no matter how tuff things get, no matter how hopeless it may seem, never never keep your head down, you and I both know that ALLAH is watching over you, and he is just testing you Donia to see how you handle this situation, so plz baby don't feel like you want to die or hurt yourself, when you say that I swear u hurt me more then you hurt yourself Donia, so baby just keep you head up high, and explain to your family as to why you don't want to go throw with this whole mess, and tell them the truth Donia don't lie... tell them the whole truth if you want to clear this mess up. You know that no matter what happens, no matter what people say, no matter what I will always love you, I will always respect you, and I will never forget about you when I'm praying, when I'm happy, when I'm sad u will always be on my mind Donia, u are the one that won my heart with your beautiful smile, your sweet voice, your loveable attitude, I swear Donia, only if you were here in Toronto........ how life would of been different for the both of us.... but Donia do what your heart tells you, I know you don't want to disappoint your parents but at the same time this is the rest of your life we are talking about here so it has to be the right choice or else you will regret it later on in life and I don't want that anymore then you do, but give me a call sometime Donia that is if you still have your telephone, and if you don't then ill put my number here for you again, 416-910-7154 and well talk ...... until then Donia baby just keep your head up high, ALLAH will fix all your problems soon, I promise you that u will be much happier if you just pray and keep your hopes alive (kiss and hug's you)

