Aystan's Story

Aystan's Story

This is the story that Teal's is shadowing, you should notice the crossover's. This one like Teal is incomplete, but enjoy any way...

A cloaked figure walked down the banks of Lake Commons as a gentle rain fell from above. The cold north wind whipped his hair and cloak as he traveled along the waters edge, his breath erupting in halos of mist with each exhale. He periodically bent down to pick up smooth stones along the way and tossed them into the water, watching them as they skipped across the surface and disappear into the watery depths.
Aystan enjoyed visiting the lake. It was tranqual and serene, its quiet waters washed over him and brought peace to his mind. His duties as justice of the peace kept him busy most of his time but the few moments of freedom, when there wasnt a pety dispute to settle between two farmers, he always came to the lake to meditate.
He sat down on a large rock protruding over the edge of the lake and looked at his reflection in the water. The image was hazy from the ripples of the rain, but he could see how time had been unkind to him. His dark hair with grey strands and face lined with age revealed he was not a young man anymore. His elven heritage kept him comely in appearance but did not hide the tiredness in his eyes.
"I'm getting old" He lamented and stirred the icy water with his hand to distort the image.
A falcon cried as it swooped down low near Aystan, causing him to shift on the rock and almost losing his balance. He watched as the bird circled overhead, then dove towards a figure standing next to a willow tree along the lake 100 paces from him. The figure stretched out his arm and the falcon rested on his forearm.
Aystan recognized the figure as it approuched him, it was his half-brother Talmar.
"Hail brother," Talmar said with a slight smile while the raptor on his forearm eyed Aystan inquisitively.
"Well met Tal "Aystan gave his brother an embrace, careful not to disturb the perched falcon. "How did you find me?"
"The winds of Karana are my ears and the animals of Tunare are my eyes." The druid smiled as he leaned against a tree.
Aystan grinned and shook his head, "You druids have your ways. What news do you bring? Its not every day I receive a visit from you."
Talmar sighed and looked towards the water. "I wish it were good news brother... There is a storm stirring in the land, I feel it... " So you've come to damper my peaceful walk with it?" Aystan jested as he skipped a flat stone across the water. "You know I have enough 'storms' here in the commonlands, its hard to keep the peace between all the factions here. My greys can attest to that."
"Its over Freeport…"
"Freeport?" The paladin looked at the other with a slight frown.
Talmar nodded. "A force works against the High Council as we speak."
"Lord Caseyas and Lady Sylune are more than capable of handling anything in freeport… After the death of Lucan in the battle of the Western Gate, the corrupted guards dispersed. The city has never been so peaceful. Are you sure?" Talmar shook his head. "You of all people should know better than to question the wisdom of Karana..." He studied the paladin carefully. "Your faith in your friends blind you to the reality of the danger at hand… Great ill shall befall Freeport before the next full moon."
Aystan remained quiet for a long time, staring absently towards the waters of the lake. He finally shrugged and gave a questioning look to his brother. "And what do you want me to do? I am a justice of the peace … my place is here in the commonlands. I've retired from the Knights of the Rose a full cycle ago… you know this. So why come to me?"
"The answer will come in due time, Karana led me to you and commanded me to reveal these things to you. That is all."
Aystan shook his head in agitation, he could never get a straight answer from a druid. A quality about them he found irritating. After a few minutes of deciding his choices, he finally came to the obvious one. "I'll warn the high council of this myself...Themis can handle my duties for a few days." Themis was Aystan's aid in handling the matters of the land. He had been with him for a few moon cycles and was a competent justice.
Talmar nodded and said, "Go with Karana... Our paths shall cross again very soon."
"You leaving already? but you just got here." Aystan's disappointment was clear. "I wish I could stay longer, but the poachers near Surefall glade are beginning to attack the rangers there for protecting the animals. I must go and attempt to bring peace to the glade. Time is of the essense."
"I understand." The other replied. "The glade has always been a beautiful place and should remain so. I wish you the best brother, and be careful."
Talmar smiled mildly and said, "My concern is for you Aystan... but I thank you by and by."
"Go with Marr."
"As you, brother."
With that, the druid along with his falcon quickly disappeared in a swirl of air.
Aystan looked to where his brother had been a second before and chuckled, "must be nice to be able to do that..."
He began his way back to his office, which was about a kilometer from his present location. He couldn't help but to wonder if another war for Freeport was about to begin.
"I'm getting to old for wars" he muttered as he pulled his cloak closer to him. Little did Aystan know, the prize was far greater than Freeport.

Chapter 2

Aystan sat on the hearth and warmed his hands over the small fire. He turned to face Themis who was gathering papers at his desk.
"I trust you can handle things while I am gone."
Themis sat the pile of papers to the side and nodded."The commonlands are safe with me m'lord. I have Marc to help me as well... he is preparing your steed as we speak."
A timid knock came from the door before it slowly opened and an attractive young elf quietly entered the room.
"What can I do for you Breezi?"Aystan asked as he stood up.
"Master Silveron" she nodded in respect before holding out a rolled up scroll "A message came for you at the inn..."
"Thank you lass" He accepted the scroll with a smile.
She returned the smile, her cheeks turning slightly red as she escaped out the door.
"Wonder why it wasnt sent here."Themis said thoughtfully.
"All my messages are delivered to the inn as I am usually not at my house... Teal has Breezi deliver them to me from there."The paladin replied.
"Ah yes, Innkeeper Teal... makes the best brandy this side of Antonica... I love it so much it stayes with me" Themis patted his gut and laughed.
Ignoring the other, Aystan looked at the seal on the scroll. The wax was red and had a rose entwined around a sword. The emblem of the Knights of the Rose. He broke the seal carefully and unrolled the scroll.
"what does it say?"Themis asked after a few moments of silence.
"It appears I wont be going uninvited to Freeport..."Aystan finally said as he rerolled the scroll. "Lady Sylune has summoned me to the Temple of Marr...She says its urgent and my presence is requested..." he quietly added, as if an afterthough,"My brother was right afterall."
"Did she say what it was?"
The other shook his head and replied,"Nay... though I can only fear the worst, after what Talmar told me."
"Then you must hurry m'lord."
"Aye, I must leave at once..."
Aystan collected the provisions he would need for the journey and placed them in his backpack. He swung it over his shoulder and picked up his walking stick. He turned to face Themis and smiled, "I shall return within a few weeks."
As he turned for the door, it suddenly swung open and a tall well-built figure in blue armor stood at the doorway. His dark hair fell to his shoulders and he had a glint of arrogence in his sapphire eyes. He folded his arms and leaned against the doorway. "Ah, Aystan! It has been awhile."
"Hail Anubis" Aystan managed a grin."And its been since this morning... since you complained to me about taxes-as you do every morning."
Anubis laughed and entered the room, giving Aystan a strong embrace."It is good to see you old friend nevertheless!"
"Likewise."Aystan said sardonically as the air was crushed out of his lungs. Anubis looked Aystan over and frowned slightly as he released his bear-hug. "You going somewhere?"
"Aye, I have some business to attend to in Freeport. It's prudent that I leave quickly....but I will return within a moon cycle."
"Then I must come with you! You will need protection considering you are an old man now..."The warrior quickly nodded and raised his fist into the air" Anubis Kayn, the greatest warrior in all of Norrath-and best looking, shall accompany you!"
"From what pray tell? an orc?"
"You might as well let the narcissus go with you Aystan." Themis injected from the desk."You know he wont stop pestering you until you agree...and besides, if there is going to be any fighting, you are in no shape for it."
Aystan shook his head at the continous old man comments and made his way out the door in a brisk walk. "I dont have time for games, come if you must but don't slow me down."
"Anubis Kayn doesnt slow people down!" The warrior cried as he chased after Aystan who was halfway to the stables.

And so the journey begins...

Chapter 3

The sky had cleared and the sun was beginning to set by the time Aystan and Anubis were on the road leading to Freeport. Aystan was releived to have some company but feared how much of a nuissance the young warrior would be. It did not take long for him to find out.
"Hey Aystan! can't your horse go any faster! At this rate it will take us months to reach Freeport!" Anubis cried behind him towards the other.
"We are going fast enough.We will reach the edge of town in a half a day-"Aystan paused then frowned as Anubis began running circles around him." If you dont stop your erradict speed, your horse will be tired within a few hours."
Anubis, out of impatience, had the tendency to ride full speed down the road until he was a speck before trotting around in circles waiting for Aystan to catch up.
"If you would just hurry up I wouldnt have to old man!"he retorted with a huff and snapped his reigns. His steed shot forward into a full gallop.
The paladin sighed as the warrior quickly became a speck in the horizon.

The wind whipped his hair back as he dashed down the trail, his horses hooves echoing across the Valley as it galloped along. Anubis couldn't understand why the paladin was going so slow. Wasn't he in a hurry to get to Freeport? Paladins, he thought. Strange people, think they know everything and don't enjoy life to the fullest... like women... Anubis grinned.
Suddenly, his horse reeled back and Anubis found himself sailing through the air. He rolled upon impact, easing the fall but ate dirt as he skid across the ground. Wondering what in Norrath happened, he looked up to find his horse stopped on the road in fright. He followed the horses gaze and saw a dark figure quickly approuching him.
Son of Solusek, its a Teir'dal! Anubis thought. He flipped to his feet and drew his blade.
"Scaring my horse are you? For that my friend, you must die!"
"A Half-breed..."the Teir'dal spat. He glared at the warrior than smiled maniacally."Your head will make a good present for master Dargan."
"Who's that? let me guess... your pig-loving gully whore."
The Tier'dal let out a sneer as he swung his blade towards Anubis. The warrior blocked the attack but was repulsed back by the power of the swing. Anubis 's eyes widen when he realized the dark elf was a Dragoon, one of the elite fighters of the dark race. He began to sweat profusely from his forehead after the sudden revelation.
Anubis and the Teir'dal circled each other in a dance. Thrusting his blade forward, the Dragoon mounted his attack. Anubis quickly deflected the sword away with a skillful parry and attempted a counterattack. Shifting his weight off to the side, the dark elf dodged easily.
A grin crossed the Dragoons face as he circled his foe. "Not bad for a half breed... but enough of this game, its time for you to die."
With a sudden cry, the Teir'dal lunged forward, bringing his sword overhead and swining it in an arc towards Anubis's chest. The other tried to ward off the blow but only managed to deflect it away from his chest and into his forearm. He collapsed to one knee, holding his wounded arm as blood seeped through the bracer.
The Dragoon's icy gaze peirced through Anubis as the warrior attemped to stand. "Don't know when to quit I see!" The dark elf cried as he mounted another attack, brandishing his blade in a Z pattern towards his enemy.
The attack was too fast for the warrior and he was struck across the midsection and face. Staggering back by the blow, Anubis maintained his balance but felt his stomach and cheek burning. Another attack by the Teir'dal sent Anubis flailing to the ground, his weapon spinning in the air until it stuck in the ground a good five paces from him.
The Dragoon laughed maliciously as he raised his blade overhead to deliver the fatal blow. "I win"
Before the blade could come down to decapitate the fallen warrior, a staff slammed across the Dragoon's face, causing him to reel to the side and lose his balance.
With dark blood collecting on his lower lip, the Dragoon looked towards the direction the staff had been thrown from. A few yards from him stood another half elf. He was lightly garbed- only a cloak, a cloth tunic and leggings. This one would be more easier to defeat than the last the Dragoon thought.
The half-elf's cloak dancing gently in the wind as he pulled the warriors longsword from the ground and approuched the dark elf.
"I will give you this choice once... and that is to surrender or perish." Aystan said coldly.
"If you are anything like your friend here, it is you who will die. All you half-breeds are the same, none can compare to the Teir'dal! Two heads for master Dargan!" The Dragoon yelled as he charged towards his new foe.
Aystan quickly lifted his weapon to stave off the attack, parrying five consecutive slashes by the Dragoon. On the sixth attack their blades locked. The dark elf gave a quick kick to the paladins knee, causing him to falter slightly. Taking advantage of the opening, the Tier'dal thrusted his blade towards his enemy's chest.
The paladin recovered instantly and deflected the blow, counter-attacking with a slashing across the throat.
The Dragoon's eyes widened as cold steel connected on his neck. He let out a gurgling sound and staggered forward, attempting his final attack. Aystan calmly side-stepped the Dragoon and with one clean swing, lobbed the head free from the dark elf's body.
The lifeless body fell into a heap and the head rolled a few feet before resting at the base of the corpse.
Aystan quietly walked to where his staff was and picked it up. He then approuched Anubis who was struggling to stand and offered a hand. "you alright Anubis?"
The other nodded and stood up on his own. "I'll be alright..."he paused and looked over to where the dead Dragoon laid. "You haven't lost a step it seems."
The paladin smiled slightly and handed Anubis his weapon." Let me tend to your wounds and we can continue on."
"thanks Aystan... for saving my life."
The paladin nodded as he applied his hands on Anubis's chest and cheek. He closed his eyes and whispered a few unaudiable words to Mithaniel Marr. A gentle blue glow emmited from his hands and spread over the warriors wounded areas, causing his pain to subside and the wounds to close.
Aystan returned to his horse and mounted him; a scowl lined his face.
"What you brooding about?" Anubis asked as he climbed his own steed.
"That Teir'dal was far from his homeland... I wonder what he was doing here in the Commonlands...And who is Dargan? Maybe Caseyas or Sylune will know more." "All I know is that he is dead now."Anubis replied as he spat on the dark elf's corpse.
"Come, let us go." Aystan said and trotted off.

For the rest of the journey to Freeport, Anubis stayed right behind Aystan and did not call him an old man again.

Chapter 4

Aystan and Anubis arrived at the majestic Hall of Truth, which sat along side the Temple of Marr, just as dawn began to spread her red and orange fingers across the land. The Hall was finely constructed with towering marble pillers and golden archways. The courtyard was large and impressive and the center walkway was in alternating patterns of granite and black marble. Along the top of the walls were guards stationed on parapets. As the figures overhead began to shout and announce the arrival of strangers, The cloaked paladin and armored warrior led their horses on foot towards the portcullis that barred the entrance to the inner sanction. The four guards who were stationed at the gateway rushed towards them.
"Halt! you are approuching the Hall of Truth, state your name and business." One of the guards called out to them. The man was equiped in steel platemail and carried an impressive and highly decorative scabard at his side-a symbol of paladinhood. On his tabard, he wore the crest of the Knights of the Rose. The other three were in standard chainmail but also carried the same emblem on their tabards. As the man approuched the two travelers, Aystan recognized him.
"Greetings Sir Isuldor." Aystan nodded with a smile.
"Why! if it isn't Aystan!We have been expecting a visit from you. "The other laughed and clasped Aystans forearm in the traditional Antonican greeting. He lifted his visor and revealed the familiar youthful face of Isuldor. "It is good to see you! how long has it been?"
"Just over a year I reckon."
"And Anubis Kayn!"Isuldor bellowed and grabbed the warriors forearm in greeting as well."A suprise to have you with us!"
"Its good to see you too... and yes, its not everyday the great Anubis Kayn visited Freeport,"Anubis replied with a smirk.
Isuldor chuckled as he looked between the two."you two havent changed much... Aystan has grown a few grays and you've managed to grow some fuzz under your chin Anubis."
"And how are things here?"Aystan asked.
Isuldor let out a sigh and dropped his smile."Something is not right in the air."He motioned towards the door."Sylune is in the great hall, she has been vigilently anticipating your arrive. She wont speak to the rest of the knights about what is going on, but we all feel the tension in the air."
He waved for one of the guards to step forward. "take the steeds to the stable and have them fed while I escort our guests inside."
After passing through the portcullis and through a set of oaken doors, Isuldor led them into a large corridor. Tapastries with pictures of the gods hung along both sides of the hall. These were not here the last time Aystan visited the Hall.
"Many of the knights will be quite happy to learn you have returned."Isuldor called over his shoulder as Aystan studied the tapastries.
"How are my protege'?"
"Sir Xanthalos was promoted and holds a seat on the high council now. Ladies Larel and Hopevalore have been well. All three have begun their training to become a High Paladin."
A High Paladin was the champion of Marr, the elite status that only a few paladins ever reached. As far as Aystan knew, in recent times there were only five total in Norrath. Caseyas, Alukard, Duldon of the Dwarven folk, Zuriel of the Erudites, and himself.
Aystan smiled proudly as he thought of his novitiates. "they were my best students. I must congratulate Xan when I see him."
Isuldor nodded."they had a good teacher... I often wish I was trained under you."
"You flatter my friend. But Caseyas is a great teacher."
"Aye, he is. But I am sure even he could learn a few things from you," the other replied as they arrived at the end door.
"And I, him."Aystan said with a smile.
Anubis sneered and waved his arm nonchalantly."Paladin talk...always honoring each other, its sickening. We all know warriors are the best in Norrath."
"Remember where you are,"Aystan said with a warning tone."You will act accordingly while here, especially infront of Lady Sylune and Lord Caseyas."
"No harm done."Isuldor said with a grin." We're used to...his antics. And also, Sylune has asked to speak to you Aystan, alone."
Anubis scowled and wondered why he wasnt invited; he opened his mouth to make a retort but dryly said instead,"Well I am hungry anyways... where is the food?"
Isuldor pointed to a side door."In there is the MeadHall, I'll have a servent bring you a meal at once."
The warrior headed toward the door without further comment.
Isuldor sighed as Anubis disappeared from view."I wish he didnt take it like that..."
"I'm sure my sister has something important to say if its for my ears only... Anubis will get over it."
Isuldor nodded and opened the door leading to the great hall."Come, Lady Sylune awaits you."

Chapter 5

Aystan entered the great hall and slowly pulled his hood back. The hall was a good 200 paces long, the walls made of quicksilver/granite alloy, giving it a silverish metallic appearence.A red rug in the center ran the length of the hall and every 10 paces there was a pair of ivory white pillers. At the end of the hall sat a beautiful elven woman on a throne. She was dressed in a green silken dress and adorn in gold jewelry. A gem encrested scepter rested across her lap. Her finely chiseled face beamed at the paladin and she motioned him forward.
"I'll be in the other hall if you need anything Aystan" Isuldor said with a salute before departing the room.
Aystan nodded to the other then slowly approuched the elven woman.He knelt before her and bowed. "Lady Sylune."
The elf smiled at him."Stand up Aystan, we have no need for formalities." She stood up and embraced him. "It has been too long."
He returned the smile."Time has been well for you m'lady."
She looked as comely as ever with her golden hair and sapphire eyes. Even though she was smiling, Aystan could see in her eyes that something was troubling her. "what ails you?"
Sylune sighed and sat back down, motioning towards a chair nearby.
After he took his seat she began."Aystan, there appears to be a problem growing West of here..."she paused as she studied her scepter."We believe Vincent Slate has resurfaced and began to regroup the militia..."
The paladin remained quiet for a long moment then nodded ."Aye, I feared it would happen eventually... he escaped me during the battle of the Western Gate. Do not worry though, he will be crushed easily. Without the leadership of Lucan Dlere, the Militia has no hope of having a successful campaign."
Sylune bit her lip as she looked up to her brother."There is more...Reidas has discovered a Dar Lord is conspiring with Slate."
Aystan's eyes widened."A Dar Lord..."He repeated hoarsly then frowned."Are you sure?"
The Dar Lords(Noxhil'Dar) were Innoruuk's champions of darkness and hate. A hundred years ago a great war was waged between the High Paladins(Koada'Dal)and the Noxhil'Dar, and many fell on both sides. While the cost was heavy, it was believed the last Dar Lord to have perished was Straudd Mistmoore, Duke of Mistmoore Castle.This was known as the "Great Purge" when Norrath was free from the evil Noxhil'Dar. Aystan beleived this to be true, until now.
The elf nodded, "We are certain... Reidas and Tuvas were scouting the Commonlands a few days ago and spotted a band of Teir'dal Dragoons amoung a group of militia... and their leader carried an unholy sword,a Dark Reaver. Reidas described the sword in detail to Caseyas... Its blade blade could not be mistaken."
Aystan grimaced and rubbed his chin as he leaned back in his chair. He sighed and shook his head."This is indeed grave news...If there is a Noxhil'Dar amoungst the Militia... we must act quickly."
"You understand why I have summoned you... only a Koada'Dal can ever hope to defeat a Dar Lord."
"Lord Caseyas and Alukard are Koada'Dal as well-"Aystan began but elf shook her head vigorously.
"-As much as I love my husband,"Sylune interjected," Caseyas is not ready to fight a Noxhil'Dar...he still has much training to do. As for Alukard...He relies on the old paladin code without end."she made a gesture to emphasis her point."He is a stubborn fool and a Dar could easily exploit this and defeat him." She placed her hands gently on his."Please Aystan...you must promise me you will deal with the Dar."
The paladin let out a sigh of recognition and cracked a smile."You must understand I will not be here to take care of your two boys forever...but I will do this, as you know I could never refuse you. A Knight of the Rose, I shall be. And I will duel the Noxhil'Dar."
Sylune clasped her hands tightly around his and kissed his cheek."Thank you brother of mine."
Aystan nodded."Does he have a name?"
"Dargan... We do not know what clan of Tier'dal he is from though."
The paladin furrowed his brows. So thats who the Dragoon from last evening was talking about. A Noxhil'Dar. If only it had been the Dar himself... no, he thought logically, Anubis would have been killed for certain. And I have never faced a Noxhil'Dar before. I wonder if I have trained enough to defeat one? Only one way to find out.
"Where can I find him?"
"Reidas and Tuvas were able to track the Dragoons and Militia to the ruins of Befallen...We beleive he has made that forsaken place his base,"she replied. "Then that is where we shall strike." Aystan said. "It will be our final crusade to rid the militia permantly..."
He paused momentarily then said,"I'll need my armor and Lumina..."
He thought back to the last day he was here and remembered placing his holy ghoulbane, along with his suit of armor, in a large chest in his old qaurters. They would be there. granted noone disturbed his room in his absence.
Sylune watched him as he brooded and noticed him stiffling a yawn."You are tired.
And had a long journey...go get some rest."
Aystan hadn't notice how weary he was until she mentioned it to him. Suddenly,as if on cue, his eyelids became extremely heavy."you are right. Its best I get my rest."
"We'll need a week or two to prepare for the assault. I'll have Caseyas, Xanthalos and Alukard drill the knights... in the meantime, I want you to enjoy your visit here." Sylune smiled as she patted his knee."Your room is ready, I had it prepared for your arrival. Now go."
"Its good to see you again."He said as he stood up from his chair. She beamed at him and gave him a hug."I'm glad you came... and thank you for everything."

Aystan walked around in the labyrinth of corridors that made up the Hall of Truth until he finally came upon the North Wing. He arrived at his room a few moments later and opened the door. It had been left untouched with the exception of the bed and a clean tunic resting on top of his large chest in the northwestern corner.
He approuched the chest and reached beneath it. He fingered around the bottom of it and found the small hole where the key to the chest was. He retrieved it and opened the chest after tossing the shirt onto the bed.
He sat there motionless and stared down at his armor and sword. The armor was still shining silver and his mithril handed sword was glowing with a faint blue aura. He was looking forward to the duel with the Dar Lord. It would be his final test as a Koada'Dal. The little doubt he had about his ability at the great hall soon vanished after he lifted his ghoulbane into the air. The naked blade glowed bright blue for a second before subsiding to its original color. A renewed strength flowed through him as he stared at Lumina.
It was time to see if he was nothing more than a mere title. He took a few quick practice moves and nodded as he had maintained his old form.
"Looks like you and me have one more dance to do girl."He whispered to the blade who, as if understanding, softly hummed a reply to him.

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