Chapter Six - The Quest for the Sword


Written by Nick Watkins (Tealor Ravenstorm)

Chapter Six - The Quest for the Sword

When they finally reached the Jagged Mountains Kallem looked up in wonder, the peaks seamed to appear from nowhere out of the ground and rise straight up out of the flat sandy desert and reach far into the sky. Kallem decided that climbing these mountains would be impossible.
“Where are we going Dugar?” he asked. Dugar turned in his saddle and winked one eye at the boys,
“You’ll see, the entrance is just over there.” He pointed to a cliff face not far away. Carter raised his eyebrows,
“That’s solid rock. Where is the entrance?” Kallem leaned forward in his saddle staring at the cliff for a moment before he sat back again.
“There is an illusion there. I can see the cave.” Dugar turned around,
“What do you mean you can see the cave,” He sounded concerned.
“It’s hard to explain, I can sense the magic of the spell covering the entrance and when I concentrated on that, then I could see through the illusion.” Dugar looked shocked for a second before he regained his composure. He shook his head,
“That’s amazing, nobody before has been able to do that, the hunters only know it by its exact location where you can just pass through. You will see what I mean when we get there.” After a short ride they arrived at the cliff face. They all dismounted and approached the rock wall, Carter frowned,
“Looks solid to me.” Kallem looked into the cave, he could see now that it was a long tunnel going deep into the mountain. Dugar was watching Kallem,
“What do you see?”
“I see a tunnel going into the mountain.” Dugar smiled,
“It must be something to do with your gift. Like the way you can feel the powers of the rings.” Kallem shrugged his shoulders.
“Well then, let get a move on.” Dugar walked his horse forward and through the wall. Carter grinned
“Cool.” He started walking toward the wall,
“Bit more to the right Carter.” Kallem stated just as Jarrod walked into the corner of the wall with a bang.
“Ouch, you could have said something earlier.”
“And not see you walk into a wall? Yeah right.” He laughed. Once they had all entered the tunnel that was quite high they got back onto the horses and walked them down into the mountain. The tunnel went on for quite a while and as it got dark a small glowing orb of magic appeared and lit up the tunnel, Dugar pointed out that it would follow them to the underground council meeting place. Suddenly the tunnel turned to the right and they were met with a big steel door. Dugar rode up to the door and tapped on it three times. After a moment the two doors swung outward. A short stocky robed figure stepped out from inside, he pushed his hood back. Kallem could see at once by the long black beard that he was a dwarf, but what stood out the most were his silver eyes. He clapped his right fist to his heart, and spoke with a deep voice,
“Greetings Hunter Dugar.” He looked up at Kallem, “Hunter Kallem, I’ve heard so much about you.” He smiled. “Someone said you make a good orc barbeque.”

The dwarf hunter introduced himself as Bradmasi, when he pushed his cloak back Kallem could see that the dwarf had a huge two headed axe hanging at his belt and imbedded in the hilt was a dark brown gem.
“You lot are the last to arrive, come on lets get a move on.” Bradmasi said with a wave of his hand, “leave the horses here, they will be fine.” Dugar, Carter, Tuvas and Kallem all jumped down from their horses and followed the dwarf down the corridor. They walked for a while going up and down different tunnels until they reached another door, pushing the door open they walked into a huge room carved out of the rock, in the centre of this room was a long table with stone seats lining down each side. Standing next to each chair was a hunter. Kallem looked them all over, their silver eyes stared at him. There were a mixture of humans, dwarfs and elves, he also noticed there were a few females as well and each hunter had a different coloured gem in their weapon. Dugar took Kallem to his seat at the table, as Kallem approached different hunters would nod a silent greeting to him, which he returned. Tuvas and Carter not being full ‘Hunters’ had to stand to one side of the table and listen in. Once Kallem was at his seat a robed figure at the head of the table raised both of his hands for silence. Kallem looked to either side of himself he was sitting between a brown haired human girl and a tall high elf man. The girl turned around and looked at Kallem with her silver eyes, she looked to be a couple of years older then Kallem, she leaned over to him and whispered.
“My name is, Celina” Kallem smiled at her,
“My name is Kallem.”
“Yes, I know who you are,” she winked and turned back to the speaker at the front of the table.
“Greetings Hunters” The robed man said as he pushed back his hood, his hair was grey but his face did not seem to show much age. “I assume that we all know why this meeting was called. Maphesto has raised a large army of undead and is amassing them in the Ithimar swamp. Not only that but pockets of undead are popping up all across the country and it is causing us quite a hassle.” The elf next to Kallem spoke up,
“We must eliminate the sorcerer. Once he is gone the army of the dead will return to the underworld.”
“That may well be the case Hunter Aratheus but attacking him in his fortress will not be an easy feat,” the old hunter replied.
“I was suggesting to Dugar that myself Tuvas and Carter could take him down,” Kallem spoke up. A rumble of laughter rolled around the table, a dwarf across for Kallem pointed at him,
“And just how do ye suppose ye three youngens where going to do that eh?” He laughed. “Ye haven’t even got yer weapon yet. Come back when yer out of ya nappies boy”
“Easy Hunter Bargat, Kallem my yet prove himself to be a powerful Hunter. He already controls two rings of mastery,” the main speaker said.
“Bah we shall see,” retorted the dwarf. The speaker looked at Kallem,
“While we are on the subject, Kallem by now you must be feeling a strange tug at your senses.” Kallem nodded,
“I have felt something trying to pull me to the north east for several days now.”
“Good, that my young hunter is your blade calling to you.” Kallem looked confused,
“My blade calling to me?”
“Yes, hunters are linked to their blades, once a hunter is created their weapon magically appears randomly somewhere in the country.” He paused for a second, “Once you have begun to control your power the weapon will call to you, follow this call and you will find your blade. This is the quest for the sword.”
“How will I know when I find it?”
“Don’t worry, you will know when you find it.” The old hunter smiled, “Then when you return we will see about you taking on Maphesto.”
“When must I go on this quest?”
“You must leave immediately, the sooner you have your blade the better. Your two friends may accompany you.”
“What of the undead army?”
“That is for the rest of the council to worry about. You concentrate on your quest for now.” He pointed at the hunter next to Kallem, “Celina, take these boys, get them some supplies and send them on their way.” The girl rose and put her fist to her heart,
“At once Hunter Caseyas.” She turned to Kallem, “Come on lets go.”

The three followed the hunter out of the meeting room and down a different tunnel, after a little way they came to a kitchen where Celina served them up something to eat. “You will find some supplies in that room over there, take enough to last you a month.” She sat down next to Kallem, “So your quite the famous one in the hunter circle.” Kallem shrugged,
“I wouldn’t know.”
“Sure you do, burnt down half a forest to get one orc, only fifteen winters old and you have two rings of mastery.”
“Hey it wasn’t half a forest, only a small strip of it.” Celina laughed,
“And funny too.” Kallem looked at her,
“Did you have any trouble finding your sword?”
“Not much,” she said, “but I did get a bit of a scratch.” She rolled up her sleeve to show him a long scar that travelled from her wrist past her elbow.
“What did that?” She pushed her sleeve back down,
“My sword was inside a wolverine’s cave, that scar is from one of his claws.” Carter’s ears pricked up,
“What the hell is a wolverine?”
“A really big wolf that can walk like a man,” she replied.
“Not something you want to run into in a dark alleyway.” Tuvas joked. “My sword was in a kobolds den. Stinking little ankle biters.” Kallem turned to Tuvas,
“That’s something I have been meaning to ask you, how come you have a hunters sword when you are only a ranger?” Tuvas shrugged,
“Dugar seems to think that I proved myself enough and the sword called me because of that.” Carter looked up,
“So you mean somewhere out there a sword could be waiting for me?” Tuvas rubbed his chin in thought, “I don’t see why not, I think you have to trigger something to get the sword to call to you.”
“What if someone comes along and finds it lying there?” Carter asked.
“Then you have to track them down and take it from them.” Celina stood up,
“Ok you two rangers, go load up the horses. I have to discuss some hunter business with Kallem here.” Once the Carter and Tuvas had left the kitchen Celina grabbed Kallem and kissed him on the lips. Kallem was stunned for a second before he pushed her away,
“This is hunter business?” Celina giggled,
“No, not really.” She leant forward again but Kallem shifted out of her reach,
“Why are you doing this?”
“Because your cute for a start. Plus I think I am attracted to man you will become, some whisper that you hide more power than you have shown us.” Kallem turned away,
“I don’t know where all this power people keep going on about is, besides I have a girl.”
“Ah yes, I have heard about her too, an elven princess. I’m sorry Kallem but you have no hope there. Why be with someone who will not age with you but stay young while you wither away into nothing?”
“We love each other, that should be enough.”
“Love?” she laughed, “you are only young and have much to learn about love.” Kallem snorted,
“You can hardly talk you must be only two years older than me.” She nodded slowly,
“That is true, I am only seventeen, but I know how it feels to have your heart broken and being with an elf can only end in heart break.”
“So what are you trying to save me or something?”
“No only giving you the choice, the decision is yours to make. Just know that I will be here for you if you want me to.” She gave him one last kiss, “Now it is time for you to go, come back in one piece Kallem I’m not finished with you.” With that she turned and walked out of the room.

An hour later the three were riding hard across the sand towards the north east, Kallem following the call of his blade. Carter rode up next to Kallem,
“So what was this hunter business you had to discuss with the lovely Celina?” Kallems face went a bright red colour,
“Nothing too important,” he replied. Tuvas laughed,
“Sure Kallem, then why is your face red?”
“It’s not.” Carter joined in with Tuvas’s laughter.
“What one beautiful princess in your life not good enough, you have to start snatching up all the good looking hunters?” Carter looked up at the sky and raised his arms, “Where’s my women eh?” Tuvas clapped his hand on Carters shoulder,
“Don’t worry, we’ll find a nice ogre lass for you Jarrod.”
“Ha, your funny.” Tuvas smirked
“I know.” Carter turned his head back to Kallem,
“So, where will we find this sword of yours?” Kallem looked straight ahead,
“I know exactly where it is.” Tuvas frowned,
“I can see it in my mind, its somewhere in Ravenstorm peaks.” Carter raised his eyebrows,
“That’s ironic, your going home again Kallem.” Kallem nodded slowly. “Hey maybe you can hook me up with one of Loriens friends while were there?” Kallem smiled at the thought of seeing Lorien again, but in the back of his mind Celinas words echoed over and over again.

Chapter 7 - The Fall of Kalamethas...... Coming soon