Chapter Three - Tuvas the Half Elf


Written by Nick Watkins (Tealor Ravenstorm)

Chapter 3 - Tuvas the Half Elf

As they entered the dormitory Kallem had gone to speak to the half elf but several squires stepped in front of him blocking his way. The tallest of the four was slightly higher than Kallem he was the first to speak, so Kallem labelled him as the leader of this little group. "So you're the new king's squires eh? You don't look so tough, Academy scum coming in and taking my rightful spot." Kallem raised an eyebrow,
"If it was rightfully yours then I wouldn't be here right now, would I." Kallem pushed through the middle of them easily brushing the group aside Jarrod followed behind adding in a push or two. Kallem approached the elf and greeted him in elvish, low enough for the others not to hear. The half elf looked up at the person who had spoken a tongue that he had not heard in many years, he smiled
"Greeting's," he replied in common, "You'll forgive me for not wanting to speak in elvish in front of them," he indicated with his eyes. "My name is Tuvas, pleased to meet you," he offered his hand which Kallem shook.
"I am Kallem and this here is my friend Carter." Tuvas's eyes lowered to the ring on Kallem's finger and he quickly pulled his hand away an angry frown appearing on his face,
"You are darkuth," he hissed. Kallem quickly shook his head,
"No I am not Darkuth, I am something much more," he said with a reassuring smile. "Don't worry you have nothing to fear from me, or Jarrod here." Carter raised his hands slightly "I suppose you could say we're the good guys," he finished with a big grin. Tuvas dropped his defensive pose a bit still not sure whether to trust the two. The call of the barracks master for lights out and quiet ended the conversation.

The next day after the squires were dressed and out side the barracks they were given their chores and duties for the day. Once all but Kallem and Jarrod had left, the barracks master who was called Wayen, signalled to them. “Dugar wants you both two meet him at the bottom of the castle steps.” The two nodded silently and walked off in the direction of the main steps. Dugar stood at the bottom of the castle, he had two sets of chain mail in his arms which he threw to the two who caught the heavy armour. “Quickly now we don’t have all day to sit around, suit up and we’ll get going,” he said. As Kallem was pulling on the chain vest he asked where they were going. Dugar smiled slightly, “You have training to do.” Now that the two had the chain mail all on Dugar walked towards the stables. Stable master Deion had three horses saddled and ready to go at the gate to the stable. The horses were all about the same build and only varied in colour, black, grey and brown. Kallem climbed up onto the grey horse, Carter on the brown and Dugar on the black. They rode out of the castle gates and away from the city, the landscape quickly changed from green hills to sandy desert. The three rode along the edge of the sandy waste for a few miles before turning away from the sand and back towards the hills. After some time Dugar reigned his horse to a stop, Kallem and Jarrod pulled up beside him, “This is where we will train.” He stated flatly. Once the horses were tied to some trees they made their way to a big flat clearing. “Today I will instruct you in the use of your ring and we shall also do a bit of combat training, hunter style,” he added. Carter rubbed his hands together eagerly ready to see some action. The clearing was actually a long claypan that travelled off towards the north, Kallem couldn’t see the end of the flats. Dugar turned to Kallem and spoke, “Now this may be slightly difficulty because I don’t have a ring of fire, but I am confident that you should have no problem with this.” Dugar stepped behind Kallem and advised Carter to do the same, “Now raise your rind hand and point it north, in line with the claypan.” Kallem did as he was instructed, he could feel the butterflies in his stomach, “Concentrate on the heat of the air around you, draw it in and force it through the ring.” Kallem frowned slightly in concentration he could feel the heat in the air and focusing on it the ring slowly started to glow. Once he was confident enough that he had gathered enough heat Kallem forced his will upon the ring. The air around the three suddenly grew cold for a second before a ball of flame and heat the size of a man flashed from Kallem’s hand and rolled over itself as it flew down the pan about a foot off the ground trailing a length of flame behind it. Dugar whistled low, “Impressive Kallem.” Carters jaw hung, he had no comment. Kallem breathed deeply the experience leaving him stunned, Dugar answered his next thought, “Imagine if you had been mad, really angry. The rings work with your emotions the stronger the emotion the stronger the effect. I don’t doubt that you could have made that fireball three times as big.” Kallem shook his head in disbelief and Jarrod finally spoke up,
“Imagine if you could have done that to the Shadowed beast.” Dugar turned,
“You have seen the Sharigath?” Carter shrugged,
“never heard it called that before.”
“That is his name,” Dugar replied, “You are very lucky to still be alive Sharigath does not let many victims escape.” Kallem did not move when he talked,
“He doesn’t like fire very much anyway.” Dugar just sighed and nodded his head.
“That’s true but remember this, Sharigath does not forget such a thing. Give him the chance and he will be after you.” Kallem shivered slightly thinking about the shadowed beast, not something he wished to get into combat with. Dugar turned and signalled across the field, “For the next part of our training we will need help.” From out of small copse of trees a young man suddenly appeared, even at this distance Kallem still knew who the figure was before Dugar spoke his name, “Tuvas.”

The half elf walked briskly across the clearing not wanting to waste any time, as he approached Kallem looked the half elf over. Tuvas wore a long dark cape over his shoulders, which made him wonder how the elf had gone unseen, hanging at his hip was a weapon similar to Dugar’s, except the gem was a light orange colour, Kallem wondered what the significance of the colour was but then his saw the two rings on Tuvas’s left hand. Air and earth, at once Kallem could tell that the half elf’s diamond ring, the wind element was the stronger half of his power. Tuvas turned to face the two nodded slightly to each of them before returning his gaze to Dugar. Kallem was sure that there was more to this elf than it seemed,
“Your not a hunter that I have figured by your eyes, so you must be darkuth to be able to use the sword or the rings.” Dugar smiled pleased by the young hunters observation,
“Yes Kallem you are right, Tuvas is not a hunter but he has reached a level that no darkuth, or ranger as he prefers the term, has reached before. Almost a perfect hunter, just without the eyes,” he said pointing with two fingers. Kallem nodded he understood that Tuvas was an experienced opponent for his age. “Now I want you two to duel. Any moves are allowed, the object is not to harm your opponent but to disarm them, first blood lets say. Understood?” Kallem and Tuvas nodded at Dugar’s order, “Jarrod, I want you to study this very carefully. It will aid you greatly in your own training.” So Carter settled himself down on the ground and prepared for a good show. Kallem and Tuvas moved to the center of the clearing and stood a few feet apart from each other. Kallem drew and raised his sword to his brow in a salute to his adversary. At the sudden anticipation of a fight the power flooded into Kallem, each time Kallem embraced the power it felt more welcoming a kind of shroud over his being protecting him, making him stronger, faster. Tuvas watched as the eyes of the hunter slowly changed from blue to silver. Tuvas attacked first, fast. Kallem almost didn’t see the sword coming but he got his blade up and blocked the move, almost instantly Tuvas’s sword came in again from a different angle, Kallem switched to defensive stepping back as he dodged and deflected the half elf’s blade. Even though the battle seemed to move in slow motion Kallem had to move as fast as he could to keep the attacks away. Suddenly Tuvas jumped back from the fight and raised his left hand, the emerald started to glow and Kallem anticipated the half elf’s next attack, as the ground below Kallem’s feet rose up to throw him of his feet he used the momentum to jump up and over the surprised ranger, he hit the ground in a roll coming up onto his feet to meet Tuvas’s sword of again. They exchanged blows for a while before stepping back again, Kallem went to offensive, gathering his thoughts and concentrating on the ruby ring, a ball of flame shot forth from his hand hurtling towards the elf. Tuvas used his ring in the same way Dugar had to blast it harmlessly away with a gust of wind, Kallem had wasted no time and was not far behind the fireball. Tuvas saw the hunter charging towards him and instead of dropping the wind after he deflected Kallem’s attack he increased it. Kallem was thrown from his feet, as he hit the ground his blade flew from his hands before he could reach the fallen weapon the cool tip of steel was at his throat. Kallem rolled over and sat up looking at Tuvas, the half elf slowly broke into a smile sheathing his sword and offering a hand to Kallem he said,
“You fight well for one only just starting on the path, I congratulate you Kallem.” Pulling him to his feet Tuvas patted Kallem’s back, “Don’t worry you can only get better from this point. I’m sure you will win next time.” Carter crossed his arms and looked at Dugar, “
You expect me to get that good?” The Hunter just laughed,
“You had better.”

Lorien released the string on her bow, she had been away from Kalamethas for nearly three months now spending most of her time avoiding the wood elf trackers and now she had finally found her missing friend. When she arrived she had seen Kallem and another person fighting in the middle of the clearing, stringing her bow she had an arrow ready but couldn’t shoot for fear of hitting Kallem. Once he fell she had taken aim but stopped as the other man had put his sword away and helped Kallem to his feet. Lorien realised that they were training but for what she didn’t know and why was her friend involved. Deciding not to reveal herself yet she waited in the tree watching across the clearing. The four were all now standing in a group on the outside of the clearing talking she couldn’t hear what was being said from this distance. Suddenly she noticed an elf walking out towards the four, it was one of her fathers trackers. Lorien cursed silently, not when she was this close but at least she knew Kallem was ok. Watching the conversation very carefully she did not see the arm reaching out towards her, she screamed before a hand clamped down over her mouth and dragged her out of the tree.

Kallem, Tuvas and Dugar all sensed the Wood Elf’s approach and turned as one Carter slower to react turned and looked in the direction they had faced, Kallem recognised the elf that was walking towards them as one of Tyreal’s trackers. The elf spoke directly to Dugar in the elven tongue, Kallem who spoke elvish perfectly listened in on the conversation, “Greetings Hunter Dugar, we are in search of our princess Lorien Ehl’Kalethus, we believe you may be able to help us.” Kallem’s breath caught in his throat, Lorien was missing? Dugar spoke to the elf and asked him about when she had left and why. The tracker explained that the young princess had taken it on herself to find a human friend who was taken by the Redeemer’s mercenaries. Kallem did not miss the look in his direction by the wood elf. Suddenly a scream came from across the clearing near where Tuvas had appeared from, even before the scream was cut off all five were running to the source of the noise. Kallem gripping the power tight around him dashed in front sword drawn, entering the small forest at once he could sense that there were many creatures around the area. Looking around Kallem could feel a different energy, this had to be the person that screamed. Dugar, Tuvas, Carter and the wood elf tracker were now engaged in combat with looked like orcish warriors, Kallem ignored the attackers and ran in the direction of the captive. A green skinned orc leapt out of the brush swinging a club at Kallem, stepping under the orcs swing Kallem swung his sword and the orc was dead before he hit the ground, continuing his pursuit he cut down seven orcs before he reached the one he was chasing. The others were not far behind him cutting down anything that came into their path. The running orc was now realising that the girl was slowing down his escape from his pursuers, he now thought that maybe the meal of elf was now not quite worth it. Dropping the girl the orc turned to face the blade of a young man, the orc was confused by the boy with the silver eyes looking at him with rage and hatred. Drawing his dagger the orc went the grab the elf again to use her as a hostage, before he could reach the girl the orc was thrown from his feet by a gust of wind, landing in the clear away from the girl. Looking up Lorien could see Kallem standing near her with a sword in his hand, “Kallem,” she called. The Hunter turned his silver eyes taking recognition of who had called his name, Lorien. Kallem suddenly felt a rage come up from inside him, that orc had nearly taken his friend away if they had not been there she would have died. Kallem sheathed his sword and turned towards the orc who was standing up not sure what to do, seeing Kallem put his weapon away the green skin turned for what he thought was an easy kill. Raising his left hand towards the orc Kallem let his rage fuel the rings power, thoughts started forming in Kallem’s head, thoughts of his mother burnt at the stake, of the Grandmaster slapping him down and of Lorien being killed by an orc. Screaming in rage Kallem let the fire flow, the orc realised a second before the flames hit that he hated fire. The orc and most of the forest in front of the hunter was levelled by the blast of heat and flame. All except for the enraged Kallem dove for cover from the intense heat, slowly he dropped his hand to his side the rage extinguished. As the smoke cleared they could see Kallem standing at the start of a burnt strip ten metres wide and about four hundred metres long. The hunter stood for a while examining the damage he had created before he fell to the ground unconscious.

“Dugar, what you are telling me cant be true there must be something conflicting with your gift.” Dugar paced back and forth his hands clasped behind his back,
“There is nothing wrong with my gift Hunter.” Dugar turned towards the cloaked figure sitting on a seat that was part of a huge stone table that took up most of the dark room. “He seems to have more that one gift, I can’t explain it but besides his obvious gift for fire, he has the gift of wind.” The figure shook his head,
“Surely it was Tuvas who knocked the orc down.” Dugar sighed,
“No it wasn’t I did not feel Tuvas use his power. Kallem was the one who blew that orc off his feet although I don’t think Kallem realised he did it before he proceeded to burn down several hundred metres of forest. He has been out cold since then, he placed too much power into his gift not knowing how to control it properly.” The seated man crossed his arms,
“What do you intend to do about it?” Dugar continued his pacing as he scratched his chin in thought,
“I will have to watch the boy for now and see how his power grows over the next few years. I am certain this is not the last surprise our Kallem has in store for us.”
“What about the other boy, umm, Jarrod. You say he is gifted as well?” Dugar sat himself down on one of the seats,
“Jarrod has yet to show his gift, but he is obviously talented, he will keep up with the other two easy enough.” The hooded figure nodded,
“We shall see, you must hurry in their training there is not much time left.” Dugar nodded his head saluted the Hunter then strode from the dark room.

Kallem awoke, it was completely dark around him and for a moment he thought he was back in that black void. He could make out some elvish words a man and a woman talking. Slowly opening his eyes Kallem looked around, he was in a small dark room as far as he could tell it was empty besides the bed. Suddenly there was light coming from under the door making it a bit easier to see, as Kallem tried to sit up he cried out in pain, why was he so sore. Then Kallem remembered the fight in the forest, he remembered the orc trying to kill a girl, the girl was Lorien. The door to the room opened up spilling light into the room Kallem squinted his eyes as two figures entered the room. “Kallem?” asked a familiar voice, Kallem smiled,
“Lorien,” he managed to say. The elven girl quickly knelt down next to Kallem’s bed.
“Oh Kallem, I’m so glad your awake, I came so far to find you, Corien here wanted to take me home but I had to stay till you awoke.” Kallem smiled it was wonderful to look upon Lorien’s face again.
“Lorien as much as it pleases me to see you again you must return home, you are the princess of your people they need you there.” Carter who had been asleep on a chair in the corner of the room suddenly awoke with a snort
“Princess?” Lorien ignored Jarrod in the background and continued
“but I want to stay here with you.” Kallem smiled
“As much as I want you to stay you have to return home. I promise when I’m a knight I will come and visit you.” The elven girl brightened at the thought,
“You promise?” Kallem nodded.
“Well I’m not leaving till your back on your feet and that’s final.” The elven tracker just huffed loudly and left the room. Three days later Kallem was back to normal and he once again resumed his training. Lorien and Corien left the next day much to the relief of the tracker, Kallem said a quick goodbye and then they were gone.

Chapter 4 - Carter's Gift