Chapter One - The Academy


Written by Nick Watkins (Tealor Ravenstorm)

Chapter 1 - The Academy

The still silence of the forest was suddenly cut by a loud wooden thunk of an arrow as it slammed into the centre of an oak board. The target had four rings of blue and white painted around a red circle in the centre to serve as the bullseye. Several hundred feet away at the other end of the clearing two blonde haired youths stood holding long curved bows, both wore brown leather boots which came up to their shins, with dark brown pants and a long sleeved green top. Each wore over their shoulders a long cloak that hung nearly all the way to the ground, the cloaks were dyed green and brown to blend in with forest surroundings and at their feet two quivers filled with arrows were at the ready. "Yeah, bullseye," Kallem said grinning widely as he brushed his long blonde hair out of his eyes as he turned to grin a smile of triumph at the other archer, "Your turn, Milady," he finished with a mocking bow making his hair fall in front of his eyes again.
"Watch this then Kallem," the girl replied as she stepped out of the shadows into the sunlight making her elvish features instantly recognisable, although her long blonde hair was tied back so her pointed ears were hidden. Pulling an arrow from her quiver, she nocked it raised the bow and pulled the string back to her lips. In an instant the arrow flashed across the clearing hitting the target with the sound of splitting wood. Kallem's arrow fell from the target, the two halves tumbling to the ground. Kallem smiled and shook his head in amazement.
“Lorien, why is it that no matter how good I shoot, you can always go one better." The wood elf grinned widely and patted Kallem on the cheek.
"Don't worry, someday you'll be able to split arrows. With a little more practice," she added with a cheeky grin. Kallem laughed as he bent down, picked his quivers off the ground and slung them over his shoulder.
"Come on, it's time I got home."

The two companions followed each other through the thick vegetation, practicing their skills in stealth by moving along without making any noise until they reached the edge of the forest on the border of Kallem's home, the village of Ardomous. They turned to face each other and there was a brief pause of silence before Kallem said,"I'll see you later then Lorien," just as the elf suddenly stepped forward and kissed him on the lips, "Bye Kallem," she said with a smile, her green elvish eyes lingering on Kallem's, before she walking back into the green jungle her cloak making her quickly invisible. Kallem stood still for a second and scratched his head feeling slightly stunned.
"Well that was unexpected." He laughed and walked off towards the centre of the village, his hand subconsciously stroking a leaf shaped medallion that hung from his neck. Lorien had given it to him on his twelfth birthday, a similar one hung from her neck that he had given her. The two had been friends as long as Kallem could remember, living so close to the forest and the wood elf city near Ravenstorm peaks they had met as children and grown up together playing in the deep woods. Kallem had never feared getting lost in the dense mass even when he was very young, somehow a strange tug of the senses always pulled him in the direction he needed to go. Several times Kallem had been called to help find children who had become lost in the forest he had been faster than the wood elves search parties. Kallem's tracking skills had brought a lot of praise from some of the older elves. As he walked through the streets of mud brick houses towards the square of the village Kallem could see that all the towns folk were crowded around a slowly dying fire in the centre of the square, the stench of burnt flesh was thick in the air. Kallem's heart beat suddenly started drumming loudly in his ears, 'The Redeemers.' Several people turned at his approach, seeing him they stepped away looking in sadness. "What happened here?" Kallem asked almost in panic, but the town's people stood silent, most turning their heads refusing to make eye contact with the boy.
"I'll answer that!" came a voice from behind Kallem, he turned to be confronted by a large man clad in chain mail sitting on the back of a white horse, there was a big claymore strapped to his back and the hilt stuck out over his shoulder so it could be drawn quickly. He rose up in his stirrups and addressed the crowd standing around the burning pyre. "By decree of the Redeemers, Tyria Ravenstorm Waurd of this Village was accused and found guilty of practising Witchcraft," Kallem stiffened instantly, "And was here by sentenced to be executed by fire." Shock exploded though Kallem making him feel numb, his mother, he turned towards the fire that was starting to burn down, his mother. Kallem had been fully aware of the fact that she was a sorceress of some talent, but he had never imagined that the witch hunters would find her.
"BASTARDS!" Kallem screamed in rage and he leapt hands out-stretched towards the man who had spoke. The armoured figure was not expecting an attack so he paused briefly in shock and that was all the time the blonde haired youth needed to tackle him off his horse. More horsemen suddenly appeared from nowhere to help their fallen comrade and although Kallem was very strong for his age he was quickly subdued under weight of numbers as one rider used the hilt of his sword to knock him out. "What should we do with him?" the sword wielding man asked as he tapped Kallem's unconscious body with the toe of his boot and rubbed his jaw where the boy had struck him. The first rider picked himself off the ground and brushed the dust off his amour with his gauntleted hands.
"He has a bit of fight in him for such a youngen, perhaps we should send him to the Boys Academy in Crossroads," he grinned as he pointed to the fire behind him with his thumb, "because I don't think he has a mother anymore. That will keep him inline, maybe even make a good soldier out of him, lots of anger." The soldier looked up from Kallem's still form and asked,
"You don't think he's a witch too, do you? Like his mam?" The armoured man just shook his head,
"Nay, he's but a boy, take him to the academy, there be no fear that he's a witch." The sword man rubbed hiw again,
"Feels like I was kicked by an ox, that kid can throw a punch."

Four horses rode out that dawn, one with Kallem tied down so he was sitting up in the saddle. He swayed from side to side with the rocking motion of the horse his long hair hanging down over his face. In the dense cover of a big tree on the edge of the jungle a female figure crouched in the branches watching the riders. Her long golden blonde hair was tied back behind her head making her pointed ears visible, a tear rolled down her cheek as the horses got further and further away.

Lorien ran all the way back to the wood elf city, she didn't understand what was going on, she had turned back to tell Kallem something but as she approached the village she saw him get struck down by the horsemen. Where were they taking him? She had to talk to her father. Most of the wood elf city was high up in the branches of the massive Kalam Oaks, while the blacksmiths and most of the markets remained on the ground. Lorien headed straight for the tallest oak in the forest, home. "Father," Lorien called out as she ran up the ramp that spiralled around the great tree, when she reached the main hall far up from the ground she found her father sitting on his throne. Tears fell from her eyes, "Father, the redeemers they killed Tyria and took Kallem away some where, you have to do something!" Tyreal King of the Wood elves stood form his seat,
"My daughter, what can we do? The redeemers are waiting for and excuse to start attacking the elvish people next. If we retaliate to their 'redeeming' they will come in great numbers and wipe this city off the face of this planet." Lorien couldn't believe what see was hearing,
"We have magic, we will fight them," Tyreal shook his head.
"Against how many, tens, hundreds of thousands we are only so many, they will win in the end no matter how bravely we fight. It is probably for the best, I know you care for this boy but he is just a human, you will be queen of these people one day I hope to leave this world with a future for my daughter." Lorien was getting angry now,
"Just a human? Kallem has been my friend since before I can remember, I love him." Tyreal sighed,
"Lorien, you will live for almost a thousand years, what joy can it bring you to see him age away and die while you remain young?" She shook her head,
"I don't care, if you don't do something then I will." She ran for the throne room. Tyreal called one of his guards over,
"Make sure she doesn't leave the city." The elf nodded at the command, bowed and left after the young girl.

Kallem didn't remember much of the first day of travel as he slipped in and out of a troubled sleep swinging from side to side to the back of the horse, the rope was the only thing holding him from falling to the ground. The knock to the head had really jolted Kallem's senses about and he couldn't focus on what was happening. The next day Kallem awoke feeling a little bit better, although his head still throbbed in pain and there was a large purple bruise on his temple that was sore to the touch. Kallem was allowed to ride his horse without being tied down that day, but one of the horsemen held his reigns so he couldn't 'Run Away'. "We're close now, our young warrior." one of the riders spoke and Kallem awoke realising that he had fallen asleep on the horse, he looked towards the sun which was now sinking below the horizon. They were riding down the side of a big hill and in the distance he could see the big wooden walls of a fort, which he assumed was the academy, slightly further away in a small valley was a large town, Crossroads. From the hill Kallem could see the four major roads of Sayiaume and where they joined in the centre, hence the name. They entered the Academy under a great iron archway that could be dropped down to close the entrance up, 'To keep people out or in?' Kallem thought to himself as they passed under the gate. Dismounting he could see that the fort was made up of several courtyards. There were bow targets in one and others had sword dummies for practicing weapon skills, several large buildings, including a blacksmith were built at the back of the fort. A large shadow suddenly passed over Kallem, turning he came face to face with a huge figure. 'This man must be the Grandmaster of the Academy,' Kallem guessed. The Grandmaster's black beard, cleanly shaved head and a build like a Snow Barbarian made him an imposing figure. He looked down at Kallem, "So your the new worm eh?" Kallem looked up at the Grandmaster unsure of what to say, he was tired from the journey and still grieving for the loss of his mother. The Grandmaster suddenly slapped Kallem across the face with the back of his hand, hard. "You answer, Yes Grandmaster, understand?" Kallem touched his face, he could see blood on the ends of his fingers. The Grandmaster lifted his hand to strike again,
"Yes Grandmaster, I understand." Kallem said flinching slightly from the threat of another blow. Anger built up inside him, Kallem just pushed it away into another part of his mind where it could grow.
"What's your name?" he demanded.
"Kallem Ravenstorm, Grandmaster" Kallem answered quickly.
"Good answer Ravenstorm, I'll show you to your dorm, don't try and escape, because you wont. Get a goods night sleep, you'll need it for tomorrow." Despite the advice Kallem didn't sleep much that night.

Slightly after dawn the silence of the camp was broken by the Grandmaster, "Time to get up Worms!" he shouted. "Roll call!" The Grandmaster started rambling through names and Kallem wasn't paying any attention as he was still feeling quite drained, "Ravenstorm?" "Ravenstorm?” The Grandmaster strode up to Kallem and screamed "Ravenstorm! Are you awake? "Kallem jumped to attention, stunned.
"Yes Grandmaster" he replied.
"Good," he spun on one foot and walked to the door, "I want all of you out on the grounds in five minutes!" the door slammed behind him. Kallem looked around his first view in light of who lived here, there were twelve others about the same age as him all in this one dorm. Everyone jumped into action after the Grandmaster left and started to get dressed. The boy in the next bunk who had curly light brown hair introduced himself as Jarrod, or Carter as he liked to be called, pointed to a chest next to Kallem's bed,
"In there you'll find clothes and your training sword." Kallem nodded in thanks to Carter and opened the chest. Inside the chest there was a pile of clothes that Kallem slipped into, he looked at the woven shirts that were dyed a green and brown. 'At least they're in my colours, bit itchy though' he smirked silently to himself. He reached back into the chest and pulled out a small wooden training sword. He shrugged, thinking that the Grandmaster was too cautious to give them real swords. The sword and its equally wooden sheath he tied to his belt. Standing he followed the rest of the youths out the door.

The day was spent mostly practicing the same slashes and blocks over and over again, Kallem found he enjoyed the weapon lessons, falling into a steady rhythm he found that the moves came naturally, as if he had been born to wield a sword. Most of the other boys at the academy had only been there several months, some showed some skill like Carter who looked to be the best swordsman out of the younger boys and others who were not so good had no hope as the Grandmaster blasted them with insults about how incompetent they were. Because it was his first day Kallem's style and grace with the sword did not go unnoticed. The Grandmaster stood off in the distance watching Kallem with one of the head trainers, words were exchanged and the trainer nodded and walked off. The Grandmaster called all the 'Worms' as they were known, being the youngest at the Academy, to the main sparing arena. The arena was a big square area packed with red dirt large enough for two fighters to go at it with out taking out any observers. Kallem sat down on the pavement next to the arena, suddenly feeling very tired, he rubbed his temples trying to rid himself of the dizzy feeling. "Ravenstorm!" The Grandmaster called, "seeing as its your first day, you can spa with me, get over here." Kallem looked over to where the Grandmaster was standing in the middle of the arena. He pointed with his sword at the ground a few feet from himself. Kallem got up and walked over into the arena where the Grandmaster was standing, his head was throbbing and his vision blurred at bit. "Lets see how much you've learned today, yes?" The Grandmaster said as he lifted his wooden training sword. Kallem stood as straight as he could and raised his sword to his face in salute. The Grandmasters first strike was slow and Kallem blocked it easily falling back into the rhythm he had been practicing all day, but with each clash of the swords pain was sent jolting up Kallem's arm. After a few more solid strokes, that had Kallem's right arm aching, the Grandmaster quickened up the pace. Kallem started having trouble blocking the moves and then he cried out in pain as the Grandmaster faked to the left then smashed his sword into Kallem's right upper arm. Kallem's vision blurred for a second as he felt a bone crack, the pain made rage flash through Kallem so he let it consume him, fuelling him with strength making pain in his arm dull. Kallem gritted his teeth, flicked his sword over into his left hand and took up stance. The Grandmaster looked pleased, "ah, he can use both hands eh?" The Grandmaster came at Kallem with advancing strokes while Kallem blocked them as he backed up, suddenly Kallem dodged to the right of the Grandmaster knocking his sword down then using the last of his strength in his right arm to slam his fist into the Grandmaster's face, 'That was for my arm you bastard' Kallem thought and he smiled, the Grandmaster took a step back and put his hand to his mouth, blood seeped out from a cut in his lip, he smiled. "It seems I have underestimated you but now for that blow, I will teach you a lesson in how good a sword fighter I really am, you only caught me off guard." The Grandmasters first blow was to use the flat of his sword to smash Kallem's left hand, making him lose grip on the hilt, the second strike was on the blade sending it spinning into the dirt, then he smashed Kallem's other arm with the next blow, following it with a quick hit to the head with the flat of his blade which sent Kallem to the ground. A grim smile rose on the Grandmaster's face as he then pointed at two of the older boys and sent them to get a stretcher to take the unconscious boy to the sickbay.

Kallem had spent almost a month in sickbay, one broken bone in each of his arms and a few broken fingers, but he spent as much time as possible exercising his arms building them up so they were strong enough to start training again, Kallem was keen to have another go at the Grandmaster, now that he could see and think straight. Carter visited from time to time to talk but most of his day was filled with training. After one of Carters visits Kallem realised that tomorrow was his birthday, fifteen winters old, his coming of age. Kallem had healed quite fast and he was impressed that he was almost ready to leave the sickbay. Having been stuck in the stuffy room for most of the month Kallem was eager to get back out in to the action. That night he dreamt. Kallem looked around and saw he was standing in a black void, there was nothing except for him. Suddenly he could feel another presence close by. "Ah, Kallem Ravenstorm," a voice spoke from nowhere and everywhere, it sounded deep and commanding. Kallem looked around confused,
"Show yourself!" he shouted.
"Very well," the voice replied. A figure dressed in dark green leathers stood in front of Kallem, around his shoulders was a long cape that was as black as the void that surrounded them, making most of the man fade in and out of sight. A long sword hung at his hip, a dark orange gem was embedded in the end of the hilt shone out brightly. The man looked up into Kallem's eyes and the first thing he noticed was that the stranger had the purest of silver eyes, it sent a chill down his spine. The cloaked figure with the silver eyes spoke again his voice booming from every direction, "I am here to tell ye something." Kallem looked at the stranger,
"What is it you wish to tell me?" he replied. He bowed his head slightly and continued,
"Tonight is your coming of age and with your coming of age comes a fork in your destiny, and ye must choose what path ye wish to take." Kallem was confused,
"What path?" The man's eyes softened and he answered Kallem's question
"My time has past and ye are the next to be chosen to join the hunt, become part of the circle of thirty, the Hunters. Answer yes or no. Ye will feel what is the correct answer, if ye refuse I will have to wait for another to be chosen so that I may rest." Kallem thought about it for a second before answering.
"Yes, I will join the hunt," it seemed the right thing to say even though he really had no idea what the man was talking about. The silver in the eyes of the stranger faded away to a pale green colour and he smiled,
"Good, your answer pleases me, your training will begin as soon as one of the circle arrives." He clapped his hands together and the void disappeared.

Kallem awoke the next day feeling completely revitalised, he moved his arms and flexed his fingers, feeling no pain or stiffness and he smiled widely. Getting out of bed Kallem walked over to the washbasin to wash his face. As he stared at his reflection in the water he noticed something odd, looking closer he stared straight at his own eyes, they were silver! Kallem wondered what people would think, eyes just don't change colour for no reason. One of the nurses suddenly appeared next to Kallem, "Feeling better now Kallem?" she turned him around so she could see his face and looked into his eyes. Kallem thought he was done for, but she didn't seem to notice and went on with the examination. She poked and prodded Kallem's arms and he told her he felt no pain or discomfort which made her look a bit surprised before she said, "Well I don't think we need to keep you in here any longer Kallem, you can go back to training, but take it easy." Kallem sighed in relief and left the sickbay straight away. Kallem returned to his dorm, dressed, grabbed his sword and headed out to the main square.
"Ah our young warrior worm returns." came the cry from the Grandmaster who had just gathered all the other young students, Kallem ignored the comment. "Today begins your training in archery." Kallem smiled, now this was his area of expertise. The twelve boys were all lined up at on one end of a courtyard while the targets, which were made out of bales of hay and a heshen cloth with a target painted on it were placed forty feet away near the tall wall of wood. Kallem lifted the bow that he had been given and looked it up and down, it was nothing like the quality he was used to, Kallem's bow had been made by Lorein's uncle, one of the greatest of the Wood-elf crafters. His bow had no doubt been taken by one of the horsemen that brought him here, this was still a bow none the less. One of the trainers came out to instruct them all in the use of the bow. Glaurd as he was known, was a fairly short man but he made up for that with arms and shoulders that were as thick as tree trunks. Glaurd scratched his brown beard as he babbled on about the techniques of the bow and arrow, Kallem let the words pass by as he enjoyed the sunshine, besides how much could this man teach him about archery, he had been able to shoot a bow when he was five. The boys all lined up their bows at the targets and at the trainer's instruction fired. Kallem waited until all had fired, some hit the targets and others sent arrows flying off into the wooden walls of the fort. He raised his bow drew the string back to his lips, paused for a second to get his target and let the arrow fly. It streaked across the courtyard in a heart beat and slammed into the centre of the target punching through the heshen into the hay. Glaurd raised his eyebrows in surprise, Kallem smiled widely 'Haven't picked up a bow in more than a month and still a dead eye shot' he thought. "Lucky shot," Came a voice beside Kallem, it was Carter who had a big grin on his face. Kallem shook his head and smiled
"Skill, my friend." Glaurd overhead Kallem's boast and ordered him to prove it. Kallem nodded and nocked another arrow, pulling back the string Kallem focused on back of his first arrow that was sticking straight out of the centre of the target, relaxing his breathing he thought of when he and Lorien had been shooting arrows together. Kallem focused until felt sure there was no way he could miss and he let the arrow fly. Intakes of breaths could be heard and even Glaurd was shocked as the first arrow was split straight down the middle by the second. Kallem let out a loud hoot of triumph and jumped off the ground in joy, 'I finally split one' He thought. He smiled as he thought about his elven friend and he subconsciously rubbed the leaf medallion hanging from his neck, Carter slapped Kallem on the back.
"Good shot!" he grinned. Glaurd rubbed his beard in amazement,
"You shoot like that when the Kings adviser gets here in a few weeks and you'll be picked as one of the new squire for sure." Kallem smiled at this comment and Carter tapped him on the arm and said,
"The Kings Adviser, comes around every few years and takes two boys away to do service for the King as squires. That is your only way out of here besides the army. I'm getting out this time, I'm one of the best here with a sword, thou I must say your performance against the Grandmaster was very impressive."
"Thanks," was all Kallem replied.

After the day of training was over Kallem and Carter sat on their bunks talking. "How come you can use both hands to sword fight, have you always been able to do that." Carter asked. Kallem simply shrugged
"Never really ever picked up a sword before I came here, but I have always been able to use both hands the same." Carter sat back looking a bit stunned,
"Wow, you fight like that after one day of training, you must have been born to use a sword." Carter shook his head smiling slightly, "So," he said changing the subject, "How did you end up here, this is an orphanage as well as a training academy, I suppose they send us here because if we die in the army, we have no family to care." Kallem flinched at the memory but he told Carter the story.
"My father has been dead for many years, I don't even remember him and my mother was accused of witchcraft and burnt at the stake." Carter's eyes dropped down.
"Sorry to hear that Kallem, once the Redeemers have accused someone, witch or not they will always be proven guilty." Kallem sighed deeply.
"Oh no, except they were right this time, my mother was a sorceress for sure." Carter paused for a second in thought before saying.
"What? Your mother was a witch?" he suddenly lowered his voice so only Kallem could hear. "Be careful who you tell that Kallem, because one day it might turn out to be your downfall. Have no fear tho I am on your side." Kallem nodded his head in thanks for the advice and the two fell silent, lost in thought. The quiet was shattered by the screaming of the Grandmasters voice, as he demanded that all the lights be put out for sleep. Candles and lanterns were all blown out and the dormitory was blanketed in darkness.

The next two weeks were filled with more sword drills, archery, horse riding and plenty of early mornings that Carter always complained about. The day before the arrival of the Kings Adviser soon came and the two had just been promoted to sergeants, for their skills in sword fighting and archery. The Grandmaster now told them they were no longer 'worms' but promoted to 'slugs' but he seem pleased, so Kallem and Carter took it in humour and were now sure they were top chance to be chosen as squires for the King. After the Grandmaster addressed all the novices just before dawn he sent them all away except for Carter and Kallem "Today, I am testing you two on your tracking skills, Trainer Jaicob has already gone into the forest, It will be your test to find him." Carter punched Kallem in the arm.
"Easy," Kallem nodded and rubbed his arm. The Grandmaster continued
"Be sure you are all back before the King's adviser arrives." After he walked away Kallem lent closer to Carter and whispered
"Isn't he worried about us trying to running from the Academy?" Carter shook his head,
"Not really, the only place to hide is the forest, and you don't want to stay in there after nightfall."
"Why's that?"
"Because of the Shadowed Beast. It can only come out after dark, it doesn't leave the forest though and the only things that can harm it are silver and fire," he said simply as if everyone knew that, Kallem's face paled slightly,
"What is it?" Carter shrugged his shoulders,
"Some people say it used to be a warlock who tried to cheat death so Daognis trapped him in that form forever".
"The god of Death?" Kallem asked with raised eyebrows.
"One and the same," Carter grabbed his pack and started walking towards the gates of the academy.

Once the two had entered the forest Kallem sighed, the dense growth of trees made him feel at home. He looked around searching for signs of the trainers passing, Kallem felt that familiar tug at his senses making him look around. He pointed through a group of trees, "He's that way." Carter made a puzzled face,
"How do you know that?" Kallem shrugged and smiled before walking in the direction he pointed out, "Kallem?" Carter shook his head, "We're gunna get lost for sure." Kallem never paused walking, sometimes turning and heading in different directions.
"We're close now," Kallem said to Carter who asked again
"How do you know?" Kallem simply shrugged
"Hard to explain, but its like a feeling pulling me in the direction I need to go." The two pushed through some thick vines into a small clearing as Carter said,
"That's crap you cant feel your," he stopped mid sentence as they looked at Trainer Jaicob sitting on a stump in the clearing. Kallem smiled and crossed his arms, "I stand corrected," Carter said in amazement. Jaicob stood up from his seat.
"Well done you two, your the first to find me so quick I must say." He scratched his stubbled face and he turned around to go back to his stump, "Sit down boys, take a well earned rest and we'll go back later, not in any hurry." He sat down on the stump and pulled out a pipe and a container of tobacco. "You fella's smoke?" he asked, the two just shook their head. Jaicob laughed, "Trust me you probably will one day." Carter and Kallem lay on the ground looking at the sky,
"Whoa, look at that, something is crossing the sun." Kallem pointed straight at the sun, Carter shaded his eyes with his hand, squinting he said,
"Yeah an eclipse, its when one of the two moons crosses in front of the sun making in dark for about half and hour. It only happens every few years." Jaicob jumped up from his seat sending tobacco flying,
"Shit, we have to get out of this forest right now!" he said grabbing his stuff,
"What for?" Carter asked, Jaicob started heading to the edge of the clearing,
"It will be dark you fool, the Shadowed Beast will be out for all that time" his voice trembled with fear. Carter jumped up,
"What are we waiting for, lets get the hell out of here." The three scrambled through the forest darkness closing in on them quickly. As they passed through another clearing the moon reached its peak and the sun was closed over completely, a loud chilling scream pierced the dark. Jaicob stopped in his tracks,
"We're screwed," he said with no emotion in his voice. Suddenly several trees broke apart splinters of wood scattering across the dark clearing, the first thing to be seen of the Shadowed Beast were it's glowing red eyes which seemed to float in the air, the rest of the creature was completely covered in a corse black fur, as it strode quickly across the clearing Kallem could make out its huge arms, each equipped with three long claws that were about the length of a sword. Carter broke out of the hold of fear the beast seemed to be emanating,
"Quick, get fire or silver! Anything that will help us." Kallem turned looking around on the ground,
"Sliver I don't have, but fire is no problem." grabbing a large stick off the ground he raised it in the air, pointing at the far end of it with his other hand, his face became a mask of concentration as the end of the wood suddenly burst into bright flame causing Jaicob and Carter to turn their heads away from the light. The Shadowed Beast screamed in pain the blood red eyes closing to thin slits as it raised its dark arms to shield its face. "Ok, now is when we run again," Kallem said as he threw the branch on the ground and started his bolt across the clearing. The three ran for their lives leaving the beast thrashing around on the ground covering its eyes from the burning stick lying near by.

Safely out of the dark forest the light slowly returning to the day the three sat on the ground catching their breaths, "You didn't tell me you could do that Kallem" Carter said panting loudly. Kallem shrugged
"Never came up."
"Must come in handy out camping eh?" Carter joked. Jaicob looked at Kallem in a mix of fear and admiration, 'This boy had just saved them by magic, the Grandmaster will have something to say about this, when I tell him'. Once back at the academy Jaicob headed straight to the Grandmaster. Carter leaned over and spoke softly to Kallem as he watched the trainer giving his report out of the corner of his eyes, "He's sure to be saying something about the magic you did." Kallem frowned as Carter continued, "Now he's coming over." Kallem cursed to himself. The Grandmaster walked up to the two and spoke,
"I hear you found Jaicob in record time, well done, tomorrow you will be sure choices for the Kings squires." He turned and started to walk away, without stoping he gave a simple wave of his hand and said, "Don't worry about that magic thing, my family has been allies with the gifted for many generations." After he had gone Carter broke the silence,
"Looks like we're getting out of here!" The two suddenly burst out into cheering, making several of the older boys turn around to see what the commotion was.

Early the next morning all of the academy's students were woken up to prepare for the King's Advisers visit. All were given a uniform to wear that consisted of brown pants that were made out of tightly woven cotton, a dark green and brown leather jacket with a soft wool undershirt and tight black boots that soon had most complaining about blisters. Their wooden training swords were replaced by light metal swords, which of course were blunt. Although the swords were for show only every one thought they looked good holding a real sword even if it was just a light imitation of the real thing.

Each and every one of the students at the Academy lined up in rows in the main courtyard ready for the Kings Adviser to appear. At last the moment arrived and the Adviser stepped out of the Grandmasters office on the side of the dormitory. He wore simple grey robes that had a red lining around the collar and sleeves, around his waist was a thick black belt, but what first caught Kallem's attention was the sword at the Advisers hip. It was the same as the one in the dream except the gem in the end of the hilt was a light blue colour. The Kings Adviser walked along the ranks of students looking at each in turn sometimes nodding his slightly balding head. As he came to Kallem the Adviser looked straight in to his eyes, Kallem caught his breath, they were pure silver. The Adviser smiled at him then continued walking along the line. After the inspection the day consisted of trials and tests under the Advisers watchful eye. He was greatly impressed at Kallem's skill with the bow and he asked to see how many bullseyes Kallem could hit in a row. After Kallem had split three arrows and hit seven bullseyes the kings Adviser asked him to stop. Kallem grinned from ear to ear, even he had not expected to shoot so well. While some students had seen Kallem split arrows before, this was a first view for most who now had their mouths hanging open in silent shock. During the day Kallem studied the Adviser as much as possible, after a while the only thing that caught his attention besides the sword and those creepy silver eyes was the three rings on his left hand, each had a different gem set in the middle, a sapphire, a diamond and an emerald.

The last event of the day was the sword fighting, all crowded around the arena waiting to watch the fights. The last fight was to be between Kallem and Carter the two most skilled in their group. The two friends stood facing each other in the middle of the red dirt square, each wore a brown leather tunic that had long chain mail sleeves that covered their arms to the bronze bracers around their wrists, which signified their rank of Sargent. At a nod for the Grandmaster they drew their swords, the wooden training swords replaced with a light steel blade. Kallem raised his sword to his brow in salute and Carter followed his action. The younger Carter made the first move by thrusting forward with his sword, Kallem stepped to one side and knocked Carter's blade aside, turning Kallem crouched sweeping his sword towards Carter's feet. Seeing the move coming Carter dived over Kallem's attack rolling over his shoulder and up onto his feet. A few cheers rose from the crowd as the two faced each other again. They circled around the square each looking for an opening in the others defence. Carter launched a series of heavy attacks on Kallem striking down on his opponent's sword. As they paused for breath Carter looked into Kallem's eyes, he seemed to be concentrating on something. Kallem looked across at his opponent, a strange feeling was coming over him, it was like when he used his gift except it felt different, he relaxed his mental hold and let the new feeling engulf him. Carter almost dropped his sword when he saw what happened next. Kallem's eyes seemed to glaze over then the deep blue colour was replaced by silver. Kallem's next attacks made Carter stumble backwards trying to get out of the reach of the now advancing sword. Blocking strokes that came nearly to fast to follow Carter tried a new counter attack he had been practicing but Kallem dodged the move as if he had seen it come at him a thousand times, suddenly Carters sword was sent spinning into the dirt and the cool pointed tip of steel was at his throat. "You win," Carter managed to say as he watched in wonder as the blue returned to his friend's eyes. Breathing heavily Kallem shook his head not really knowing what had happened, when Carter had advanced on him with those three attacks, he had felt this new power come alive, he had first noticed it while he was shooting arrows earlier in the day. Carter was suddenly at his side, he kept his voice low "You had me scared there for a minute mate, when your eyes turned silver I nearly shit myself." Kallem cut his friend off,
"What? You saw my eyes turn silver?" Carter nodded. Kallem nodded towards the Kings Adviser who was looking in their direction, Kallem could see his silver eyes from here he was smiling again. "Tell me Carter, what colour are the Advisers eyes?" Carter looked across the arena,
"Hard to tell from here, Dark Green." Kallem shook his head,
"They are silver, the same as mine." Carter looked over again,
"Would you mind explaining what the hell is going on here then?" Kallem shrugged,
"If I knew you'd be the first to hear it but I'd say we going to find out very soon."

Once again all we assembled in the main courtyard, the Kings Adviser, the Grandmaster and most of his trainers stood in front of the gathered students. The Grandmaster stepped forward and addressed the crowd, "Students of my academy, as most of you know every few years two squires are chosen from here to do service for the King at Castle Rohammer. That day has come and the decision has been made. Now give your full attention to the Kings Adviser." The man in the grey robes stepped forward, Kallem's gaze still focused on his silver eyes,
"Short and sweet" Carter whispered.
"Today I have been witness to many fine warriors in the making, but I only require two," He looked up into Kallem's eyes, "One of them is you Kallem Ravenstorm." Kallem smiled and nodded his head, not sure how to respond. Turning the Kings Adviser spoke again, "The other is you Jarrod, Carter." Carters smile was twice as wide as Kallem's.
"Short and sweet."

Chapter 2 - Castle Rohammer
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