SFW sails into the sun with this final broadcast- May. 21st 2003
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It’s been
3 long years since I’ve done any work on this old site. I haven’t touched it for
several reasons: I’ve become more interested in other things, Star Trek:
Enterprise was a big flop, and I’ve been busy with school (which ironically,
hasn’t yielded much result). Though my interest in Sci-fi still lingers, it is
not enough for me to go back to work on what seems a defunct aspect of my world.
Although you can still see SFW3
here, the so called “massive” development never became reality. So, here
remains a relic of the energy from a small boy bent on publishing his
imagination for the world to see. If you still want to see what I’ve been doing
all these years, feel free to visit my homepage at:
Edit: I've started a personal website. You can check it out here.
SFW is going into a massive redevelopment- Dec. 8th 2000
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As some of you may have noticed, the last time I updated this site was Sept. 2nd. This site will be undergoing re-development and will not be updated until further notice.A preview of "SFW 3" will be up soon. Please email (at wynhou@hotmail.com) me for problems or bugs about this site, so I can improve on it in the next update. |

SFW gets shocked!!- Sept. 2nd 2000
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Flash content was finally been incorporated into this site. Regular news broadcasting will continue in several weeks. |

SFW goes to 2.0!!!- June. 24th 2000
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 | Starting from July 26th, SFW will be going in to refitting for the new version. There may be broken links, missing images, etc. Please cope for now, we are sorry for the
inconvenience. |

SITENAV 3.0 in BETA!- June. 24th 2000
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 | SITENAV 3.0 is in BETA testing! The design is totally different and it is compatible is both IE and Netscape. Please vote here if you think it is better than the one used now.
[Beta Testing Closed.] |

Einstein's speed limit exceeded 300 times.- May. 29th 2000
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 | The speed at which light travels through a vacuum, about 300,000 kilometers per second, is enshrined as the Universal speed limit. Nothing can travel faster than that speed. And if anything could, Einstein's theory of relativity would crumble, and theoretical physics would fall into disarray. But two new experiments have demonstrated how flexible or misleading that wisdom can be in the right circumstances. Researchers have produced lights beams that appear to travel much faster. Einstein's theory survives, but the results of the experiments, physicists agree, are mind-bending. In one experiment, a pulse of light that passes through a transparent gas-filled chamber appears to be pushed to speeds of 300 times the speed of light. That is so fast that the main part of the pulse exits the chamber before it enters it. It is as if someone peering out of a window at home were to see a man slip on a patch of ice while crossing the street well before witnesses on the sidewalk saw the mishap occur - a preview of the future. |

SFW gets well above 4000!- May. 4th 2000
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 | Sci-Fi World has now reached 4000 visitors and is gaining fast! Thank you all to the loyal fans of this site, I'll try to update this site every week. |

New Anakin Skywalker chosen- Apr. 11th 2000
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 | Hayden Christensen, a 19-year-old Canadian actor, has been selected as the new Anakin Skywalker for Episodes II and III of the Star Wars saga, filling a key role that has been played by actors ranging from then eight-year-old Jake Lloyd in The Phantom Menace to 82-year-old Sebastian Shaw in Return of the Jedi. |

SFW gets blown down by CIH!- Apr. 11th 2000
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 | Sci-Fi World got smacked right in the head by the CIH virus, everything was deleted from my hard drive. The
surprise I was going to give you is, the HTML Guide is gone forever. I could not update this
web page for about 2 weeks, I am sorry for the inconvenience. |

Help needed again- Mar 31st 2000
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 | I've seemed to be getting
a lot of missed placed images, links, etc. This is because I don't upload all of the files which are on my hard drive. Please email me if you see a fault. |

Could it be SW: Episode II?- Feb 1st 2000 | |
 | Could this poster be the
official poster for Star Wars: Episode II? George Lucas didn't post any though.
This is actually a fake made by me, I if tricked you in to believing that this was the
official poster, then please tell me. And no, I don't like Decaprio. He just fitted the image perfect, all I needed was to add a extra strand of hair. ( This image is 91kb ) |

Predictions for the future, from the past...- Jan. 20th 2000 |
 | Scientists have tried to
predict what the world will be like on the year 2000. Here are some
incorrect predictions that have been made by "very" smart people:
"Stocks have reached what looks like a permanently high plateau." - Irving Fisher
University Economics Professor, speaking just before the stock market crash of 1929.
"By 1960, work will be limited to three hours a day." - 1936 book "A Short History of the Future"
"Before 2000 it is 'very probable' there will be underwater settlements, and artificial moons for round-the-clock illumination" -A study made by Hudson Institute
"Before man reaches the moon, our mail will be delivered in hours from New York to California by guided
missiles. - U.S. Postmaster Direct, A. Summerfield 1959.

Happy New Year!!!- Jan. 1st 2000 |
 | Happy New Year... oh wait... Happy New Millennium!! I hoped that you went to see all the fantastic fireworks which happened around the world. And thanks the many visitors who has contributed to this site, I'm happy to announce that my site has passed the 3000 mark! I also hope that the Y2K bug didn't effect anybody's computers. |

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