Welcome to my Guestbook!

Chrissy - 12/27/00 21:24:19
My URL:http://soweirdfan.homestead.com/home.html

Hi--Really cool website!! You have tons of great info! I'll check back soon!

valerie - 11/24/00 20:27:16
My URL:http://members.home.net/conawayfamily/Vals%20So%20Weird%20Webpage.html
My Email:conawayfaimly@home.com

Cool site! Keep up the good work!

dmweird - 11/02/00 22:54:29
My URL:http://DMWeirdsSoWeirdWorld

good site

Tyler - 04/28/00 19:00:38
My Email:PalpyLectr@aol.com

Hey there! I love So Weird and I love this site. I'll try to help you out again with lyrics soon. I really hope there are lots more episodes and lots more songs. Any ideas if they'll be a soundtrack. Also, there's rumor that Cara DeLizia may be leavi g the show! Oh no! Get back to me, fellow So Weird fans, if you got any info on anything that's SO WEIRD!! THIS SITE RULES!!

Jim Fung - 03/21/00 05:19:08
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~JFung
My Email:jfung79@uclink4.berkeley.edu

Awesome site. I especially love the in-depth and insightful episode reviews. However, I must quibble with your analysis of Carey -- I think there's a certain, special, good-natured, child-like/angelic quality about him which sets him apart from the typi al teenage guy.

Shane - 02/17/00 18:34:57

So far, so good. But you need to finish the episode reviews.

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