Bare with
me, I have alot to say and so do my friends.

I'm going to
add more pictures soon
Yeah more
ugly ME on the
Age: 14
Name: Darcie
Siblings: one a 17 year old
brother (were pretty good freinds)
Favorite Colour:
Blue,Orange and yellow, bright green.
things I love to do: Dance,
sing, hang out, meet new people and just be me. Oh and
freaking out people is the best!!!
hobbies: TALKING. and
Bugging people
Favorite Shows: Mad T.V Umm
The Much Music Count Down, That's 70's show,
Favorite Actors: Tom Hanks,
Seth Green
words that describe me:
Weird, HYPER, talktive, LOUD, friendly,HAPPY, crazy and fun I
fave songs: Come together:
Beatals. On a plain: Nirvana, Kryptonite : three doors down.
Dying to be alive :Hanson (yes hanson) and alot more I just
can't think o ya know
Fave Quotes: it change
every week it's been everthing from "chicky poo" to
"Chunky Money" from "if you tell anyone about
the bush I'll came to your house and cute you" to well
even "you know what, fine" and for Linz
"mmmkay" Okay I'm a little weird
ICQ #: 44580505
Embarrassing Moment: When I got kicked out of Canadian Tire,
because my frined swore a littleto loud, then we got yelled
at but how we should talk.
me and
mylittle cousin were on the slide with a whole bunch of
people and I was being really funny and making people laugh.
my little cousin was telling me to stop but of course I
didn't , so I was setting there think 'umm this is nice warm
liquidy stuff is under me,WAIT there is no warm liquid stuff
on slides, OH MY GOD' then I hear, ' I'm sorry' form above
me. My little cousin peed on me. to make this worst when we
were walking down the street after that, I saw some good
looking guys and I didn't wat them to see the pee, I pulled
my cousin over to walk infornt of me to hide the pee on my
butt, but I pulled her a little too close and she shouted out
"YOU STUCK MY FACE IN THE PEE!" All the guys looked
at my and laugh.
What do my
friends think of me
Darcie is: Funky, Fun, cute, pretty,talktive, good
listerner,sense of style, Smart, Creative,keeps busy,Can be
mouthy at times but not much,caring,responsible and a good
memory "
"she's the funnyest person the world.
does these really weird thing where she impersonations people
and gives them high voices, but it's SO FUNNY!!!!, And plus
she's a great person, and is always cracking jokes"
H:" five words Hyper, Happy, weird, funny= Darcie"
fun what can I say that's all that comes to mine"
she's every opinionated"
Things about
me I didn't tell you before
Okay well I
guess I try to be funny, and at times I am. I really do care
about the world and the people in it. I can't spell for shit.
and I normaly don't swear (sunday school teacher for 3 year old , gotta watch
my mouth) If you give
me the changes to talk to you, I must warn you. I will NOT
shut-up I will talk your ear off, and I talk about the
weirdest things. I think of things most people don't and ask
really odd qustions. You can ask my friend they'll back me
up. I love animals. I'm afraid of really odd and weird
things. Like people touching my BELLY BUTTON (Sophie,Lindsay)
or clowns. and you now who scares me??? The Bits 'N' Bites ,
guy. His tlaks so slow ans his voice never goes up or down.
And incase your wondering yes I know I'm insane, so do my
am I
Of course!!! I've been
taking sing leason for about two, three years and sing in
competion even spring.I sing with a couple of choirs, and
sing/act in musicals. I love even kind of music from Pop to
swing to blues to jazz
Well that's it for now