Bare with me, I have alot to say
and so do my friends.

New year's (like you weren't
I'm going to add more pictures
Yeah more ugly ME on the
Age: 14
Name: Darcie
Siblings: one a 17 year old brother (were
pretty good freinds)
Favorite Colour: Blue,Orange and yellow, bright green.
things I love to do: Dance, sing, hang out,
meet new people and just be me. Oh and freaking out people is the
hobbies: TALKING. and Bugging people
Favorite Shows: Beavis and Butt Head, South
Park, Mad T.V Umm The Much Music Count Down, That's 70's show,
Favorite Actors: Tom Hanks, Seth Green, Matt
song that describe me:Weird,Some one who is
words that describe me: Weird, HYPER, talktive,
LOUD, friendly,HAPPY, crazy and fun I guess.
fave songs: Come together: Beatals. Ya Ya:
Moffatts, Out of My Bed(still in my head):Gil. When I come
around:Green Day. I want you to want me: Letters to cleo. Fast:
Letters to cleo. dude look like a lady: Aerosmith
Fave moffatt songs: Ya Ya and Why
Fave gil song: Out of my Bed
Fave Hanson song: Cry
Fave Quotes: "Go set in the conner you
dumb Kid"
ICQ #: 44580505
What do my friends think of me
Amber:" Darcie is: Funky,
Fun, cute, pretty,talktive, good listerner,sense of style, Smart,
Creative,keeps busy,Can be mouthy at times but not
much,caring,responsible and a good memory "
Hill: "she's the funnyest
person the world.
Marry-Claire:"She's does
these really weird thing where she impersonations people and
gives them high voices, but it's SO FUNNY!!!!, And plus she's a
great person, and is always cracking jokes"
Lindsay H:" five words
Hyper, Happy, weird, funny= Darcie"
Sandy:" fun what can I say
that's all that comes to mine"
Will:" she's every
Things about me I didn't tell
you before
Okay well I guess I try to be
funny, and at times I am. I really do care about the world and
the people in it. I can't spell for shit. and I normaly don't
swear (sunday school teacher for 3 year old
, gotta watch my mouth) If you give me the
changes to talk to you, I must warn you. I will NOT shut-up I
will talk your ear off, and I talk about the weirdest things. I
think of things most people don't and ask really odd qustions.
You can ask my friend they'll back me up. I love animals. I'm
afraid of really odd and weird things. Like people touching my
BELLY BUTTON (Sophie,Lindsay) or clowns. and incase your
wondering yes I know I'm insane, so do my friends.
am I musical????
Of course!!! I've been taking sing leason for
about two, three years and sing in competion even spring. I sing
with a couple of choirs, and sing/act in a musical. I love even
kind of music from Pop to swing to blues to jazz
Well that's it for now