<BGSOUND SRC="/m_rhymes/whatawonderfulworld.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Welcome to my Wee Little Place Online
Hi this is me, Muzique, and Welcome to my
Wee Little Place online.
Here you will find just a little bit
about where I live, who i live with and what my favourite hobbies are. :o)
OK, so, Here Goes.
I'm a Mom, of Three Beautiful Children, we live here on
Cape Breton Isle, with my partner of 24 wonderful years.  I Work Full time as an administrative clerk, and Love Music, Children, Art, Reading(prose&verse),
Writing (esp. Poetry) and Scrabble:o).
And this is my Life Partner
(In Crime if you Will)
M-i-k-e.  We met in
New Brunswick / Maine 27years ago
and have been together since.
He's a Man in Uniform
(woo hoo) and works as a
Marine Communications Traffic Specialist.
We still sing and perform together for
Just as we did when we first met.
This is MJ , 23, our firstborn, eldest, musician, artist, producer, and sound engineer.  His Music passion recently has led him from the safety of our nest , to a place where he is enjoying life to its very fullest, as a Jazz Musician at St. Francis Xavier University, in Antigonish Nova Scotia.
And this is our Special Angel - Manda.
Born only 18 months after her brother,
with a rare & severe disability
(encephalic meningocele -
spina bifida)
surprising everyone when she
came to us 21 short years ago.
She is our daily ray of sunshine,
always a smile, and endless hugs,
teaching us very big lessons in
her own small, unconditional, loving way.
Last but certainly not
least is Digger,
our tried and true
Challenging 16 Year old.
He enjoys many things,
most of all MUSIC, MUSIC
&&MORE MUSIC... !!!
and of course...
teasing  his siblings
and asserting his place
in the natural order
of things.  A Compassionate
and gentle spirit,
his kindness and sensitivity
sets him apart
from all the rest. 
Mitzi ~
we Love you girl - May she rest forever in peace
Our WussyWannabeLapdog.
Our family is just not complete without her.
Just so you know,
to give you sense of her Temperament,
Digger picked her out at the SPCA
where a breeder had dismissed her as a Runt.
But Digger saw her potential, and took the
bestest Little Runt Home.
Finally Thanks to MJ --- Click here
*MuZique's Music*
And ...
Last but not least ....
Our FunFrolickingFeline.
The newest addition to our Family, (We're not sure if she's figured out she's a Cat yet). Certainly we all treat her as Royalty, so she may never know and what she doesn't know can't hurt her. Mom just took her home one day .. surprising everyone with this bundle of energy and joy:o).
Diggers page
Most Loyal ~ Best Companion - Well Loved
Our latest


friend and companion.
Shes brightened our
lives and filled our days with much activity :
unending unceasing
and hullabullooooos

Photos 1
Photos 2