My Weekly Ritual
Ok, now, before we get started, I think I should say something that is not immediately obvious from looking at the rest of the page. I adore Goths. It is one of the few weaknesses that I cannot purge from myself, though I do try. Now, with this in mind, here is my weekly ritual....

Every week, either Sunday or Monday(depending on what has happened the previous week), I will log onto the Goth Babe of the Week page and view who is there and her page. Now, first off, no, I am not some stalker guy. The explanation is forthcoming. I do, however, possess a very slight masochistic bent, and this ritual is how I exercise it. The reason this is an exercise in masochism I call the "Reflective Theorem of Goth Dating" or "Why James dating a goth is about as likely as snow in Alabama in July". It goes something like this. 1. All of the women showin in GBOTW live far, far away. Usually a minimum of 2 hours. 2. Even if said "Goth Babe" lived next door, she most likely is dating some artist named Hans who is the ideal goth boi and would most likely have no interest in a bizzare indidvidual such as myself.

Now, outside of the facet of this ritual as an exercise in masochism, I also do find some pages that are as exceptional as the women who made/appear in them. These pages are mentioned here.

Ragdoll Patchwork
Ok, I'll admit it, in this case I am a bit biased because she reminds me of my dear Bria, the only person I dated who could be considered goth. However, her page has merits above and beyond that. The pictures are artfully done, and the design is accomplished. It does have a long way to go before it is complete, but it is strong so far.

Anna Grau Sometimes the Quest of Tantalus(yes, I do have haughty sounding names for stuff that is in reality quite disgusting) I find people that remind me of experiences I have had in the past. Anna has a very strong interest in corsets, something I studied in my theatre major at university(I've taken a number of costume classes). But, I digress. Her page uses Java code in a way that contribues to the page that is subtle yet very effective, I also like her artful use of digital graphics. That and she is probibly one of the most beautiful creatures I have ever seen, that includes the plasticy models and other such nonsense. I see myself writing bad poetry about her.