Welcome to the
      Halls of Strangeness!!!

Ok, I've done a bit more work on the page, so now I have something that I can almost call a web page(though I won't be happy until I have more links than Jimmy Dean, both in and off site!!!!)

Burning Man Festival
-What has been consuming 98% of my time for the past  few months

My Poetry Page

Discordian Stuff

My Weekly Ritual         Something that I do every week, Sunday or Monday, and no it isn't pressing wild flowers or hanging out in bars.

My Journal    A way for me to record my life and times, as they are.

An easy way to find the Web Master, the Erisian Hero

The mask of the Erisian Hero that he can't take off easily.


The author of this page is currently preparing to go to Burning Man all this week, and will be doing a full write up when he returns.  He also plans to put up some information about Raku(Do you Raku?).  In the meantime, chill out. 

Your Humble Web Demigod

Updates-Ok, the Masks page has been finally updated with two new pictures.  Also, I have added a new section to the Discordian page and have fixed some dead links therein
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