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Fanfiction Library

These are the products of my fevered imagination. Well, they're only the products that come about when I apply my backside to the seat of a chair and actually write. Currently, I only have two Fushigi Yuugi fanfics housed here (hopefully, the number will grow in the future), and they're both in progress.


(Previously known as: Deus ex Machination)

This is the longer of the two I have here. It takes place after the anime, or volumes 1 through 13 of the manga. At that point the storyline splits off from the canon storyline. I'm not sure how long it's going to be, nor when I'll be finished with it. But please, by all means, take a look, and let me know what you think!


Untitled Traveller/Fushigi Yuugi Crossover

The other fanfic I have here - well, it's kind of hard to explain. It's a crossover fanfic. It doesn't even have a title. It's one of those things that I have to get out of my system. This particular one is simply a romp for me -- partly because it's what's called a self-insertion. Sort of. You see, I've crossed Fushigi Yuugi with a science fiction role-playing game called Traveller, and one of the main characters is my Traveller character. And for the many people out there who don't know my Traveller character, yes, she is a product of the author's wish fulfillment. I've always wanted to be a military genius with the ability to call in a nuclear strike from orbit, all the while looking great in uniform. Really. Ask the five people who know my Traveller character. And, yes -- the intended audience numbers less than the fingers on one hand. But if you're curious, go ahead, check it out. You really don't need to know about the role-playing game to enjoy the story . . . although I must say that the people who've played Trav with Jax and Anna probably derive a great deal of enjoyment from the story described herein . . . and you sick bastards know who you are.


I'll be updating these puppies regularly, and if I come up with any more Fushigi Yuugi fanfic madness, they'll be posted to this page.

The neat-o backgrounds you'll find on the fanfic pages are from Chicken Scratchings.

(Yes, all their banners are pretty!)

Check 'em out!