Pencil, Paper, and a Little Imagination
Surprising, isn't it, that that's all it takes? I've been drawing since I was
itty-bitty. One of my earliest memories was drawing pictures with another
little girl who was a friend of mine. I'm afraid her name eludes me. All I remember
was that I was drawing pictures of two girls (portraits of the two of us, probably)
and I hadn't drawn the noses in. I didn't want to draw them in,
because at the age of five, the only way we knew how to draw noses was to
use a dot. That's right, a dot. And I knew that wasn't right. So, my playmate,
seeing my beautiful (yet noseless) creations, takes
her marker and plants a big, juicy dot in the center of each face. Boy was I
mad. Y'know, it's probably a good thing that I don't remember her name.
*wicked evil grin*
All reminiscing aside, here's the promised artwork. I'll add to it when I have
NOTE: These images were created by me, therefore, they're
copyrighted to me. Do not use them without permission. Don't link to
the images either. Just because something's on the 'net doesn't mean it's
within the public domain. There. Diatribe ended. Please continue with
your regularly scheduled viewing.
| Eep! This one taught me to keep my mouth shut!
I'd been crowing about my first sale at a convention art show, and my friend
Kay, who was the editor of the Jev at the time asked me for a cover
for the newsletter. By Monday. So here it is -- Mucha Klingon Pronto.
Sakura Micron Pigma in black on sketchpaper. |
 | Sometimes even keeping your mouth shut doesn't help.
Victor, the new editor of the Jev, asked me if I could draw a
charging Klingon. Your wish is my command, O Great One . . .
Sakura Micron Pigma in black on sketchpaper. |
Pencil Studies
| This one I did awhile back. It's Uma Thurman from the cover of the movie Gattaca.
I'm afraid it doesn't look anything like her. A portraitist I am not Pencil on sketchpaper |
| This is my most recent study. Don't ask me who she is, I found a close-up of her
face in an upscale department store catalog and went to town.
Pencil on sketchpaper |