Gallimim Weyr

Welcome to Gallimim Weyr. This is what the sign at the end of the long tunnel said. There were dragons of various colors flying or lounging about, as well as people and a myraid of other creatures. The sky was tranquil, but the red star loomed like a burning eye that would rain down deadly silver tears. You ignored it - it wasn't yet time for threadfall.

There was much to do in Gallimim Weyr, but you knew not where to start. Perhaps you could take a suggestion and explore the places at your left.

Before you venture off, and unknown voice intoned in your head, listen on, listen to the words below. Note them well, your honour is at stake, it murmured.

This site is not an Online Weyr. This site is merely a medium to exchange cyberpets based on the world of Pern created by Anne McCaffrey, copyright 1967. Such terms as 'impressing', 'weyr', 'Pern', 'weyrwoman' and any other references to the Dragonriders of Pern series are examples of Anne McCaffrey's genious. This site does not earn profit of any kind. It is by no means intending to be a source of competition for Online Weyrs, Pernese merchandise, and the like. This site seeks to promote knowledge of the wonderful world of Pern, and encourage visitors to read the Dragonriders of Pern series.

Links for all graphics not created by the Owner of this site have been placed on the bottom of the page where the graphic is located. You may not take these graphics or graphics by Genegnome from these pages. Please visit the links if you would like the graphics.

Weyr Badge

This is a Badge of Gallimim Weyr. It depicts the Gallimimus, the ancient Terran organism for which Gallimim Weyr was named after. In the background looms the red star, a major element of Pernese life.

WCG Badge

This is the badge of the WCG, or Weyral Conduct Guild. Gallimim Weyr is both a member and the founder of this organization. It is a guild for Adoption Weyr owners, promoting "Weyr-hood watch" and responsible behavior concerning Weyr matters.

Click Redolth to go to his weyr!

The watchdragon has
counted this many
visitors to the