Episode IX

Heat Wave - (Opening Scene)
The scene opens with Maria in the Crashdown after closing. She is languidly cleaning up the empty diner while Liz is upstairs in her bedroom writing in her journal. Both are dressed for July weather despite the fact that it is December. As Maria is mopping the floor, she sees someone at the door and slowly walks to unlock it. The person is Michael. He walks in silently and without saying a word, they move towards each other and start kissing. Liz is walking down to the Crashdown for some milk from the kitchen (since the refrigerator in her own home has run out) and she catches Maria and Michael in the midst of an intense make-out session

(Theme Song Begins)

The next day at school, Liz’s overture muses about how the heat wave that has hit Roswell is causing a lot of people to expand and grow. This is as she walks down the hallway and makes note of the various couples enwrapped in romance. She contrasts the expansion quality of heat against her own feeling that her life is anything but. Just as she walks down the hallway, she bumps into Kyle and his new girlfriend. Kyle introduces them and the new girlfriend asks Liz if she is interested in attending a rave party at the soap factory that Friday. At first, Liz is hesitant, concerned about the legality of the party’s existence, but when Kyle dismisses her, saying that he knew it’s not her scene, Liz quickly brushed aside her fear and said she would make a showing.

Down the hallway, in the eraser room, Maria and Michael are engaging in a serious make-out session. Meanwhile, Liz sees that Alex is walking into a room with Sheriff Valenti. Inside that room, Valenti asks Alex questions about what he was doing with Toposky right before her disappearance. Alex replied that he had been going over his schedule with her before she was missing and knows nothing of why she has disappeared.

Liz walks into the library, and sees Max. She sits down next to him and tells him that she just saw Alex walking into a room with Valenti. Max is concerned. He asks her if she is able to find Alex. Liz replies negative, but that even if she is able to, it’s not as if he will tell her anything about anything anyway. Max tells Liz he is sorry (about causing the rift in Liz’s friendship with Alex). Liz tells Max it is okay but tells him she has good news b/c she just found out that Kyle has a new girlfriend – which should take his mind off Max, Isabel and Michael and that Kyle’s new girlfriend mentioned this party for that Friday which sounded interesting. Liz looks behind Max and sees a couple making out by the bookshelves and she asks Max about what he had said earlier – that their getting together would not be a good idea. Max affirms that belief. Liz looks slightly disappointed, and then asks in a roundabout way if he knows if anything is going on between Michael and Maria. Max tells Liz he didn’t know of anything but then he asks her in a concerned way if she knew. Liz asks if he would be upset to find out something happened with Michael and Maria and Max immediately tells her yes, that he would b/c they shouldn’t. He turns around to see what it is that Liz had been looking at and see that it is the couple making out. Turning around, he said amended his strong statement by saying in the end that he's not sure whether it's good or bad, but Liz gets the point.

The scene moves to the school’s main office area. Maria’s mother, Amy is there making a fuss about having to show up for a meeting with Toposky only to find that she has “disappeared”. In the midst of it all, Valenti spots her and comes over to say hi. It appears to have been a while but both remembered each other and Amy is not too comfortable around him. Valenti on the other hand, looks very happy to see her before having to walk away for work-related reasons.

Later, in the girl’s bathroom, Maria is examining her hickey in the mirror when Liz walks in. She quickly hides it and only when Liz offers her cream to cover it up and tells Maria that she has already seen Maria with Michael that night, did Maria confess she and Michael have been making out a lot. Concurrently, Max is in the bathroom when Michael walks up to the stall next to him. Max then asks Michael if there is something going on between Michael and Maria to which Michael told Max that there was. There is a parallel confession scene with Maria telling Liz about Michael and Liz trying to warn Maria that it doesn’t seem like a healthy relationship since she has barely seen Maria and Michael talked. Meanwhile, Michael tells Max that he and Maria have already kissed, and more and that even though he knows it’s wrong, it feels really good. This is after Max tries to tell Michael that they need a policy to keep things under control.

Later in the eraser room, Maria asks Michael to talk to her as they make-out and they make minor attempts at it, with Maria bringing up the rave party to see if Michael wants to go.

Outside school, Liz walks up to Alex to asks him if he can tell her what Valenti asked him, but Alex is very angry at her and chews her out before telling her nothing and leaving.

Meanwhile in the Crashdown, Amy, Maria’s mother is at the restaurant selling stirrers to Liz’s dad. They examined all the varieties until Valenti walks up to them. He had been looking for Amy and after Valenti tells Liz’s dad to go away basically, Valenti and Amy engage in a charming conversation. They reminisce about how they met. Valenti arrested Amy at a protest of some sort when she was 18 and he picked her to arrest out of 20 people there b/c he thought she was cute. Amy is shocked but she is flattered. They engage in more chitchats until Maria walks up to interrupt them putting an end to it.

Outside school and under a tree, Isabel and Liz are having a bonding moment, painting their toes together. Liz asks Isabel why being so popular and beautiful as she is that she seems to keep all her relationships with boys strictly platonic. Isabel tells Liz to try to picture the feeling of not wanting to reveal your inner self to someone – multiplied by a million times. Isabel then uses her power to perform a neat trick and changes Liz’s clear nail polish to a blue color and asks Liz if she has been able to find out anything from Alex about Valenti. Liz says Alex hasn’t been speaking to her, that she wish she could see inside him. Isabel looks at Liz for a moment and then said cryptically that she “will look into it”.

That night, Isabel is in her bedroom looking at a picture of Alex in the yearbook. She touches it with her finger, sending a ripple through it. Simultaneously, Alex fidgets in his sleep. Suddenly, we are in his dream. Alex is in school. He walks down a hallway and into a room. Isabel follows him and once inside the room, we see that the room appears to almost be a combination of two rooms. In the back are bleachers which Isabel seats herself at as her cognitive dream figure. In the front, is a ballroom with a live band. Alex has changed into a tux. He is waiting for someone and it turns out that the person he is waiting for is Isabel (much to Isabel’s surprise). This Isabel (which is a figment of Alex’s imagination – “Alex’s Isabel”) is all dressed up as well. The two begin dancing to the band as Alex tells “his’ Isabel that he knows that despite the fact that she is very beautiful, he knows that she is more beautiful inside, to which the Alex’s Isabel tells him that he is correct. The real Isabel is seated in the backdrop just absorbing all this in and being in general shock until she snaps out of his dream.

The next morning, Max asks Isabel if she has found out anything about Alex. Isabel tries to avoid telling Max about what exactly she saw in his dream, just telling him that she will take care of it by employing the use of a little charm. Max is a bit puzzled by his sister’s lack of openness but doesn’t pursue any further. Later in school, when Max is in the bathroom, he sees that Michael is sitting there. Max asks Michael what is wrong and finds out that Michael things his situation with Maria is getting bad b/c she’s starting to ask him all these questions about where he’ll be after school, wanting to do things together and to go to that Friday’s party with him. Michael then tells Max that he doesn’t understand why she wants to make it public and why the eraser room is not enough for her but that for some reason, he’s also afraid of hurting her.

Later that day, Max walks into an empty classroom which Liz is in. She is prodding slimy green slugs in a tray. When Max sits next to her and looks at what she is doing, she tells him in an embarrassed sort of way that she is trying to get them to mate but they won’t. Max makes a joke about the possibility that maybe one of the slugs plays for the other team. They laugh and Max asks Liz if she found out anything about Alex but Liz haven’t. Their topic of discussion then falls on the possibility of a relationship between them with Liz telling Max that before, she thought that she and Max couldn’t get together b/c it might not be scientifically possible. However, looking at Maria and Michael, she sees that it’s not the reason. Max tells Liz that he’s opposed to them getting together not b/c he’s afraid of something bad happening between them, but b/c he’s afraid of something good but that since it’s not meant to be, down the road, they will inevitably get hurt and while he’s not afraid of getting hurt himself, he doesn’t want to see her get hurt. She asks him then if that’s not her decision to make. They drift towards each other and just when it looks like they may kiss, the teacher walks in and asks Liz how her mating ritual is going to which Liz replies that it was going just great.

Meanwhile, Alex is walking out the school after having just gotten a soda from the vending machine. Isabel walks up to him and surprised that she would speak to him, Alex is flabbergasted. Isabel compliments his looks – before unbuttoning the top button of his shirt (which he has been habitually wearing all the way button to the very top). Then she brought up the rave party and tells him to meet her there at eight before walking off. Alex is completely shocked, but seems psyched.

The scene shifts to the party. Everyone is all dressed up. Maria in a gold lame halter top and Liz in a skimpy black top (no backs, the kind that you just tie with a string) and crimped hair. Liz walks in looking like a fish out of water. She searches until she finds Maria and walks up to her. But Maria soon spots Michael and leaves Liz to talk to him. Alex brushes past Liz but w/o much of an acknowledgement.

Maria drags Michael to a private area and asks him why he is ignoring her. Michael basically tells Maria that he thinks maybe they did the wrong thing that it’s getting too intense for him. Maria is upset. In the main room, Alex finally locates Isabel and after she unbuttons that top button of a different shirt he is wearing, they go outside where Isabel tells Alex that she knew she could trust him. This arouses Alex’s suspicions that she only asked him to come b/c to find out if he had told Valenti anything. Angry, he stalks off, but Isabel didn’t have that intent, so she’s confused and upset as well.

On the otherside of town, Amy is having dinner with Valenti and they are talking very nicely comparing the life they lead of single parents. Amy mentions that Maria seems to be having problems with Alex, but won’t talk about it with her. Valenti’s interest is aroused but before it can be pursued further, he gets a phone call to go to the rave party and shut it down, forcing him to leave his nice dinner with Amy.

Liz is standing very much alone in the loud room when one of the band members starts hitting on her. Max comes in the nick of time and saves her. She tells him that she was afraid he wouldn’t make it but he tells her that he’s been waiting for this for the longest time and smiles at her. They have a pretty good time before going outside by his jeep where he starts to try and kiss her. Before he does, it turns out Kyle is making out with his new girlfriend in the back of a truck right next to them and Kyle got up in time to interrupt Max and Liz. Suddenly, a fire truck come along with police cars. Max and Liz quickly runs back inside to get Isabel, Michael and Maria. Inside the warehouse in all the confusion, Max and Liz split up briefly so Max was able to locate Isabel and Michael while Liz found Alex. One of the drunken band members shoved alcohols into their hands. They were both caught by Valenti who promptly arrested them as Max watches helplessly with Isabel and Michael.

In the jail cell, Valenti releases everyone except for Liz and Alex. Outside, Max and Isabel watches worriedly from the jeep, seeing that everyone has been released except for Liz and Alex. Isabel tells Max that they should’ve told Alex right from the start b/c he could be trusted. Max is silent, worried about Liz. Inside the cell, Alex, fed up with having to protect Liz and Max, added to the trauma of being in jail, he angrily tells Liz he plans to tell Valenti everything. Scared, Liz finally breaks down and tells Alex that Max, Isabel and Michael are aliens. Just then Valenti comes up to the cell and tries to take Alex into an office. Alex is not afraid of him and invokes his constitutional rights to demand his release. Seeing that Alex isn’t about to tell him anything, Valenti releases them.

Outside, a very relieved Liz asks Alex what he thought of what she told him. Alex is no longer mad at her. He tells her that he doesn’t believe in aliens, but that he believes that Liz believes in them and told her to leave it at that.

That night, Liz is writing in her journal, saying that the heat wave has finally broke but that she didn’t benefit from it. However, thinking about it, it wasn’t so bad that she and Max didn’t kiss b/c it would’ve taken them to another level they might not be ready for. Just then, she hears Max whispering her name from below the balcony where she was writing. Getting up, she sees that Max is standing below. He asks her if he can come up. She says yes. He climbs up very quickly and she tells him that he couldn’t stay for long which Max nodded in understanding. Max then tells her that he was there b/c he was thinking about the moment outside the jeep when they almost kissed and how when he saw her getting arrested by Valenti, everything clicked for him. That no matter what, it was worth it for him b/c he went through it with her. Max moves closer to Liz and tells her that he shouldn’t stay - to which Liz asks why. He told her that if he did he would want to touch her hair because it was so very soft – even as he reaches over to caress her hair and that he would want to kiss her – even as he did and Max kissed Liz, gently at first before the kiss deepens and he wraps his arms around her as the camera fades into black.

* the end *

The Balance

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