Episode XXII

Destiny - (Opening Scene)

Michael and Valenti, helping Max along, race towards their cars. Outside, Isabel, Tess, Maria, Alex and Liz anxiously await. When Valenti have reached the three vehicles, he orders them to each split up into a different direction and meet up later at an abandoned building not far from Eagle Rock. Liz and Max gets into one vehicle. Before they drive off, Isabel gives Max some clothing. As Liz drives them towards the abandoned building, Liz asked Max what has happened to him. Max merely said that so long as he’s alive, that’s all that matters, obviously reluctant to go into all the gory details of his torture. Suddenly gun fires from behind, hitting Liz’s rear window, startling them. The vehicle skids off the main road. Right behind them in hot pursuit is an FBI agent firing away while gaining on them in his jeep. Struggling out of the car, Liz and Max dashes over a fence and into the dark forest grounds. They were eventually chased into a bridge where another vehicle is waiting to cut them off. With no other choice, the two kissed each other before leaping off the bridge, hand-in-hand, and into the waters below. Sometimes later, Liz and Max emerge from the water at another part of the forest. Liz sees an abandoned bus and helps Max inside where they have decided to hide for the night. When they were inside, Liz kissed Max and as they kissed, she sees flashes of all the torture he underwent. When she pulls back, she looked at him with a horrified expression, shocked that he has survived all that he has undergone without a complaint.

Meanwhile, Michael is driving Isabel, Tess, Maria and Alex in Max’s jeep towards the meeting place. Tess is angry that they have abandoned Nascedo to the FBI unit. Michael grimly said that it doesn’t look good because he heard gunshots as he was carrying Max out. Tess demands that they turn the vehicle around to save Nascedo. This idea was quickly overridden by the rest of the group who want to proceed as Valenti originally ordered. Michael is adamant that everyone should meet first before doing anything rash and they will not leave anyone behind – referring to the fact that they still haven’t reunited with Max and Liz yet. Isabel agrees and the decision was made to keep driving towards the meeting place.

Back at the abandoned bus, Liz and Max have been talking about what has happened to Max. Liz realizes now that what Nascedo had told her about Max’s destiny with Tess is true. She is downfallen, but Max quickly assures her that she means more to him than anything. In fact, he reveals that the reason he was able to endure and survive the torture experiments with Pierce was because he would think about her – the way she looked into his eyes, her smile, her skin, everything about her. This was what had kept him alive. He then sincerely tells her that he loves her. Reassured that Max is being honest, she confesses she feels the same way. The two falls to sleep from all the exhaustion and excitement.

Michael has now reached the abandoned warehouse. The first thing he says upon entering the building and seeing Valenti there was to ask if Max has arrived yet. Valenti replies in negative. Concerned, Isabel starts to freak out, reasoning that if anything, Max and Liz should have reached the abandoned building first b/c they had the shorter route. Concerned that something is up, Valenti decides to backtrack Max and Liz’s route to see if anything has happened to them. Michael insists on accompanying Valenti, saying that he could offer assistance if anything comes up.

By now, it is dawn. Startled by the sound of noises, Max and Liz awake. They quickly leave the abandoned bus to make their way towards the abandoned building by foot. Not far way, Valenti and Michael are driving down the road looking for Max and Liz. Suddenly, they spot Max and Liz, frantically running away from FBI agents who are chasing them with a jeep. Michael orders Valenti to stop his car. He climbs out and using his out-stretched palm, which is emitting light, he manages to cause the jeep to breakdown. Valenti is shocked but Michael has no time to explain, instead, ordering Max and Liz to get into the jeep even as Max asked Michael how he managed to accomplish that amazing feat. Inside the car, Michael is visibly uncomfortable with what has happened, muttering that he doesn’t know. Valenti, still shocked, drives them back to the abandoned warehouse.

When they have arrived, Valenti tells them that they will be safe in the building for a little while, but Michael storms out of the car muttering that they can never be safe anymore before stalking into the building. Valenti is still shocked. He haltingly gets out of his vehicle, unable to believe what he has just seen. Max signaled to Liz to go inside first without him. When he is alone with Valenti, Valenti speaks in awe at the fact that he had always thought it was only Max who was the alien. Now, he realizes Michael is one too, and then, logically, so would Isabel. Seeing that Valenti is completely shocked, Max reminds Valenti that Valenti had always asked Max to trust him. Given all that has happened, now, more than any other time, Max, Isabel and Michael needs Valenti to trust them. Max further reveals that Liz, Maria, Alex – and now, Valenti, are the only ones who knows about this secret. Explaining that they don’t mean any harm, only desiring to survive, Max tries to get Valenti to understand that they are not dangerous. When he is finished, Valenti corrects Max by saying that Valenti’s own life is on the line too. And since it is, he has a right to know everything. Max sighs and honestly said that the three of them (Max, Michael and Isabel) do not know where they came from or what they are. Disappointed, Valenti seems to still be in a bit of a shock.

Meanwhile, back inside, Michael is telling Isabel, Tess, Maria and Alex what he had done. Tess concludes that it must have happened b/c Michael used his focus, as Nascedo has often told them to do. Isabel is more concerned about the fact that Valenti saw them. As they worry aloud about the implication of what they are going to do, Max interrupts them by entering the room and calmly telling them that they will take their lives back. Looking at him but not understanding what he means, the group waits. Max explains that they cannot keep running away from Pierce forever and they cannot live like fugitive. To take their lives back, they need a plan and he has one.

Outside, Valenti is looking at his Sheriff badge while listening in to a radio patched into the frequency of the FBI secret unit. He sadly puts the badge into his pocket, and away from view when suddenly something on the radio alerts him. It is Pierce, pretending to be the new deputy, and back in Roswell, ordering his agent to “keep an eye on the Sheriff’s son – since the Sheriff is sure to appreciate that.”

Meanwhile, Kyle is in his house, demanding the man in black standing in front of him to tell him where his father is. The man in black is stoic and uncooperative, merely repeating that he is there to protect Kyle.

Outside the Crashdown, Liz and Tess are in a car, watching a man in black who’s sitting in a van right outside the restaurant. On the other side of the street, Isabel and Michael are watching covertly from around the corner. Isabel is worried that their plan won’t work, but Michael tells her grimly that it’s the best they got. They then walk out, acting as if all is normal. A man in black tries to stop them by halting them midway. Just then, Liz asked Tess what her powers were. Tess explains that she can make people see things that aren’t there. She then proceeded to demonstrate by having the FBI agents (both the one across the street from them, and the one at Kyle’s house) see agent Pierce appear in front of them, ordering the two to go off to a different location and await his orders. The agent on the street obeyed, but the second agent was interrupted by Kyle who inadvertently prevented Tess from taking full control of the second agent’s mind. Luckily, Max was able t finish the job by sneaking into Kyle’s house and knocking this second agent unconscious. Kyle is freaked that Max would dare to assault an FBI agent, but Max explains that the agent isn’t who Kyle thinks he is. Kyle immediately demand Max to tell him what happened to his dad. Max assured that Valenti is safe, but that it’s more important for Kyle to remain at home where he will be safe. As he explains this to Kyle, Max locks the agent into a hall closet using his powers, which Kyle was too distracted to notice. Max then leaves. But after he leaves, Kyle breaks into Valenti’s gun display case and takes a handgun from among the display as he goes off on his own search for his father.

Meanwhile, Valenti walks into his own office to find Pierce sitting there. Pierce quietly tells Valenti that it’s no use killing him b/c the minute Pierce is dead, they will find his replacement in under an hour. Valenti however has no plans of hurting Pierce, looking visibly distraught, he pleas for help. Skeptical that Valenti was a plant, Pierce at first rejected Valenti’s story. However, Valenti does look visibly frightened, claiming that he had no idea what he was getting into until after he’s seen things that truly scared him. And now, he has heard their plans and it has caused him to approach Pierce. Listening, Pierce still seemed a little skeptical. At this point, Valenti reveals that even as they speak, the aliens are putting a plan in motion to put all of Pierce’s agent out of commission. To gain Pierce’s trust, Valenti prods Pierce to try contacting one of his men. Using his radio, Pierce tries to contact his agent, one by one, but with no luck. He then looks at Valenti and orders him to take him to the aliens. Valenti demands that before he does, he wants to be guaranteed the safety of his family in addition to a pension for life. Smiling, Pierce promised new identities for him and his entire family.

At the UFO museum, Liz and Isabel are walking in together. They quickly walk upstairs to the top secret library the curator has built. Hiding from behind the stairs, Valenti is with Pierce, guns drawn. Pierce tells Valenti to wait until they are all there before shooting the aliens. When Valenti asked about the civilians, Pierce smiles coldly and said that sacrifices have to be made for freedom. Suddenly the light black out and Pierce and Valenti finds themselves flat on their backs with their guns taken from them. Standing over them are Max and Michael, each holding a gun. Max ordered that the two be separated as they tie Pierce up on a chair. Michael drags Valenti off into the hallway, loudly commenting that he always thought that Valenti could not be trusted and the minute they are behind the shelves, he finishes softly that he now realizes he was wrong. Michael then free Valenti’s cuff. The entire thing was a ruse to trick Pierce. Valenti doesn’t look at all relieved. When Michael asked Valenti if he knew what they were going to do to Pierce, Valenti offered the fact that he has a friend who’s a D.A. and once this gets out to the press, everyone would be upset and close down the secret FBI unit. Michael seemed satisfied with this resolution of the issue.

Meanwhile, Max is scaring Pierce with the same veiled threats Pierce has used on him when he was captured by the FBI. Unable to break free, Pierce nevertheless remains silent as Max repeatedly demand to know where Nascedo is.

Behind the shelves, Michael asks Valenti more questions about the D.A., curious about the process. Slowly, he realizes that Valenti doesn’t know any D.A., and that Valenti plans on killing Pierce once they have the information they need from him.

At the same time, upstairs, Isabel is starting to dreamwalk into Pierce’s conciousness. There, she sees that Nascedo was placed in a body bag with Pierce giving instructions for the agents to wait at a heliport site for him to arrive with the other four aliens. Walking out of the dream, Isabel tells them that Nascedo looked dead. At first, devastated and in denial, Tess quickly recalls that Nascedo can’t die, as he had told her this before. If he should be injured, they only need to look for a RiverDog who can provide them with stones. The group immediately knows what she is referring to – the healing stones which were used to save Michael. They all decide they have to go and save Nascedo.

Downstairs, Max has walked off, leaving Pierce alone for a moment. Alone, Pierce tries very hard to break the ropes, but is unsuccessful. Suddenly, he notices a figure moving from behind and sees that it’s Kyle. Beckoning Kyle to come over, he tells Kyle it was Max who tied him up and has his father. When Kyle demands to know where Valenti is, Pierce instructs him to untie him first, which Kyle immediately does. When Pierce sees Kyle’s gun, he admonishes Kyle for carrying a weapon and orders Kyle to give the gun to him, which Kyle also does. Once he has the gun, he tells Kyle to run along. Confused, Kyle goes back to behind the screens. Across the room, Max and Michael are walking out, to save Nascedo when Pierce suddenly leaps up from his chair with his gun. Seeing this from afar, Valenti pushes the boys away as he draws his own weapon to fire at Pierce. Just when it looks like Valenti was about to shoot Pierce fatally, Michael screams out “No!” and using his outstretched palm again, he pushes Pierce all the way behind the scream. When they rush forward, they see that he is dead. Unfortunately, there was another victim, Kyle, who was hiding behind the screen was also fatally shot in the chest. Tearfully, Valenti begs Max to help save Kyle. Using the same powers he used to save Liz, Max places his palm on Kyle’s chest and saves him. When this miracle was completed, Valenti looks at Max and says he doesn’t care where Max came from or who he is, from now on, Max has Valenti on his side. And then, he asked to be excused to have a moment with his son, as he cradles a confused Kyle in his arms.

Max then walks towards Michael, who is standing alone. Michael bitterly realizes that they are completely opposite. Max saves people, but Michael kills people. Max is good, but Michael is bad. Upset, he storms off, but Maria stops him. When Michael tries to get rid of Maria, warning her to stay away from him b/c he’s dangerous, she asked him how come Liz and Max can’t stand to be a moment apart, but Michael’s always throwing her away. He looked at her and softly tells her that maybe it’s because he loves her too much before walking off. Maria looks after him, a heart broken expression on her face. Isabel and Tess prod Max to go with them to save Nascedo at the heliport where he’s being held. Max takes Liz with him and they dash off.

At the heliport, Michael, disguised as an agent distracts the two that are there standing guard over the van where Nascedo is in. Isabel and Max then knock them out and they all climb into the van to go back to the pod cave, where they had been born. There, they used the healing stones to bring Nascedo to live. In the process, they all see his true alien form. When he awakens, Tess is thrilled, telling him that she knew he wouldn’t leave her. He smiles briefly but then said that they aren’t ready for him to leave them. He then notices Liz and demands to know what she’s doing there since she’s not one of them. When Max said that she’s with him, he didn’t object. Max then asked him how to work the communicator. Nascedo said they aren’t ready yet. Max realizes that it’s b/c Nascedo doesn’t know. He also concludes that since all Nascedo says is that he is there to protect them, he’s not their leader. This leads him to ask who there leader is. Nascedo looks at the four of them and his eyes stays on Max, indicating that Max was the true leader. Everyone is a bit surprised at this piece of news. The group worries about Pierce, but Max tells Nascedo that Pierce is dead, but as long as the agents think Pierce isn’t then, they (Max, Michael and Isabel) are safe. Seeing where Max is headed, Nascedo smiles and shape shifts into Pierce before leaving the cave. Now the group can be safe as long as Nascedo is head of the secret unit. Before he leaves, he tells them that if they make the communicator works, there’s no telling what sort of signals they are also sending out, signals that can put them in grave danger.

After he has left, Max tells Michael he still wants to know. Coupling with Tess, he puts one of the communicator in his hands. Isabel, doing the same with Michael places the other on here. A beam of light emits from the engraved symbol on the communicator and suddenly, a vision of a lovely and kind looking blond woman appears. She is an imagery and she tells them that if they are looking at her it means they have survived. She then tell them that she has assumed this form b/c it would be easier for them to absorb what she has to say next. She reveals that all four of them: Tess, Max, Isabel and Michael have once been alive, but have died on their home planet. However, their essence were preserved, brought to earth and mixed with human DNA to form what they are today. In their past lives, Max was a wise rule, Tess was his young betrothed, Isabel was Max’s sister and Michael was Isabel’s betrothed and Max’s trusted second in command. They have been brought to earth for a mission. On this planet, they will meet up with the enemies who have wreaked havoc on their home planets and Max, Tess, Isabel and Michael will recognize these enemies from the evil within them. They need to destroy this evil and then, return home to her, where her sole reason for living was to live to see the day they all return to her. Her image fades away

In the aftermath, the four are in awe of their destiny. Liz, with heart-shattering lucidity, realizes the implication of this for her and Max. Max, however, still seemed to want to be with Liz but he also realizes that it makes more sense for them to not be. When Liz says goodbye, and runs down the cliff, Max tried to stop her, but Liz explained that she has just seen his destiny, how can she stand in the way of it? Turning, she tearfully runs off. Michael tells Max to let her go and all four watches as she runs off. Meanwhile, the communicator has emitted a series of audio signals that are setting off little pentagon shaped handheld devices all across the United States: from the farmlands in the west to New York City. One device belongs to a man who when alerted by the noise, looked at its lights and calmly said, “It has begun.”

*the end *

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