Welcome Skywalkers and Jade fans!

P.s.: I don't own anything in the Star Wars universe nor any of these characters; they belong to George Lucas and Lucasfilm Ltd. Also, the stories and drawings on this website do not, in any way, affect the official Star Wars Series and books. They are only fantasies that sprung from my mind due to an unconditional love for the Classic trilogy and the Expanded Universe . In short, this site is only for fun and to share this fun with other fellow fans. Thank you for understanding, and thanks for creating Star Wars , Mr Lucas. detailed disclaimers

Hello and welcome fellow Star Wars fans!!!! My name is Mireille (formerly known as SJ, or skyjade). As you can already guess from my site's title, I'm a big Luke and Mara fan, but I also like very much the other Skywalker twin as well as their father. Thus, everything that you'll read or see in my pages deal with those four as main characters, with a softer spot for Luke and Mara. However, that doesn't keep me from bringing in other characters to play with like Han, Chewie, the Emperor, Padme, Jabba, Xizor, etc.

I hope you'll have as much fun reading the stories of this site as I had fun pushing them out of my mind and onto my computer screen ;)

What's new?? :)

October 2007:
The archive has moved to a secret location... only accessible through me. This decision is the result of one too many bad experiences with lurkers who thought that they could secretly read through my collection of stories, that they could meanly pilfer from it the ideas that they loved, and then use them without even asking for my permission, let alone telling me that they enjoyed them in the first place.

Well, no more. From now on, this website is merely an introduction window to what interested and respectful readers can find in my collection. That window also gives those same readers access to two samples of my stories (a few stories taken from my L/M series and the complete story of my Luke Vader series). If you enjoy those samples and want to read more (including more creative SW fanfic stories than the ones left accessible as samples), don't hesitate to contact me. However, if you only want to read without making the effort of contacting me, those are the only two stories that I now leave on the public web.

I'm sorry that it has to come to that, but I put a lot of time, sweat, love and effort in each and every of the 80something stories that I wrote, and I always prided myself with the fact that I managed to find new ways to twist the situations so that my stories were mostly different from what already existed from other writers... If someone is inspired by that kind of approach, I'm flattered to be the source of such feelings, but if that same person wants to also emulate that kind of result and thinks that using my (or anyone else's) ideas is the way to do it, that person is wayyyyy off base. As in everything else, there's nothing like hard work and finding his/her own imagination to become a great storyteller. Besides, only when it will come from the author's own efforts and heart can he/she find satisfaction and true contentment in the praises he/she receives. After all, stealing even fanfic ideas is still stealing and, when posted as such, becomes an act of lying to the readership as to who truly came up with those wonderfully creative ideas. What sense of accomplishment can there possibly be in that... Then, there's also the interesting fact that, from experience, any borrowed story element is never brought out as well by the borrower as are his/her own original ideas... Yet another sign that it is wrong to try and receive reviews that are meant for someone else?.. Who knows...

Anyway, if you are a considerate fanfic reader and that you really want to read the stories that are attached to the summaries that you will find on this website, you know what to do :) Just mention 'your stories' in your e-mail subject and let me know which stories you'd like to read.
Otherwise, just, please, be a considerate fanfiction reader wherever you read/lurk, please?

Talk to you later?
Mireille XXX

p.s.: To the new readers (and/or writers), even though we, fanfic writers, liberally borrow the characters, places and situations from the official material, we post disclaimers about that and everyone knows what is ours, and what is Lucas' and all the other contributors to his unique universe. Therefore, where the official material ends and the original fanfiction ideas start... that's where the creativity of the fanfiction writers kicks off... and the resulting ideas are off-limit, at least without their express permission to borrow those for one of your own stories. It's called politeness, respect of another's work, and simple netiquette. I didn't know about that myself when I first began writing fanfiction, but I have learnt that ground rule pretty quickly, and now wish to perpetuate it as its non-respect causes the fanfic world to lose their best writers; too many of them fall, one after the other, to the kind of situation that I have described above. If you love fanfiction and want it to last and remain a friendly exchange of awesome tales, protect the writers' original ideas and share those simple ground rules with everyone who is new to the fanfic world, or who doesn't seem to know about it. The fanfiction world will only become a better place for everyone :)

Thanks for your comprehension and continued interest and I, despite everything mentioned above, I still look forward to entertaining you again!! (yeah... I'm hopelessly addicted to writing fanfic...)

July 1st 2005 : Permanent announcement/request for collaboration : the hunt is on for SW fanfic links :)

I have finally organized the archive of links of my yahoo group called SWFanfic-Links so that it will efficiently archive not only addresses of websites, but also the links to recommended stories. In short, I want to list there all the fics that 'you', as a SW fan and fellow fanfic amateur, recommend as a great or a must read :)

To consult the links that are already gathered, just follow this link : : SWFanfic-links unrestricted access yahoo group. The archive is public so you don't need to register to use it.

So? Found anything interesting throughoug the past days? months? years? :) Let me know, one way or another :)

And thanks in advance!! (in the name of all the actual and future readers, too :)


Mireille XXX

Well, I sincerely hope you'll have fun while you're here; that's what this site is for :D . If you don't like any of what you'll see here, please just log out.

Also, if you send me mail, don't attach anything to it please; I automatically block out any mails with attachments. Thanks!

And now, welcome to Skywalker, Jade, and family:

(100% SJ: stories, drawings, banners, site)

Possible Destinations: 82 stories and counting...

...regrouped in three categories:

(updated ---)
1. The Rebellion Years
Those stories fill holes in the official classic Trilogy. They begin with a fortuite run-in between Vader and a young, unknown rebel which then leads to Vader's obsession to finding... his son, probably the most powerful Jedi of all times. While those stories do not include any touchy material (except for Caught 16+), the human dramas that are developped in them are for older readers. Young readers, you have been warned.

(updated Spring 2006 (First Official years)
2. Unfathomable Love Series
Starting with Luke and Mara's first encounter before they become enemies, these stories fill holes of the official novels while adding an alternative twist to them as the two Jedi become secret lovers after the events of JAT: Champions of the Force. These stories mostly fit in the official EU chronology until the Corellian Trilogy, but after this, they become totally AU for, I hope, your continued fun :) (Note: Once again, those stories are about adults and their relationships, hence they deal a lot with dramatic thematics. Young readers, you have been warned.)

(updated Spring 2006, L/M AUs) )
3. Alternative universes... what ifs
Those stories are twisted turns of fate which pit Luke against Vader, the Emperor, and Mara (She's in most of them). If you've ever wondered what could've happened if... don't miss this! Leia, Han, as well as Xizor and Jabba also make appearances in several of them.
(Note: most of those stories deal with psychological torment due to bad situations, implicit or not. Once again, young readers, you have been warned.)

, Story Directory(updated June 27th 2005) )
Looking for a story in particular? Here is the tool that will hopefully make your search easier. My story directory is arranged in alphabetical order and will take you directly to the category where you can find each story's link(s). Thanks for your clever suggestion, Jelp. I appreciate :)

Links and other things attached to this site:

Private mailing list:
If you like my site and would like to be informed when I update it, just e-mail me Mireille's e-mail , and tell me that you'd like to be added to my mailing list. Its only purpose is to give you details about the updates. :) Make sure to mention "Your story" or "Your stories" in your subject or else your e-mail will not be allowed inside my mailbox.

Want more Luke and Mara stuff??

Try The Jade-Skywalker group, owned by yours truly ;P You want to share or find more Luke and/or Mara fanfiction (half of the time, exclusive posts) and fan art? You want to talk with other L/M hardcore fans and exchange ideas, criticism, start discussions (about anything, not just SW), polls, share cool Internet findings, whatever? Then join the group :) (It's open to all ages!) To join, go to: JSG yahoo groups :)

Want to know more before joining?
Check out the group's archive website (JSG's website. The site is designed and regularly updated by members of the group, not me ;P Most grateful and earnest thanks to Denise, Alexa and the rest of your team! You're the greatest! I still can't believe that this website is true :)

You enjoy reading more about Luke and Han's unique friendship? The Skywalker-Solo group, owned by yours truly and Sienn, can help you find more;P You want to share or find more Luke and Han, non-slash fanfiction (i.e. like their official relationship) and fan art? You want to talk with other fans and exchange ideas, criticism, polls, share cool Internet findings, whatever? Then join the group at: Skywalker-Solo (It's open to all ages!) We also have a website at: Skywalker-Solo Den

Looking for new SW fanfic links??
Check out this group: SWfanfic-links It's a constantly updating archive of SW fanfic links(any type of story, any character) which is opened to all the SW fanfic fans (no membership required).


Links to Mireille's favorite SW websites and fanfic sources

The characters' Numerologies... and yours ;)

URL of page: Http://www.geocities.com/area51/Quasar/3702
Copyright August 1999, Mireille
Any positive comment is welcome, of course, as well as any advice, tip, or question. On the other hand, if all you want to do is to flame me, then I'd appreciate if you wouldn't write to me. I won't read it anyway. Surely, you have more interesting things to do during your free time ; I know I do.

May the Force be With You All! Thank you for your interest in my stories; entertaining you means a lot to me, as does your sharing your fun back with me through feedback :) Love!!!

'Copyrights'(about what doesn't belong to Lucasfilm and Mr. Lucas) 1999-2004.
For the rest, see the disclaimers at the top of the page