Disclaimer: I do not own Sailor Moon. I'm very flattered if by some chance you thought I did, but I'm not that talented. Sailor Moon is owned by Naoko Takeuchi, DiC, and various other REALLY BIG companies that could pretty much sue the pants off of me. Um... please don't? I'm a poor college student, so you wouldn't get much.

Anyway, the story is divided up into chapters, and the chapters into sections, or episodes. I'll have an author's note at the end of each chapter, to clarify any problem points.

AND... It's now completed! Yes, I finally finished, after almost three years of planning and outlining and writing and rewriting -- my brainchild is finally complete. Bask in the radiance. ^_~

Uh, anyway, on with the story...

An Interlude

A prequel bit to the main story. Very short, basically just a scene out of the Silver Millenium that sets the mood for my main characters' relationship. Basically, I just got REALLY bored during physics class one day and started writing, hehehe.

Chapter 1: Cassiopeia
Chapter 2: Guardian
Chapter 3: Xander
Chapter 4: Star Empire
Chapter 5: Elementals
Chapter 6: Spirit (NEW!!)

Want to gush praise or bestow some constructive criticism? Email me!


I love getting email from people, especially if they actually like this drivel. ^_^

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