Linkexchange banner

I took the thumbnails off the tables this morning, so load times should improve.
Another update, folks. My image gallery is up and running! Going, too.
BTW, Thanks to my friend Cody from chat for the wonderful header banner. I think it's great.
I also have four more fanfics up. Enjoy!
By the way, if you have any fanfics looking for a home that are anime related, click the animated Pikachu to send them my way.
You are now listening to "Cruel Angel Thesis" from Neon Genesis Evangelion. If you cannot hear the music, click here

is me!
Just a little something I found and thought was cute. I adopted him from a FF site.

For those of you whose browsers are not javascript enabled. Here is a list of my page's links.

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This page built with a JVC Webtv unit.


click the banner for the best Sailor Moon site on the net
my anime message board on Star Blvd.
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