Last Updated
Updated at last!!!
With frames and a chat room!!
Thanks to Payney for the New GIFS
Welcome to the chunkynet, this weird and wonderful page was brought to you
by the one and only chunk (and don't forget it!!). This site is for people
who are mainly obsesed by the strange and the dimented (and who likes The
X Files). This page will get updated as soon as I find time to do so!!!
You can use the frames on the left of the page to navigate trough my site as well
as using the links below!
To see the x files site click the X!!!!
My appologies also go out to the X File freaks who are disgraced with this
page but this will get completed as soon as possible.
Welcome to the choosey bit!!
Meet the Payne Family!!
The Cheesy Chat Room
Meet My Sponsor!!!
REMEMBER The TRUTH is out There
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Copyright chunky98 productions anybody found using my material will be fed
to my pet hamster PERSONALLY!!!!
Chunky and all of the rights of Chunky is owned and made by Chunky98