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I would like to welcome you to my homepage. I am going to try to bring you bits of information as time goes on. Such information includes: CCG tips and hints, video game codes, jokes, and more.

Here is an interesting thing about Army Men: Sarge's Heroes for N64. In one of the first levels, you encounter a large tank on a road. To destroy it, you are supposed to go to the right, and pick up some mines or rockets. However, there is a glitch with the tank. If you go right up to it, the tank will stop, and try to shoot you. If you are touching the tank, you can't be hit from its missiles. If you get the tank to stop at the end of the road, the two people with bazookas try to shoot you. You can use the tank as a barrier, and they will therefore destroy the tank. Good hunting.

Here are some CCG tips:

Star Trek: Here's an interesting combo. Stock your deck with an entire handful of Parallax Arguers and Kivas Fajos. When you play the Arguers, you either get your points, or you can play an event. The first chance you get, play a Red Alert. From that point on, if you don't get your points, play a Kivas Fajo. When you play a Kivas Fajo, hopefully, you will have enough Arguers to get one in your draw. As you do this, you will stock up on Arguers, Fajos, and your deck. Eventually, you can stop this process, and essentially put your entire deck into play. If you can't win from this point, you should consider a new deck. The ideal situation for this combo to work is to have 1/3 of deck Arguers, and 1/3 of deck Fajos.

This is a useful 3-dilemna combo that I once used. I started with the deadly Tarellian Plague ship, which quickly killed a doctor. I followed this with an REM Fatigue Hallucinations, and with the death of a doctor, there were only two aboard. I concluded with a Conundrum, and with only two doctors, the entire crew was killed in three turns. I suggest you try this combo.

Star Wars: I won't have too many tips for Star Wars because I have tried to stop collecting, however, if you do want tips, click on my decipher link.

Overpower: I suggest you create a spreadsheet if you are trying to create a tournament legal deck. On the spreadsheat, include the number of ranks, the total stats, and power values for every character you own. This will enable you to choose two good characters, and then search for the remaining two best characters that will fit the limitations. Using the spreadsheet will make the job easy. I created the best deck ever in 5 minutes after I created the spreadsheet.

Magic: After looking through some cards, I thought of a very interesting combo. Although many of you might already be aware of combos like this, I have an added twist. Take a Hell's Caretaker(Black) and a Grave Pact(Black). Every time you sacrifice one of your creatures, your opponents must do the same. The added twist, throw in a Seasinger or Rubinia Soulsinger. This way, you gain control of an opponent's creature, sac it, and get a creature of your own back. Your opponent now loses two creatures, and you gain one.

I also came up with another combo. This one happens to be a bit less devious, but much more fun. I finally found a way to turn a measly Prodigal Sorcerer(Blue), into a powerhouse. Toss on a Charisma(Also Blue). Whenever you tap to do damage to a creature, you gain control of it. In fact, you can even use this with the previous combo, instead of the Seasinger. Even if you use this as a two card standalone combo, this could give you the edge to win the game.

Vhati-il Dal (Black+Green) and Searing Touch (Red). The Dal taps to make a creature's power or toughness 1, while the Touch does one damage for one red. With the buyback ability of the Touch, you can take over the game.


Here are a few of my favorite links:

For Star Trek/Star Wars cards:

For Java Applets:

For Multiplayer Bomberman:

For Castrol Racing:

To write and earn money on opinions of products:

Please try this slot machine applet. You can't win any real money, but you still might find it enjoyable.

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