Night of the Warlock

"Dance with me?" Xander said in Buffy's ear.

She jumped up with alacrity, gesturing to Riley. He nodded agreeably, as she followed Xander onto the dance floor.

"What's wrong, Buffster?" he asked, the minute she was in his arms. "You're worried about something; tell Uncle Xander?"

Buffy smiled ruefully. "Never any use trying to hide it from's Willow."

"Willow!" Xander was surprised- and alarmed. He'd taken the shadow on Buffy's sunshine to be connected with her boyfriend.

"She wouldn't come with us tonight," Buffy explained.

"Well...maybe...fifth wheel?" Xander suggested, glancing back at their table where Riley was endeavoring to make conversation with a bored Anya.

Buffy shook her head stubbornly. "It isn't that. She's always off practicing spells."

Xander shrugged. "Sounds typical Will."

"And," Buffy continued, "yesterday she cut English."

Xander stopped in his tracks. "Willow cut class?"

At her confirmatory nod, he declared, "Let's go see Giles!"

"I don't understand what you're doing here...AGAIN," Giles complained, glaring at the vampire sprawled out on his couch.

"Simple,'ve got a telly," Spike said.

"I never knew a vampire to watch so much television," grumbled Giles. "Angel didn't even OWN a television!"

Spike snorted. "That wanker! Probably took a vow of poverty or something."

There was the briefest of knocks at the door; before Xander and Buffy catapulted into the room.

"Trouble?" Giles asked worriedly. "Trouble?" Spike asked hopefully.

"Giles, something's the matter with Willow," Xander told him. "She cut class!"

"Oh, is that all?" Disappointed, the blond vampire sank back onto the couch.

Giles, however, looked disturbed. "This is unprecedented behaviour. What can possibly be the matter with Willow?"

Willow blew out her candle and handed it to Tara, who replaced it on the shelf. "I had a great time, Tara," she said excitedly. "Thanks for your help with that divining spell."

The other girl smiled at her fondly. "I was happy to help." She gently brushed her lips against Willow's cheek. "Good night, Willow."

Flushed with happiness, Willow smiled back at her new friend.

"You want to give...WHAT kind of party?" Buffy asked.

Willow beamed. "Highways and hedgerows. A group of people go off in different directions- and each must invite the first person they meet to the party."

"Sounds fun..." Buffy conceded. "But where'd you hear about it?"

"From Tara," Willow said proudly. "Buffy, I can't WAIT for you to meet her...she is the best!"

Buffy felt a slight pang of jealousy; then reminded herself to be glad for Willow. "So, where will you have the party? Here?"

"No, I have a way better idea. Let's use Sunday's place!"

"You mean that old frat house?" Buffy considered but had no real fault to find with the plan. "It's bigger, and we won't have to clean up in here..."

"And, we won't have anybody crashing, either." Willow put in.

"I wouldn't bet on that," Buffy laughed. "I'm sure the word will get out before the night's over."

"Wrong," Willow said smugly. "Tara and I are going to ward the place to keep out uninvited guests."

Buffy shrugged. "Fine with me. When is this do?"

"Friday," Willow said.

Buffy danced over to the calendar and drew a big red X on the date. "Uh...Will...did you know this Friday is the 13th?"

Willow looked at her blankly. "So?"

On Friday a small group gathered at the former frat house. Tiny strings of colored lights illumined the large room- and there was a buffet and cooler.

"This place looks great, Will," Xander complimented her.

"Tara did most of it," Willow said modestly. "She's already gone for her guest- so we'd better hurry! Okay, everyone...ready, set, go!"

Eight people diverged in various directions: Buffy, Willow, Xander, Anya, Amy, Riley, Forrest, and Graham.

Buffy found herself walking in the vicinity of the graveyard.

"Typical," she sighed. "Who'll be out here, anyway?"

"Buffy?" Two voices spoke in unison, one coming from her left and the other from her right. Two men stepped into the path simultaneously...Spike, and Parker.

It was Parker who broke the silence.

"Going to a party?" he asked, eyeing her black leather pants and white tank top.

Buffy regained her balance. "Yes, as a matter of fact I am," she said coolly. "And Spike here is coming with me."

The blond vampire glanced at her sharply, but swung into step beside her.

"Oh?" Parker sneered. "And just where IS I might want to stop by."

"It's invitation only," Buffy said sweetly.

Parker scowled. "Trying to play hard to get? Word,'s too late."

Spike growled and swung around. "Why don't you get lost, mate? We don't want the company."

"Why don't you make me?" Parker asked belligerantly.

"Oh, it'll be worth it!" Spike launched a punch at Parker's head; and screamed in agony. Buffy gave Parker a shove and he sat down hard, cursing hoarsely.

She ignored him, concentrating on Spike.

"Does it hurt...a lot?"

"I'll live," the vampire managed. "In the very broadest sense of the word."

Buffy giggled; and Spike gave her the merest trace of a smile, slowly straightening. "So, where is this party, anyway?"

Parker watched them go with smoldering eyes. That little bitch was supposed to fall all over him, begging for another tumble. Instead...she acted like...he didn't count, or something. What was worse, he'd heard some of the guys talking about how Parker must have been crazy to dump such a looker.

He got to his feet, and began to follow them....

Pair by pair, the others returned.

Willow had run right into Giles; and joyously dragged him back.

"There is a rather unsettling prophecy I wanted to discuss with Buffy," Giles explained.

"Oh? What's it say?" Willow asked curiously. She took the paper he handed her and read:

When the moon is full on the 13th day Chaos rules; and three must stay.

"What's it mean?" she wondered.

"I'm not certain," Giles frowned. "But there's a full moon tonight..." He broke off suddenly and began to smile. "Olivia!"

"Hello, Rupert," his friend greeted. "I was on my way to your home when this young man..." she nodded at Forrest..."insisted I come here to this Highways and Hedgerows party! I haven't been to one in years...didn't think they had them in America!"

"You mean it's an English party?" Willow asked in surprise. "But Tara doesn't sound...ohh, here's Xander! And he brought....HARMONY??!"

It was indeed Harmony, wearing a new red dress and looking around eagerly.

Willow grabbed Xander. "Are you nuts? Bringing a vampire here?"

"She promised not to bite anyone," Xander said apologetically. "I saw her in the park, and when she heard abut the party she begged to come...she's lonely, Willow."

Willow shook her head in exasperation- only Xander would bring a vampire to a party!

Then Buffy walked in...with Spike.

Willow groaned aloud.

"What's wrong, Willow?" Forrest walked up to her.

"Just..surprised by a few of the guests," she told him honestly.

"I know...I can't believe Riley brought Professor Walsh."

"He did?" Willow gasped, staring over to where Riley and Maggie Walsh stood talking to Anya and Jonathan. It was obvious Professor Walsh had been leaving her office; she was carrying her briefcase and her computer.

Just when Willow felt things could not get more bizarre, in walked Amy...with Parker.

"Ohh no," Willow breathed.

Parker had been stymied by his efforts to get into the party when he spotted a dejected Amy returning alone. He promptly latched onto her, only to desert her once they were inside.

"Hey, this is a cool party," said Graham, joining them along with a brunette who looked familiar to Willow. "You guys know Laurie?"

Willow recognized Percy's girlfriend. She was beginning to wish she'd reconsidered this whole idea for a party that Tara had come up with! And- where was Tara?

Willow wondered if she should get worried; then Forrest asked her to dance.

Several couples were dancing- including, to Willow's surprise, Spike and Buffy. "Okay, " she agreed, stepping closer to Forrest. She hadn't danced with anyone for a long time; it was nice.

"You're the prettiest girl here," Forrest murmured in her ear.

Willow nearly laughed out loud, then was touched to realize that he was sincere. She did feel...well, maybe not the prettiest, but as if she looked her best.

She was wearing one of her new long skirts, in subtle shades of blue, with a midriff-baring top and some dangling earrings that Buffy had given her for her birthday.

Forrest's eyes told her that he highly approved; and she decided to relax and enjoy herself.

"Let the chips fall where they may," she mumbled.

"Did you say chips? " Forrest grabbed her hand. "This way to the food!"

Spike and Buffy were still dancing. It was curiously comfortable for both of them...their bodies seemed, somehow, to be naturally attuned to each other.

"So, pet, why aren't you dancing with your soldier boy?"

Buffy smiled at the blond vampire. "He doesn't dance."

"What a waste," Spike remarked lightly.

Then came the tap on his shoulder he'd been half-expecting.

"Cut in?" Parker smirked.

"Not bloody likely," Spike snapped.

Buffy saw the muscles tense in his jaw and grew concerned. Spike could no longer hurt Parker, of course- but she hated the thought of a scene at Willow's party.

"I'm only dancing with Spike tonight," Buffy spoke up icily. "Why not go find your own date?"

"Jealous, Buffy?" Parker raised one thick dark eyebrow.

"In your dreams," Buffy retorted. She turned her back on him, and stepped back into Spike's arms.

Two things happened simultaneously; Parker grabbed Buffy's arm, and Riley was there, shoving Parker aside.

"Time to go home, Parker." Riley marched him to the door.

Buffy said gratefully. "So much for him!"

But Spike's face looked like a thundercloud. "Yeah, your boyfriend took care of the bloody wanker." He turned and walked off to the darkest corner of the room.

Buffy followed him, blinking in surprise. "Spike? What's wrong?"

"Nothing," he muttered.

She waited patiently.

"I'll tell you what's wrong!" he exploded. "I can't even hit a soddin' little pillock like that! I can't protect you..."


"And I know you're the bloody Slayer and you don't need protection from anyone anyway....but ..I..."

Buffy was touched. She reached out to him, impulsively.

For one minute he stood regarding her with burning eyes; then his mouth came down on hers with enough intensity to take her breath away. When the kiss finally ended she stared at him in shock, but made no move to leave his arms.

"Buffy," he whispered, and a thrill went through her at the sound of her name on his lips. "I..."

But she never knew what he would have said. The dozens of tiny lights that illumined the large room flickered once...and went out. There were a few cries and giggles...then silence.

When the lights came back on, Willow found herself facing Tara.

"Oh, there you are," she wanted to say. But what came out was a strangled croak.

Tara smiled. "Don't be afraid, Willow. You'll find you can speak quite well provided you don't try to raise your voice. And I'm allowing you to see and hear everything; but you can't move. That's part of the spell, you see."

Willow's eyes roamed around the party; and she understood what Tara meant- all of the guests were frozen in place like so many statues.

Xander was gesturing wildly with a pretzel while Anya clung affectionately to his arm. Giles and Professor Walsh were scowling at one another while Olivia held up her hand like a traffic cop. Riley was propelling Parker to the door; Graham was dancing with Amy; and Jonathan stood chatting with Harmony and Laurie.

Fighting down a rising sense of panic, Willow looked for Buffy, spotting her in a dark corner with...Spike? Strange, they almost lovers. But they were as immobile as everyone else...and Willow knew that Buffy could not help her.

Tara said conversationally, "You haven't met my guest yet, have you?"

"Good evening, Willow," greeted a familiar voice, as Ethan Rayne stepped into her line of sight.

"Yes, he's my uncle," Tara explained. "taught me most of what I know."

"The prophecy..." Willow croaked.

"Yes. The prophecy. I choose three...acolytes for Chaos."

"We knew you'd somehow bring together a promising selection, Willow," Tara informed her.

"You won't get away with this," Willow hissed desperately.

Uncle and niece both chuckled in genuine amusement. "Of course we will," Ethan assured her. "When the spell ends, all but three will be here. We need three who are special in some way, and they will simply vanish into a dimension where even the Slayer can't pursue."

"Which will you choose, uncle?" Tara asked expectantly.

"Why don't you guess?" Ethan drawled.

Tara frowned in concentration. "Not Willow?"

He shook his head. "She's potentially as powerful as you are, Tara. It wouldn't be safe to leave her in another dimension as a slave to Chaos. The same might be said of the Slayer; and my old friend Ripper."

To Willow's horror, he began to stroll around the room, occasionally pausing beside one or other of the guests.

"Vampire," he murmured when he came to Harmony. "What's worse- not very bright."

He gave Laurie a quick glance, then dismissed her. "Plenty of malice; but nothing else."

Willow's brain was working frantically; but try as she would, she simply couldn't come up with a spell that would counteract the powerful magicks of the warlock and his niece.

"I've made my decision," Ethan announced.

Willow gasped as she witnessed Ethan placing a metal collar on Amy, Olivia, and....

"Xander," Willow moaned. "Noooo!"

"A suitable offering for Chaos," Tara approved.

In a clear section of the fllor she drew a large circle- then she and Ethan began to pull their victims into position.

Then...the germ of an idea formed in Willow's mind. If the magick of a witch couldn't defeat two sorcerers, what about the skill of a hacker?

Dr. Walsh had been on the way home, carrying her new computer in its case...her new, state-of-the-art, voice-activated computer.

Willow took a deep breath. She would have only one shot; she had to make it count! Carefully she found the proper pitch.

"So, this was the reason for the BIG PARTY AT the OLD FRAT HOUSE?" The tone of her voice rose sharply on some of the syllables- but Ethan and his niece only looked annoyed.

"Yes, of course," the warlock muttered irritably, drawing symbols within the circle.

"Come one, come all to the BIG PARTY AT THE OLD FRAT HOUSE!" Willow repeated loudly. "Smart idea."

"You shouldn't have let her use her voice!" Etahn snapped at Tara. "Now she won't shut up! And...what is that blasted racket!"

Willow was the boys of Alpha Beta Pi, on their way.

Hastily she mumbled a spell...enough to shred the wards at the most vulnerable spot. Nearly a hundred students poured into the room, laughing and chanting "Par-ty! Par-ty!"

Ethan watched in horror as the horde overran his circle, smudging the chalk and scattering the herbs. The clock in the belltower began chiming midnight as Ethan and Tara worked frantically to redraw the circle and complete the ritual.

The chimes stoppd; and Willow closed her eyes in dread.

"Hey Willow, you okay?"

She opened her eyes to see Forrest bending over her, his eyes filled with concern.

"Fine!" she exclaimed. "In fact, never better!"

There was no sign of Ethan or Tara, but it would have been hard to find anybody in the mob now cramming into Sunday's former lair.

"Willow!" Buffy touched her arm. "See, told you there'd be a crowd," she laughed. "Uh, Spike and I think maybe we'd better...patrol a bit."

"Huh?" Willow gaped at her, then understanding dawned as Buffy turned bright red.

"Oh! Oh, sure, Buffy, you go and...go and...." Willow began blushing too.

"Thanks, Red!" Spike grinned at her, then grabbed Buffy's hand and hustled her out the back door.

Willow blinked, and once more scanned the room for Tara or Ethan.

"Xander!" she caught his arm, "have you seen Tara?"

"Was she the girl in the bright red dress?" Riley approached them. "Because she left...with Parker."

"Parker!" Xander yelled.

"Yeah; they insisted. She kept saying she was starved and Parker offered to take her for something to eat."

Willow 's eyes met Xander's and he shrugged. "Speaking of way to get any here. Why don't we head over to the Bronze?"

"Great idea," Forrest nodded. "I know Willow's hungry."

"But, where's Buffy?" Riley inquired.

Willow put her hand on his arm. "Never mind...why not come to the Bronze with us?"

"No," his face fell. "I think I'll it a night."

Willow watched sadly as he left. She wished she could cheer him up. Maybe, sometime, she could...

"Ready, Willster?" Xander looked at her expectantly, tightening his hold on Anya.

She smiled at Forrest. "Who, me? I'm ready for anything!"

Buffy and Spike cuddled together on Buffy's bed.

"This changes everything, pet," Spike murmured, stroking her hair gently.

She smiled at him. "Scared?"


"Me too," she admitted.

Then she kissed him, deliberately and thoroughly.

"But...I'll risk it," she concluded breathlessly.

Spike stared at her pretty face, and grinned.

"Me too," he echoed.

The End