Settling Bets

"Ben?"  the soft voice in his ear sounded familiar...could it be?

He turned quickly, his delighted smile fading when he saw the girl...the wrong girl.  This one was taller, heavier...this one wasn't her.

"Hello, Avery,"  he said indifferently, turning back to resume scanning the room.  The Bronze was filling up fast, but he knew he'd spot her when she came in.

"Uh, would you dance, Ben?"  Avery asked.

"Not right now, Avery."  He saw the hurt look in her eyes, and added quickly,  "Maybe later?"

But she'd already turned away.  Ben shrugged, feeling nothing more than relief.  Once again he checked the room-  and that's when he saw her.  She came in with Willow Rosenberg;  and the two of them sat down at a table almost directly opposite the bar where he stood.

Soon Cordelia Chase joined them, abandoning her cheerleader crowd without so much as a wave goodbye.  Then Xander Harris arrived;  and some guy named Oz who played a mean guitar.

Ben wanted to go over;  but contented himself with staring at her, his heart in his eyes.  Buffy Summers...  Ben had been in love with Buffy Summers for two years;  ever since the first time he'd seen her in algebra class.  She seemed different, if she lived in a place apart from the ordinary world of high school.

Only once had Ben nerved himself to approach her.  Desperation had made him brave;  he'd invited her to ask him to the Sadie Hawkins Dance.   She had refused him without much of an excuse, and he'd never found the courage to try again.

He watched her though;  at school and in the Bronze, he watched her all the time, wishing he could somehow enter that magic circle and be by her side.

Then- his heart jumped into his throat;  she was standing up...she was walking towards him...she was stopping in front of him....

No.  She paused, not in front of Ben, but before the tall blond guy in black leather who lounged beside him, casually smoking a cigarette.

"Hello,"  Buffy greeted the blond almost shyly.  "Will you...I mean, would you like to dance?"

The blond studied her through half-closed eyes.  "With you, pet?"

"No,"  Buffy snapped. "with the bartender!"  She caught herself, and said hastily,  "I mean...yes, with me!  I'm...asking you to dance with me!"

The blond leaned back, smirking.  " know, pet, I just ordered a cafe melonge...perhaps in a  bit?  I wouldn't want it to get...cold."

Buffy flushed painfully; but choked,  "Maybe later?"

The blond seemed to consider.  "Why not?  Later."

Buffy headed back to her table...where her friends were regarding her with consternation. But Ben was busy glaring at the blond guy.   What was wrong with him? *Buffy* was interested;  Buffy had asked him to dance!

Ten minutes later, she was back.  "Um...will you dance with me, now?"

The blond smiled.  "Not quite ready yet, love."

Ben could bear it no longer.  "Buffy!"  he exclaimed.

The other two looked at him in astonishment.

"Dance with me?  Please,"  he begged.

"You're...Ben, right?"  Buffy said slowly.  Suddenly she smiled at him. "I'd love to!"

She took his hand, and pulled him over to the dance floor.

Ben was heartened...she seemed pleased to be dancing with him...and he'd waited so long.  Then...he felt the strong grip on his shoulder...he turned to see the blond scowling at him murderously.

"I changed my mind, mate,"  he growled.  "I believe I will dance, after all."

Ben started to protest; but Buffy began laughing.  "Not as much fun as you thought...playing hard to get?"  she teased.

The Englishman snarled, "You cheated!"

"How?"  Buffy was enjoying herself immensely.  "You said I had to ask you to dance;  but you never said I couldn't dance with somebody else!"

"I'm saying it now!"  the blond said crossly.  He grasped her arms, pulling her away from Ben...

"Hey!"  Ben yelled.  "Don't grab her, you..."

"Ok, ok, take it outside!"  the bouncer was there, pushing Ben and the Englishman out the exit.

Buffy followed, serious now.  "It's all right..."  she told the bouncer, "Spike and I were just trying to settle a bet."

Ben felt like the biggest fool in the world.  ""  he asked, slowly. "You mean...all that was just...playing?"

Buffy turned bright red.  "Well...yes."

"Baby likes to play,"  Spike grinned.

"You shut up!"  Buffy was embarrassed.

Spike chuckled...and Buffy lost her temper.  She hauled off and punched him in the stomach...he doubled over,  then backhanded her so hard she reeled into the wall of the building.

She landed, catlike, on her feet...and kicked him hard in the chest.

Ben watched in horrified amazement;  he had seen fights before, but never one like this.  There was a strange, erotic quality to it...  to blow and counter-blow...   almost like a...mating ritual.

And even as the thought entered his unwilling brain, the two combatants faced off, staring into one another's eyes.

"Had enough, Spike?"  Buffy demanded, not even breathing hard.

"Never have enough of you, love,"  he purred.

Spike took a single step forward, raising both arms to brace against the wall on either side of her...holding her prisoner there.

Ben felt they'd both forgotten him, so entirely were they focusing on each other.  Slowly, he made his way back into the Bronze.

Those two-  what world did they live in?

He stood numbly by the bar, unaware of his surroundings.  Once he thought he glimpsed them again...her blond head resting against a leather-clad shoulder while they danced so closely they almost appeared to be one person, not two.  But he made no effort to keep them in sight.

Buffy Summers...Ben sighed with regret, but not with loss.  He was remembering the story of the fisherman who'd captured a mermaid in his net, loved and married her-  only to have her swim away from him the first chance she got.  But-  what else could he expect?  She was, after all, a mermaid.

"French mocha,"  ordered the girl beside him.

Ben turned his head to see Avery was back again.

"Hello,"  he smiled at her.  "Now-  what about that dance?"

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