Buffy glanced anxiously at her companion's grim face and took a deep breath, hands clenched tight on the steering wheel.
"Okay...I'm SORRY about that dumpster...I didn't realize we were that close. It's not like I hit it hard...I barely bumped it!"
"Right," Spike snorted. "Something really should be done about the way those dumpsters jump out in front of people!"
She bit her lip. "What is it, Spike? I know you're not mad because I...just barely...nudged that dumpster! But you are mad about something...you've had your jaw clenched all night! What's the matter?"
He gave her a sidelong glance. "I happened to be driving past the Bronze earlier...and I saw something....odd. People decorating...for a dance?"
"Oh." Buffy considered this, then nodded. "The Sunnydale prom...it's tomorrow night."
"I was just curious about why you didn't bother to mention it," he growled. "You know we were going to practice parallel parking tomorrow; it might have been considerate to tell me that you'd made other plans!"
Buffy stared at him in surprise. "Chill, Spike....I haven't any plans...we can work on the parking tomorrow. I'm not going to the prom."
"Not going?" It was his turn to be surprised. "But why not?"
She shrugged slightly. "Nobody's going to ask me."
He frowned. "That's...idiotic. You're one of the prettiest girls I've ever seen even if you are the Slayer! What's wrong with those boys at your school?"
Buffy laughed ruefully. "NOTHING'S wrong with them; and they'd like to keep it that way! With my rep, the word is out that dating me can be hazardous to your health, I practically require a warning label! One of my dates ended up with concussion; and the last boy I went out with got a broken nose!"
He gave her a commiserating look. "I guess the vampires were a bit rough on him, hey pet?"
"Uh...actually...I broke his nose," Buffy confessed. "I had no choice! He locked the car door and grabbed me, and I had to..."
The expression on his face stopped her. They looked at one another and then both began to laugh.
"Anyway, I don't think dances are for me," Buffy managed to say. "Just look at my track record! Freshman year, I was supposed to go with Todd...this boy I really liked."
Spike's grin faded. "Oh? I suppose he was tall, dark, and handsome?"
"Tall, BLONDE and handsome, " Buffy admitted. "Not as blonde as you, though. OR as tall. OR...oh, never mind."
"So what became of this paragon?" Spike demanded jealously.
Buffy sighed. "I was waiting for Todd to finish soccer practice when this man showed up. Turned out to be a Watcher who said I had to go with him and fulfill my destiny. Apparently my destiny required burning down the gym on prom night."
"I could see where that might cast a pall on your social life," Spike said thoughtfully.
"It did. Then, sophmore year I was all ready had a BEAUTIFUL dress and that was the night the Master decided to rise! Last year...well, there was the Acathla thing." Buffy winced at the thought.
Spike changed the subject hastily. "But I don't see why you couldn't go this year." He hesitated. "I could take you," he offered, words coming in a rush.
"WHAT?!" Buffy couldn't believe her ears. "Did you just offer to take me to the Sunnydale prom?"
"So what if I did?" he snapped.
To his chagrin, she started to giggle. "Sorry," she said, catching sight of the look on his face, "but whoever heard of a vampire taking a Slayer to the prom?"
She waited for him to laugh with her, to enjoy the joke. In their increasingly frequent meetings, they laughed a lot.
Instead he turned towards her, blue eyes blazing. "See? EVERY time we fight, you bring up the vampire thing!"
Buffy's jaw dropped; she was silent for a moment. "Spike..." she began.
"Thank you." Buffy took a deep breath. "I'd love to go with you."
Spike was nervous. He had never been to a prom in his life...or even in his death...and he had no idea what to expect. After dropping off the Slayer, he'd rushed off to a video store and asked the pimply faced clerk to recommend some prom films. He'd ended up with three, all older ones Prom Night; The Night Before; and Pretty in Pink.
He popped The Night Before into his VCR. Not much help; the young couple got somehow sidetracked on the way to the prom and never actually got there.
"Wankers," Spike muttered.
Pretty in Pink didn't even show the prom until the end...and Spike was disgruntled to see that the heroine abandoned her date to go off with a rich lout who'd stood her up earlier. Worse yet the rich lout reminded him of Angel. "Isn't it always the way?"
Prom Night was more his style. He didn't really hope for such glorious mayhem, of course, but it would have been fun.
Still, the following night he felt he'd picked up sufficient pointers to acquit himself well. He'd washed the car; dressed up in his custom made tuxedo; and bought some flowers. He was ready.
At Buffy's house he resolutely rang the doorbell; and her mother admitted him. She greeted him politely if unenthusiastically...and didn't suggest taking any pictures.
Then Buffy came down the stairs; and it was fortunate he didn't need to breathe, because the sight of her rendered that impossible. Her dress had a strapless white bodice with small blue flowers; and a full sapphire skirt with a thigh-high slit.
She looked both sexy and demure and he had to fight to keep his hands off her.
Just when he'd almost lost the struggle they arrived at the Bronze, and he was able to dance with her. Spike found he quite liked dancing with the Slayer; somehow their bodies seemed to recognize each other instinctively, moving as one.
"Mmm," Buffy murmured, resting her head on his shoulder, "You dance as well as you fight."
Spike felt his heart constrict. He'd often wondered what it would be like to hold her; and now at last he knew, and it was like nothing he'd ever imagined. It felt as if a missing part of himself was restored...he pressed closely against her, enjoying the warm fragrance of her soft body and velvety skin.
Later they went to Cordelia's beach party...they stood together on the sand; and she leaned against him to remove her high-heeled sandals. They walked along the shore; and when he saw her shiver in the ocean breeze, it seemed a natural thing to wrap his tuxedo jacket around her slender shoulders. And then somehow it seemed a natural thing to leave his hands there, too.
"Spike?" her voice came at last; and he felt inexplicably sad. He'd known it would...must...end soon; but...
"Yes, pet?" he kept his voice level.
"Thank you...for tonight."
He felt a curious happiness, tinged with regret. "My pleasure, love," he said honestly.
He waited for her to suggest they go home; instead she said softly, "Cordy invited everyone to stay over at her beach house...in sleeping bags."
"Oh?" His heart, luckily, had no need to beat...but it was performing some strange gyrations.
"Um...I said I'd ask you...she has a room that's sun proofed."
Wildly, he wondered whether she meant..."Fine with me, love!" He realized he sounded far too enthusiastic, but for once he wasn't afraid of making a fool of himself.
At Cordelia's almost everyone was sleeping on the deck under the stars; but Buffy led him upstairs to a small room where the single window had been heavily shuttered.
"There's only one sleeping bag left," she told him apologetically.
"That's good," he said. Then, "I mean...it's good Cordelia had one! Left, that is!" Shut up, Spike!
"At least it's a double," she said cheerfully. She went off to change into shorts and a tank top; quickly he stripped to his boxers and T-shirt and climbed into the sleeping bag.
She came back and settled beside him...he lay determinedly on his back, careful not to look at her. "I'll take you driving tomorrow night," he offered.
"Um hmmm," Buffy agreed lazily. "Spike..."
"Yes?" he tried not to sound too eager; but he knew he'd failed miserably.
"Don't worry about tomorrow...day, I mean. I'll take care of you, I promise!"
A spurt of joy sparkled through him. "Thanks, pet."
"It's the least I can do," she said. She stretched; and her bare leg brushed his...he clenched his jaw with desire.
Then she sighed; and his skin shivered at the feel of her breath.
The hell with it, he decided and turned to face her. "Buffy..."
"What?" her big eyes stared up at him.
Gently, tentatively, he touched his mouth to hers, trying to be careful so as not to frighten her.
Her response both shocked and thrilled him; she wound both arms around his neck and pulled him down on top of her, kissing him passionately.
When he finally moved away, he was terrified she'd be angry or upset.
Instead, she smiled up at him. "It took you long enough!"
"Wha..." For a minute Spike thought he was already asleep and dreaming.
Giggling, Buffy reached for him again. "One of us always takes a dive in our fights- did you think I never noticed? So, it's only natural to wonder ...WHY?"
"What do you mean?" he demanded guiltily.
She was still laughing at him. "I mean...those bets we make are a gimme....the fix is in!"
"I don't know what you're babbling about," he said frostily, trying to hold onto the remnants of his dignity.
"No?" she asked provocatively. "Then...I bet you can't kiss me that way again!"
He stared at her; then began to laugh in surrender. "All right, Slayer, " he murmured softly, as his mouth came down on hers.
"You've got yourself a bet!"