
"You going to marry him, then?"

The small delicate girl stopped in her tracks and whirled to look at her companion.

But he was lighting a cigarette, blond head bent low over the flame of his lighter. It was a task that seemed to absorb his entire attention.

"How did you...oh. I guess Mom told you, huh?"

He lifted one leather-clad shoulder. "She seems happy about it, pet."

Buffy made no response; so he prompted, "Well?"

"Well...he's asked me. And...I told him I'd need some time to think about it."

He shot her a quick glance. In the two years they'd been working together he'd gotten to know her every mood- each inflection in her voice.

Now he said, in a deceptively casual tone, "Doubts, luv?"

"I just..." she stopped. "No. No, of course not. Riley is right for me, I'm sure of it. I'm sure...of HIM."

Spike opened his mouth to answer, but she never knew what he might have said.

He made a strangled sound, and pitched forward onto his face.

Buffy screamed.

In Spike's place stood the evil they'd been hunting- Vartan the Wizard.

The Slayer tried to assume a fighting stance; but found herself locked into position, unable to move the smallest muscle. She could only stare, transfixed, at the Wizard...a tall, extremely thin figure with one abnormality.

Vartan had three eyes.

Two were ordinary, a pale gray in color; but the third, set higher in the center of his forehead, was milk-white and appeared blind.

It was Vartan's power center- capable of unleashing a lethal bolt or paralyzing stare.

The eye closed as the Wizard spoke a single word, "Soon."

Then he was gone; and Buffy found she could move again.

She rushed over to Spike, biting her lips in worry as she observed the deep slashing wound in his side.

"I'm sure he'll make a rapid recovery, Buffy," Giles assured his frantic Slayer.

Buffy stared down at the unconscious vampire in Giles' bed. "I'm staying with him," she declared resolutely.

Riley would be annoyed that she'd broken another date; but this was an emergency. Surely he would understand.

He didn't.

"Why can't Giles take care of the vampire?" he demanded.

Buffy frowned. "It's not any old vampire, it's partner! And I am not leaving him!"

Riley sighed in exasperation. "What about Willow? I thought you had this mission to cheer her up?"

"Willow will understand," Buffy said, sounding more confident than she actually felt. "Just tell her what happened."

Riley didn't sound entirely reconciled when she hung up the phone. Oh well, Buffy decided as she hurried back to Spike's bedside, she could make it up to Riley later.

Willow was a more urgent problem. Ever since her final, devastating break-up with Oz, the redhead had been mired in a severe depression, losing all interest in life.

Buffy had discussed it with Giles; and the Watcher had suggested that she and Riley take Willow out so that she wasn't left by herself too frequently. Although Giles hated to upset Buffy, he was becoming concerned that Willow's state-of-mind was verging on suicidal.

Spike was tossing restlessly, but he quietened when Buffy sat down beside him.

"Hello, cutie," he whispered.

Buffy made a face at him. "Don't you ever scare me like that again!"

"I...won't. I promise," the vampire murmured. " hand?"

Buffy took his cool, slim hand in both her warm ones.

With one finger he touched the bracelet she wore, and smiled.

Buffy smiled back, her eyes tender.

It was a lovely thing, that bracelet...a delicate platinum band from which dangled three tiny hearts- ruby, diamond, and emerald. He'd given it to her their first Christmas together- sort of.

Her memory slipped back- to that Christmas eve.

"What's this?" he asked suspiciously, scowling at the small package she'd just handed him.

"It's... nothing much." Buffy blushed, unaccountably nervous. He'd been working with her- most reluctantly- for about six weeks; but he usually showed up, did his job, then vanished.

"'s just a tape. Of music, for your car," Buffy babbled. "It's got the Sex Pistols, and the Buzzcocks, and..."

Her voice trailed off as he fixed his burning eyes on her.

"Get this, Slayer," he hissed. "I may have been coerced into helping you...but that doesn't mean we're friends! That doesn't mean I give a damn if you or any of your little mates die! That doesn't mean I don't want to make it happen!"

He slammed the tape against the wall; and when it fell, stepped on it...grinding the plastic case beneath his bootheel.

She stared down at it, then at him. "You didn't have to do that, Spike," she told him with barely a trace of tremor in her voice. "It was...just...a tape."

Then she'd walked away up the stairs; and when she came down later, he was gone and so was every trace of the tape.

But the next morning....

Her mother had found the little velvet case on the porch, with the card addressed to Buffy Summers.

She'd known, of course...known the minute she saw it...but she hadn't said a thing. She'd merely slipped his gift on her wrist; and smiled secretly when her friends admired it and wanted to know the giver.

Things subtly changed between them, after that.

They no longer worked out in a tense silence...and he no longer swept out the door immediately afterward.

Instead he lingered; and they began to talk.

"Tell me about Woodstock," she begged.

"That was a trip, more ways than one! Well, y'see, I was interested in the music, so I decided to go..."

She listened enthralled.

"Tell me about the time you burned down the gym," he invited. He drank in every word appreciatively.

She asked his advice on clothes, "This is one time I really miss Cordy! True, she HATED all my clothes, but she was happy to give her opinion!"

"I'll give my opinion," Spike volunteered. "Wear the blue dress."

She tilted her head consideringly. "You think? Not the green?"

"The blue," he insisted, "It's more...modest."

She ended up wearing the green, enjoying the way he stared at her legs.

They watched videos together, too; and although he never would accompany her to campus events, he was more than willing to go anywhere in the town.

Sometimes her new-found friendship with Spike grated on Riley's nerves. He'd protest at her fondness for one of "the enemy" but Buffy ignored him. Somehow, the blond vampire had insinuated himself into her life; and she wanted him to stay there.

Giles, coming in to check on them, found both fast asleep, Buffy's hand still clasped in Spike's. Tenderly, he covered his Slayer with a blanket, then headed back downstairs to the couch.

"Willow?" Buffy cupped her hand over the receiver, trying not to rouse Spike.

"Oh, hi, Buffy. How's Spike?"

"Better...the wound is healing already. He's sleeping; and we think he should just stay in bed another day."

"Then, you're coming back to the dorm now?"

Buffy paused. " Not until Spike is back on his feet."

"But...what about that T.A. party tonight?" Willow asked. "I thought Riley had to go to that?"

"Look, Will...could you fill in for me? It'll be such a mob scene...nobody will even notice I'm not there."

"Riley'll notice," Willow said doubtfully. "Buffy, he loves you so much; and you treat him like..."

"Tell him I'll make it up to him another time," Buffy interrupted, impatient to get back to Spike.

She found the blond vampire awake, grinning up at her in the old cocky way.

Buffy grinned back, overcome with relief. "How about some blood?" she suggested, helping him to sit up.

"Volunteering, luv?" he joked.

"Very funny." She held the cup against his mouth, coaxing him to finish.

Finally he drifted back to sleep again; but still Buffy didn't leave. The sun rose high in the sky and then began its downward spiral...but Buffy stayed beside Spike, watching him sleep as night fell.

Giles tried to remonstrate with her. " need to eat something. I've fixed a sandwich for you..."

She shook her head.

"But you've had nothing since yesterday afternoon," her Watcher protested.

"Is that...true, kitten?"

Buffy jumped. Spike's eyes were open; and he was regarding her sternly.

"I...uh, well..." she stammered, hoping he would let it go."

He didn't.

"You'll get yourself down to the kitchen right now, Slayer, and eat what Giles has prepared."

Buffy opened her mouth to object.

"Right. This. Minute." Spike's voice had that edge that always made her think of a dagger wrapped in silk. Whenever he sounded like that, she knew better than to argue.

She stood up reluctantly. "Are you sure you'll be okay?"

"I'm sure."

Giles had heated some soup to go with the chicken sandwich; and Buffy found that once she started eating, she was ravenous.

Her Watcher studied her with satisfaction, marvelling at the influence the blond vampire had over his Slayer. He wondered idly whether Buffy would have obeyed Angel that swiftly. Probably not...Angel had never liked to push Buffy to do anything she didn't want to do- even when it was for her benefit.

Giles was refilling Buffy's glass of milk when Spike walked in.

"Spike!" Buffy cried out. "You shouldn't be out of bed!"

"Nonsense, pet. I'm right as rain; probably in better trim than you are. Have you eaten?"

She nodded.

"Then, I'll walk you home," Spike said firmly.

It was a beautiful night, though somewhat cold. Buffy turned her jacket collar up.

Spike smiled; and slipped his arm around her shoulders. "Better, kitten?"

She nodded vigorously. "Spike, um...want to go get a coffee or something? It would help me warm up."

"But pet, aren't you going to that party tonight? "

"Well, I was supposed to, " Buffy admitted. "But it's too late now- I'm not even dressed."

"You could still go," Spike pointed out. "You wouldn't be that late."

"No, I don't feel like it. I'd rather go for coffee with you! But let's stop off at the dorm anyway; I'll leave a note for Willow."

Spike shrugged, unwilling to argue with her. They frequently went for coffee or hot chocolate after patrol- and he always enjoyed it. He trailed after Buffy as she headed into Stevenson Hall.

Buffy fumbled for her key. The door opened; and she automatically flipped on the light.

She froze, staring in stunned disbelief at the couple in Willow's bed. Willow.


Spike caught up with her at the edge of the wood. "Buffy..." "Don't!" she shook her head but kept going. "Don't say anything...please don't!"

"I...all right. But, where are you going, pet?"

The truth was, she didn't know.

"My place?" he said softly.

She nodded; it would be better than going home, facing anxious questions from her mother.

Spike had moved into a loft atop an old movie theater; Xander joked that he was the Phantom-Vampire of the Opera. Buffy had been there many times, but tonight, as he switched on lights and took her jacket, she looked as insensible of her surroundings as though she'd never seen the place before.

"Here, pet." He led her over to the couch. Kneeling, he unlaced her boots, pulling them off.

Buffy was shivering convulsively. She was vaguely aware she'd received a fatal blow; but at the moment she was still too shocked to feel pain.

That would come.

She sobbed against his shoulder, soaking the crimson silk with bitter tears. She cried until she had no feeling left, until she was exhausted. Finally, she cried herself to sleep.

Buffy woke up in Spike's bed. Tentatively, she swung her legs over the edge. She was wearing one of his shirts; he must have put it on her after she'd fallen asleep.

She trotted into the bathroom to find a toothbrush still in its box; and some fresh towels. Cold water felt good against her swollen eyes...she stared bleakly into the mirror.

Willow...with Riley....

She shook her head abruptly and hurried out to Spike. He was on the couch, wearing only a pair of silk boxers, staring sleeplessly at the ceiling.

He saw her, and was instantly on his feet. "Luv?"

Deliberately she unbuttoned the silk shirt; and let it fall.

Breath caught in his throat...he'd sometimes imagined this....

The fantasy died as she stepped against him, kissing him hungrily.

"Pet," he began, desperately trying to control his raging desire for her.

"Shhh," she silenced him, one slender hand against his mouth. Then she was kissing him again, her mouth ravishing in its intensity, her hands roaming his body, enflaming him in ways he'd never known.

"No!" He wrenched her away from him, holding her still with hands still rough with want.

She looked at him defiantly, eyes blazing. "Why not? Don't you...want me?"

Yes! he wanted to say, to shout. But instead he replied, "No, I don't. Not this way!"

Her appraising eyes travelled down his body; and she smirked. "Liar!"

She reached to touch him; and he back-handed her so hard she smashed into the wall, sliding down into a heap on the floor.

Buffy stared at Spike in shock. He'd hit her before; but never since they'd become friends had he ever hit her in anger. Tears spilled over; she put her little blonde head against her bent knees, and sobbed her heart out.

"Pet..." his voice, the London purr that did such weird things to her senses.

He scooped her into his arms and strode into the bedroom, placing her tenderly under the covers. Then he slid in beside her, pulling her close against his chest.

"Go ahead, baby," he whispered, "cry it out." His cool slim fingers stroked the bruise along her cheekbone.

Buffy's tears stopped abruptly; she lifted her face, silently inviting his kiss.

Instead he brushed his mouth against her hair.

"No, luv," he murmured. "We can't do this; it would be bad for you. Trust me, kitten. Now go to sleep."

Miserably she closed her eyes, sure she wouldn't sleep; but reluctant to risk further punishment. She could feel his hand rubbing her back.

Buffy fell asleep in Spike's arms.

The following evening, at Giles' home, Xander tried to talk to her...

"Buffy, I know how you feel."

"Do you?" she asked coldly.

"Yeah, but Willow...after Oz left, she wasn't able deal very well. He was the first boyfriend she ever had; and I think she...needed to reassure herself. That other men would find her attractive. She...I know she would never want to hurt you."

Buffy's face remained impassive. She hardly seemed to hear...Xander only hoped his words would eventually sink in. He found himself glancing at Spike for reassurance.

The blond vampire nodded slightly.

Encouraged, Xander redoubled his efforts. "I know that Willow did something...terrible to you. But Buffy, she's a mess lately! She's so miserable we've been scared she'd something to herself! Couldn't you..."

"No!" Buffy interrupted, jumping to her feet. "No, Xander. I tried to help Willow, honestly I did. But after this, I really don't want to see her...see either of them...ever again!"

She turned and rushed out. Xander sighed.

Giles glanced at Spike. "Do you think perhaps..."

Spike nodded. "I'll look after the Slayer. She won't do anything rash."

Giles breathed a sigh of relief as the vampire took off after Buffy.

"Right, Xander. For now, Spike will care for Buffy; let's go find Willow."

Spike headed straight for a favorite college hangout; there was no sign of Buffy, but he did spot Riley Finn- drinking himself into a stupor at the bar.

Spike's mouth thinned with distaste; he'd never liked Finn, who made no secret of his belief that "the only good vampire is a dead vampire."

"Drowning your sorrows, mate?" he inquired blandly.

Riley grunted. "Yeah, and you're chief among them!"

"Me!" Spike exclaimed.

Riley glared at him. "Yeah...Spike wants...Spike thinks...Spike needs..." He shook his tumbled blond hair. "ALWAYS Spike! first!"

"Look here, you wanker!" stormed the angry vampire. "Don't blame me because you were too stupid to hold onto the best thing that ever happened to you!"

"Save it...mate." Riley threw some bills on the bar and lurched to his feet. "One good thing- at least I don't have to listen to her going on about Spike anymore!"

He stumbled away, leaving an astonished vampire in his wake.


Spike's head whipped around, to be confronted by a meek little fledling he'd seen hovering around the mansion back in the Angelus days.

"Well?" he barked, his demon stirring.

The fledgling flinched. "Uh, Willy sent me. Said you'd better come quick."

Spike's face smoothed out; annd he nodded amiably to the fledgling.

"What's your name?"

"Harry, sir," the vampire said nervously.

"I'm in your debt, Harry," Spike told the overwhelmed fledgling, as they headed for Willy's.

She was there, sitting at the end of the bar, her blonde head pillowed on her hands.

Spike's eyes narrowed as they met Willy's. "What has she had?"

Willy shrugged. "Mostly cherry brandy. I don't think she's used to drinking."

"You know she's not," Spike frowned. "Better not let me catch you giving her anything again!"

He put one hand on the Slayer's shoulder. "Time to go, luv."

"Back to your bed, Spike?" Buffy slurred, lifting her head. Spike nearly groaned aloud. There were only about a dozen vampires present, mostly lurking fearfully in the shadows; but he knew the word would spread like wildfire that Spike and the Slayer were lovers.

It was one thing for them to be partners. Vampires were used to all sorts of strange alliances, and no one even thought to question his working with the Slayer. Indeed, they took it for granted that he had some feuds to settle with the demons who fell to her stakes...

But, lovers?

That created....outrage. And envy. A vampire who'd actually bed the Slayer was...a Master among Masters! Supreme among his kind. A tempting target for any vampire seeking to make a reputation.

Like challenging John Wesley Hardin to a gunfight. Going up against Jim Bowie with a knife. Taking on Pete Sampras in a tennis match. Rash, foolhardy, but oh! IF anyone could pull it off...

Spike sighed, and hoisted the Slayer up over his shoulder. One thing at a time; and right now, he had enough to deal with.

Willow still lay in bed, gazing indifferently up at the ceiling. Her eyes burned, but she didn't weep. She had no tears.

Oz was gone; and now Buffy was gone too- and Xander, Xander watched her with a faintly puzzled look, as if wondering where did Willow go?

She wondered too.

She didn't bother trying to call or confront Buffy; she knew it was no use. Xander had told her of the way Buffy kept hanging up on Riley, refusing to even speak to him.

Willow barely remembered that night with Riley. They'd never gone to the T.A. party; instead he'd taken her drinking to some dump where he could spill his jealous rage over Spike.

Willow had tried to distract him....they'd kept drinking...and then somehow they'd ended up back at the dorm, in bed together...

She needed a shower, she thought dully. And a change of clothes.

But she never moved; what did anything matter?

Then suddenly the dorm room was lit by a purple flash; and Willow found herself sitting bolt upright.

"Nooo," she whispered fearfully.

"Nooo!" Buffy yelled, as Spike held her under the icy cascade of water. "!"

But he didn't; not until she was gasping and shivering from the cold. He towelled her off, then gave her another silk shirt and a pair of his boxers to wear.

"Get dressed," he ordered, "and get yourself out to the kitchen in five minutes."

"Or what?" she asked defiantly.

His blue eyes narrowed, and he took a single step towards her.

Buffy backed away hastily. "Okay!"

His gaze raked her; then he left.

In his seldom-used kitchen he prepared coffee.

She came quietly out of the bathroom and sat down at the table. He glanced at her, noting her subdued demeanor as she drank the strong brew, grimacing at its bitter taste.

"Right then, I'll say this once- you are NEVER to drink again. Is that clear?"

Buffy opened her mouth to say something, saw his face, and once more, thought better of it. She merely nodded.

"Fine," he said, satisfied. "Now- want to talk about it, luv?"

Suddenly Buffy found that she did want to. But where to start?

Spike refilled her mug, this time adding cream and sugar. "Which do you mind about most, pet? Riley...or Willow?"

Buffy's eyes filled with tears, but she blinked them away.

"She was...the best friend I ever had. I trusted her. She was always there, through all the worst things. Even when I ran away and scared everybody, she...forgave me. I never, never would have dreamed she'd do this to me!"

"It takes two, pet," Spike said impassively.

Buffy nodded convulsively. "You mean Riley. I don't...want to see him again, ever. But what he did doesn't excuse HER!"

"No." Spike hesitated. "But sometimes we do blame a friend more than a lover. Like when...Angel lost his soul, and started attention to Dru. I never once blamed her; but how I hated him!"

The phone rang, shattering the silence.

"What...yes. Yes, Giles. We'll be right there!"

Spike turned to Buffy. "Get dressed, kitten. There's a problem."

They were assembled at Giles' house: her Watcher, Xander, Anya, and...Willow.

Buffy said nothing but simply sat, stone-faced, on the chair that Xander placed for her.

"So you see, Buffy, the protective wards have all been breached," Giles was explaining. "The entity responsible has to be Vartan the Wizard."

"So, he's out to get me?" Buffy asked slowly. "Is that it?"

"He wants to channel the powers of the hellmouth," Giles said, "and one way is to draw strength from others. The Slayer has incredible life-force."

"Seems obvious I have to kill him first," Buffy said coolly.

"That's the difficulty. "Vartan is only vulnerable while draining another; but if he is draining you, then how can you kill him?"

"I kill him," interjected Spike. "I owe him one, anyway."

"It's risky," Giles said doubtfully. "If Vartan succeeds in draining Buffy's life force too much, she will die."

"We need a back-up plan," Xander insisted. "We'll need to stage this... at...the mausoleum? Plenty of hiding places, quick getaway through the tunnels if needed."

"Sounds good, but how do we get Vartan there?" Buffy asked.

"I think I can help," Anya put in.

"You? But honey, you don't have any power left," Xander argued.

"But Vartan won't know that," Giles said slowly. "Anya, that's brilliant!"

Anya beamed, but Xander looked disturbed. "Make sure you move fast...get into the mausoleum and let Spike and Buffy take over," he insisted.

"Ok, here's the drill. Anya lures Vartan to the crypt, where he'll find Buffy. Vartan will drain, Spike will kill. The rest of us will be armed and deployed nearby."

"By all means, tell us where you want us, Xander," Giles said sarcastically.

Xander ignored the sarcasm. "Anya will run inside the mausoleum- where I'll be. I think Spike should be just behind the door, with Giles in the shrubbery on the opposite side. Willow..."


It was Buffy's voice, but so cold and quiet it was almost unrecognizable.

"What?" Xander blinked.

"She's out of it." Buffy said flatly.

Giles tried to reason with her. "Buffy, we could use another crossbow..."


Willow scrambled to her feet, her eyes moving hopelessly from one to another. Giles looked concerned, Xander upset, Spike impassive; but it wasn't the men she had to worry about.

Anya stared her down coldly. As far as Anya was concerned, Willow had betrayed a sister for a worthless cheating man. And Buffy...Buffy refused to even look at her.

With a gutteral cry of pain, Willow ran out into the night.

Anya stared at her reflection. "How do I look?"

Xander grinned at his lover. "Much like you did when you were a man-cursing demon."

"I feel exactly like a child playing dress-up," she confessed. "I can barely remember what I used to be like."

He slid his hands around her waist. "I prefer you the way you are now."

He so frequently made some joke that his sincerity always surprised her. Disarmed her so that all she wanted to do was to pull him into her arms and beg him to love her.

But already he was checking his watch; stepping back from her...his mind on the coming battle and the dangers his friends would face.

Anya wondered, sometimes bitterly, why she couldn't be the center of his life- the way he was of hers. But she loved him so much...she managed a faint smile as he picked up his weapons.

Buffy refused to go back to the dorm; and Spike wouldn't let her go home.

"No," he said firmly, "I'm not planning on letting you out of my sight, Slayer."

Buffy blushed. He must think that she'd do something idiotic if he didn't watch her every minute...yeah, like throwing yourself at him? a little voice in her head mocked. You know he's not interested- is any guy, for long? So get it through your had that you're a loser when it comes to love...and forget about trying!

Buffy carefully concelaed at least three stakes in her clothing. "I'm all ready."

Spike nodded. "Right...let's go."

Neither of them moved.

A long moment passed...then he reached out and brushed back a wisp of her hair.

He stepped away, and held the door for her.

Buffy's breath caught in her throat...she found she couldn't speak. But she could look....she walked forward to the doorway, her eyes fixed on him.

Then- just before she stepped outside, she paused...leaned towards him, and gave him a quick, soft kiss on the mouth.

Then she was bounding through the door; and he hesitated only an instant before following.

He was not about to lose track of her now!

Anya flitted toward them, pursued by the tall attenuated figure of Vartan the Wizard.

It had been Xander's idea to sew a strip of fluorescent material to the front of Anya's dress; and so they had plenty of warning as she reached the cemetery gate.

But they failed to reckon with Vartan's speed.

He was close behind Anya as she raced through the graveyard...far too close.

Then- right before she reached the crypt, Anya stumbled over a tangled tree root- and fell headlong!

Vartan was upon her before she could stir...

"Mortal fool!" he howled in disgust, throwing Anya to the ground. He kicked her hard, contemptuously...Anya cried out; then lay silent and still.

"Anya!" Xander yelled, crashing through the door.

"No, Xand!" Buffy screamed; her friend was fully in Vartan's path.

The Wizard's third eye opened.

Spike saw, and leapt on Xander, dragging him clear as the Wizard unleashed his powerful flare. The two managed to avoid the full force of the blast; but were momentarily stunned.

Then Buffy was there, kicking and punching Vartan while Giles maneuvered deperatey to get a clear shot.

The Wizard's hands seized Buffy's long hair, tilting her head back, forcing her to gaze into that third eye...

Buffy stopped fighting, her body growing limp as Vartan drained her life force.

Giles launched himself forward in a frantic last bid to save Buffy; but someone else got there first.

Willow Rosenberg had been concealed in one of the trees above the crypt; and now she dropped down like a rock.

She missed Vartan, landing directly in front, careful not to stare into that central orb.

Instead, she clutched the thin brach she'd broken off as she jumped; and now she thrust it directly into Vartan's eye.

The Wizard bellowed in agony, and dropped Buffy. She managed to roll to her feet just as Vartan's talons raked across Willow's torso.

The redhead screamed while Buffy and Giles hit Vartan from both sides.

The Wizard went down with one of Giles' crossbow bolts deeply imbedded in his heart.

Spike shoved Xander off...he still felt sick and dazed, but the one thought in his mind was...

"Buffy!" he could see a slender figure on the ground, but Giles and Xander were both in the way; he couldn't see...couldn't make out who...


She was kneeling on the ground, cradling Willow.

" she..." Xander's voice was hoarse.

"It doesn't look good," Giles said tersely. "We'd better hurry."

Spike perched uneasily on the wide window sill of Willow's hospital room. Giles sat in the chair beside him; while Buffy had the other one next to the bed.

Xander was down the hall with Anya, who had suffered a broken leg as well as several cracked ribs. But her injuries were mild compared with Willow's.

Buffy spoke at last. "She lost so much blood; I'm glad she'll be okay."

Willow's head moved; her mouth opened and she managed, ""

"Will!" Buffy reached to hug the redhead, remembered her wounds, and stopped suddenly.

Willow misinterpreted the gesture.

"Buffy, I know you can't...ever...forgive me..."

Buffy's eyes filled with tears. "Oh, can't I? You just watch me, Will!"

Willow's lips trembled; for a long moment she couldn't speak. Then..."Why, Buffy? Why would you?" Her voice was a desolate whisper that made Buffy reach for her hand.

"Because...because I have to? Because you're my best friend, and you were nearly killed because of me- AGAIN?"

Willow's eyes begged for more.

Buffy took a deep breath. " forgave ME...that time I ran away?"

"Forgive us our trespasses," Giles murmured softly.

"As we forgive those who trespass against us," Buffy completed the quote. "Lots of forgiveness to go around!"

"Even for...Riley?" Willow choked, smiling through her tears.

Buffy tilted her blonde head to one side, considering.

"Naah," she decided. "Riley's a poophead!"

Xander slipped silently into the room with coffee for everyone; but only Giles accepted.

Willow refused to let go of Buffy's hand; so the Slayer pushed her chair as close to the narrow bed as she could...both girls fell asleep, still clasping hands.

"How's Anya?" Giles asked quietly.

"Fine. She's sleeping, too."

"We were very lucky tonight," Giles remarked somberly.

"Yeah, Vartan could have killed somebody," Xander agreed, still shaken over their narrow escape.

Giles shook his head slowly. "I wasn't referring to Vartan. one point I feared...things would never be the same...for any of us."

Spike stared at him thoughtfully. "You mean..."

Giles nodded. "Trespasses."

Xander frowned. "Even if they're not the same...doesn't mean they can't be better, huh?"

"Well said, Xander." Giles smiled at the boy. "Well said."

The light was on in the dorm room.

"Hi Spike," the Slayer greeted him. "C'mon in."

The vampire stepped inside; and froze when he saw the lavish gift basket on the dresser.

"Is that...from Riley?" he jerked the words out angrily; she had said she didn't want the pillock back!

Buffy looked surprised. "Oh, the basket! Mom and I fixed it for's got cookies, chocolate, popcorn, candy..."

"Stop!" Spike held up one hand. "You're making me nauseous! You really expect Willow to eat all that stuff with a hole in her stomach?"

Buffy grinned. "Oh, Xander will eat most of it, but it's the thought that counts."

Spike reverted to the topic foremost on his mind. "So you haven't seen Riley?"

"As a matter of fact, I have," Buffy admitted. "All that talk about forgiveness made me realize that I ought to forgive Riley too- so I did."

"WHAT!" screamed the vampire, nearly shattering the Slayer's eardrums.

"Uh-huh," Buffy said happily. "I decided to forgive and forget! So, I forgave Riley...and now, I've forgotten him!"

Spike stared at her, jaw dropping. ""

"Yes?" she said encouragingly.

"You little devil!" he exclaimed, and caught her up in his arms so tightly she could scarcely breathe.

Still, she wasn't in any hurry to gasp a protest; and eventually he loosened his hold but didn't release her.

" we go from here?"

Her mouth quirked at him. "We have to go someplace? What's wrong with...right where we are?"

Spike gazed at her in wonder; one hand slowly lifted to caress her face. "Pet, you know I meant..."

One small hand covered his mouth. "I know. But wherever it is we go, I want to be there together!"

"It's a deal," he whispered, kissing her.

One kiss led to another; and it was a long time later before Buffy stirred and glanced at the clock.

"Look at that!" she shreiked. "I've got class in ten minutes!"

Spike still lounged on her bed; he laughed and gave her a swat. "Better get going, luv!"

She rummaged around, looking for her clothes. ""

"...will still be hanging around, when your class is done," Spike pointed out. "Tell you what, pet...why don't we meet tonight at the Bronze? We've got a lot to talk about."

Buffy shifted in her chair, trying to ignore the sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach.

"Isn't it great that Willow comes home tomorrow?" Xander said cheerfully. "Think we should have a special welcome for her?"

"Nothing too noisy," Buffy cautioned. "But it's good she'll be back. You know Will...she's starting to obsess about missing class."

Anya was restless. "Xander, let's dance," she insisted, ignoring the bulky cast on her right leg.

Buffy felt alone and abandoned as Xander and Anya moved clumsily onto the dance floor.

"Stop it," she scolded herself. "Spike said he'll be here- so he'll be here! You know that!"

"You should, luv," said an amused voice behind her.

Buffy sprang to her feet. "Spike!"

He started towards her, then checked, blue eyes studying her intently. "Miss me, baby?"

Abandoning any trace of pride, Buffy flung herself into his arms with a squeak of joy.

He laughed as he gave her a triumphant kiss. "Made up your mind, have you?"

"Hmmm?" Buffy asked, bemused.

"You. Are. MINE." he emphasized.

She nodded enthusiastically, and he kissed her again.

"Ready to leave?" he inquired.

"Where?" Buffy questioned, willing to go to Antarctica or Sri Lanka at his behest.

"My place," Spike informed her. " I mean- our place."

He held out a key; and she took it happily.

"I had it made earlier today," he explained. "While I was in L.A."

"You went to L.A.?" Buffy asked in surprise.

"Yeah pet, I did." Spike said seriously. "Had something I needed to do there..."

It had been one of the hardest things he'd ever had to do- almost as bad as the time he first joined forces with the Slayer.

But he was starting a whole new life with Buffy; and he'd wanted to do everything right.

So- he'd gone to L.A.

"Spike!" Angel's voice reflected his shock. "What are you doing back here?"

"I...came to see you. About the past. And maybe...about the future." Spike paused, then added softly, "I'm not here to fight, Angel."

"Then...why?" Angel asked harshly. "What is it you want, Spike?"

" talk." Spike wondered if he'd made a mistake. Then Giles' voice prompted, "Forgive us out trespasses..."

Spike stared at his sire, so greatly hated...and so deeply loved.

"Well?" his mouth curled into a rueful smile. "May I come in, peaches?"

Buffy looked up at Spike expectantly. "So, did you do it- whatever it was?"

Spike grinned. "Yeah, I did. At least, I made a good start. And no, kitten, I'm not going to tell you what it was!"

Buffy tred to pout; but the quizzical expression on his face only made her giggle.

"But you'll tell me someday?" she asked confidently.

He nodded slowly. "Yeah, pet, I expect I will. And now..."

"Yes, Spike?" Buffy prodded eagerly.

He smiled at her tenderly. "Why don't we go home, luv?"

"Oh, yes, Spike!" the Slayer sighed.

The End