"The gray wolf vanished when the dawn-wind blew;
Soft-footed, none heard him when he went away.
The old man still smiled; but I saw; I knew;
The wolf will come again- he'll come to stay."
(Daniel Heitmeyer)
"Owwww!" Tami howled, hopping on one foot and grabbing for the other.
"Dammit! Crap, crap, crap..." she glared down at her smashed toes and the offending rock. Served her right for taking a shortcut through Weatherly Woods. But it shaved two blocks off the long walk back to her dorm; and her feet were killing her!
"Damn shoes!"
For a minute she considered taking them off and going barefoot; but her long skirt would drag through the dirt. Besides, the moon kept vanishing behind clouds, leaving the path in darkness.
She stumped painfully on, seething. She hadn't expected to be walking home tonight- or for that matter, going home at all. But when she dropped by his apartment for a surprise....
Tami's blue eyes filled with tears. "Yeah, some surprise- for me! Wonder who the whore was? Oh, who gives a f..."
The howl seemed to come directly behind her and froze her in her tracks.
She listened breathlessly, but it didn't come again.
"Stick, gotta find a stick!" Desperately she cast her eyes around and finally spotted a sturdy tree branch. Thankfully she hobbled over to it- then heard the howl again, closer than before.
"Nice...n...nice doggie," she quavered, hoping it wasn't a pitbull. If only it wasn't so dark!
The trendy shoes she'd bought to impress him betrayed her again and she stumbled on the uneven path; she pitched forward onto her knees, scrabbling in the dirt for the dropped branch.
Instead she touched something else- something that made her blood congeal in her veins.
The full mooon slipped from behind the clouds, giving Tami a clear view.
"Noooo!" she screamed wildly. "God, no...please! Somebody...help me!"
She kept screaming as long as she could- until her throat was torn out, until sheets of blood blanketed her body.
Then the screaming stopped forever.
Everyone in the shop looked up at the sound of her name.
Everyone except her.
Xander crossed the room to squat directly in front of her. "What do you say we visit the Bronze tonight, Buffster? C'mon, it'll be fun!"
Her big green eyes held no answering sparkle, but at least she answered. "I don't think so."
"Please, Buffy?" Willow's voice took on a desperate edge. "We haven't gone to the Bronze since...since..."
"Since you died!" Anya interposed cheerfully. "That was months ago!"
Xander closed his eyes in exasperation. Much as he loved his ex-demon girlfriend, he couldn't help wondering if she'd evver acquire any tact.
Apparently not.
"Now that you've been restored," Anya continued cheerfully, "everyone can stop moping around and start living again! I mean, mentally living, instead of just physically, like you."
"So it's settled," Tara interrupted, trying to stem Anya's flow. "We'll meet at the Bronze tonight, ok?"
Buffy shrank back in her chair. "Not tonight."
"We'll stop by for you," Xander insisted. "Just for a little while, Buffy?"
His coaxing tone made her relax; but only slightly.
Still, she said "'Kay. A little while."
Xander stood up, beaming as though someone had given him a present.
The bell jangled as a gangly teenage girl loped in.
"Buffy, I'm home from school." Dawn's eyes fastened hungrily on the small blonde. "Ready to go?"
Buffy got slowly to her feet. Without even saying goodbye, she trailed out after the younger girl.
Willow sighed. "What do you think? Is she getting better- or not?"
"It hasn't been long; we need to give her time," reminded Tara.
"Well, I think she's acting just like a zombie," said Anya bluntly.
"Shut up!" Xander lashed. "Just...shut up!"
The three girls stared in shock; Xander forced himself to take a deep breath. "Sorry," he muttered.
Anya smiled forgivingly. "No, I'm sorry," she admitted. "I shouldn't have said that; zombies are all ooky and disgusting! Buffy's not; I'm sure she'll be herself any day now. "
She tilted her head to one side, considering.
"Even if she never gets her Slayer powers back."
Dawn spooned the greater portion of scrambled eggs onto a plate and placed it in front of her sister.
Buffy hardly seemed to notice.
"Please, Buffy, try to eat," Dawn begged.
"Sorry; I...I'm just not hungry."
At least there was a response; Dawn felt a bit cheered. It was tough sometimes, dealing with this stranger who wore her sister's face. "But you're missing out on my gourmet eggs!" Dawn protested brightly, forcing a smile.
Buffy's eyes studied her. "Did you used to cook? I've forgotten."
Dawn bit her lip. "No, that was Mom. She loved cooking."
Her sister's expression darkened. "I don't remember."
"I know," said Dawn gently, "but you will someday. Buffy? I KNOW you will."
Nicole leaned into the mirror, carefully lining her lips in a peach shade that perfectly matched her glittery halter. She fluffed her auburn hair, pouted her lips, and finally pranced out the door to find her date.
Their table was empty.
Annoyed, Nicole scanned the crowd at the Bronze- then froze.
A very pretty blonde girl in a black dress sat at a table near the dance floor; and Nicole's date was talking to her.
"Just one dance?" he urged. "C'mon, Buffy, don't hold grudges. Dance with me! We need to talk. About us." He caught at the girl's arm, hauling her to her feet.
Nicole's brown eyes snapped. Purposefully she strode forward; but before she could reach the couple, a blond man was there, materializing out of the shadows to stand protectively beside the girl.
"The lady said no."
"We're old friends," swaggered Nicole's date. "Right, Buffy? Tell your watchdog we already know each other- VERY well!"
"Oohhh!" Nicole muttered. She was starting to think the rumors she'd heard about Parker were all true. Maybe she should let the blonde have him and take up with HER sexy boyfriend; he sure had killer cheekbones! The rest of him wasn't bad, either.
"You heard what he said." Another couple had appeared, back from the dance floor.
Parker shrugged, and swung away from them- and spotted Nicole.
She smiled at him, poisonously sweet. "Friends of yours?"
Smoothly, he took her arm, leading her off in the opposite direction. "Nah, one of my exes- she took it pretty hard when I dumped her, so I just wanted to say hi. You know, cheer her up a bit."
Nicole allowed scepticism to creep into her voice. "Really? She didn't seem to remember you at all."
Parker scowled. "An act! Has to be..but, let's forget about her. Want to dance?"
Nicole followed him onto the dance floor. She still had some doubts about him, but he WAS very cute...and she didn't relish the thought of sleeping alone tonight.
Still, she glanced back at the crowd around the blonde- a quarrel had broken out.
Mollified, she smiled at Parker.
Xander was furious. "What are you doing here, Spike? Back to stalking?"
"What's happened?" Willow forced her way between them."
"Nothing," Xander began.
"Just some wanker who was overly persistent," Spike said slowly.
"Like someone else we know?" Xander sneered.
Spike lost his temper. "If you'd been looking after Buffy properly, I wouldn't have had to jump in!"
Willow turned on Xander sternly. "What were you thinking, leaving Buffy alone?"
He flushed guiltily; and it was Anya who answered. "It was only one song; our favorite. We have sex to this song all the time!"
Willow gave them a look of contempt. "You might have waited until Tara and I got back with the drinks!"
"Stop it!" Tara pleaded. "Can't you see you're upsetting her?"
Big tears were rolling down Buffy's face. The others went silent.
Tara pressed her advantage. "Why don't we all sit down a minute? Buffy, here's a buttered croissant; that's your favorite, right?"
"Sure, Buffster, don't cry," Xander coaxed, shame-faced.
"C'mon, pet," Spike said softly. "Take one bite."
Tentatively, Buffy nibbled the croissant.
"That's my girl!" Spike approved. He snagged an extra chair, wedging it in beside Buffy's. "Now, a bit more."
Obediently Buffy continued to eat while the others watched her hopefully.
Willow felt like cheering; her best friend was painfully thin- her appetite hadn't revived with her life. But now she finished the croissant; and Willow let out a sigh of relief.
"We'll make it back, Buffy," Willow vowed silently, "even if we have to use little baby steps."
They left soon after; and two figures watched them go.
The first felt pain- a bittersweet yearning.
And the second?
A corrosive hatred, overwhelming in its intensity.
Buffy sat in the very center of her bed, trying to muffle her sobs so as not to wake Dawn.
"I can't," she whimpered. "It's so hard."
But then she fell quiet, ashamed. Her stomach was roiling, eager to rid itself of its meagre contents. She forced her self to sit still and breathe deeply until the urge passed. They had all been so pleased, when she'd eaten that bun at the Bronze.
The blue-eyed blond man had smiled at her in delight.
The thought made Buffy feel a little better. Slowly, carefully, she undressed and climbed into bed, cuddling Mr. Gordo close. Soon her eyelids drooped, and she fell asleep.
The blond vampire poised on the roof nodded in satisfaction.
"Don't you worry, pet," he cooed, "this is one sodding bad patch, I know that. But it'll get better. Inside, you're still Buffy, you just need to ...find yourself."
A tiny sound stopped him; directly below he saw the merest hint of a shadow. Spike's senses kicked into overdrive as he lowered himself to the ground, prepared to begin the hunt.
"Willow, wait!"
The redhead paused at the exit of the chem lab, glancing back at her friend Jimmy Leung.
"Don't tell me you're taking chemistry over?" he asked in disbelief.
Willow winced. "I uh, had to drop the class last semester."
"Me too! I had a conflict," Jimmy beamed. "So now I get to borrow your notes again?"
Willow grinned at that. Jimmy didn't need to borrow any notes from her or anyone else; he was a brilliant student. Then her grin faded as she considered the implications of that: was Jimmy interested in her as something more than a study partner?
His next words confirmed her suspicions. "Want to get some coffee?"
Willow hesitated; she liked Jimmy, the young Asian had a lively sense of humor and a quick intelligence. If not for Tara....
But - there was Tara.
"What's the verdict?" Jimmy teased. "C'mon, I'll tell you some great childhood stories about Shanghai."
Willow blinked. "I thought you grew up in Cincinnati?"
"I never said they were MY childhood stories," Jimmy grinned.
Willow had to laugh.
"So, can we get a coffee? Afterward I'll walk you home, it isn't safe to be out. Did you know," Jimmy dropped his voice, "they found another body in Weatherly Woods?"
"Oh no!" Willow stopped abruptly. "Look, Jimmy, I'll take a rain check; I just remembered something important I need to do!"
Willow took off running while the young man stared after her in astonishment.
They all gathered in the Magic Box as usual.
"This feels both starnge and familiar," Anya chirped. "I mean, Giles isn't here; and who knows if or when that Council will let him return? As long as Buffy doesn't have Slayer powers anymore..."
Her voice petered out under the collective glares of five pair of eyes.
An uncomfortable silence, fell, to be broken by Spike. "What's the story, Red? Vampire, demon, god...uh, ghost?"
"I think there's something in Weatherly Woods," Willow explained. "There's been another killing, a young girl with her throat ripped out. Same as the other two. And, all on the night of the full moon."
"That's when all the crazies come out," Xander said darkly.
"Tell me about it," Spike agreed. "Drusilla always became impossible- well, more impossible than usual- whenever there was a full moon."
"There's no scientific basis for that," protested Tara.
"It's true though," Anya put in. "That was always the best time to get vengeance because it brought out the weirdness in everyone."
"Just what we need," Xander sighed, "more weirdness."
He followed Spike's gaze to the tiny blonde who hadn't said a word. "What do you say, Buffy? Should we check it out?"
She shrugged.
Spike's lips tightened. "Group patrol it is."
They headed out, Buffy trailing listlessly after the others. She hated to admit it- but she felt frightened. Frightened of patrolling! How could that be? Her cluded mind yet recalled how she had often patrolled alone; now she just wished she could return home, and feel safe.
For two hours they combed Weatherly Woods; but found nothing.
"If there's any monsters in here, they're not interested in us," Willow said disgustedly.
"So what's the downside?" asked Tara, shivering.
Willow slipped her arm around the other girl reasurringly, as the two of them headed back to campus and the rest into town. She waited until they were quite far apart before she sighed, "I was hoping we'd find something, anything, that would make Buffy snap out of it."
"But Willow, she has no powers anymore; how can she fight?"
Willow shook her head. "I don't know how, but someway she needs to regain her Slayer powers. That's who she is!"
Tara looked alarmed. "Honey, you're not going to try any spells, are you? Because you m..might make it worse!"
"How could it be worse? She's like a zombie!" Horrified, Willow lifted her hands to her mouth. "I didn't...oh, Tara, I didn't mean that! We'll love her, no matter how she is; but maybe, she does need a little help."
Tara's mouth was a thin line. "I am not listening to this! Willow, when are you going to learn that you can't solve every problem with magic?"
She fled angrily up the stairs, leaving behind a deeply-disturbed Willow.
"She's right. You know that." It was the same laconic voice that sometimes haunted her dreams.
"Oz!" Willow shrieked. She launched herself forward, flinging her arms around him in a strangling embrace. "Where did you come from?"
Oz grinned at her, then rubbed his chin. "Look, Willow, I don't want you to be out of sync with this. But I've been back."
Willow blinked. "How long?"
Oz hesitated. "Several months."
"But why didn't you tell me?" Willow was unable to keep the hurt from her voice.
"It was...right after Buffy... left," Oz said quietly.
Willow shuddered, remembering that terrible time.
Oz noticed; he never missed much. "But it's fine now?"
Willow bit her lip. "She's not herself. She doesn't remember things, not even us. And her Slayer powers are gone."
"It must be so hard for her," Oz said thoughtfully. "I find it hard just coming back; and I wasn't gone so...completely."
"I know," Willow admitted. "Maybe we've been pushing too hard, trying to make her remember."
"Maybe," Oz suggested cautiously "have you tried starting from scratch? Like, she's someone you want to make friends with, rather than someone you already know? And don't expect too much, too soon."
She smiled at him. "I keep forgetting- you're the smartest person I know."
"No," Oz corrected gently. "You are."
Dawn beamed at Buffy and Spike. "I made you hot chocolate."
"Thanks, Niblet," Spike answered, after waiting in vain for a reply from Buffy.
"Well, I figured you'd be cold after patrol," Dawn offered.
Buffy roused herself with an effort. "It...it is cold." She took a tiny sip from the mug handed to her by her sister. "That's better."
Spike tried not to stare; it was hard, no, it was impossible, to wrench his eyes away from the delicate blonde girl.
How small, how frail she was! Already her younger sister dwarfed her. Once he'd seen her fight off a veritable army of medieval knights, but now, she couldn't stand against a sturdy five-year-old.
It didn't matter. Her loss of power meant nothing to him, he who'd once despised weakness. She was no longer the Slayer- just an ordinary human who was even more fragile than most.
And with all his undead heart, Spike found himself longing to protect her.
Oz wiped down the bar at the Bronze, feeling more cheerful than he had in a long time. He was begining to feel good about returning to Sunnydale, beginning to be convinced that it had been the right thing to do. Willow had been delighted to see him; she'd tell the others and then he wouldn't have to hide anymore.
A pretty girl with shoulder-length red hair slid onto a bar stool.
"Hello," she said brightly. "Where did you come from?"
Too obvious, Oz decided. He never went for the obvious.
"I'm always around," he said equably.
"No," she objected loudly, "I'd have noticed YOU."
Oz studied her; he hadn't served her any drinks, but she'd had something and he figured it was stronger than beer.
"When do you get your break?" she asked flirtatiously, leaning closer to him.
"Already did," Oz lied, wishing she'd leave.
Instead, she gave him a long look under half-closed eyes. "Oh, oh, what happened? She break your heart?"
Oz shrugged, but didn't respond. He'd long ago learned the value of silence; it made other people nervous. They'd start to babble while Oz held his cool.
"She DID!" the obnoxious girl gloated. "Hey, I know what that's like, sweetie. My loser lover cheated on me! She cheat on you?"
It almost happened. Almost, Oz felt his jaw clench and his teeth elongate; felt his hands turn to paws and his fingernails to talons.
His hard-won control saved him; and stopped the change.
"You feel sick or something?" The girl's whine grated on his over-sensitive ears.
"I'm okay," Oz answered thankfully.
He was himself again.
Willow gave up on trying to sleep.
Seeing Oz again had unsettled her. For the first time in over a year she felt unsure of what she wanted. She reached for her jacket and slipped out of the dorm.
Willow sighed aloud as she walked towards town. She did love Tara, she knew that without a doubt.
"It's just," she said aloud, "That I keep feeling this attraction to other people! To Jimmy, and to Oz. Like when I was with Oz yet I still wanted Xander. I always want somebody besides the one I've got!"
What she wouldn't give for a friend to talk to. But Buffy wasn't herself. Not yet- and maybe not ever. Xander would have Anya hanging on him, as usual. And Giles was gone. Their foursome was irretrievably shattered.
Willow stopped abruptly. She hadn't realized how far she'd walked! Why, she was right on the edge of Weatherly Woods.
"Hello, Willow," said a voice she knew, right behind her.
Willow spun around. "You! What are YOU doing here?"
Spike lingered as long as he could; he hated leaving the Summers house before Buffy was safely tucked into bed.
"Face it, chummie, you hate leaving her at any time," he grumbled to himself. "Too scared she'll go 'poof' and you'll have to do without her again."
But he hadn't forgotten the presence he'd sensed around her house the other night. Even though he'd found nothing, he still felt uneasy. He prowled the yard, finally vaulting into the tree and hovering outside the window.
That was his mistake- she opened it.
"I thought I heard you out here," Buffy commented. She didn't seem angry. "What's up, Spike?"
"I don't know, pet," he answered honestly. "Probably not a sodding thing, but..."
"But you're worried." She nodded, suspicions confirmed. "Why is it that I care that you're worried? I don't know you, except Xander said you used to try to kill me..."
Spike held his face impassive with an effort. When he got his hands on Xander.... "That was a long time ago, luv. I think you know, you can feel, that I don't mean you harm. That I would die to keep anything from hurting you!"
He held her gaze, willing her to believe him, to put her trust in his love.
Buffy's eyes wavered; then she looked directly at him and gave him a little half-smile. "It's okay, Spike. Xander also told me how you've protected us, Dawn and me. I know that , whatever happens, you're on my side."
He felt ready tears sting his eyes. "Thank you, Buffy. That means...the world to me. Now, you'd better get some sleep."
Obediently she turned toward the bed, then hesitated. "Spike? Would you like to sleep in my mother's bedroom? I...like it when you're here."
He would have cheerfully agreed to sleep on a bed of nails at her request; anything to stay a little closer to her. So it was not until she led him into Joyce's room that he realized what she'd actually said.
"Buffy!" he caught at her slim shoulders. "You said this was your mother's room! You remember Joyce?"
She raised a hand uncertainly to her head. "Yes! She...was divorced from my father when I was fifteen. And, and she loved art, and books, and flowers! She..was beautiful."
"She was," confirmed Spike. "And she had two daughters as beautiful as she was."
Tears spilled over; she was suddenly in his arms, clinging to him and weeping. He simply held her and allowed her to cry. Eventually the tears ceased; but she didn't let go of him.
"Buffy?" he ventured.
She shook her head and tightened her hold.
"Please, luv, let me see your face,' he begged.
"No!" said a muffled voice. "It's all splotchy!"
"No, pet, never," he soothed. "Never splotchy, always lovely."
At last she consented to relax her hold, and he persuaded her to lie down in the bed.
He stripped off his boots and duster. "See? I'll sleep here, too. That way I can hold you. Uh, if you want me too."
He held his breath while she thought that over.
"'Kay," she decided at last.
Quickly, before she could change her mind, Spike slipped in beside Buffy and put his arms around her tentatively. Instantly she turned, spooning back against him in a small, snuggling motion.
His whole body was aching with desire, but he fought it down to cuddle her tenderly against him. The memory of Joyce drifted across his mind, and he wondered what she would have thought if she could see him embracing her daughter on her bed.
"But you wouldn't mind, would you, Joyce?" he whispered. "You always knew how I felt. I promise I'll take care of her, of both of them. All right, mum?"
"Hand me that ganesha," Anya ordered, flicking her dustcloth over the shelf. "It can go here between the staute of Ashtar and the carving of Horus."
Xander handed her the bronze figurine just as the shop door jangled.
"We're not open yet," Anya began, and then stopped abruptly. "Oz!"
"When did you get back?" Xander queried. "Does Willow know?"
"Yeah, I saw her," Oz said. "She's cool with it, I wanted to tell you before, but wasn't sure how you'd feel about having me turn up."
"Oz, we're your friends," Xander said firmly. "It's good to see you!" He grasped the werewolf's hand enthusiastically.
Just then Tara catapauted into the shop. "Is Willow here?"
"What's wrong?" Xander was alarmed. "Something happen to Willow?"
Tara's eyes filled with tears. "We had a fight; and now I can't find her!"
Xander relaxed visibly, "She's probably gone to class."
"Or maybe she went to check on Buffy," suggested Anya. "Isn't that what everybody does, all the time?"
"I'm going over there," Tara declared.
"We all will," Xander decided. "let's go."
"Xander! Are you forgetting I'm a businesswoman now?" Anya inquired pointedly. "A businesswoman keeps her business open, so the customers can buy things."
"Fine! You stay and look after the cash register." Xander snapped. He stalked out after the other two.
"So, when's the wedding?" Oz asked curiously as they walked along.
Xander scowled. "I don't know; sometimes I think maybe it's a bad idea. This life we live, it's so intense. Uncertain. So maybe we try to find something solid to cling to. But me and Anya- how solid is that?"
Oz nodded; he'd been surprised to hear that Xander planned to marry Anya. In his opinion the pair had little in common. But Oz was practised at keeping his opinions to himself and wisely said nothing.
At Buffy's house another surprise awaited them. She was seated at the dining room table with Dawn and Spike on either side, and she was eating breakfast.
"Xander! C'mon in," Dawn cried happily. "Spike made breakfast for us, so have some!"
"No thanks, Dawnie." Xander refused hastily. "We only...hey, are those waffles?"
Xander took the plate she handed him and sat down at the table.
Tara's eyes darted around the room. "Willow's not here!"
"I told you, Tara, she probably went to class," Xander spoke around an enormous bite of waffle.
"Hello, Buffy," Oz said gently. "I'm Oz. We went to high school together."
For a brief second her big eyes reflected panic; then they brightened. "The guitar-player?" she asked hopefully. She frowned and shook her head. "No, the werewolf."
"Actually both," Oz smiled.
"You're really a werewolf?" Dawn blurted.
"Yep, a hungry one too," Oz grinned, eyeing his waffles appreciatively.
"Don't you want any, Tara?" Dawn offered.
"No! I have to get back to campus to find Willow!" Tara rushed out, narrowly avoiding a collision with Spike.
"Here, what's got the wicca one so edgy?" the vampire steadied the tray of waffles he'd been carrying.
Xander shrugged. "She and Willow had a fight."
"Yeah? What about?"
"Uh, I think Willow was planning a spell to help restore Buffy's memory," Oz said helpfully.
"Oh, do you think it would?" Buffy asked eagerly. "Now and then I get a glimpse but so much is still...foggy."
"Tara seemed worried it might make things worse," admitted Oz.
"I'm against it," Spike said sharply. "Buffy's doing fine on her own."
"Yeah, and you don't wnat her to recall those times when you tried to kill her," Xander put in snidely.
Spike's jaw clenched.
"Xander." Buffy's voice was unexpectedly firm. "Spike and I have talked about this, and I know he would never hurt me now. What's more, you know it too."
"Maybe," Xander conceded. "Sorry, Buffster." But he didn't apologize to Spike and the atmosphere in the dining room remained tense until Dawn broke it.
"So, do you have to howl at the full moon, or anything?" she asked Oz hopefully.
"I try to keep the howling to a minimum; it annoys the neighbors."
"Neighbors? Are you staying at your house, Oz?"
"Devon has a place on the corner of Maple and 4th," Oz explained. "I'm camping out there until I find my own..."
"Den?" Xander chortled.
The girls gave him a speaking look, but Oz simply smiled politely and got to his feet. "Speaking of Devon, he'll be wondering where I went; we're playing tonight at the Bronze. Buffy..." he leaned towards her, "Why don't you come by? Ok?"
She smiled at him. "I'd like that."
Oz waved to the rest and disappeared in that disconcerting way that he had.
"Huh!" Xander took another bite of waffle. "Notice he didn't invite the rest of us?"
Spike frowned. "And he's a werewolf."
"So what?" Dawn demanded. "I like him!"
"Me too," Buffy agreed quietly.
Spike glared at her. "Forgetting something, are you? All those dead girls in Weatherly Woods had their throats torn out, on nights when there was a full moon?"
"Hey!" Xander's jaw dropped as Spike's suggestion got through to him. "Oz is one of us- he wouldn't do that!"
"No, he wouldn't," Buffy backed up her friend. "He used to lock himself in a cage so he wouldn't hurt anybody." She took a deep breath and looked at Spike defiantly. "In fact, I think I WILL go see his band tonight!"
Spike's expression hardened. "Then I'm going with you!"
Dawn brightened. "Me, too? Please?"
"We'll all go," Xander decided.
Spike opened his mouth to protest, realized he would be outvoted, and closed it again. At least Buffy wouldn't be alone with the werewolf!
Oz unlocked the door; as he expected, he could still hear Devon snoring from the room down the hall. His stoner habits had only worsened in the years since graduation...he slept half his life, it seemed to Oz.
Oz stretched out on the battered couch, thinking about Buffy. He'd always admired her for the sparkle that went beyond her looks; but he'd been intimidated by her Slayer prowess.
Now though, she was a normal girl; he speculated whether Willow would object if he asked Buffy out. He couldn't imagine why she would, since she'd made it plain she no longer wanted him. Still, Willow might have a possessive streak, so he'd better proceed with caution.
"Wow," Dawn breathed, "You'll turn heads."
Buffy smiled at her sister. "No, WE will."
They had both decided to dress up, Dawn in an off-the-shoulder green halter and matching pants, and Buffy in a short black dress with only a single provocative strap holding it up.
"If that strap breaks," Dawn began ominously, then grinned, "Spike will go out of his mind!"
"He already is," Buffy retorted. "but let's go find out if he can get any worse."
Giggling, the two sisters made their way through the packed Bronze to where Xander was hoardng a table.
"Whoa, Buffster," he exclaimed, "You're back with a vengeance!"
"What vengeance? Where?" Anya popped up from the dancing throng like a jack-in-the-box.
Spike glanced up casually from his beer; and locked eyes with Buffy. Just for an instant there was a hungry gleam in those blue eyes; but he said nothing. Buffy sat down between him and Xander, feeling strangely shy.
"You know, Buffy," Anya remarked chattily, "You really look wonderful for somebody who's already died twice!"
"Uh, guys, look!" Xander interposed hastily, "Oz's band is taking the stage." Buffy looked up, interested; Spike saw and his face darkened with jealousy.
To everyone's surprise, it was Oz at the mike, instead of Devon. "Hello, everyone," he said easily. "It's a long time since Dingoes played here, so this is a special night. And I'd like to dedicate our first song to a special lady. Buffy, this is for you."
Buffy listened, spellbound. She'd had no idea that Oz was a good singer; in he past he'd only played guitar. But now he sang a love song completely unknown to her- one she suspected he'd written himself.
"He's awesome," Dawn whispered.
The thunderous applause and piercing whistles that followed made their ears ring.
"Wonder if Willow and Tara have made up?" Xander asked idly.
"No. Or they would be here," said the practical Anya.
"Welll, maybe not," Xander drawled. "They could be busy making up!"
"Make-up sex," Anya sighed. "How wonderful."
Buffy leaned forward, frowning. "Maybe...maybe we should look for Willow?" she suggested hesitantly. "I mean, so many girls have been killed. So maybe..."
"Will can handle anything that comes along," Xander said confidently. "She's Super-witch now, remember?"
"Run and catch, run and snatch.
The lamb is in the blackberry patch."
The high, tuneless voice sounded strangely familiar. Willow's eyelids fluttered open to see- Drusilla!
"You've been asleep," Drusilla told her reproachfully. "We can't play if you're asleep."
Willow attempted to mutter a spell, but her mind felt curiously blank. She was bound tightly to a metal garden chair in what seemed to be...with a shudder, Willow recognized her location: the burned-out shell of the old factory.
Spike had once held her prisoner there, along with Xander. Willow had been a fledgling witch at the time, but she hadn't been nearly so frightened as she was at this minute. But then, Spike might have been drunk but he had never been insane.
Frantically she pulled at the ropes, trying to free herself.
Drusilla watched her struggle with amusement. "Naughty," she cooed, "mustn't do your witchcraft here; Miss Edith won't like it."
"Is she bothering you, Dru?" asked another voice that Willow knew. Her eyes widened in recognition- Parker Abrams!
He saw her expression and grinned. "Surprise!"
Drusilla laughed out loud, a mad cackle that made the hairs on the back of Willow's neck stand on end. "The Slayer took my boy away, so I took one of hers." She leaned confidentially toward the witch. "He wants to be one of us, he does. But it's not yet the time. Is it, Miss Edith?"
Willow tried desperately but she was unable to move a finger or recall the words to the simplest spell.
"When, Dru?" Parker implored. "When will it be time?"
"When you bring three offerings," Drusilla said dreamily. "There's one," she pointed to Willow.
"There's two," Parker insisted, indicating a bundle in the corner.
Willow looked in that direction and almost fainted at the sight of a red-haired girl with her throat torn out.
"Ummm, yes," she was delicious," Drusilla giggled, "but she's no offering! There's two owing and the White Queen still has her kniights. And the black one was mine, once. Bring them! Her- and him; and then you will have your gift!"
Parker's dark eyes glittered; and for an instant Willow wondered whether Drusilla's madness was contagious. But it was the craving for more darkness that infected Parker- the darkness imbodied by the crazed vampiress who stood there fondling her doll.
"I'll bring them," he promised. "What shall I do with Nicole?"
Drusilla didn't spare the mutilated body a glance. "Take her away or my Spike will smell her blood."
Parker grabbed the girl by the legs and dragged her off, her head bumping against the ground all the way. Willow closed her eyes in nausea, making Dru laugh again.
"Squeamish, poor little thing! Don't be; you and I are going to play with Miss Edith. And when the nasty Slayer comes, we'll play some more!"
"Okay," Willow agreed quickly. "Why don't you untie me so I can play?"
Dru studied her from cobra-slitted eyes. "Naughty girl...no, no! Miss Edith knows better. We'll play this way."
She stepped forward, her sharp nails curving into talons, and slashed at Willow. Only a lightning fast reaction saved Willow's left eye; but she felt a burning pain as Dru's nails raked her face. She screamed aloud into the depths of the factory, but no help came.
Buffy slipped out of the Bronze's back door; she was nervous, but determined. Her friends would look after Dawn; meantime she would search for Willow. She was hurying towards campus, wondering what had become of Tara, when she heard someone call her name. The sound seemed to echo from the street up ahead. It was a male voice- one that Buffy knew, although she was unable to recognize it.
"Spike?" she called uncertainly. Then she shook her head, because the voice didn't really sound like Spike.
"Oz?" Buffy tried again. "Is that you?"
A rustling behind her made her whirl around, her heart in her throat.
The dark-haired man from the Bronze was standing before her, smiling. "Hello, Buffy, it's nice to see you again." He took a single step towards her, and suddenly Buffy was terrified. She screamed and tried to run.
He caught her easily. "None of that, Buffy. We have a little unfinished business."
She fought frantically to free herself; but he was stronger.
"Buffy, Buffy," Parker shook his head. "We can do this the easy way; or the hard way."
Futiley she attempted to kick him.
Parker sighed mockingly. "The hard way. Well, don't say I didn't warn you!"
And Buffy felt her head exploding as the ground crashed up to meet her.
"Spike?" Dawn faltered. "Are you mad at me?"
He stared her down, letting his silence answer.
Her head drooped miserably; but he was caught up in his own guilt with little attention to spare for hers. It was while he was giving the bartender hell for serving her a beer that Buffy had slipped away.
"I was just curious," Dawn pleaded. "You drink beer; and so do Xander and Giles sometimes. And I just wanted to know what it tastes like! I didn't know it would make us lose Buffy!"
Spike sighed; it was impossible to withstand those begging puppy eyes, even if he was almost sick with fear about Buffy.
Dawn began to cry.
"Stop that!" Spike ordered. "If you want to do something helpful, think of a way to find your sister."
"But, I don't know!" dawn wailed. Then inspiration struck. "Tara! Get her to do a locator spell!"
"C'mon!" Spike caught Dawn's hand, and charged off in search of the witch.
Oz locked eyes with Xander, and nodded.
"Right, we're going!" Xander threw money on the table. "Anya, don't wait up."
"Shouldn't I come with?" Anya asked expectantly.
Xander glanced back as he was following Oz out. "No, because if we get lost too, we'll need you to rescue us!"
Anya nodded; in the world of the Hellmouth, it made perfect sense.
"Two!" Parker yelled triumphantly, striding into the warehouse with an unconscious Buffy over his shoulder.
Drusilla laughed deligtedly. "Soon it will be three!" Her dark eyes clouded. "Spike will always be where SHE is."
Willow raised her battered face and managed to open her swollen eyes. Buffy was out, and Willow rejoiced at this small mercy. An unconscious Slayer wouldn't provide Drusilla with much 'entertainment.'
"Chain her tightly," Drusilla ordered. "Just the way my Spike chained her before. I want him to remember."
Willow's heart sank as Parker fastened the chains binding Buffy to the soot-stained wall. She was now as helpless as Willow.
"We'll all play together," promised Dru, eyeing the Slayer hungrily.
Willow closed her eyes and prayed.
They could not find Tara anywhere.
Spike clenched his jaw, increasingly frustrated. "Where in sodding hell could she be?"
"Let's get my van," suggested Oz. "We'll open the windows and drive around. Maybe I can pick up her scent." He wasn't at all sure of that; his enhanced senses weren't as acute as they were in wolf form. But he dared not change in front of them lest he lose control.
They drove on through the velvet-dark night; Oz was just about to risk the change when he caught a familiar scent. "Stop!"
Brakes screamed as Spike screeched to a halt; a shaken Xander grabbed for Dawn.
"What?" Spike demanded. "What do you smell? Is it..."
"Willow," Oz responded. "And, she's frightened," he added.
He didn't mention that he'd also picked up the odor of sex.
Parker and Dru were still coupling on the floor, just inches away from Willow. She couldn't believe the two were so indifferent to her presence; it was if she were invisible. Then it dawned on her- they didn't care because she didn't matter.
"They think I'm already dead," she realized. "I'll just be a little post-coital snack for two vampires."
But once again, Drusilla refused to turn Parker.
"Not yet, sweet one," she purred. "But soon, very soon, you shall have your gift." She rose gracefully to her feet, arranging the red dress she wore.
Her attention was diverted by a small moan- Buffy was coming to. The tiny blonde moaned again, and opened her eyes.
"Lovely," Dru smiled. "The White Queen is back; but she's a poor broken butterfly, isn't she, witch? Still," Dru took a single step towards Buffy, "Miss Edith wants to play."
She threw Parker a coquettish glance. "You want to play, too; don't you, my own?"
Parker's face lit up. "Yeah!" He grabbed at the single strap that held Buffy's sexy black dress in place and wrenched it loose. Buffy cried out as the dress pooled around her feet. Parker grinned. His head reared down like a striking snake, and he sunk his teeth into her pert breast.
Frantically Willow ordered her frozen brain to react, but it remained a stubborn blank.
The best she could manage then.
"Miss Edith is a stupid doll!" she said loudly, feeling ridiculous. "Look at her, she's all busted! Good only for the dumpster."
Drusilla spun around, eyes blazing. "Quiet!"
She slapped Willow so hard her ears rang, and Parker lifted his head and laughed.
Then suddenly the vampiress stilled. "They're here."
Parker's eyes widened.. "Should we...leave now, Dru?"
"No," Drusilla shook her head, "why?"
The door crashed open as Spike, Oz and Xander hit it hard.
Drusilla smiled a welcome. "Spike," she hissed, "and you've brought the demon lover, and the naughty werewolf who roams the red night! Have you come to play?"
Spike's blue gaze swept the room and settled on Buffy. "Party's over!"
He launched himself directly at Dru.
"Hold it!" Parker's hands curved around Buffy's little neck, effectively stopping Spike in his tracks.
Xander used the moment to try to slip up behind Willow; but Dru sprang hastily between them, clutching a wooden-hilted carving knife ready to slice the redhead's throat. "Our guests want to play their own games, but they must play with us.
'Lavender blue, dilly dilly, lavender green... When I am king, dilly dilly..." Sing with me, Spike!"
"You will be queen," he finished automatically.
"Yes! I was your queen once, wasn't I, Spike? Your black queen? But now you want that poor little broken thing."
He watched her closely; then turned to study Buffy. He looked her up and down thoroughly, then his lips curved in a cruel smirk.
"Do you know something, luv? I don't believe I do," he said, surprised. "It's fading out, like a bad dream."
Drusilla looked at him fondly. "Kill her then, Spike. Kill her for princess?"
He stalked over to Buffy, who had stopped struggling to watch him with shattered eyes.
"Stand aside," he ordered Parker.
"Dru!" Parker protested.
"Stand aside," the vampiress agreed. "Let Spike kill the Slayer. Her blood calls to him, you know. His third Slayer."
Reluctantly Parker loosed his hold...
and Spike flung him violently away from Buffy, then screamed in agony as the resultant pain drove him to his knees.
Drusilla laughed, and reversed the knife she held so that the wooden hilt pointed toward Spike. "Let Mummy help you go to sleep."
Parker scrambled up just as Xander tackled him, unimpeded by fighting a human.
Oz wavered; he couldn't hope to get to either Dru or Buffy in time, but perhaps...he jumped for Willow while Drusilla's arm flew back to strike at her former lover. Laughing wildly, she let the stake plunge forward- until a tiny powerful hand closed on her wrist, deflecting the thrust.
"Leave him alone!" said Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
Through pain-shrouded eyes, Spike witnessed the fight between the two women. Dru must have learned a few things in her time in L.A., he decided. Or perhaps...with dawning realization Spike understood that Drusilla had always been stronger and more capable than he'd thought.
"Bloody hell," the shock hit him hard, " I was just some mug, flattering myself I was her protector, when all the time, she called the tune!"
She was matching Buffy blow for blow; with a tremendous effort Spike forced himself to his feet. He had to help Buffy.
Watching her backhand Dru across the room made him reconsider; she obviously didn't need help.
But Drusilla was far from finished. She scrambled upright clutching the knife she'd retrieved when she fell.
"Dru!" Parker screamed, trying to shake loose from Xander. "Help me!" He staggered in her direction, and without missing a beat she drove the knife through his neck, nearly decapitating him.
"Fool!" she hissed. "Failure!"
As Parker crumbled, she leapt toward BUffy, but by now Willow was free.
"Reversio!" screamed the witch; and the knife Dru aimed at the Slayer entered her own heart instead, wooden hilt first.
Her dust spilled across the floor.
Xander crouched over Parker's body. "He's dead."
"I wonder if Drusilla ever meant to turn him?" Willow mused.
Spike's pain was fading rapidly now. "I doubt it; Dru always had a low tolerance for failure.
"Ah, Buffy," Xander stripped off his denim shirt. "Maybe you should put this on!"
Spike and Oz both gave him disgusted looks; but Buffy accpted the shirt gratefully. "Thanks," she said with a blush. "Um, I can remember...now. Everything."
"And it looks like you got your powers back," Oz commented.
Tara, with Dawn at her heels, raced into the warehouse. "Willow!"
The two witches hugged, holding each other close, while Dawn threw her arms around her sister.
Spike eyed her with annoyance. "Thought I told you to lock yourself in the van and wait?"
Dawn lifted her tear-streaked face. "I did! Until I saw Tara and then I figured it would be okay to go with her. I had to know you and Buffy were both fine."
Xander cleared his throat, and Dawn added hastily, "And Xander, of course! I was so scared he'd get hurt!"
Buffy said softly," I'm sorry about Drusilla, Spike."
"Me too," Willow added, "specially since I'm kinda the one who killed her."
Spike gave her a fleeting smile. "You had no choice, Will. I'd have done the same. Don't feel sorry for me; I don't think I really knew what love meant, back then."
Dawn spotted her sister's blush, and turned impulsively to Xander. "I'm so happy you didn't get hurt, Xander. I was really scared!"
"Not to worry, Dawnster," Xander patted her shoulder, "Nothin' stops the Xand-man!"
"Could I stay with you tonight, to make sure?" Dawn coaxed. "Please?"
"Sure," Xander was flattered. "Anya won't mind." He smirked at Spike and added, "Seems Dawnie needs to stay close to the Xand-man tonight. You know how it is, when someone idolizes you- or maybe you don't."
Behind his back, Dawn winked at Spike.
Buffy nodded. "There's no school tomorrow; pick you up at the Magic Box?"
"I can help Anya till you get there," Dawn agreed happily. Laughing together, she and Xander hurried into his building.
Spike waited while Buffy unlocked her front door. "You know Dawn did that on purpose," she tossed over her shoulder.
He followed her into the living room. "Yeah, a good little 'un, the Niblet is."
Buffy turned to face him, eyes searching his. "Spike..."
"It's all right, pet. You don't have to say anything. I'll...be going, now." He started for the door, hoping against hope she'd call him back.
His heart sank; he wrenched at the doorknob so hard it came away in his hand.
Spike stared at it in disbelief. "Uh, Buffy, I'm sorr..." he risked a glance at her and his jaw dropped.
Buffy was doubled over in silent mirth, shoulders shaking as she fought for control. "You...you look so..funny!" she gasped.
"Bloody hell!" Spike glared at the offending doorknob. "It just fell off right in my hand! Because..."
"Because you were in a temper." Buffy wiped her streaming eyes. "You were expecting a Dear John letter."
"I was not expecting a Dear John letter," said Spike, outraged. "When the bloomin' hell did you ever write me a letter?"
"You know what I mean." Buffy walked up to Spike, took the doorknob, and fastened it back on the door. "Now, c'mon sit doen. I want to talk."
Warily he settled himself beside her, trying not to stare at her legs. But they were so long, and the shirt was so short, and..."What?"
Buffy sighed in exasperation. "I SAID I was pretty sloppy in that fight! I need to start training, and I need a partner!"
"Me?" he asked hopefully. "You want me to be your training partner?"
"My partner," she corrected.
"Uh, what kind of partners are we talking about, pet?" Roy Rogers and Dale Evans, or Roy Rogers and Gabby Hayes?"
Buffy gave him a blank look. "Roy?"
"Oh, sod it all!." Spike groaned in frustration, grabbed her and pulled her onto his lap.
"Ohh!" Buffy squeaked, but she didn't pull away.
" In for a penny, in for a pound," thought Spike as he deliberately pressed his lips to hers.
"Ohhhh!" Buffy sighed. Her little hand crept around his neck as she kissed him back.
"Buffy," he moaned her name, closing his eys in bliss, "that shirt is way too short."
"What shirt?" she giggled; and he opened his eyes to see it on the floor.
But after that he saw nothing except her.
Sometime in the night he woke; she was still in his arms, snuggled close against him, beginning to shiver in the chill of the night air. By stretching out his arm her managed to snag the afghan and pull it over them.
She stirred, "Mmmm, nice."
"Have to keep you warm, luv." Spike felt an overwhelming rush of tenderness as he kissed the top of her head.
Buffy grinned. "Be my guest."
He burst into delighted laughter. "Well, well, my Slayer wants to be naughty, does she?"
"Mmhmmm, just a little naughty, Spike."
He smiled into her pretty face. "No, pet. Very, very naughty. So naughtythat I may have to punish you."
Her green eyes widened, then a slow smile tugged at the corners of her mouth. "Promise?"
"Willow? Do you want some more tea?" asked Tara anxiously.
Willow carefully replaced her cup in the saucer and handed it to her lover. "No, what I really need is a good night's sleep," she decided.
"I wish you'd gone to the emergency room."
"I'm okay," Willow stretched out in bed, wincing slightly. "A few cuts and bruises, that's all."
Tara slipped one arm around Willow. "I'm not hurting you, am I?"
"No," Willow mumbled, already sleepy. "But can we leave the little light on? Just for tonight?"
"Of course," Tara smoothed back the bright red hair. "I love you, honey." "Me too," came faintly.
Tara smiled and closed her eyes, and soon her deep regular breathing told Willow she was asleep.
But slumber didn't come so easily for the redhead, exhausted though she was. "I do love Tara," Willow admitted, "But, do I wnat to be with her always? Only with her?"
She was half-afraid of the answer.
Oz was in no hurry to get back to Devon's place, so he pulled his van onto the cliffside overlooking the town and watched as the lights gradually winked out. He felt uncertain of his future. Buffy's powers had been restored, and he knew he was not the man to cope with that.
As for Willow, something in her eyes told him she was not yet ready to give up her wiccan lover.
Maybe it was just as well.
Maybe the animal strain in his nature would calm without the incitement of strong passions.
He gazed out towards a dense dark expanse that he recognized as Weatherly Woods. Good thing that Drusilla and Parker had kidnapped and killed that girl Nicole. With any luck, all of the other kills would be charged to them, as well.
And who knew? Perhaps his predator's nature was sated now.
If not, though, he wouldn't risk another kill right in Sunnydale.
The next time, Oz would take her out of town.
The End