I like to take things as they come, without getting wigged. Just deal with whatever comes along, is my motto. Well, no. Mark your calendar for the full moon- THAT'S my motto! But, I do pride myself on my coping skills; and lately, there has been a LOT to cope with.
Which is why I'm sitting here in Buffy's house- waiting.
Even though I'm expecting it, the knock on the front door sounds loud as a gunshot. I can't believe it's already time- and, in fact, it isn't.
It's just Cordelia. So I let her in, hastily bolting the door behind her. In Sunnydale these days, it pays to be careful.
"Where's Buffy?" Cordelia asks; but her eyes are moving all around the living room and I know it's not Buffy she's looking for.
"Upstairs with her mother," I tell Cordelia. "She's very upset."
Cordy's brown eyes flash reproachfully. "Wouldn't you be, if you had to marry a vampire? Plague or no plague, it's a lot to ask."
"I meant Buffy's mom is upset," I explain patiently.
Giles hears us and comes in from the dining room- and even though he looks much the same as usual, I can see he's even more upset than Mrs. Summers. Who giveth this woman to be married to this...vampire? Poor Giles. But the plague keeps spreading...even Willow...no, I won't think about that now.
There's another knock at the door; this time Giles opens it. A little man stands there grinning at us. It's the first time I've seen the Whistler.
"Here we are!" He announces, like it's the event of the decade. "I got him to the church on time! Well- not exactly on time because I know we're early; and not exactly a church- for obvious reasons, but..."
"Bloody hell!" His companion pushes right past the Whistler.
"Well?" He aims blue laser eyes right at me. "Where is she?"
"I'm right here." Buffy is coming down the stairs, one arm around her mother. And Mrs. Summers is shaky and teary-eyed. I feel bad for her; but the blonde guy- Spike- only sees Buffy.
"Hello, lover," he says. Buffy says nothing- just glares. Not an auspicious start to the evening.
"Everything's ready," Giles tells Whistler.
"Good. It's a piece of cake, really. Uh...speaking of cake...I'm starved!"
For some reason, this appeals to Mrs. Summers, and she inviites Whistler into the kitchen. This doesn't appeal to Spike. "Much as I hate to spoil the party, let's not forget what we're here for!"
Whistler tells him to relax. "I can't perform the ritual until midnight anyway; so that gives us plenty of time. Might as well eat something."
"Very well." Spike smiles evilly as he looks us over. "Which one's for me?"
Buffy's mom moans; Buffy pats her shoulder. "It's ok. He's only joking."
Mrs. Summers stares miserably at Spike. "To think..." she mutters, "how I once felt sorry for Marian Danvers."
"Who's Marian Danvers?" Buffy asks curiously.
Mrs. Summers sighs. "My former college roommate- the one with the son-in-law in prison."
It's clear she now thinks Marian Danvers is one up on her. I almost feel a little sorry for the vamp. It's Cordy who saves the situation. She's been clutching a large cardboard box, and now she shoves it at Buffy.
"I got you this dress..." she says in a rush..."I knew you wouldn't have time. Anyway, with your taste you'd be sure to get the wrong thing. So I went to the mall; and you would not BELIEVE the sales now that Sunnydale's quarantined!"
Trust Cordelia not to miss out on a good sale- even if the world comes to an end, she'll go out in style. But Buffy seems touched; and the two of them head upstairs together. Mrs. Summers, Whistler, and Giles go back to the kitchen...which leaves me alone with the vamp.
He's looking a little edgy; so I decide to make conversation. "I'm Oz," I tell him. He's apparently unimpressed, so I add, "I've been appointed your best man."
"Who appointed you?" he asks suspiciously.
"Giles. Well, I asked him and he agreed. I've never been the best man before. Once I was the ring-bearer for my cousin Julia but..."
Spike snaps, "I don't want the history of your wedding experiences!"
"You sound nervous," I mention.
"I am not nervous!"
Right... I decide to humor him. "It's nothing to be embarassed about. I mean, I would be...I'm nervous just being best man- in case I forget something."
"What could you possibly forget?" What a question- it's obvious Spike has never been anybody's best man.
"The best man has responsibilities," I explain. "He has to make a toast...and keep the groom from getting too nervous."
"I am NOT nervous!!"
"And there's another...oh yes! I have to take care of the wedding ring. So- where is it?"
"What?" Spike gapes at me, confused.
"Forgot, huh? I can let you have this ring of mine, if you want."
"Don't be an idiot!" The vampire sure is touchy.
A sudden thought occurs to me...."Hey...maybe Buffy can use that cool Irish ring she got from Angel..." Uh-oh. The vamp doesn't like that idea one bit. At least he's stopped looking nervous; but I doubt that looking malevolent is much of an improvement. Luckily, Giles comes in to say that Whistler is now ready and we stand up.
"All set?" Whistler brushes a few cake crumbs off his shirt.
Buffy comes slowly down the stairs- and she's...amazing. I've never seen her so beautiful- except that time when she changed back from a rat sans clothes. But that's another story. It's clear Spike thinks so too; he's staring like he's never seen a girl before.
Then- just as she reaches us, he deliberately glances away, like he could care less that she looks downright edible. Although that's probably not a good metaphor to use, with a vampire.
Whistler opens a book and mutters a few words in Latin (and I'm pondering getting some audiotapes from the library- considering all the Latin I've had to listen to lately). He asks for the ring...and Buffy is surprised when she gets one from Sunnydale Class of '98. She looks at Spike inquiringly; but he pretends not to notice. I feel a real sense of satisfaction...I've saved the day!
Whistler looks satisfied too. He closes the book. "Okay, kids, that's it."
"That's it?" Buffy says in disbelief.
"Already?" Spike joins in. "Don't we get to say anything?"
"No, " Whistler answers, "it's done. You're both willing, or you wouldn't be here. Now- you may kiss the bride- or not, as the case may be."
They hesitate, looking at each other...and I figure they won't; but then, he leans forward, and she puts up her face, and they manage a small peck. At least, it starts out that way- but then, something happens, and it gets sort of...intense. I wouldn't mind a kiss like that. Nahhh, I'd LOVE a kiss like that!
Finally, they break apart; they both look dazed...and nobody knows what to do next. Mrs. Summers marches up to the vamp. "You better treat my daughter right," she tells Spike, "or...I'll find another axe!" He's surprised; but I can detect a faint smile.
We go out to Giles' car- there can't be a honeymoon with Sunnydale sealed off, so Giles is letting them use his apartment. He's going to drive them over so he can invite Spike inside, and then come back. He'll leave them alone together...
One more thing- when they're getting in the car, Buffy's dress gets caught in the door. And- it's the vamp who pulls it loose. It's a little thing; but when she thanks him, he actually takes her hand. And- she lets him.
Back in the house, Whistler decides he's hungry AGAIN. So Mrs. Summers takes him off to the kitchen- again.
Cordy informs me she's spending the night in Buffy's room.
So, I ask if there's space for me.
She hesitates, and I know she's thinking of Xander. Like, the same way I often think of Willow. But then...she remembers the wedding. Well...I remind her. About how that vamp and Buffy seemed to...make a connection, in the end. Maybe.
The thing is, it all comes down to need- trying to keep the dark at bay a little longer. It all comes down to loneliness... and finding a pathway- no matter how strange and twisted- to love.
I follow Cordelia up the stairs.