Much Ado About Birthdays

Joyce glanced up at a blond vampire whose restless pacing was wearing a hole in her dining room carpet.

His ferocious scowls she simply ignored;  but when he began muttering about "fraternity wankers" she decided to intervene.

"You could have gone with them, you know,"  she said calmly.  "Buffy did invite you."

"To a sodding frat party...when she was going with that pillock!"

"His name is Jason,"  Joyce commented.

"Yeah, what kind of nancy name is that, I ask you!"

Joyce continued as if he had not spoken.  "And Buffy had to go with him- the party is FOR him!  It's Jason's birthday."

Spike snorted.  "Probably just an excuse for the wanker to get into her knic...uh, alone!  On a date!  A DATE!"

"Now stop that,"  Joyce scolded.  "It wasn't a date; it was a party invitation.  And- why didn't you go?"

He avoided her eyes.  "I would have...I was going to say yes, the next time she asked me...but she didn't ask again!"

"Buffy's not the begging type, remember?"  Joyce reminded.

Spike gave her a wry grin.  Then, his eyes widened as a horrible thought occurred to him.

"Joyce!  This party...there won't be...kissing, or anything...will there?"

Joyce considered.  "Oh, I would think so...a birthday kiss, at least."

Spike groaned, and dropped his head into his hands.  "Don't tell me anymore...I bloody well don't want to know!"

Joyce regarded the vampire with sympathy;  she'd always had a soft spot for bad boys with British accents.  What's more, she strongly suspected her daughter did, too.  As for Spike, ever since he'd moved back to Sunnydale and had to join forces with Buffy, he'd been acting downright lovesick.

The problem was, she decided, that neither wished to be the first to admit to romantic feelings for a former enemy.  Instead, they bantered and bickered;  for all the world like a modern Beatrice and Benedick in Much Ado About Nothing.

A seed of an idea began to grow in Joyce's mind.   But, she'd need help....

"Wha...Joyce!"  Rupert Giles suddenly found it hard to swallow, as he looked at the woman on his doorstep.

Joyce clenched her teeth.  She hated to admit it, but he was as maddeningly attractive as ever.  She forced herself to keep her mind on business.

"Er, yes, as it happens, I do know Spike's birthdate.  It was in the information Whistler brought me when Spike first joined our cause.  Why do you ask?"

Joyce told him.

Over the next couple of weeks, the relationship between Spike and Buffy was worse than ever.  Jason was always hanging around, and Buffy seemed to enjoy flaunting him in front of an increasingly glum demon.  She even insisted on bringing Jason to the party Joyce was organizing for Spike.

"Why not?  After a night of listening to Spike telling me what an idiot I am, I'll need a little worship!"

"Of course, dear, "  Joyce agreed serenely. 

Buffy was oddly restless;  Spike had gone off with her Watcher.  She'd had a date with Jason but had decided to cancel-  somehow it wasn't nearly as much fun to go out without Spike there to yell at her for neglecting her duties.  Anyway, Willow was coming over to study later....

Buffy started down the steps, but paused when she saw her mother whispering with Willow in the hall.


"I told Spike to try to overcome it,"  her mother was telling her friend. "Buffy would never date him anyway."

DATE  him?  Date Spike??  Buffy crept a little closer.

"No...Buffy isn't that smart,"   Willow agreed.  "Spike would only get hurt, and he's a sweety even if he IS a vampire!"

"I know what to do,"  Joyce said brightly.  "I'll mention some of Buffy's less attractive qualities, like the way she's always late..."

"And buys so many shoes!"  Willow squeaked.

"Spike will soon get over her, and move on."

"I could invite some girls from school to the party,"  Willow offered eagerly.  "I know one who thinks Spike is really hot!"

WHO??!  Buffy almost demanded, before remembering she wasn't supposed to be listening.

Spike shifted restlessly in his seat, thinking about the Slayer and her new lapdog, Jason.  He tried to pay attention while the Watcher and Oz discussed some prophecy, but his mind kept wandering to a small blonde girl with green eyes.

"Hmmm, I think I left the Lorton Commentary on my desk,"  Giles said absently.  "Spike, would you..."

"I'll get it!"  Spike jumped up, pleased to have an excuse. 

The parchment was easy to find;  he started back but paused when he heard Buffy's name.

"So, Buffy really has Willow worried,"  Oz was saying.

"I know, "  Giles sighed.  "I'm at my wit's end.  She's a girl whose feelings run very deep.  She loves so intensely...and this time, she's so..."

"Totally in love,"  Oz agreed.  "And he couldn't care less....poor Buffy!"

Spike's demon surfaced.  The Slayer- HIS Slayer- was in love?  Was in danger of getting hurt??

"The situation is especially difficult;  because she must work so closely with Spike,"  Giles said solemnly.

WHAT!!?   The sound of his name hit Spike like a thunderbolt;  he stumbled against the door, which thudded audibly.

Giles and Oz resolutely ignored it.

"Maybe we should tell Spike that Buffy loves him?"  proposed Oz.

"I doubt that,"  Giles demurred.  "It's not like he's interested in her at all."

"I know,"  Oz said, "so Willow says Buffy's just going to go on pretending she doesn't care, either."

Spike collapsed against the door in shock.  Buffy...Buffy loved and wanted him?  Dazed, he let himself out of Giles' apartment and  headed for home; he had a lot to think about.

The party was in full swing...Oz's band had never played better;  Xander and Cordelia were actually speaking again;  and the house was full of revellers.

Only two people were not enjoying themselves.

One was Spike;  ever since he'd discovered that Buffy loved him, he'd been eager to confront her about it...but somehow a group of girls from the college had surrounded him and he was temporarily trapped...he gave Buffy a longing look.  Cor, she looked smashing in a tiny purple dress that showed off her long legs-  and most of the rest of her!

Buffy pouted when she saw Spike's entourage.  She was dying to know how long he'd been crazy about her...but first, she'd make that slut in the scarlet dress let go of his arm!

Joyce drew Spike away from the girls,  "Will you please bring up some extra glasses from the basement?  We're running out."

Spike could refuse her nothing; he headed downstairs...


"Slayer?  Is that you?"

"Uh-huh, Giles said we needed a cake plate."

"I have to get more glasses, pet."

Neither moved.

"Where's your lapdog?"  he asked.

"Where's your groupies?"  she countered.

"Jealous?"  they demanded in unison.

"Not bloody likely,"  he snarled.

"In your dreams!"  she retorted.

They stopped, staring at one another.

Buffy couldn't seem to catch her was like she couldn't stop looking at him.  He avoided her eyes-  he seemed almost ..shy.

"Slayer,"  he mumbled.  "It's my birthday...does that mean I get a kiss?"

She couldn't speak, but she stepped forward, opening her arms to him in wordless invitation.  His lips touched hers gently, tentatively...he was trembling violently and afraid she would realize...

Then-  he forgot about being gentle, as the world stopped for both of them.

Spike knew nothing else...wanted nothing was enough to be here, alone in the dark, with his mouth on hers.  Buffy didn't even notice her surroundings;  she only knew that she wanted to stay in his arms forever.

There was an old couch in the basement;  and somehow they found their way over to it...sinking down for their first visit to a place they could only reach together.

Up in the kitchen, Willow leaned against the basement door; but the sounds from below made her quickly step back and lock it.

"Well?"  Joyce asked expectantly.

"They, uh...seem to be getting along,"  Willow squeaked.

"It worked!"  Joyce beamed happily at her accomplices.  "I love Spike like a son;  and now he will be!"

"Yes, well,"  Giles cautioned,  "I still think that in general it is best NOT to interfere in... umm, affairs of the heart."

"You're just not romantic,"  Joyce sniffed.

Giles raised his eyebrows, offended.  "I'll have you know, I can be very romantic!"

"HAH!"  Joyce sneered.

Willow and Oz were interested spectators as the dispute turned into a full-fledged argument.

"Oz,"  Willow whispered, "do you think..."

Her boyfriend gave Giles and Joyce a knowing look.  "I think Spike and Buffy aren't the only ones who could stand to brush up on their Shakespeare!"

Willow smiled in delight.  "Maybe we could help?  I bet that Spike and Buffy will too!  What would you say, Oz?  "

Oz grinned.  "I'd say...'All's well that ends well!'"

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