Heart's Desire

"This is so exciting!" Willow reached for her bag. "I haven't worn a formal dress since the prom."

"At least you went to the prom," Amy Madison mentioned, checking her make-up. "I missed it!"

Buffy put down her hair-brush. "You'll make up for it tonight."

"I hope so," Amy sighed. "I'm so grateful to you for changing me back, Willow."

"Tara did most of it," Willow admitted. "She is so good with spells."

"Well, from now on, I'm steering clear of spells," Amy vowed.

"You're really giving up magic for good?" Willow asked in disbelief.

"For Amy's good," her friend nodded. "It's just not worth it."

Willow looked thoughtful. "I don't know; I've gotten so dependant on it."

There was a knock on the door of their dorm room; and Willow opened it for Riley and Forrest.

"Hi Willow," Riley smiled at her shyly.

Forrest's eyes travelled from Willow to Amy to Buffy. "I thought I had to die to get to paradise...if this is a dream, nobody wake me!"

Willow grinned. "We're glad you approve!"

"Oh, I approve," Forrest nodded emphatically. "I definitely approve."

"What he said," Riley's eyes twinkled as he escorted them into the new cultural center.

The praise was justified; Willow wore a long white dress that accented her bright hair; but there was nothing innocent about it. It was a straight column of satin that swept over one shoulder but left the other bare.

"You look like a Greek goddess, Willow," Riley complimented sincerely.

Willow glanced anxiously at Spike, who'd just joined them along with Xander and Anya. But Spike hardly seemed to hear...he was studying Buffy carefully.

"Better not exhale, Slayer," he smirked, "you might slip out!"

Buffy blushed bright red. Her midnight blue silk dress was strapless, with a long slit in the full skirt. She'd thought she looked great, until Spike's comment made her feel half-naked.

Forrest offered his arm to Amy. "They're playing our song," he murmured, as the strains of The Lady in Red filled the air.

Amy smiled; in her brilliant red dress with its plunging halter, she drew all eyes as she and Forrest moved onto the dance floor.

Among them were Xander's- and Anya looked annoyed....even though her own dress attracted plenty of attention...a clingy black knit with strategic "cut-outs" that displayed tantalizing glimpses of skin.

Giles sat with Olivia at the head table and beamed at them. After his long bout of unemployment, he had decided to accept the position of director of the cultural center. The Valentine's Day party was to celebrate both his appintment; and the acquisition of a rare treasure...a fabulous ruby known as Heart's Desire.

It gleamed in its display case...a deep, rich red that held hidden fires.

"Wow," Willow breathed, staring at the jewel, "imagine OWNING this."

"A woman did own it once," Giles came up to them. "A famous courtesan named Ninon de Lenclos. It's said every man who met her found her irresistible."

Spike snorted. "No such thing as a woman who's irresistible!"

"How would YOU know?" Buffy snapped.

"YOU sure wouldn't," he returned.

Willow bit her lip. When she'd first started dating Spike, she'd been certain the constant bickering between him and Buffy would abate.

Instead, it seemed to be growing worse; especially since for some odd reason, both Spike and Buffy seemed to prefer double-dating. But all too often Willow would be left talking to Riley while Buffy and Spike carried on with their war of words.

"I wish I could try it on," Amy remarked. "It's perfect with my dress."

Giles smiled, unlocked the case, and handed her the ring. "Careful," he warned playfully, "legend says that a woman who's worn the jewel will realize her heart's desire."

"And that's a bad thing, how?" Buffy asked, as the girls took turns trying it on. Anya was the last; reluctantly she handed it back, and Giles relocked the case.

"Want to dance, Spike?" Willow asked hopefully.

"What...get trampled by the clodhopper?" Spike nodded derisively at Riley.

Willow's lips tightened; she hated Spike's constant criticism of Riley, who was just...so nice! He'd gone out of his way to help both Willow and Buffy with their psych projects- even though Buffy often blew him off to go patrolling with Spike. But Willow loved their quiet study sessions; and she wasn't about to let Spike make fun of Riley.

"It's not his fault," she defended stoutly. "It's just that he's so tall! And Buffy's kinda little."

Spike grimaced; the fact that he wasn't as tall as Riley annoyed him.

Xander interrupted them. "No Anya, we can't leave yet," he said patiently. "We have to wait for the speeches. Let's dance instead."

"No," she scowled. "I want to leave."

Exasperated, Xander galnced around the table. "How about it, Will?"

Thankfully she followed him out onto the dance floor.

"Hey Will," Riley said, with the special smile he kept for her.

"What's the matter, Will?" Buffy was more perceptive. "His Spikiness giving you a hard time?"

"I can't imagine any guy stupid enough to give Willow a hard time," Riley shook his head, cheering Willow immensely.

But his momentary inattention cost him dearly...the long skirt of Buffy's dress caught under one massive shoe...there was a tearing sound, and Buffy stumbled, almost falling.

Xander caught her.

"Buffy!" Riley yelled. "God...I'm sorry!"

Spike shoved through the crowd ringing them. "Slayer...you okay?" he barked.

Buffy nodded. "It's fine...it's just...my dress...and my shoe broke..."

"C'mon, we'll go to the ladies' room," Willow suggested.

"No!" Buffy's face was red with humiliation. "Stay and dance...I'll be right back!"

She hobbled away hastily, trailed by a glowering Spike.

"Why do I have to be so clumsy?" Riley moaned.

Willow took pity on him. "You're not! Come on!" She took his hand, and they began to dance as the crowd dispersed.

Xander was about to return to their table when he found Amy at his side.

"Is Buffy hurt?" she asked anxiously.

"Nah, she's okay," he responded. "She said everybody should go on dancing."

Amy smiled at him. "In that case, how about it?"

She moved easily into his arms.

Forrest sat down at the table next to Anya. "Want to dance?"

"I want to leave," she responded. She turned her head, looking directly into his eyes. "Will you drive me home?"

Forrest was startled. "Yeah, sure I will...I could drop you off and then come back. Not that my so-called date will miss me."

Anya was a former demon of few words. "Let's go!"

A sob escaped Buffy as she hurried up the stairs to the ladies' room. She was devoted to Riley; he adored her. So why couldn't they manage to do the simplest thing together without some catastrophe?

It was as though their bodies didn't FIT, somehow. Like trying to force the proverbial square peg into the round hole...now her new dress was ruined, and worst of all, Spike was probably laughing at her!

Her sandalled foot caught in the torn fabric; and Buffy catapulted forward, managing to twist around and sit down hard on the steps. "Owww!"

"Pet?" Spike was kneeling beside her, examining her ankle. One small, broken sandal lay on the step below.

"Just a sprain, luv." Spike held her foot gently.

Buffy bit her lip. "What do I do now?"

Spike pulled off her other shoe and tossed both into a nearby trash can.

"These are ruined, Slayer. As for what to do..." In one swift motion he swung her up into his arms and strode easily up the remaining steps with her.

Buffy stared at him in shock.

"Well? Which is the ladies?" he inquired.

Buffy tried to gather her confused thoughts; tried not to think about how comforting his arms felt around her.

"Uh...that one," she decided, pointing to the first door on the left.

Without hesitation Spike strode through it.

"Bloody hell!

"So, this is where you live?" Forrest asked, surprised. "I like it."

It was only a small studio; but Anya had made it attractive with posters and candles, and lots of plants...

"You do?" she was pleased as a child at his praise. "Xander has never been here."

"What?" his surprise turned to shock. "But you've been his girlfriend for two years!"

"No more." Anya glanced away, unable to hide her pain. "He broke up with me tonight."

"Oh Anya honey, I'm sorry."

He really meant it, she could tell...she smiled at him.

"It's fine; I'm fine. I knew it was coming...ever since Amy got deratted, he's been different."

"But it still hurts," Forrest nodded. "But hey, Anya, if you need a friend, I'm here!"

Anya brightened. "An orgasm friend?" she asked hopefully.

"Why is it I can dance with you?" Riley asked Willow.

She considered. "Probably 'cause I'm taller than Buffy."

"Must be it," Riley agreed. "I know I'm kind of big...and bulky."

"I think that's nice," Willow said firmly.

He raised one eyebrow. "Would you think so if I tore your dress?"

"Even if you tore it right off!" Willow responded without thinking; and then turned scarlet.

Riley stared at her in shock, then grinned broadly. "Will...you're amazing!"

And somehow, suddenly, all her embarrassment was gone.She pressed more closely against him; and he rested his cheek against her short hair.

Buffy huddled, shivering, on the broken lawn chair that someone had left on the roof.

"I can't believe you let the door lock behind us!"

"Well, I can't believe you were ninny enough to mistake the fire exit for the ladies' room," Spike retorted. He stripped off his tuxedo jacket. "Better put this on. You're shaking like a leaf in that ridiculous dress!"

"It's because I'm barefoot," Buffy glared at him, trying to tuck her feet up in the torn skirt.

Spike sat down on the edge of the chair, pulled her feet onto his lap and began to rub them vigorously. Buffy stared at him a moment, then slipped on the jacket.

"Better, pet?" he asked softly.

She nodded, glad it was dark and he wouldn't see her blushing.

"Lots of stars out tonight," he said, glancing up at the sky.

"Uh-huh," Buffy agreed, wishing her voice didn't sound so...breathless. "Spike?"

"Yeah, luv?"

"Do you...really think that my dress is ridiculous?"

He laughed. "Nah. I just..."

"You hate it," she concluded glumly.

"No! I hated...that you were wearing it for HIM!"

"Ohhh!" Her big eyes got even bigger.

Unconsciously they leaned closer, mouths nearly touching...

With a clattering crash, the broken lawn chair collapsed, carrying Buffy to the floor.

Spike landed right on top of her.


"Oh baby, did I hurt you?"

Buffy gazed up at him with liquid eyes. "No."

Xander and Amy had left the dance floor to Riley and Willow, and wandered out to the hall. Somehow, they had so much to talk about that they wnated to be alone...Xander got them both cups of punch; and they settled on the carpetted steps that led upstairs.

"So you're actually giving up magic?" he asked. "Willow wouldn't dream of doing that!"

Amy shook her dark hair back from her face.

"I decided I'd rather live my life. Spells become addictive, you know. It's too tempting to use them if you're a lazy girl who'd rather watch The Simpsons than do your homework."

Xander grinned. "Or a guy that's been dumped and wants a love spell?"

Amy laughed with him, but then said seriously, "That's my point, Xander. You didn't need a spell to find love."

"It was fun at first, though," he admitted. "All of a sudden, I was irresistible to women! Even you were in love with me- you fell under your own spell!"

Amy hesitated. "No...I didn't."

Xander gaped at her. "Huh?"

"The spellcaster isn't truly affected by the spell," Amy explained.

"But..." Xander's jaw dropped. "But you were in love with me! You were under the spell!" He stopped. "Weren't you?"

"Yes! No!" Amy bit her lip uncertainly. "I was in love with you...BEFORE the spell!"

He shook his heead, dazed. "Wow."

She nodded. "I was planning to ask you to the prom. I kept rehearsing what to say for weeks! But then..."

Xander smiled, and slipped his free arm around her waist. "Well, we said this would have to be your prom substitute, right?

"Guess so," Amy murmured.

He studied her face. "So...does that mean you want to go and dance, or anything?"

Her wide smile matched his; she hugged him. "I want to stay right where we are. And...I want you to kiss me!"

Xander pulled her closer. "Yes, ma'am."

"Wonder where everybody is?" Willow said, suddenly noticing that she and Riley were all alone at their table.

And, what's more, evidently had been for some time...the party was showing signs of winding down.

"I guess we should look," Riley stood reluctantly, pulling Willow to her feet. "It's just...I don't want this night to end...ever."

"I know, " Willow whispered, avoiding his gaze.

"Why are you with Spike?" he demanded suddenly. "There's not much...passion between you, is there?"

Willow replied honestly. "I think because...well, when he first started working with Buffy, he was depressed. His whole life had changed, he'd lost his lover, he..."

"I get it," Riley nodded. "The two of you were in the same boat?"

"You said it," Willow agreed gratefully. "It made...a kind of bond, between us. For a while, anyway. But...we're not...we really don't have much in common. And now that he's no longer depressed, we don't even have that."

Riley stopped walking; and turned her to face him. "What about you...are you still depressed?"

Willow deliberately put both arms around him. "Not now."

They kissed, long and deeply, finally breaking off to stare at one another in growing panic.

"Buffy..." Willow squeaked.

Wordlessly, Riley swallowed hard and tugged Willow towards the staircase. They almost fell over Xander and Amy, locked in each other's arms.

"Xander!" Willow cried out. "What are you doing?!"

Xander chuckled, unembarrassed. "What does it look like, Will?"

"Have you seen Buffy...or Spike?" Riley asked, scowling at them.

Amy sat up, nonchalantly fixing her dress. "I think Buffy went upstairs; and Spike followed."

The couple lying in each other's arms up on the roof paid no attention to the four people who stood in the doorway... until Xander coughed loudly. Then they scrambled frantically to their feet. Buffy hobbled, barefoot, still wearing Spike's jacket. Spike trailed after her protectively.

But it was Willow who broke the silence.

"Buffy!" she shrieked. "You're wearing Spike's engagement ring...again!"

"Oh, God, Willow," Buffy sobbed, "can you ever forgive me? I...I love Spike!"

Unexpectedly, Willow giggled. "If you'll forgive me...for falling for Riley!"

Riley started, and stared at her, the grim look fading from his eyes. "You mean that, Willow?"

"Cross my heart!" Willow kissed him, bubbling with happiness. It was as if something off-kilter in her world had been righted.

Amy clasped both hands around Xander's arm. "Looks like time to leave the party," she suggested.

"Did you know...I live in my parents' basement?" Xander inquired.

"Why don't you show me?" Amy kissed his nose.

They drifted down the stairs, arms entwined.

"Um, want to get coffee, and uh...celebrate your...re-engagement?" Riley asked awkwardly.

Willow took his hand, winking at Buffy. "I think they'd rather celebrate alone. And Buffy...don't wait up! I don't plan on making it back to the dorm tonight!"

Spike grinned at her. "Thanks, Red. You're quite a girl, you know that?"

"*I* know that!" Riley said emphatically, leading Willow away.

Spike swept Buffy up into his arms again. "Might as well get in practice, pet," he said teasingly.

"But...we can't go back to the dorm like this," Buffy objected, nevertheless clutching him tightly around the neck.

"Sure we can," Spike chuckled. "Now that we really are engaged, we can bloody well do whatever we like!"

Forrest dialed the phone. "Yeah, Riley, I won't be coming back to Lowell tonight, so...huh? I heard someone giggle, Ri! You got Buffy there? What?! Engaged? But then who...WILLOW? oh, right, Willow."

He hung up the phone, shaking his head in disbelief.

"What?" Anya asked expectantly, patting the place beside her.

Forrest climbed onto the bed. "Just thinking...some surprising couples hooked up at this party."

Anya shrugged. "I don't care! Let's have sex again!"

"Anything you say, baby." Forrest grinned and reached for the plastic bowl between them. "Hey...who ate all the popcorn?"

Olivia took a final lingering look at the exquisite ruby while Giles finished shutting off the lights.

"Rupert, do you think the legend is true? That touching that jewel will give a woman her heart's desire?"

Giles smiled superciliously. "Of course not, Olivia." He leaned over and kissed her lightly.

"That's just a silly superstition..."

The End