Evil-Eyed Lady

"You and Spike?"  Willow's eyes were as round as saucers.  "But I thought...don't you, well...hate each other's guts?"

"Yes!  No!  I don't know, "  Buffy moaned, dropping her head in her hands.

"That's decisive," commented Oz.

Buffy didn't answer.  She hadn't intended telling Willow anything about her plan to help Spike by making Drusilla jealous-  or about the way her brilliant scheme had backfired!  But Oz had seen them dancing together at the Bronze, and what Oz knew, Willow soon would.

Even then, Buffy had wanted to maintain the position that the whole charade had been designed solely to reunite Spike with Drusilla.  But she was just too unhappy to be a good liar.

"But I don't get it,"  Willow said, "what makes you think he's gone back to her?"

"Because."  Buffy stared miserably at the table.  "He was gone when I woke up the next morning;  and I haven't heard from him since."

"It's only been three days,"  Willow consoled her.

"Yeah, Buffy," he'll be back."  Oz agreed.

She smiled at them weakly;  and took off for the library and Giles.

"What do you think, Oz?"  Willow asked the werewolf anxiously.

Oz considered.  "I think the guy's confused.  I'm betting he's as unhappy as Buffy is right now."

Spike wasn't unhappy, exactly;  he was just uncertain.  And Dru...  Dru was unhinged.

She'd been unfaithful many times, he only once-  but it was as if, in her mind, his once cancelled out her many.  She didn't understand why they couldn't just take up their relatonship in the same old way.

"Spike,"  she insisted sweetly, "I forgive you, but you belong with princess!"

Spike wondered if he really did?  He was starting to think he was as crazy as she was...longing for the Slayer, who was supposed to be his mortal enemy!

He had no illusions;  if he were to fall in love with the Slayer-  which he hadn't, YET-  then he'd have to make some big changes in his lifestyle.

He'd have to give up the thrill of the hunt...well, at least he'd have to give up the kill.

Spike brightened...maybe Buffy would let him kill the occasional murderer or rapist, just to keep his hand in?

"Spike!"  Dru's voice was shrill in his ears.  "You said we had an eternal love, remember?"

"Yes, pet," he answered automatically;  then wanted to kick himself.  He'd gotten Dru back, she wanted him again, and that's what mattered.  Wasn't it?  He...he NEEDED Drusilla;  he didn't even know how to...be with anyone else.  What he should do was say goodbye to the Slayer, grab Dru, and hightail it out of Sunnyhell-  forever!  And-  never come back!

*Right, chummie,* said the little voice inside his head that nothing could ever stifle.  *Goodbye...to the Slayer?  That's a laugh, that is.  You've been away from her three days, and you're almost as barmy as Drusilla!*

"Shut up!  That's not true!"

*Going to leave her, then?*

"Someday, I might,"  Spike growled at the little voice.  "Maybe not right now, but someday..."

*Someday...  pigs MIGHT fly,* said the voice sarcastically.

"Think you're smart, do you?"  Spike jeered.  "What would you do, you wanker?"

*Go...climb a tree?* chuckled the voice.


But in the end, he did just that.  He stretched out gingerly on her bed, his mind filled with memories of the other night.

*That's more like it, mate,* the voice approved.  *How COULD you give this up, even for three nights?*

The trouble was, Spike honestly couldn't think of a comeback.

The Slayer, wrapped in a towel and with her hair still damp from the shower, padded down the hall into her room...and spotted the vampire on her bed.

She looked around frantically for her robe; but with a low growl Spike was up and slamming her against the wall with the force of his embrace.

"Slayer," he groaned, "I'm sorry.  I'm sorry, luv."

She opened her mouth to order him to release her; but found she couldn't breathe....he was clutching her so tight, like he was afraid to let go.

"Spike,"  she gasped," one of us requires oxygen, remember?"

His grip loosened enough for her to inhale.  His blue eyes watched her warily.

"Mad at me?"  he asked at last.

She had been promising herself to let him have it...but he looked so cute and so scared...

Buffy relented, and kissed his nose.  He looked so relieved she had to laugh.  Then he seemed to recollect that she was wearing nothing but a towel....

"Oh no you don't,"  Buffy said firmly, as he began tugging at it.

"But Slayer,"  Spike whined, "I want you!"

"I want you too,"  she said slowly.  "But Spike, what about...."

He kissed away the rest of the words, before she could say "What about Drusilla?"

It's not like he and the Slayer were in love or anything, he told himself later, trying to quieten that annoying voice.

*Uh-huh,* the voice agreed amiably.  *It's all for sex... and fun.  Nobody gets in too deep, so nobody gets hurt.*

"That's right."

*And you get to have them both, Dru and the Slayer?*

"Why not?"

*So,* the voice persisted,  *if Angelus were to return from L.A., or that schoolboy succeeds in capturing her interest, you won't mind a bit?*

"Shut your gob!"

*That's what I thought,* the voice gloated.  *You have no intention of sharing the Slayer with ANYONE, do you?*

He couldn't deny it.  Panic set in...Drusilla studied him with smoldering eyes, and he knew there'd be a showdown soon.

It happened later that day...Spike opened his eyes...to find the Slayer curled up beside him.

"Well, hello, cutie,"  he said softly, reaching for her.  But she eluded him.

"What's wrong, pet?  Still mad about Dru?  I promise, I haven't touched her since things changed between us."

The Slayer smiled coyly.  "Because you'd rather have me?"

"Ohh, you know it, baby," he sighed, reaching for her once more.  This time she didn't pull away, but when he woke at sunset the Slayer had gone;  and Drusilla lay beside him.

"Wha..."  Spike jerked awake.  "Dru?  What are you..."  his voice trailed off.  Suddenly he knew.

"My Spike," she grinned, dark eyes shining with spite.  "Did you enjoy my little game?"

"Bloody hell!"  He backhanded Drusilla and she landed on the floor, but she still kept her malicious smile.

Spike sat among the tombstones, brooding in a manner worthy of his absent sire.  No matter how often he assured himself that he hadn't been unfaithful to Buffy-  not REALLY-  he still felt guilty.

He decided it would be best to say nothing.

"What's wrong?"  she asked, the instant she laid eyes on him.

"Not a sodding thing!"  he responded loudly.  "What could be wrong? Nothing is wrong at all..."

"Spike."  Buffy positioned herself directly in front of him.  "Look at me."

This proved curiously hard for him to do.

She waited a moment, then said quietly, "Is it Drusilla?"  She sighed. "Tell me."

He did, keeping his head turned away from her.  She was silent for so long he got frightened.


She didn't reply.

"Pet?  Kitten?  Luv?"

Still nothing.

"Buffy!"  he yelled in panic.

She moved, he saw her face...and froze where he stood.  Tears were streaming from her green eyes...silent tears, silver against her golden skin.

"Oh sweetheart,"  he breathed.  He wrapped both arms around her waist and held her hard against him, repeating over and over,  "I'm sorry, I didn't know...didn't mean it, I didn't want...oh please, I love you, I'm sorry, I love..."

At last she stopped him, raising her hands to hold his face.  "Whatever happened to that 'Let's have uncomplicated sex for fun' thing?"

He looked at her ruefully.  "Not too good at that, either of us, Slayer. We're not the kind who have sex for fun;  we're the sodding fools who bloody well fall in love!"

She started to laugh at that, despite her tears...and he felt a mixture of fear and relief.  Relief because he hadn't lost her;  and fear because he hadn't a glim what to do about Drusilla.

Later...much later...up in her room, he brought it up again, cautiously.

"Slayer...uh, about Dru...got any ideas?"

She sat up in bed, clasping her knees and frowning thoughtfully;  and she looked so adorable he couldn't wait to kiss her again.

"Spike!"  she detached herself firmly.  "We need to plot.  I'm not going to put up with you fooling around with someone who isn't me-  not even if you think it IS me!"

Suddenly her face lit up, and she turned to Spike excitedly.  "I've got it!"

He felt alarmed;  he was beginning to know that look.  "Uh...kitten?  Maybe I could just get a stronger lock for my bedroom door?  I mean REAL strong, baby..."

Buffy ignored his blathering.  "There's a great way to end a relationship WITHOUT enraging the other person!"

Spike said doubtfully,  " I've never heard of one, luv;  and I've been around a long time!"

"It's simple!"  Buffy paid no heed to Spike's objection.

"Here's what we do..."

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