Blue Eyed Devil

"Spike, are you sure?"  Drusilla was smiling, but still suspicious.

"Yeah, baby, I am."  Spike's blue eyes shone with honesty.  "I dunno what I was would never have worked, with the Slayer.  You're my girl, now and always."

"I'm your princess, right Spike?"

He smiled at her adoringly.  "That's right, ducks."

"Everything inside me is dancing."  Drusilla began to spin in circles. "Dancing and playing....dancing Spanish dances.  Do you remember Barcelona. Spike?  Do you remember Brazil?" Her glittering eyes went dreamy.  "I liked Brazil, Spike...better than Spain...better than Prague, even.  Better than the Hellmouth."

"I know, pet.  Too bad you won't get to see it again;  but I prefer California."

"But Spike...the Slayer is here!"  Dru's eyes flashed.  "It's don't want to stay near her, Spike?"

"Of course  not, pet. I'm ready to kill her."

"Really, Spike?"

"Really, ducks.  And my princess gets to watch!  Won't that be fun?"

"Miss Edith wants to see the Slayer die,"  Dru said happily.

"Can't do without her, now, can we, pet?"  Spike gave the battered doll a look of barely-disguised loathing, but Drusilla never noticed.

"When will you kill her, Spike?"  Dru asked expectantly.

"Tomorrow night, Dru.  In the graveyard."

Drusilla clapped her hands in delight.  "I'll go dress Edith."

She swirled out of the room as Spike grabbed his cigarettes and lit one avidly.  He really hoped the Slayer knew what she was doing...hell, he hoped HE knew what he was doing!

What kind of vampire fell for a Slayer anyway?

He recalled a long-ago conversation with Angelus, about the way in which his sire had changed.

"Not us!"  Spike had protested.  "Not demons!"

He'd been so sure he was right;  and now....

Drusilla wanted to sing; but Spike convinced her it really wasn't a good idea for someone to sing in the graveyard at night.  Made people curious....

He prevailed on her to wait over near the mausoleum.

When Buffy entered on patrol, Spike was ready for her.  The sight of her made his long-dead heart throb, just once, painfully.

"Spike?"  Buffy's voice mirrored her confusion.  "What are you doing here? I  thought...we were supposed to meet later?"

He gave her a sad smile.  "No, time like the present." He reached out and touched a lock of her hair.  Still felt like watered silk.  "Sorry, luv." His voice held infinite regret.  "But I've never been one to beat my head against a brick wall.  Vampire and Slayer...well, it won't do, will it?"

"Oh."  Her voice was tight with tears.

He tilted up her chin.  "It was a beautiful dream, Slayer.  I'll think of you, you know....on nights like this.  I'll remember you and I'll want...things to be different.  But they're not different, are they?  We both know I belong with Drusilla."

"Did you...always intend to go back to Drusilla?  From the first?"

"I don't know what I intended, "  he answered honestly.  "But Dru and I...are two of a kind, pet."

"You do have a history,"  she gave him a heart-breaking smile.

"We have an eternal love," he said deliberately.  "It's as simple as that."

"Not quite,"  Buffy's expression changed from sad to angry.  "I think maybe you should have an eternal death to go with your eternal love!"

Suddenly a stake was in her hand; but Spike was unperturbed.  "We both know you aren't going to stake me, luv," he said calmly.

"No."  Buffy agreed, "Not YOU!"

And she leaped like Nureyev across the intervening space that separated her from Drusilla.

"No!"  Spike yelled, lunging after her.

But he was too late...once again they stood as they had long ago, with Spike watching helplessly as the Slayer pressed a stake to Dru's heart.

"Spike?"  Dru faltered.

"It's all right, baby," he assured her.

The Slayer smiled mockingly.  "Is it?"

"Drusillaaaaa!"  The scream echoed behind Buffy.  "Let her go!"   The demon charged at Buffy, who dropped the stake and turned to meet the attack.

Spike hauled Dru out of the way.

"It's Sarvaak!"  Dru breathed, watching the demon fighting the Slayer. Spike saw Buffy barely dodge a pair of wicked-looking antlers.

"Ohhh,"  Drusilla sighed, "he's come to save us, Miss Edith!"

Buffy was obviously struggling against Sarvaak;  his skin was too slimy to get a grip on.

"He's going to kill her!"  Dru was thrilled at the thought.

The chaos demon backhanded the Slayer so hard she crashed though the open door of the mausoleum.  She didn't come out.

Drusilla flung both arms around the chaos demon, not caring that he left an oozy green slime all over her.

"Drusilla,"  the creature hissed, "I came here for you!"

She looked at him with liquid eyes.  "Will you take us back to Brazil? Miss Edith wants to go back!"

"Yesss,"  Sarvaak promised, antlers bobbing eagerly.  "Let's go now, Drusilla."

"Yes," she assented happily.  She slid one arm around the chaos demon's slimy waist.  "Let's go back to Brazil right now.  Spike..." she spared a glance for him,  "...we can still be friends!"

Spike stood immobile while his one-time lover strolled blithely away with the chaos demon.

Then-   he rushed inside the mausoleum.

Buffy was sitting nonchalantly on the stone sarcophagous, swinging her legs.

"Dru left with Sarvaak,"  he informed her.

"I knew she would,"  Buffy said smugly.

"That makes one of us,"  Spike said grumpily.  "What's more, I was scared that wanker would kill you!"

"He couldn't do that,"  Buffy shrugged, "Not unless I was comatose or something!"

"Well, it all seems to have worked out,"  Spike admitted, "except...kitten, I don't get why I had to pretend to choose Dru over you?  If Drusilla wanted Sarvaak anyay, why would she even care if I loved you or not?"

"Trust me, Spike," the Slayer assured him, "it's a girl thing!  Drusilla would be a lot happier going off with Sarvaak if she thinks he beat me up while you dumped me!  Plus,  she gets the bonus of having her lover follow her across two continents...she was practically swooning, she was so happy."

"Yes, about that, pet,"  Spike began, "Have you any idea what it cost me to charter that plane from Brazil?"

"Well, Sarvaak couldn't take a regular flight,"  Buffy argued.  "And as long as Drusilla stayed in Sunnyhe..uh, Sunnydale...there was no telling what kind of trouble she'd make!"

Spike shuddered at the thought.  "I guess it was worth it, after all," he conceded.  "With Dru back in Brazil with Sarvaak, we can relax."

"And, Sarvaak's not a bad guy.  He's even sort of cute, if you can get past the slime and antlers.  For a chaos demon, I mean,"  Buffy added.

Instantly his jealousy flared.  "None of that, Slayer." He grabbed her waist and lowered her onto the sarcophagous, holding her in a vice-like grip.

"No other demon touches you,"  Spike insisted.  "No other male.  No other...anything!  Except me. Me and only me!  Got it?"

Buffy looked up at him, and her mouth quirked up into a smile.

"I got it,"  she purred.

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