Inside she was screaming- but the blood pumping rapidly from her wounds left her dazed and groggy.
Flashes of images filling her mind....
A bright red head rolling across the ground like some grotesque bowling ball....Willow. Angel's ashes, blowing across Buffy's body...once again he'd left her without a goodbye. Xander with both legs burned away; and Anya's limp body stretched across in a futile effort to protect him.
She couldn't see the others...the fires were dying out.
When the comet called the White Devil had forced open the Hellmouth, three of the smaller pits had been breached as well.
One of them had claimed Spike; Buffy had witnessed the blond vampire plunging into the inferno, still snarling defiance at his demon opponents.
They had resealed the Hellmouth... Eight of them against all the powers of hell, but they had won. The gates were closed now- no more evil could seep out to prey on humanity.
But the cost...
Buffy could no longer feel her body, and she knew it was almost time to let go.
"Funny," she murmured aloud, "never thought I'd be the last one to die..."
It was dark. Above her she could watch as the comet with its forked tail swirled in the night sky, deadly and beautiful.
"Bastard," Buffy whispered.
And died.
Buffy's eyes flew open; she attempted to sit up, only to relaize that her wrists were chained to the bed.
"What..." wide-eyed, she stared all around. Her voice came out a hoarse croak; she'd never been so thirsty.
Buffy tensed. She twisted her head until she could see the shiny brass bedpost reflecting the room.
Everything except her.
"Oh no," Buffy whispered. "No!"
Frantically she tugged at the chains in a futile attempt to break free, but succeeded only in chafing her wrists.
"Don't do that," a familiar voice ordered sharply. "You'll hurt yourself."
Buffy lay very still.
"That's better." Her mortal enemy stepped closer to the bed, and Buffy gasped with shock.
"What's the matter, Slayer?" Spike asked mockingly. "Don't think I'm too pretty?"
That was an understatement, Buffy thought, dazed. The left side of his face had been badly burned...the scars were terrible, much worse than they'd been that time she'd crippled him and put him in a wheelchair.
He seemed to know what she was thinking. "At least I can walk this time."
"Where..." her voice cracked, so she tried again. "Where are we?"
Spike frowned at the roughness in her tone. Turning his back, he filled a glass from a nearby pitcher and held it to her lips. She knew what it was instantly, by the smell....and she wanted to refuse, but the craving was too strong. Her demon morphed; and she drank avidly.
"Good girl," Spike commented lightly, setting down her empty glass. "Now, to answer your question, we are currently holed up in the Crawford Street mansion."
"The mansion?" Buffy was surprised. "But...why don't I recognize it?"
Spike shrugged. "It's over two years since Angel lived here, Slayer; and I've made some changes. We're safe here- as safe as anyone can be, in Sunnyhell today."
Her eyes asked the question.
"The demons who escaped are very powerful, pet. They are the ones who currently rule the hellmouth."
"You're saying...they'll find us soon, and kill us?"
"Find us, definitely. But as for killing us, they may find it harder than they think."
" that why you turned me?" Buffy asked quietly.
Spike raised one dark eyebrow. "Among other reasons. Don't forget- if I hadn't, you'd be dead now; and no use to me or anyone else!"
She was silenced. At least she'd kept her soul; and her human heart that ached for her lost friends. Then- she had a thought...
"What...other reasons?" she managed to keep her voice steady.
He smiled at her then...a twisted, malevolent smile that would have stopped her heart...provided it had still been beating.
Instead, she felt a chill run down her spine as he leaned forward and fingered her torn top.
"Fledglings are useful in many ways," Spike said coldly. His hand caught the neckline and ripped straight down, revealing her white lacy bra.
"Nice," he said, deliberately running his hands up under her skirt.
Helplessly writhing, she opened her mouth to beg him to stop; saw his expression, and realized he wouldn't.
She closed her eyes, and waited.
It was already obvious he'd have to change his plan; and he didn't like that.
He'd been secretly thrilled to find that the hated comet had also been the means of delivering his worst enemy to his power. For two years, he'd fought reluctantly beside her; now he had the means to inflict vengeance for that - and for everything else. The sheer force of his hatred had pulled him from that pit, Spike was convinced.
And had made him fight his way to her side....
Now he had complete control. And his plan bloomed in his mind like a poisonous orchid...he would use the Slayer, as ruthlessly as that Parker whelp had, two years before. Then, he'd push her contemptuously aside; and tell her it was really true- she wasn't worth a second go! Or, perhaps he'd even pass her along to a few underlings, for one time each.
It had been a pleasant fantasy whenever he mused on the times she'd gotten the better of him...
Now, though...he couldn't do that.
He had no intention of sharing her with anyone.
And as for not having another go, it was clearly impossible. Already he couldn't wait to get back to her!
He grinned, remembering how she'd tensed and lay still...determined not to react to him. He hadn't allowed that, lavishing her with caresses until soon she was as eager as he...
Spike stopped suddenly, appalled. Eager? To shag the Slayer?
Hardly. It was just a...a means of asserting his dominance over her. He nodded slowly, as the new parts of his plan fell into place. He wouldn't share her, couldn't leave her alone...but surely there were other methods by which he could inflict boundless humiliation?
Spike chuckled, his plan assuming a beautiful, evil clarity.
This was going to be fun.
"Hello, pet. Miss me?"
"Like I'd miss leprosy," she snapped.
"Oh, I don't think so, Buffy. I think you enjoy our little...dates."
Buffy bit her lip. Much as she willed herself not to respond, each time she felt his gentle hands on her body she couldn't help craving more. Once to tease her, he had suddenly stopped in his lovemaking; and she...she had begged him to continue.
Afterwards, she could barely meet his triumphant eyes.
She almost wished he would be rough with her, so that she could convince herself she loathed his touch. But he never was.
Later she felt the familiar shame, and closed her eyes, waiting for him to leave.
Instead, she heard the sound of metal on metal as he unlocked her chains.
Buffy came up off the bed suddenly; but his iron grip on her arms held her down.
"Oh no, you don't, pet." His tone was calm, even...tender. "If you attempt to attack me, you WILL be punished. Understand?"
Her scornful eyes met his defiantly, and Spike chuckled.
"You don't submit easily, do you, Slayer? I know what you're thinking- that you can take whatever I dish out. But the punishment won't fll on you, luv. It will be given to someone else. See, Slayer, you've got yourself a whipping boy. Or ...girl?"
Without releasing Buffy's hands, Spike shouted, "You can come in now!"
The door opened; and Cordelia Chase stepped into the room.
Buffy gasped for the air she no longer needed. "Cordy! Are...are you..."
"Human," Spike said. "She was just knocked out during the battle, and lying mostly under Willow's body. She's fine now. And she'll stay fine as long as you behave yourself."
Spike turned toward the door. "Half-an-hour, in the main room. Cordelia will help you dress. Don't keep me waiting."
No sooner did the door close behind him than Buffy seized Cordelia's hand. "Cordy, we have to get out of here! We have to..."
"No!" Cordelia shook her head. "Buffy, you have no idea what's going on! Sunnydale is under seige...nobody gets in or out. The Twins have taken over."
Buffy put both hands on her hips. "You think it's better to be a slave for Spike?"
Cordelia nodded. "Yes, I do. Until you're able to defeat the twins. Then...we can leave- you, me, and Giles."
"Giles?" Buffy cried joyfully. "Giles is alive?"
"Well, not in the literal sense," Cordy said. "Spike turned you both as you were dying. But he got hold of that gypsy thingy, so you both still have a soul."
Buffy's eyes filled with tears. "I'm happy..."
Cordelia eyed her with disapproval. "Well, you look awful," she said candidly. "You could use a good shampoo- ugh!"
Buffy laughed through her tears.
Cordelia took charge. "You go jump in the shower while I look through the closet for something you can wear."
The hot shower felt wonderful. Spike's attentions had left her sore and sticky (and embarrassingly satiated)...and it was pleasant to let the water soothe her.
"Come on, Buffy," Cordelia entreated. "We need SOME time for clothes and make-up, you know?"
"Like I care about pleasing Spike, anyway!" Buffy grumbled, leaving the shower reluctantly.
"It's for you, not him," lectured Cordelia. "It will give you confidence."
Buffy demurred; but when she was finally ready, in a scoop-necked violet dress and opal earrings, she had to admit that Cordelia was right- she did feel better. She wished she could see herself.
"I hate not having a reflection," she grumbled.
"Never mind, it's better as it is," Cordelia said smugly. "You'll have to rely on MY taste rather than your own. So, all's well that ends well!"
Buffy started for the door, and then stoppd. "Are...are you okay, Cordy? I know that Spike must have some minions here..."
"Yeah, about a dozen," Cordelia said casually. "They don't bother me; Spike gave strict orders. Really, all I have to do is help you dress and accessorize. Not that THAT isn't a major chore, but...."
"Ok, already!" Buffy was happier than she'd been in days. Giles and Cordelia were still around, still with her....on top of the world, she walked down into the living room - to meet with glum faces.
"What's happened?" she asked anxiously.
Spike looked up, frowning. "Giles will explain."
"Giles!" Buffy's former Watcher was hugging her tightly. "Oh Giles, I'm so glad...I didn't want to lose you!"
Spike scowled at the display of affection. "Come here, pet."
Buffy was about to protest, thought of Giles and Cordelia, and walked reluctantly over to Spike. His hand shot out, catching her wrist- and she let out a squeak of surprise as he pulled her onto his lap.
Her short dress had ridden up, exposing an expanse of golden thigh. She tried to tug it down but he caught her hands, preventing her. Spike smirked as she scowled angrily.
"Er, yes, well..." Giles coughed to regain their attention. "From what I've gathered, the twins intend to reopen the Hellmouth once the White Devil is again visible. In...approximately three weeks."
"So- we need to stop them before that?" Buffy asked self-consciously, squirming uncomfortably on Spike's lap and wishing she could fix her dress.
"Actually, no," Giles explained. "Only one of the twins can be killed...the other must be banished back into hell."
"You mean...the Hellmouth has to open again?" Buffy inquired fearfully.
"I'm afraid so." Giles' voice was somber.
"Right. Then we may as well let them go ahead and open it," Spike summed up. "and hope we can close it again."
Buffy bit her lip. Could they? Lacking Willow's magick, and Xander's courage, and Angel's strength?
"Which of the twins is capable of being killed?" Buffy demanded abruptly.
"That's just it," Giles said unhappily. "I don't know. Danton and Domenica- one can die by the bread of life.."
"Huh?" Buffy's jaw dropped.
"Communion wafers, you ignorant little twit," Spike said shortly.
Buffy bristled. "Here...don't you call me names!"
"I do as I please," Spike retorted.
Giles sighed. "Surely we have some rather urgent plans to make?"
"Giles already has them; he always kept some on hand," Buffy answered absently.
"That man has everything," Cordelia sighed. "Next question- how do we get the twins to eat them?"
Buffy shook her head, "Can't you ask me an easy question, Cordy?"
"Ok," Cordelia agreeed. "what do these twins look like? So if I maybe see one, I can invite him to munch a communion wafer!"
"Another problem....they're pure demons, so they require a host. When they escaped from hell, they took over a convenient body."
"Oh great," Cordelia muttered. "So basically, they could be anybody!"
"I know," Buffy said sadly. "Can't trust anyone."
There was a knock on the door, which Cordelia opened to admit two minions, staggering under the weight of large cardboard boxes.
"Mr. Gordo!" Buffy squealed in glee, seizing the toy from the top of one box. "And...look. Cordy! My Class Protector Award!"
Cordelia rolled her eyes. "Yes, Buffy, you have some very valuable junk."
"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder," Spike answered, entering. "Lucky for me."
"Well, uh...I better go and...go and...." Cordelia scurried to the door.
Spike sat down on the edge of the bed, pulling off his boots.
"So, do you like having your own things here in our room, pet?"
"OUR room?" Buffy sputtered. "This is MY room! Get your own room!"
Spike cocked his head, grinning at her. "But luv, Cordelia is using my former room. Unless..." he stood up slowly, frowning, "you REALLY want me to share with her...."
Buffy swallowed hard. "," she choked.
Spike nodded, smiling again. "I didn't think so, kitten. Besides," he caught her chin and lifted it to gaze into her eyes, "I've given you most of the closet space! You should be happy."
Belatedly it occurred to her to ask about the clothes.
"Cordelia chose them for you," he said, "so blame her if you don't like them."
"They're beautiful," she mumbled. "Thank you."
His smile broadened. "Why don't you come over here, pet...and thank me properly?"
That day, for the first time, he marked her with his bite.
And, also for the first time, instead of rolling away to the edge of the bed, she stayed in his arms, even lifting hers to clasp his neck.
Spike decided the extra trouble to set the fledglings to fetch her things had been well worth it.
"Soddin' hell," Spike yanked on his black jeans and flung open the door. "This better be important, mate!"
One of Spike's minions blanched. "But Master, it's Adam," he babbled. "He went out for blood, and he didn't come back!"
"Went out? Alone? That bloody fool!" Spike exclaimed.
"So we need an unobvious source," Spike considered. He caught Buffy's eye.
"Willy?" she offered.
"Willy," he confirmed.
"There's only four left, plus the three of us. And Cordelia."
Buffy met his eyes steadily. She knew he wanted to turn others.
"Spike," she said gently, "do you really think new vampires will be much use against the twins?"
He shook his head. "No, pet, I don't... but we need manpower anyway- even if it's just for guard duty."
He brought over two others that night, and she tried to turn away when he came to her after; but by now he knew her...knew just how to make her body sing...and in the end she opened her arms to him.
Afterward he held her curled against him, and he kissed the top of her head.
He could lie like this forever; and he hoped that soon...SOON...she would be the one to initiate sex.
Spike's mouth twisted ruefully; his plan kept evolving as he set new boundaries.
Buffy sighed. "Cordelia, it's not like I don't appreciate your work, but I don't have to be so fussy...I'm just going to go work out with Spike!"
"Buffy, I will explain this one more time," Cordelia replied with deliberate patience. "The better you look, the better you'll feel. Now, take off those baggy sweats and put on this catsuit."
Amused, Buffy obeyed. Sometimes she thought that if the entire world burned to a crisp, Cordelia would still go out dressed in the height of fashion.
When Buffy had gone, though, Cordelia's entire demeanor changed.
She hurried off to visit Giles; she was spending more and more time with the former Watcher, helping him with his research.
He tried to calm her fears. "Cordelia, you know that Buffy will do every thing in her power to protect you."
"I know," Cordelia nibbled her lower lip. "And I feel safe here, in the mansion. Isn't that funny? One human, surrounded by vampires, yet I feel safe! But out there...sometimes, in the night, I can hear screaming, and I get frightened..If something were to happen to Buffy, or to you...."
"No one will oppose Spike, Cordelia," Giles assured her seriously.
But in that he was wrong.
As Giles and Cordelia left his sanctum, the door thudded open; and the vampire on guard duty screamed a warning.
Suddenly Spike was there, in a fighting stance, with Buffy right behind him.
"My foolish love," a silvery voice said lightly, "aren't you glad to see me?"
Cordelia's breath caught in her throat...Drusilla! Surrounded by a dozen big male one female. Cordelia leaned forward...something about that girl looked familiar.
"Giles!" she hissed, grabbing his arm. "That female vampire with's Sheila! Sheila Martini. She used to go to Sunnydale High School."
Giles hushed her, watching the group intently.
"My poor Spike," Drusilla drawled, "have you hurt yourself?"
She strolled forward as she spoke, touching his face. "Miss Edith says you fought the twins," she added brightly. "So we've come to help you."
"" Buffy demanded sharply, since Spike seemed frozen into a stone statue.
Drusilla's crazed eyes glittered as they rested on Buffy.
"Why, Miss Edith, what have we here? The nasty Slayer is a Slayer no more! One of us now, isn't she?"
She turned her diamond-bright eyes on her own childe. "Look, Sheila! What do you think of this? She's been turned."
Sheila's eyes narrowed speculatively. "Looks like it didn't improve her manners any!"
Drusilla tilted her head, considering. "You're right."
Then, using her full strength, she backhanded Buffy across the face.
The tiny blonde crashed backward into the wall and fell to the floor. Seila snickered; and Dru's mouth curved into a feline smile.
"Uh-oh," Cordelia murmured, as Buffy slowly got to her feet. The expression on the former Slayer's face did not bode well.
She took a single step toward Drusilla.
"No!" Spike shouted, stepping into Buffy's path and seizing both wrists.
"Go to your room!" he ordered sternly. "I'll deal with you later!"
Buffy confronted him with blazing eyes. "But...she..."
"Go!" Spike snarled. "Remember...the others!"
Buffy hesitated a minute, then ran up the stairs. Below, she could hear Drusilla's mad giggle.
"Well, Spike, you haven't forgotten how to dominate your fledglings, at least," she said approvingly.
Spike was still staring after Buffy. "Dru," he said slowly, "I won't have ny interference with any of my people."
She laughed again, running her hand lightly over his chest. Then, she kissed him hungrily, biting at his mouth.
"You haven't welcomed me home yet, Spike," she insinuated.
He took her hand, and pulled her into the conference room.
"Cordelia," Giles said urgently, "Go to your room and lock yourself inside! I'll come for you when it's safe."
She wavered. ""
"I'll be fine. Go now, quickly!"
Cordelia gave him a single wide-eyed stare, then fled.
Giles took a deep unneeded breath; and headed for the conference room.
Giles hesitated; he was uncertain whether to enter, yet this was the usual time he met with Spike. In the end he knocked and walked in.
Somewhat to his surprise, he found Spike seated at the table, obviously expecting him. Drusilla was humming and rocking her doll.
"Giles," Spikes face and voice were coolly impassive, "please arrange for quarters for Drusilla and her people; they'll be staying here."
Giles nodded.
"Dru, don't you think your minions are hungry?"
She seemed to listen for an instant. "Miss Edith is hungry," she decided. She drifted towards the dor, stopping briefly before Giles.
"It's the Watcher," she said happily. "Do you want to play?"
"Er, perhaps later," Giles said awkwardly.
Losing interest, Drusilla whirled through the door. Giles closed it carefully.
"What will you do?" he asked Spike quietly.
The blond vampire stared at him. "Do? Why, nothing. My Dru's back; ad she's brought us some much-needed manpower. That's all to the good."
"I meant...about Buffy. And Cordelia."
Spike did not answer immediately.
Gathering his courage, Giles proposed, "Give them to me."
"To you?" Spike was surprised.
Giles plunged doggedly on. "If they are no longer yours, they can't become a ...cause of contention...between you and Drusilla. I'd keep them both safe!"
Spike shook his head slowly. "You don't understand the rules of vampire dominance nad submission."
Giles' temper snapped. "Why don't you just say that the answer is no?"
Blue eyes blazed suddenly. "The answer is no!"
Giles choked back an angry retort. Instead he said carefully, "Have you thought of what will follow the next clash between Buffy and Drusilla? Not even your 'hostages' will keep Buffy from fighting back! hat then?"
"There won't be another clash," Spike snapped. "I'll make it clear to Dru that Buffy is mine and not to be interferred with."
Giles gave Spike a dubious look that angered the blond.
"I am the Master here!" Spike shoved his chair back violently. "Everyone had better remember that!"
Giles made one final try.
"Spike...sometimes you make a opting not to decide."
The sole response was the slam of the door behind Spike.
Standing in front of her room, he hesitated... hand hovering on the doorknob.
He felt curiously insecure about what he would find.
Then he thought of how Dru's people would snicker, if they caught sight of him skulking in the hall like a nervous schoolboy. He wrenched open the door and stormed inside, kicking it shut.
Buffy was lying curled up on the bed, facing away from him.
Spike's mouth tightened; he strode over and put one hand on her slim shoulder. She pulled away, still keeping her back to him...and rage swept over him.
"Sulking, Slayer? None of that! Or must I arrange a lesson for you?"
Buffy did not respond.
Spike's eyes narrowed dangerously; his voice became a silken purr.
"If I have to put the chains back on, pet, they'll stay on for a fortnight! Do you want me to get the chains?"
"I don't care what you do!" The muffled voice was defiant.
Spike had never been so furious. "You'd bloody better well care! I am your sire; and you WILL accomodate me...however and whenever I wish! Is that clear?"
"What about Drusilla? Will too?"
He hesitated, then decided to be truthful, up to a point. "I seem to have lost my taste for other women. I'm sure it's temporary; but until then, you', will you just look at me?"
He grasped her arm, flipping her over onto her back.
His stomach clenched.
One entire side of her pretty face was disfigured by a livid bruise.
"Buffy?" For one moment he didn't recognize his own voice. Then, he sat down on the bed beside her and pulled her into his arms.
"Sweetheart," he crooned, cradling her against his chest. "I'm sorry, baby. Sorry..."
Her eyes filled with tears; she trid to turn her head away but he prevented her, tenderly caressing her cheek as she sobbed against his shoulder.
At last she lay quiescent in his arms.
"Spike?" she said softly.
"Yeah, baby?"
"I want you to know...if Drusilla touches me...EVER again...I'm going to kill her."
He knew she meant it. And suddenly he understood what Giles had meant about opting not to decide. Because- if it came to a showdown between Buffy and Drusilla and he allowed her to handle it- then that would be that.
She would never fall in love with him, the way he had planned; never want him as much as he wanted her; never lie in his arms and swear he meant everything to her.
Instead, he'd have a rebellious minion, plotting and scheming to break free of him the minute the Hellmouth was closed once more.
Spike made up his mind.
"It won't happen, Buffy." Deliberately he used her name, wanting to convince her of his sincerity. "I promise, once that sodding comet returns, we'll kill Danton and Domenica and seal the bloody hellmouth tighter than a new bottle of guinness."
"And Drusilla?" her voive was uncompromising.
"I'll send her away."
The words, unthinkable even a year ago, no longer cost him a pang. Her large sea-colored eyes searched his as if trying to gauge his honesty.
He met them steadily. "I promise you," he repeated.
She relaxed then; and made no resistance when he began to undress her.
Afterward, while she was sleeping, he cuddled her close and thought the whole thing through.
It almost frightened him to think of the promises he'd made; but he had to keep her happy to keep her with him.
With him....that was the solution! He'd simply keep Buffy by his side until the twins were dealt with. As for Dru....
Spike had no notion what to do about Drusilla. He'd never denied her anything...once he would have sworn that he couldn't deny her! Yet now, all he could think of was his wish to be rid of her.
Perhaps Giles could help him come up with a plan.
Buffy stirred slightly; and he tightened his arms around her.
"Mine," he whispered. "I'm not letting anyone take you away from me...I'll kill anyone who comes between us! You're belong to me!"
Somewhat forlornly, he wondered if she'd ever say those words herself.
Giles was worried. The tension between Drusilla and Buffy hadn't abated; but so far Spike had succeeded in keeping the two women apart.
It was as if the mansion has divided during the past week; with Spike's group on one side of an invisible line, and Drusilla's minions on the other.
But the ex-Watcher had made a discovery that temporarily blocked all else from his mind.
"It seems the twins cannot be separated without experiencing great pain," he told Spike, Buffy, and Cordelia.
"So, they probably stay together at all times," Cordelia concluded.
"True." Giles beamed at her approvingly. "Moreover, when they take over a body, a demonic symbol appears somewhere on the host."
"What sort of symbol?" Buffy inquired.
Giles frowned. "I'm not certain, but I think....there may be a picture in the Berowne Text."
"Do you have the book?" Spike demanded.
"No," Giles admitted, eyes suddenly sad. "But, I know where it is."
Spike led the way through the tunnels that honeycombed Sunnydale. "Where would she have kept the book?"
"She...she liked to keep her magic books close to maybe in the dorm. She...didn't care to go home, much."
The campus looked almost untouched, despite the absence of most of the students.
Spike looked at Buffy's haunted eyes. "They'll be back one day, pet," he suggested, aware of a strange impulse to comfort her.
She looked at him unhappily. "I know. But I won't. Or Willow."
The Berowne Text lay open on her desk, almost as if Willow pointed the way.
"It looks like a triangle with a circle on top," Buffy commented, studying the crude drawing.
"A pyramid surmounted by a disc," Spike read aloud. "Well, close enough, kitten. Now all we do is find someone wearing it."
Buffy slipped the small book into his pocket. "We'll take it for Giles," she decided. She cast one long look around the room.
"Don't." Spike's voice was surprisingly gentle. "Don't spend all your time on regrets, luv."
Buffy blinked away her tears as he slipped one arm around her slim shoulders and led her away from the room. She felt soothed by the way he cuddled her against him; but something nagged at the edge of her perception.
Suddenly her eyes widened. She'd realized what that something was! Spike...always held the burned side of his face away from her.
Did he...could he think was somehow repulsive?
He caught her eye. "What're you thinking, pet?"
"Just...the town looks the same, almost."
"Sunnyhell," Spike mused. "That name really suits the place, doesn't it? Now?"
Buffy's eyes were bleak. "I guess."
He hugged her clumsily. "We'll win, Buffy. I promise you, in the end we'll defeat them!"
Surprise made her stumble, and he caught her.
"What is it?" Concerned, he tlted up her chin with one slim-fingered hand.
"Nothing...just, you called me Buffy." His use of her name was still rare enough to astonish her....
HIs embrassment made him drop his hand. "Well, you're hardly the Slayer any longer, are you, pet?" The customary roughess was back in his voice, but this time she wasn't fooled.
"No," she agreed softly. On impulse she reached for his hand; and he let her take it. Blue eyes stared into green...he caught his breath.
She smiled tremulously up at him.
He drew her into his arms; and she lifted her mouth to his.
"Buffy," he moaned against her lips.
She pulled back. "Spike...let's go home."
For an instant he was hurt...then, as her smile conveyed her meaning, his eyes lit with a boyish exuberance.
But he had to be sure. " Home?" he repeated hopefully.
Buffy giggled. "I'm tired," she conveyed around an elaborate yawn. "I'd go to bed."
"Me too!" Spike grabbed her hand. "Let's hurry!"
She giggled again; and they started back, stopping every now and then for kisses that couldn't wait.
They were almost at the mansion when they heard the screams.
Spike and Buffy exchanged one stunned glance; and took off running.
Drusilla sat near the fire, humming and cradling Miss Edith; while Spike's fledglings clustered fearfully in the far corner.
Cordelia, still screaming wildly, was stretched across the long table. One of Dru's minions held her down while a big male vampire raped her and another prepared to take his turn.
At the foot of the table stood Sheila, watching with an expression of malevolent satisfaction.
So intent were the vampires on their sport that Buffy was able to stake three before they even noticed her.
Cordelia felt ashes floating over her body...she opened her eyes to see Buffy's anxious face leaning over her; and shouted a warning.
But Spike was there, snapping the necks of two more vampires. The rest backed off; and Spike growled.
"What in sodding hell do you think you're doing?"
Drusilla looked up from her dolls, and smiled when she saw Buffy's smoldering eyes.
"Your little fledgling doesn't like my poor boys using the human, Spike," she drawled. "Perhaps the Slayer wants to take her place?"
Buffy took a single step forward; but Spike forestalled her.
"Drusilla," he said coldly, "you knew my orders about the girl?"
"But Spike," Dru's dark eyes widened in a mock innocence. "We didn't hurt her! A few of the boys wanted a treat."
She got to her feet and strolled over to him, running one hand lightly over his chest.
"My Spike," Drusilla purred, "can't that nasty Slayer take her place?"
Spike hit her so hard she flew across the room, crashing into the wall. She got onto her knees and hissed at him in rage.
Sheila stepped forward protectively, eyes locked on Spike.
"He can't let the Slayer replace the human, Dru." Sheila's tone was filled with scorn. "He needs fill his own bed! No one else would sleep with such a monster!"
Buffy drew in one sharp, unneeded breath. Outwardly, Spike didn't react; but Buffy caught a glimpse of his eyes before he masked them; and felt a spurt of sudden fury at the way Sheila's barb had hit home.
But his voice remained steady.
"Dru, for the sake of what we once were to one another, I'm going to let you go. Take your people...and get out."
"But Spike," Drusilla whined, "it's almost dawn."
"Then you have no time to lose. If you're still here by then, I WILL kill you," Spike said bluntly.
She stared at him in open-mouthed astonishment. "'ve changed..."
He nodded grimly. "Yeah...I did. So get out, Dru. Go now."
Sheila snorted, and stomped angrily out the door. Drusilla cast a despairing glance at her remaining minions, then fled. The others stampeded out after them.
Spike relaxed slightly. Buffy was helping Cordelia sit up, wrapping a blanket around her.
Cordelia clutched at Buffy..."Giles...he's hurt...."
Frantically, Buffy rushed into the conference room. Giles sprawled face down on the floor.
With a cry of terror, Buffy flung herself down beside him.
Spike touched her shoulder. "It's all right, pet...he's only knocked out."
Giles sat up slowly, still dazed. There was an ugly gash on his forehead just below the hairline. "Cordelia...dear God, Cordelia!"
"I'm okay, Giles." Cordelia, still huddled in the blanket, hobbled painfully into the room.
Wincing, Giles got to his feet, still supported by Buffy. "Cordelia, I..."
"Later, Giles. We'll talk later." Cordelia faced Spike and Buffy. "I think Sheila may try to attack us...better do something about that."
"Oh Cordy, I'm so sorry," Buffy whispered, reaching for her friend.
Cordelia hugged her. "Not...your fault."
Then the old Cordelia surfaced. "This time. But it will be if you and Spike don't get busy with some decent barricades! Now go on, Giles and I will look after each other."
Giles ran the warm water into the bathtub. His head still throbbed a little, but Cordelia had insisted on cleaning and bandaging the cut before anything else.
Now she simply stripped off the tattered remnants of her clothes and eased into the water. She leaned back, wincing a little.
"Cordelia, are you certain you don't require medical attention?" Giles asked worriedly. "Perhaps a doctor..."
"I'll be okay, Giles." She hesitated. "I wasn't a virgin, you know. I've even been with a vampire before."
He paused, processing this. "Angel?"
She ducked her head. "Two years ago, in L.A. Please, don't tell Buffy?"
"Of course not," he responded at once.
She managed a faint smile. "Thanks. didn't really mean anything, you know. We'd both...lost someone; and he needed...he needed..."
"You don't have to explain," Giles interrupted.
"I know. But I don't want you...or think any less of me."
He reached out and brushed back a lock of her dark hair.
"I don't know about Buffy; but there is no way I could ever think any less of you."
Cordelia's eyes filled with tears for the first time that night. "Thank you, Giles. Could I...ask another favor?"
"Of course," he said, barely refraining from saying "Anything!"
"Bathe me?"
Giles felt his mouth go dry.
"Well?" she prompted.
Wordlessly, he picked up the sponge.
"Yeah, no sign of them. Buffy..." his use of her name was still too rare for him to just ignore it.
"I'm sorry."
Her eyes softened just a little. "I know; but it doesn't help much to be sorry."
She turned away. "I'll take the first watch."
They had decided to divide the watch between them, not trusting any of their inexperienced minions enough to let them take over.
But alone in their bed, Spike found himself unable to sleep.
It was just that he missed having someone to hold, he told himself irritably. Didn't matter who...he'd never liked sleeping wasn't like he needed one girl in particular. Espcially not a tiny blonde with big green eyes and a smart little mouth!
He tossed restlessly....he could summon a fledgling to share his bed, any time he felt like it. He could seize a human...or a demon, or... Spike sighed at his own foolishness, and sat up. Might as well get dressed; and go find her.
Maybe...maybe she'd let him hold her hand again...
Buffy checked every door and window in the mansion, careful not to disturb the heavy velvet curtains that blocked out the sun.
Not that she expected Dru's people to attack before sundown; they'd be busy looking for shelter. But she didn't want to go to the room she shared with Spike...either.
No matter how much she told herself that what had happened to Cordelia and Giles wasn't her fault...or Spike's fault...she still felt guilty.
Buffy sat down on the bottom step; and leaned unhappily against the wall.
Spike found her there as he was heading down the stairs; and checked near the top. Although he'd been searching for her, now he felt shy. He settled tentatively on the step above.
Buffy spared him a glance. "They won't attack...not during the day."
He felt grateful she was still speaking to him. "Why don't you go to bed, pet? I can't sleep anyway."
She shook her head decisively; and he gave up.
There was still something to be said. "It wasn't your responsibility...what happened. It was order."
"No," Buffy said softly. "They're my was up to me to take care of them."
"You can't always take care of everyone, luv."
"No," Buffy's voice held a bitter note. "Or anyone, it seems. Everyone I ever loved is dead, except for Giles and Cordelia! And I can't even manage..."
"Stop right there!" Spike ordered. "It was their choice to fight alongside you, Slayer. And they died the way they would have wanted to die! So, no more of this. Worry about what you'll do to save them now! And know that, even if you fail, you're willing to die trying! That's what counts."
His words had a curious healing effect; but she was aware of a certain anger in his tone that made her look at him questioningly. It never crossed her mind that he was angry because he had excluded him from the list of those she loved.
She was afraid she'd have a nightmare in which she'd relive the assault.
Giles opened his eyes, and tightened his arm around her.
"Shall I make you a cup of tea, Cordelia?"
"No...just, hold me? Please!" she begged.
Giles complied. "You're safe now, darling."
Her dark eyes stared at him trustingly. "Yes, as long as you're here. You won't leave me alone?"
"Of course not! Now, go to sleep. There's nothing to be frightened of anymore."
Insensibly she felt reassured. Like an obedient child, she closed her eyes, sensing sleep closing in...
Cordelia's eyes flew open as she sat bolt upright.
"Darling?" Giles reached for her, holding her close. "I'm here, Cordelia. I'm right here, darling..."
"Giles!" Cordelia clutched his arm. "I just remembered...Sheila! She was watching...enjoying watching while they...while they..."
"Yes, my love. Don't think of it," Giles soothed.
"No! You don't understand!" Cordelia gazed at him urgently. "That mark...I saw it! I saw it on Sheila's hand!"
"I knew it!" Buffy yelled. "That BITCH..."
"Huh?" Spike managed.
"I KNEW! Well, I mean I should have known," Buffy explained, "when she called you a monster! The real Sheila would have been all over you!"
Spike blinked at her reasoning. "Possibly not, luv. I have changed a bit, you know."
"That's silly," Buffy flapped her arm dismissively. "That's temporary. You're really hot; and you know it!"
Spike's jaw dropped. Did that mean...could it mean...she fancied him?
He took a single step toward her...when the door was hit by a battering crash that shook the entire mansion!
It shuddered but held, reinforced by the pile of furmniture that Spike's minions had piled there earlier.
"It's Drusilla!" Buffy screamed. "They're driving a van through!"
She seized a chair and began breaking off the legs, tossing them to Spike as his minions poured in.
Spike spared them a glance; they looked scared and shaking and he knew they wouldn't last long in a fight. He cursed himself for making more against Buffy's wishes...he should never have turned them.
With a thunderous crash, the door gave way and the van rolled through the gap. Hooded figures sprang out; surrounding Spike on three sides.
Buffy was beside him in a fighting stance; and one look showed Spike she would not go down easily.
Buffy was determined not to be taken alive; she had no illusions as to what treatment she could expect at Drusilla's hands. She felt herself begin to tire...there were so many...
"Too many," Spike gasped near her ear. "I don't...can't...protect you..."
Her...he was thinking of her. Buffy gritted her teeth and fought grimly on. At least they would die together.
Through the haze of her weariness, Buffy saw Sheila and Drusilla step from the van to witness the aftermath of the fight.
Then she heard it...Giles' voice, coming from behind them at the top of the stairs.
"Buffy, Spike...DROP!"
Instantly Buffy turned and flung herself on top of Spike, bearing him down under her weight.
Giles stood above, clutching a fire hose.
Sheila laughed out loud, a sound echoed by the rest. "What do you think you'll do with that- drown us?"
"No," Giles retorted, "burn you!"
Water streamed with terrific force down upon the invading vampires.
"NOOOO!" shrieked Drusilla. "It's holy water!"
It was, and the room exploded into chaos as the vampires fought to escape the burning torrent.
Buffy cried out as some of the water splashed her back...she tucked her head low, into Spike's shoulder. He managed to free one arm enough to throw it around her, taking the worst of the burns himself to spare her.
Sheila watched with smoldering eyes as some of the more foolish vampires actually ran out into the sun to get away from the holy water. She stepped to the van, beckoning one of the minions.
"You! Drive out of here!"
"Not so fast."
The voice was cool, confident, even a bit condescending....Cordelia Chase, Queen C, facing down Sheila Martini, high school outcast.
"Wouldn't you like a snack before you go?" Cordy asked sweetly. She grabbed Sheila's jaw, forcing it apart, and crammed a flat white wafer into her mouth.
There was an unearthly shriek from Sheila, joined by a high-pitched keening from Drusilla.
Buffy longed to risk a glance over her shoulder, but Giles was still aiming the water and she was afraid of being blinded.
Cordelia, soaking wet but otherwise unaffected, maintaind her death's grip on Sheila. Smoth and flame poured from the vampire's mouth, sizzling as the holy water turned it to steam. Cordelia let go and leaped clear of the flames as Sheila went down, choking and coughing.
Then...the prostrate body changed...the face of Sheila Martini morphed into that of a horned demon whose body shriveled and then disintegrated.
There was a sudden silence.
The stream of water slowed to a trickle, and then stopped. Gingerly, Spike and Buffy both scrambled to their feet.
"Danton!" Drusilla stood over the charred cinders.
"You..." she hissed at Cordelia. "You killed my brother!"
"Uh-oh," Cordelia muttered, as Drusilla/Domenica took a step toward her.
Just then the room was lit by an unearthly white light as the sun slipped over the horizen; a low rumbling sounded deep in the ground below.
"It's the White Devil!" yelled Giles, as a huge crack opened across the floor- leaving Cordelia and the other twin on the opposite side.
Smoke and flame belched through the opening as the hellmouth opened once again...
Buffy eyed the large beam that bisected the ceiling, and jumped. Her hands caught the edge; in one swift motion she pulled herself over and began to creep across to reach Cordelia.
Giles and Spike could only watch helplessly as Domenica grabbed Cordelia...
"Giles!" Spike demanded. "Crouch down, let me stand on your shoulders..."
Instantly the ex-watcher obeyed; and the vampire vaulted to the beam.
Buffy had almost reached the point above Cordelia and the deadly twin.....Spike scrambled to his feet and raced along the beam.
Cordelia and Domenica were struggling...right on the edge of the abyss. Screams were beginning to echo from that pit, heralding the approach of more demons. Cordy shrieked too, as she felt Domenica push her toward the opening.
Then Buffy dropped from above...right on top of Domenica.
The two of them disappeared over the side.
Spike leaped down onto the place where Buffy had been standing only a second before.
"Buffy!" he yelled desperately.
"Spike?" It was Cordelia's voice, sounding strained.
Spike's vision cleared enough to see Cordelia stretched flat along the edge- both hands reaching down for something.
Spike peered over and nearly screamed; the something was Buffy!
Cordelia held her by both wrists while further below, Domenica dangled,clutching one of Buffy's legs. He reached for Buffy too, helping support her weight.
"I've got her," Cordelia gasped. "Spike...take her pants off!"
For a split second he couldn't believe his ears; then, as her words registered, he freed one arm to rip Buffy's jeans open. He got them down around her knees, then...
"Your shoes, pet!" he hissed.
Buffy immediately toed off her shoes, and kicked one leg free of the jeans.
Domenica howled in rage as Spike and Buffy tried to free her other ankle. The demon's grip tightened until Buffy felt sure her bones would snap.
Then...a heavy metal object hurtled over the side and hit Domenica squarely in the face. It distracted her long enough for Buffy to jack-knife her legs...and skim out of her pants.
With an ear-splitting howl, Domenica plunged down into the flames, still grasping Buffy's jeans.
Spike hauled Buffy over the edge, just as the pit slammed closed, effectively locking the Hellmouth once more. The four stared in disbelief at the stone floor, which no longer showed even a hint of a crack.
A noise from another room made everyone tense....then, three of Spike's new-made fledlings trailed in cautiously.
"M..m..master," one quavered, "we drove off one of Mistress Drusilla's minions, and killed him!"
"What's your name?" Spike demanded harshly.
"Uh, Bradley, sir," the minion's face fell.
Spike nodded. "Well-done, Bradley."
The fledgling beamed. Encouraged, another stepped forward.
"We all drove him off, sir. Not just Bradley. I'm Peter."
"And I'm Lucinda," a female snorted. "And they actually just tripped him...and he fell into the sun!"
The two males sulked but didn't dispute her version of events.
Spike struggled to keep a straight face. "Well, it really doesn't matter HOW you got rid of him, does it? As long as you did."
They all looked more cheerful.
"Now," Spike continued, "why don't you all have something to eat, and then start cleaning up?"
"Yes, Master," they chorused enthusiastically, heading back to the kitchen.
Buffy eyed the other three speculatively. "What was it that flew into the pit and hit Domenica?"
Giles grinned complacently. "The nozzle of the fire-hose. I ripped it off, and used the hose itself to swing across the gap. Rather like...uhm..."
"Tarzan?" suggested Cordelia sweetly. "Why would you do such a...such a wild thing?"
Giles stared at her in astonishment. "What else was I to do? You were in danger!"
"Oohh!" Cordelia turned a glowing red. "You did it for me?"
Giles looked embarrassed. "Yes...of course."
A slow smile spread across Cordelia's face and reached her dark eyes. But all she said was, "I really need another hot bath!"
She started for the stairs, paused, then turned to face them. "Giles? Are you coming, or not?"
He took a deep breath. "Oh...I'm definitely...coming."
Buffy and Spike stared after them; and Spike chuckled. "Well, if he's not, he soon will be!"
A small smile tugged at the corners of Buffy's mouth. "You're a pig, Spike."
He grinned, unabashed, hearing the open affection in her voice. "Yeah, well...I am what I am, luv."
"A handful," she agreed, her smile widening.
He felt encouraged by that smile; but was reminded of something he wanted to say to her.
"Never, never, NEVER do something so half-baked again," he said grimly. "Is that clear, Buffy?"
She knew he was serious when he called her by her name.
"Okay," she said agreeably...taking the wind out of his sails.
He was quick to recover. "Hmph! That's what you say NOW- but you don't mean it! Next time you'll do exactly as you please...same as always!"
"I thought that was you," she protested with deliberate innocence.
A short laugh escaped him. "I think maybe we're two of a kind, luv."
"I think maybe we are."
Soft as the words were spoken, they made his head snap up. He reached for her shoulders, forcing her to look him in the eye.
She smiled up at him, and took his hand. "You know, I think Cordelia had the right idea...a hot bath will feel wonderful." She tugged him up the steps.
"Here," Spike objected, "I am your sire; YOU should be bathing ME!"
Buffy tilted her head to one side. "In your dreams, Spike!"
"Yeah," he sighed, "it really is."
He looked at her so hopefully that she had to laugh, and relented.
"That IS a very large tub," she admitted. "Bet it could hold us both...why don't we see if we can make some dreams come true?"
"Is it safe to come in?" A blond head poked cautiously around Giles' door.
"It is for now," Giles responded sympathetically. "But I don't know how long that will last."
Spike entered hastily, looking unlike his usual self. It wasn't only that his scars had finally healed, but that he...and Giles...were both wearing tuxedoes. "There's not a single soddin' room in the whole mansion that isn't in use! Not one!"
He held out his tie to Giles with a look of appeal. "And I can't tie this bloody thing!"
"Give it to me," Giles said soothingly, "and have some brandy."
"Now you're talking, mate," Spike said approvingly. "Though Cordelia won't like it."
Giles winced. "She's determined to have everything perfect for the wedding."
As if on cue, Cordelia's voice could be heard coming from the garden. "No, Bradley! No blinking lights! I want them to look like thousands of tiny stars, not traffic lights! Don't argue...finish stringing them up! I'm going to see how Peter and Lucinda are doing with the cake."
"Amazing, isn't it?" Giles said proudly. "As efficient as she is beautiful."
Spike sighed. "Yeah, one human surrounded by half a dozen vampires; and who calls the bloody tune? Cordelia!"
"I still can't believe she agreed to marry me," Giles said blissfully.
"What? It was HER idea," Spike reminded him.
Giles nodded, "I know, but I, concerned...about the age difference. But as Cordelia pointed out, she catch up! I can hardly believe we've been married for three months!"
"And now it's my turn," Spike eyed the brandy bottle longingly. "I wish it was over! I wish people could get married without having a wedding! I wish Joyce would let me see Buffy!"
"You can't see her before the ceremony," Cordelia said briskly as she breezed into their sanctuary. "Our guests are beginning to arrive, so you two had better get out there!"
Spike tugged at the hated tie. "Show time, Giles." At least thirty guests, both human and demon, were assembled in the garden, which looked rather nice with its myriad lights, Giles decided.
Now that the hellmouth was- more or less- back to normal, its denizens were out again. Just for tonight, a general truce reigned as they gathered together to celebrate the courtesy of Willy's Bar. Giles spotted Willy himself beaming broadly.
There were other familiar faces too...Wesley, another ex-Watcher, chatting with a subdued Harmony. Sheila Rosenberg, looking sad but somehow at peace. Amy Madison with her fiance Jonathan. Ethan Rayne, standing beside a smiling Joyce Summers.
Spike clutched his arm. "Giles...are you sure you've got the ring?"
"Yes, yes," Giles said testily. "Do try to relax, Spike."
"Where is she? She's late! Maybe something happened..."
"They're always late," Giles said with the authority of a man who'd been married three whole months.
The music sounded...delicate strains of violins...and Cordelia, in a long dress of burgundy silk, came gliding down the path.
And after her came...
"Cor!" Spike whispered hoarsely. "Ever seen anything so bloody beautiful?"
"No," Giles said softly, watching Buffy walk towards them on her father's arm. They shared a secret smile; Buffy had wanted Giles to give her away, but Spike had asked him for Best Man....and Buffy had grudgingly agreed.
Whistler stepped forward to begin the ceremony.
Giles touched the ring in his pocket...time to hand it over. Now it was on Buffy's finger where it belonged....
Cordelia's lights were hardly necessary, Giles thought absently. There were so many stars in the sky tonight...
Suddenly he of those brilliant white lights...was moving!
Noooo! His brain screamed. Not again! Terror filled him; he took a longer look...and realized his mistake. He nearly laughed aloud; but realized it would not be appropriate.
The ceremony was over; and Spike was taking full advantage of Whistler's permission to kiss his bride.
Giles grinned with relief as the midnight flight from L.A. to San Francisco passed overhead.